Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

The Bench.

The Bench In the dark, warm room you feel my hand about your body. Touching everywhere without let. I run my hands over your face, feeling your eyes move under your lids, the touch over your lips, curling them back and pressing the tips of my fingers against the wet warm insides of your lips, the fingertip over your teeth as they part. I press my finger in your mouth and you close your lips on it and suck the length of my finger and lick around it in your mouth. I lean over you and draw my finger in and out of your mouth, your eyes closed, your throat moaning. "I want your cock," you whisper, your voice muffled by the presence of my digit in your mouth. I stand beside the velvet cushioned bench upon which you lay. I remove my shirt and let it drop on a nearby couch, then kick off my shoes and pull my socks off. You watch my fingers pull the leather belt from the black strap, releasing its golden stay and removing it. I wrap the belt around you just under your breasts and clasp it behind you under the bench, firmly holding you there. You stare as my pants are unbuttoned, how my zipper is lowered, pants are removed, and shorts are dropped to my ankles and are kicked aside. You watch my cock, intent on the way the balls hang and stir beneath the thin soft looking skin of my scrotum. Your blue, green eyes watch the shaft while it stiffens and twitches as I move closer to your face. I walk to the end of the high bench where your feet are pointing down, my crotch inches from your body. I walk up slowly over your body your hands clenching and unclenching in desire as my balls touch you slightly on the thighs, over your pubic hair, my cock almost touching your skin, rigid in the warm air, over your breasts, my balls just passing between the rising flesh, not touching you but for a stray hair on my hanging skin that brushes your nipple, but the delicate almost imperceptible sensation fills your entire frame with a fiery emotion, making you hold your head back further and open your mouth wide. I position myself just over your mouth and slowly lower my balls into your face. You shake your head back and forth allowing them to fill your mouth as I lower myself to your lips. Your tongue feels the balls rolling and churning within my body till you need to lick on them. The saliva in your mouth wets my wrinkled skin there as you roll your tongue around and around on my balls, licking them wet, tasting the soft skin, feeling the warmth emanating from their central position in my body. My eyes close as every nerve in my body breathes with the breath from your nostrils that blow hot against the base of my cock. I rise off of you. I look at you there, your eyes lusting for more your hands clutching at your hips. I kneel down and lick my tongue against your parted lips, feeling the thickness of your lower lip and the delicate edges of your mouth, up around the small curl of your upper lip moving above you, meeting lower lip to upper, upper to lower. My tongue finds the parting there and reaching in our tongues press against each other, circling like snails interminably. I lap at the under side of your tongue, across the sides, and around the edges of your teeth and the soft hot places between your lips and teeth. Then simple nibble and suck at your tongue as you find the inside of my mouth as I did yours. As we kiss for what seems like hours, I reach over your body and cup your breasts, squeezing them in my hands, feeling the nipples rise hard against my palms, the swelling of your breasts accentuated by the thickening of your breaths rising and filling your chest with deeper warm waves of desire and need. My finger pinching your nipples hard, your back jerking as he pain fills your chest your tongue lapping harder at my lips. I move my mouth away from yours and walk over to between your legs. I massage one foot and leg one good long time, then do the other, rubbing my hand just a touch away from your cunt several times till I see it begin to drip with juices. I put on leg on one shoulder, the other on the other shoulder and slowly move in. I blow warmly on your pussy as it seem pucker, then with a careful movement of my tongue, I lick up the juices barely touching the skin. Your pelvis throbs at the slightest touch. Then in a long smooth motion, my tongue licks from deep between your legs, fills your pussy and tastes the wet juices within, then over your pussy lips, tracing them side to side then I press on your clitoris and circles there, flicking and licking again and around and around, your hips rock to the movements. The index and second finger of my right hand enters your pussy, deep as I suck on sensitive bud. They hold themselves deep in your and twist and wiggle feeling the tight press of your vaginal muscles that I encourage with the flat surface of my tongue rubbing your clit while I shake my head back and forth, applying wet to friction to you, my fingers drawing in and out faster and faster. I feel your hands grab my hair and mop my face in your crotch, lips and fingers and tongue mingling with cunt and clit and pussy lips till you begin to moan and thrash on the bench, screams finally coming from your throat, toes curling, your fingers pulling at my hair, forcing my tongue deep in your recesses as your juices flow into my mouth and whirl of rainbow pleasure filling ever crevice of your insides, your back tingling, your legs hugging my neck, your hands violently mashing me to you, your head shaking from side to side. Suddenly, I jerk back and free myself. You are left in a surprise of no flesh touching your flesh. I walk up your body again, my legs running up the sides of your thighs, over your hips, beside your stomach, touching the sides of your breasts. I stand just over your mouth, my cock rigid in the air above you. Your hands reach round my knees and press me higher. I grab my cock and squeeze it hard, very hard, you reach up with both hands and take my cock from me and squeeze as hard as you can. You jerk at me and squeeze hard till a pearl of silver precum beads out at the tip. You open your mouth and tap my reddened cock tip, once, twice and three times, and, as if in slow motion, the small drop of cum falls through the air and you open your mouth and catch the liquid on the tip of your tongue. You look me in the eye and smile licking it around and over your lips, till it mingles in your mouth as you swallow the tasting the pungent liquid. I back up now to the foot of the bench and take an ankle in each hand and raise them high in the air. You reach down and grab your calves and pull back in a flexible gesture offering your deepest purchase to my willing cock. I run my cock head over and over your labia, then suddenly pressing all the way in making you gasp with a needed feeling of rich thickness deep in you. You wrap your legs like arms around my hips and hug my body to yours as I lay on you and kiss you hard, cupping your breasts in my hands. Without leaving your pussy empty, I arch my back and hold each breast in my hands and kiss and lick your nipples, biting down hard at time, curling your back as mine is. Imperceptibly, I start to fuck you while my hands and mouth, and lips and tongue play, and touch, and lick, and feel your breasts, shoulders, neck, lips and ears. As my lips, press your lips, my cock swells in your pussy. As my tongue licks your neck, my cock runs in and out between your labia coated with your juices. As my teeth nibble at your ear lobes, the hard shaft of my cock saws over and over your clitoris that was sensitized by my tongue and sends swords of hot pleasure down into your spine and across your flushed face. As my hands joy in the curves of your breasts, my prick rams in and out of you sending ripples across the skin of your stomach and shaking your thighs, taking every breaths in your body and releasing it into gasps of ecstasy. As we kiss in a full embrace, my cock begins to discharge in you. You feel the spray of heating liquid hit the back of your cunt and fill the recesses of you and fill the deepest places inside your body and you grab my head and press my mouth harder to your lips. You feel the lubricating wetness coat your pussy walls quickening my thrusts as you dig your nails in my back leaving scratch marks on my shoulder blades. You feel the rush of a thousand sensations rock your body in every direction and back again as drops of thick semen drips out from your hole. You shake and shiver in uncontrolled rapture, a shower of cum in you, a wave of sensation just beneath the surface of your skin from your scalp, to your back, over your stomach, through your the chambers in your body, lost in a moment of complete epiphany, our bodies fucking and fucking, cock in cunt, breast against chest, mouth on mouth, completely together. I fall off of you in completeness. After a moment when we calm in the after glow, I release the belt. You stand by me and we embrace and kiss naked in the dark room, and arm and arm walk to our bed, the sheets, cool silk sheets of deep blue, and there is taffeta and potpourri, music in piano and guitar, cold water in a glass pitcher with glasses on a silver platter, cool fresh air, bodies cupped like spoons in fine linen, and days and day in understanding and perfect union.