Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

The dance..***..x.

The dance The music is slow, sexy, the beat echoes through the room. The lights are dim, with just enough illumination to see the small dance floor. The air is scented, with just a hint of musk. A drink rests on a table next to an armless padded chair that faces the wooden floor, drops of water beading on the outside of the glass. You enter the room according to the invitation you received, look around, then seat yourself following the mysterious instructions. Glancing at the writing and seeing again the motel's name, room number and the words, 'Seat yourself and say nothing', you fold the paper and slip it back into your pocket. You hear the door open. Looking up inquiringly, you see me enter the room. Closing the door behind and holding the knob in both hands, I lean back on it. My attire consists of a black velvet long sleeved blouse, with a silver zipper that goes all the way down the front; a full, black, floor length skirt that is caught at the waist with a silver chain and black suede calf-high heeled boots. We make eye contact, and I place a finger on my lips. You turn and start to rise, hungry with desire. I motion for you to re-seat yourself and you do so reluctantly. As you do, I push away from the door and moving gracefully, make my way to the side of the dance floor. There I stop and lean on a pole, turning to look at you, gazing at you in inquiry. You slowly nod and settle back. I smile very sensuously, then closing my eyes, start letting the music take a hold. My body begins to sway with the music, and I begin dancing, for you. I dance, allowing the beat and mood of the music determine my movements, swaying, gliding, moving my hands, my arms, my hips, the skirt swirling around my feet as I float over the floor with my eyes half closed. I dance for you, letting the desire for you show in my actions. The music changes, the beat becoming stronger, and my movements changing with it, becoming faster. I glance at you and laugh. The music captivates me, flooding the senses, and moving with abandon, my dancing becomes exotic, sensual, and sexy. I grasp the chain at my waist, unfasten it and drag it from around my middle. Holding it in one hand, shaking it, making it jingle, I toss it aside. Beginning at the throat, I partly unzip the velvet blouse, exposing deep cleavage in a black push-up bra, then abruptly push the zipper the rest of the way allowing the blouse to gap open. Taking a hold of the lapels of the blouse, I open it, glance down at myself, then back at you, laughing as I pull it closed and turn my back to you, looking over my shoulder. The blouse slips down over that shoulder. Smilingly shaking my head, I pull it back up covering the pale skin. Still moving to the rhythm of the music, I turn and face you again, letting the blouse remain partly open. Reaching to the waist of the skirt with both hands and unfastening it, I let it slide off, the split on the side allowing it to slip from curved hips. Gathering it with one hand and pulling it off, I swirl it around keeping it between us, not letting you see, waving it back and forth like a matador's cape. I smile wickedly at you before throwing the skirt aside, the long, silky skinned legs it covered now exposed to your ardent view. I pose, feet apart, looking at you for a few heartbeats, permitting you to see, long sleeved black velvet blouse hanging open, full breasts supported by the black bra, creamy tops exposed; a glimpse of stomach and abdomen above a black thong; feet encased in calf-high black boots. The music changes again, to an almost jungle beat and I resume dancing, moving closer, closer until within touching distance of you. Your eyes linger on my body as I brush your shoulder. Circling you, I run my hand across your neck, bend down and kiss your ear, seeing you try to watch me. While pausing to tongue your other ear, I feel your fingers touch the exposed tops of my breasts and I pause. While I continue kissing your ear, sucking on your lobe as you fondle the soft skin, I feel you undo the front fastener of the bra and push the cloth aside, freeing my breasts to your sight and touch. As you cover them with your hands, I feel the nipples hardening against your palms and I moan softly. You caress the firm flesh, then when your hands slip down to my stomach, I move away, stepping behind you. Standing close, I pull your head back until it's resting against my soft breasts. Reaching around you, my hands lightly touch your face, tracing the jaw, down your throat, rubbing gently across your shoulders and then back, to the top button of your shirt. Unfastening it, I slip my fingers inside, touching the warm hollow of your throat briefly, then unfastening the rest of the buttons and pushing your shirt open. My hands wander down over your chest, fingers outspread, to the waist of your jeans and back up. I move away from you again, stepping in front of you. I face you and swaying to the music, reach up, pull the lapels of my blouse to the outside of my breasts and