Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

A friend.

A friend We had been friends for a long time, long enough that we knew each others likes and dislikes and many other things. So we were enjoying another weekend visit between families. Clear skies, cool air, warm sunshine, and a motorcycle parked in the garage motivated me to ask for a ride. That and time alone with you. With permission from all, we started out on our little trek. The wind on my face, the warmth of your back, and the vibrations between my legs were adding up to an incredible afternoon. As the road passed by my mind wandered to the many times we had teased each other unmercifully, sly comments, private jokes, passing caresses, all came flooding back and the vibrations between my legs became more than the thrum of the bike. I slid as close to you as possible and slipped my hands up your back, across your shoulders, touching as much of you as possible around jackets and safety issues. Finally when I slid my hands around and down, you realized where my trip was taking us. You pulled down a small back road that you knew and parked the bike. After pulling off helmets and jackets and gloves, I gave you a look that left no doubts as to what I wanted and needed. I guided your hand to the waistband of my pants and said simply, "Please!" No further encouragement was needed as your fingers played down my stomach and found how hot, wet, and ready I was. You started to tease me, rubbing slowly, playing me out, but I was to far gone from all the other stimulations of the ride. I begged you to finger fuck me, hard! Not able to refuse my request you plunged your strong fingers into my smooth cunt in one thrust and then set out on a rhythm that pushed me to the edge. Knowing this, you started a steady massage of my clit that had me breathless and coming in seconds. When I came down from that high, I pulled your hand to my mouth and sucked your fingers clean of my cum. Now you were near the same state as I had been when we stopped. After shedding my clothes, I knelt down next to you and pulled your jeans out of my way. Your cock was thick with your desire and I gladly began action to bring you relief. I slid my tongue up and down your length and around your balls, taking in the taste and smell of you, enjoying the textures until you grabbed my hair and groaned. Taking the cue I sucked your cock into my mouth, slightly grazing with teeth, and stroking with my tongue along your complete length. I let you guide the motion, holding my hair and guiding my mouth to fuck your cock at the speed you preferred. Following my suit, you spilled your release quickly and I licked you clean of your cum this time. In the process of licking you clean, your cock grew back to attention and our thoughts turned together to new pursuits. Pulling me up from the grass, you turned me around and began an exploration of my body, touching my face, smoothing my shoulders , reaching around to cup my breasts and pinch my nipples. Then you had me bend over using the bike for support. You stepped back to take in the view of my ass in the air with all of me exposed to your sight, touch, and taste. Grabbing me by the hips, you began a thorough tonguing of my lower back and my ass, ending with a trip down to my soaked cunt for a taste and to torture my clit. After assuring that I was totally ready for more, you stood and introduced your cock to my cunt in one swift motion. It felt incredible and you proceeded to make the introduction a thorough one. With our prior relief, we were able to enjoy your cock penetrating me at varying speeds and strengths, at one point, moaning at the pleasure of a slow steady stroking, at another shouting my pleasure as you rammed powerfully into me. I was left fully open to whatever you wanted to do with me. We drew out our enjoyment for as long as possible, but always the feel of hardness against softness drove us both back to the edge and over again. After our trembling subsided, I again took you into my mouth, savoring the taste our mutual enjoyment. Realizing how long we had been gone, we helped each other dress and sealed the afternoon with kisses and soft words, then we settled ourselves back on the bike for the ride home. The vibrations brought lingering pleasure and thoughts of more rides to come. What better way to spend an afternoon.