Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".


BBQ My wife and I always have a summer ending Bar-B-Que. Hamburgers, Beer, Friends, and, of course, good sex. Usually, the sex is just between us, but this summer was different... It started out the same as any other year. Food shopping, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, etc. As we were preparing some of the food, the guest list popped up in conversation. My wife said, "Is Jeff coming tonight?" I looked at her puzzled and said, "Of course he is. Jeff always comes." I didn't pursue it any further, because I hoped I knew what she was thinking. You see, Jeff is my one friend that has seen my wife do things that only I have. Ever since we bought a video camera a few years ago, my wife has filmed herself masturbating for me numerous different ways. A couple of years ago, Jeff's wife left him for another guy after 18 years of marriage. It was devastating to him. As a good friend would, I tried to help the poor man. I knew he was jacking himself off constantly, because he kept telling me about it. So, while my wife was back in Iowa visiting her mother, I invited Jeff over for a few beers one evening. We were doing the guy thing. Slamming brewski's and watching sports. We both had a pretty good buzz going. Like most times drinking, our conversation turned to sex. I know my wife turns Jeff on. Why not, she has a great ass, beautiful tits, and big hairy pussy, just the way I like it. We were talking about getting hummers and eating pussy when Jeff looked at me, shaking his head. I said, "What??" He said, "God I'd love to see your wife naked." Being coy, I said, "You would, would you?? What would you do to her??" Jeff said, "I'd love to suck on her tities and then bury my tongue in her wet pussy.." Now, I've always been turned on by the thought of some man or woman seeing my wife naked, or them watching her do herself, or a threesome. "Tonight's your lucky night my friend," I said. While Jeff sat there wondering what I meant by that, I ran upstairs and grabbed a videotape from our nightstand. When I got back down stairs, Jeff had popped open a couple more beers. I said, "I think you're going to enjoy this.." Jeff got a big smile on his face and said, "Is that the tape you've been telling me about?" "Yes it is!!," I said. I popped in the tape, sat back on the couch and pressed play. As my wife appeared on the screen, she was wearing a satin blue top and matching panties. She was kneeling on our bed, and was talking to the camera. "I'm feeling horny, so I thought I would masturbate for you.," she said. Our mouths feeling dry, we both took a swig of beer. Now, I've seen this video many times, and I still get excited watching it. As my wife proceed to rub herself through the satin material, my cock started to stir. I noticed Jeff adjusting himself as well. Finally, my wife stood up and pulled the material off her body slowly. Jeff expressed what I was certainly thinking when he said, "God Mary has beautiful tits and a beautiful pussy. They're bigger than I thought they were. She sure hides them well." As my wife laid back on the bed, spread her legs wide open exposing her pink labia to us, I couldn't help rubbing my hard cock. I didn't have to look at Jeff, I knew he was too. She skillfully used her vibrator and her fingers bringing herself to a shaking orgasm. Just at climax, using her toy, she screamed, "I WISH IT WAS YOUR COCK..." I'm sure Jeff went home that and jacked off with the vision of my wife in his head. Hell, I did. It really turned me on having my best friend watch my wife pleasure herself. When my wife got back from her mom's, I couldn't help but tell her about it. I wanted to see her reaction. I was hoping she wouldn't mind because she thinks Jeff is a great guy. She wasn't upset at all. In fact, she wouldn't admit it, but I think it turned her on as well. My wife is like any red-blooded American woman. It makes her feel good when someone thinks she's hot... The Bar-B-Que was a success as usual. My wife was getting a little tipsy and she was being her usual flirt. In fact, I'm a flirt as well. I think it adds spice to our sex life. Jeff seemed to be her primary target. I think she had fun knowing that she knew about Jeff seeing the video of her. Especially, since I never told Jeff I told her about that night. Everyone had left except Jeff. My wife asked me if I wouldn't mind cleaning up. I said, "No Problem.." She said she was going up to take a shower. Someone had spilled beer on her and she smelled like a brewery. I finished cleaning and Jeff and I were sitting on the couch watching sportscenter. All of a sudden, sportscenter stopped and the video of my wife that Jeff and I had seen six months earlier started playing. I looked over at Jeff and said, "Turn that off, Mary will be down soon!!" Jeff said, "I didn't do it!!" Just then, we heard a voice say, "I did it.." Both of us turned around, and my wife was standing there in the same blue outfit she was wearing on the TV. We were stunned. We couldn't even speak. My wife spoke again. "I heard you both enjoyed the video presentation in this outfit. I was wondering if you would like to see the live version??" We still couldn't speak, because we both just nodded yes. My wife said, "GOOD!!" She then turned off the TV and came in to the family room and knelt on the floor just as she did on the video on our bed. She started to rub her body through the satin blue material. I was rock hard by now, and I'm sure Jeff was too. My wife must have noticed because, she said, "You guys look a little uncomfortable. Take your pants off, but leave your underwear on." We obeyed quickly. My cock was making a nice tent out of my briefs. I'm small by standard, having only a six-inch cock when hard, but it appeared that Jeff was a couple inches longer. My wife just licked her lips looking at both of our tents. After rubbing her body through the material, she stood up and slowly removed her top. God she does have beautiful tits. Both Jeff and I expressed that. That seemed to excite her a little. She wet her fingers and started making circles around her areola, occasionally gently squeezing and tugging her