taking hold of the loose bra, give a hard tug and pull it off tossing it aside. Crossing my arms and placing my hands on my shoulders , I slowly run my hands over my body. I uncross my arms and cup my breasts, offering them for your inspection, sliding spread hands over my stomach, down to curved hips, pushing the top of the black thong down then pulling it back up. I grin and wink at you, then turn my back to you looking over my shoulder, and while doing a circling, thrusting movement with my hips, slide the dark silk down over my swaying ass then pull the cloth back up quickly. The music changes for the last time to a very sultry song, the kind that makes you ache as you listen. I turn and face you again, sensuously kneel and getting on my hands and knees, crawl, catlike, to you. Reaching your legs, and rising up on my knees, I place a hand on each of your legs and push them apart sliding between them. You lean over and kiss me as I offer my mouth to you, passionately, tongues meeting, lips moist and warm, our breaths mingling. You hold the kiss as my hands wander up your thighs, kneading the muscle through your jeans, then coming to rest on the obvious bulge between your legs. Breaking the kiss, I unfasten your jeans, push the denim apart then pull the jeans down over your hips and knees, sliding them to the floor. As your erection is freed from its confinement, I look admiringly at the hard shaft, a tingle running from my groin and spreading over my body at the sight. Taking it gently onto my hand and lowering my head, my warm breath flows across your swollen member, then I lean over and kiss your stomach, touching you with the tip of my tongue, leaving wet trails on your skin. Moving my head lower to lap on your abdomen, I rub against your erection with my breasts, sinking farther until reaching the tip, and placing a damp kiss there on the soft, sensitive skin. I open my mouth and encircle the head with my lips, wetting it, using my tongue to get it completely moist before starting to nibble on the sides, using tongue, teeth, lips. You put your hands on my head, tangling your fingers in my long hair and I close my eyes and take your cock into my mouth again. Sucking it in, hearing your moan as I apply pressure, scraping my teeth against the sides as my head moves up and down in time to the music. Your hips raise to meet me as my mouth encloses you, increasing the suction as you slip nearly out, then having you plunge deep in again, and again, and again, swallowing the pre-cum that flows from you. Knowing that you are close, I allow you to escape my mouth, hearing your in-drawn breath as I do, and slowly stand up. Your eyes devour me as I sway in time to the music, reaching to the tops of the thong, and with one pull cause the hidden snaps to release and the thong to fall. I watch your eyes as they travel over me, from perky breasts, revealed between the hanging folds of the velvet blouse, down the taut stomach, to the furry mound between my legs, a quick glance to the calf-high boots and back up to my face. I smile at you as you reach out your hand. Stepping close enough for you to touch, feeling your fingers as you run them from breasts down to mound, my body trembles as you slip one between the wet folds, touching my clit gently before inserting a finger into my moist sex. My knees shake and I step very close to you, straddling your legs, placing a hand on your shoulders as you pull me against you. Lowering my body as you remove your finger, down onto your throbbing shaft, encasing you in the warmth, the wetness, the tight embrace of intercourse. A gut deep groan from my throat is audible as you fill the aching emptiness, and trembling with desire, I begin the ancient dance. My hips move in time to the music as I ride you, holding on to your shoulders, kissing your face, your ears, your throat as far as I can reach, feeling it vibrate with your groan. Your mouth quivers, you bite your lips as you thrust in and pull out of me with the movements of my hips, your hips. We fuck slow, we fuck fast, my juices coating your cock, your hands pushing and pulling my eager hips, fingers driven into the soft flesh. My hands clench on your shoulders. We pant, moan, feeling every motion, every inch of your hard shaft driving deep into me... I feel the tightness of impending orgasm begin deep within my groin and my movements become faster, more demanding, more uncontrolled. Your hands tighten their hold on my hips. Your cock begins to swell as you approach your own climax and as I scream and explode into an orgasm that rocks my world, the inner muscles clamp down on you and trigger your own orgasm, a hard, so very strong climax that takes you out of time and space. You stay inside me as the waves of pure pleasure slowly subside, holding me close, kissing me gently. With one last loving embrace, I rise from your lap, your spent cock slipping easily out in a flood of combined fluids. Standing nude in front of you, I say the first words uttered during our tryst, "First one in the shower gets to pick the next fantasy."