nipples. Each time she did that, a moan escaped from her. I started rubbing my hard cock through my briefs and I glanced over at Jeff and he was too. "Do you like watching me play with my tits??" , she said. Once again, we just nodded. She then coyly said, "There appears to be one for each of you. Would you like to kiss them??" Finally, we both spoke, simultaneously saying, "YES." "Guests first, don't you think Brian?" As much as I wanted to be first, I nodded in approval. She walked over to Jeff and offered her left breast to him. As much as he eagerly wanted to feverously suck on it, he softly kissed the whole areola and nipple. He then made circles around it with his tongue, just as my wife did with her finger. My wife closed her eyes and bit her top lip. I thought I was going to shoot right then. After he stopped his assault on my wife's left tit, she opened her eyes and looked at me. It was my turn. Jeff is my best friend and he's been through a hard time. He had that look of sadness when his turn was over. I told my wife, "He can have my turn as well." I could see Jeff was elated by my decision. "Use your hands this time, Pal," I commanded. Jeff didn't have to be told twice, he reached out and grabbed my wife's right boob. He stuck half of her boob in his mouth, and grabbed the other one as well. I could tell my wife was getting wet. She started rubbing her legs together. She broke the grip Jeff had on her, winked at me and walked back to the center of the room. She thanked Jeff for his effort and told us how wet she was. "Would you like to see how wet you made my pussy Jeff??" Before Jeff could answer, I said, "Oh yeah baby, take those wet panties off." Jeff expressed his sentiments. "Lets see that hairy box!!." With that, my wife shed her blue satin panties. Oh yeah, she was wet all right. I could see the wetness on her inner thighs where she was rubbing them. She spread her legs and ran her fingers up and down her slippery lips, then brought them to her mouth tasting her nectar. If we had touched our cocks at that point we would have cum. "UMMMMMM!! I taste good tonight', she said. She walked over to me, inserted her finger into her wet hole and brought it to my mouth. I licked her wetness off her finger. She was right, she tasted great. She said, "Do you think Jeff is going to like the taste." I just looked at Jeff and smiled. She walked over to Jeff, spread her lips to show Jeff her wet pussy, and slid her fingers up and down her hairy slit. She started to finger fuck herself right in front of Jeff's face and then pulled her finger out, bringing up to his nose. Jeff closed his eyes as he inhaled her scent and didn't wait for my wife to offer him her finger, he just devoured it. "Do I taste as good as you thought I would Jeff?" Jeff just nodded with my wife's finger still in his mouth, licking it as clean as he could get it. My wife moved back to the center of the room and asked me to retrieve her vibrator from the end table. As I handed it to her, she said, "It's time for you guys to get rid of those briefs and join me on the floor. We didn't have to be told twice. I was right; Jeff's cock was bigger than mine. I could tell my wife noticed to. She looked at Jeff and said, "NICE!! May I grab it?" Jeff started nodded yes feverously. My wife being a tease said, "I don't know, I don't want you to cum yet?" Jeff said, "Please touch it, PLEASE." Mary reached out and grabbed it. As she squeezed it, a little pre-sum started oozing out the top. She bent over and licked it off. Jeff started hyperventilating. "A Little saltier than Brian," she said. She sensed I was feeling a little left out, so she moved over and took my whole cock head into her mouth. It felt so good. She licked it for a few seconds and figured she better stop. She has given me so many great blowjobs and she knew when I was getting ready to explode. She said, "Not yet honey." She then layback against the couch, turned her vibrator on and started buzzing herself. First her swollen clit and then fucking herself with it. Jeff and I could help it. We started stroking our meat. Her moaning became more audible. "God you have a beautiful pussy" I stated. She loves hearing that, because it's true and adds excitement to her orgasms. She opened her eyes and saw us both stroking our cocks. "YEAH!! That's it pump those hard cocks," she said. "I want you to cum with me. I want you to cum all over my tits," she continued. She knew Jeff and I weren't going to hold out much longer. "God I'd like to fuck you right now!!," I yelled.. "Fuck yourself with that vibrating cock," Jeff chimed in. My wife then stuck the vibrating cock inside her wet hole, taking her hands off it so it was buzzing inside her. She told Jeff and I to stop stroking our cocks and took over for us. Our balls were so full and she knew it. The vibrating was getting to her as well. She started making bucking motions to meet the vibrations. She was bucking so hard the vibrator fell out. Both of us noticed, but Jeff was quicker than I and grabbed the vibrating cock and starting fucking my wife with it. I couldn't hold out any longer. I yelled, "OH BABE, HERE IT CUMS." The first shot hit Jeff's cock and dripped on to my wife's chest. Just then Jeff let go. It had been a while for Jeff, and his first load shot past my wife and me and landed on the carpet. His second was almost as strong and landed on my wife's leg. He let three more go after that and those landed on my wife's boobs. My second shot landed on my wife's chest as well. As soon as Jeff started shooting, he stopped fucking my wife with her toy. I knew she was close and didn't want to ruin her orgasm, so I took over fucking her with the vibrating penis. She exploded in orgasm and was arching her back to meet my strokes. She must have orgasmed for three minutes before relaxing. Her orgasm was so powerful she had the death grip on our cocks and they were bright red from the cutoff blood flow. She reached over licked the heads of each of our cocks, and we all collapsed on the floor. As I fell back, I accidentally hit the VCR on button. The video started playing and we all raised our heads and watched as my wife began the fantasy we just lived...!