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Our Monthly Swing Party.

Our Monthly Swing Party My wife and I have been swinging for about 5 years now. During this time, we have met many, many other swinging couples. We have assembled a close-knit group of couples that all live within a relatively close proximity to each other. For the past year or so, we have started holding private parties with each other. Each month we get together, with us alternating who is the host. The host also has to come up with a theme for each party. Some of the past parties have been a toga party, a jungle party, etc. I have noticed that for the most part, everyone ends up with the same couple of partners. I guess we have reached a certain familiarity with each other. All of us are white, middle class couples in our twenties and thirties. This month it is our turn to host the party, and I decided to try something different to shake things up. I have been placing ads on the internet, searching for some new, fresh faces to liven things up. After each response, my wife and I have been meeting with the couple, trying to see if they have anything to offer to the party. We decided that we would not have sex with any of them, so that the party would be that much better. Over the past few weeks, we have met with seven different couples. Of the seven, we decided to invite three of them. The first couple we invited was actually the first couple we met with. I was very excited about them. Their names are Jack and Megan, and they are both only 19 years old. I actually asked them for I.D. when we met them, since they looked so young. Jack is pretty tall, about 6'4", and thin, with short blonde hair. He looked like he should be in The Beach Boys. Megan, on the other hand, is very petite. She's about 5'2", and very slender. She also has short blonde hair, but hers is curly. She has a tight little body and small breasts to fit her form. I explained to them that the rest of us are all at least 8 years older than them, but they didn't seem to mind. They explained that this was their first time doing anything like this. They had always been curious, but were afraid to go to a club, so they felt a private party would be less intimidating. I hoped that their youthfulness would be a welcome sight for everyone. The second couple we invited was no less exciting. Their names are Will and Alice, and they are black. Like I said, all of us are white, so I knew this would be an interesting addition. Will is medium height, about 5'10", and very muscular. Alice is about 5'6", with a medium size build and has a very big chest. I'd guess that she's at least a high D-cup. She also has a large, round ass. Will and Alice have swung before; in fact, I vaguely remember seeing them at a club once or twice. The last couple we invited may turn out to be the most interesting. Their names are Ben and Rose, and they are in their early fifties. They mentioned to us that they have a son that is a year older than us! For their age, they both seemed to be in good shape. Ben is on the short side, about 5'7", but has a slender, athletic build, and has short, gray hair. Rose too is about 5'7", with a slender build. She has pretty large breasts, probably a C, which appeared to sag a bit. She also has a plump butt, which seems to have lost some of its shape. Her short dark hair was showing her age, with about as much gray as black in it, but even with these faults, she still looked damn good.. I mentioned to my wife that I would love to have sex with Rose. I told our other regulars that I was inviting some new people, but I didn't describe them so everyone would be surprised. Unfortunately, as it was winter, a couple of our regular couples were sick with a cold or the flu, or what have you, so they were unable to attend. Aside from my wife and I, and the three new couple, only two other couples would be attending. Now usually, there are only six or seven couples that attend, but I had hoped for more, considering our three new additions. I told no one what our theme would be this month, which also is out of the ordinary. The other two regular couples protested, but I promised them they'd have a great time, and not to be concerned. Tracy and Joe have been in our group since the beginning. They are both a lot of fun, and may be the best looking couple of the bunch. Tracy is quite tall, about 5'11", with a great body, and long blonde hair. She has large, beautiful tits, and a great tight ass to go with her long, sexy legs. Joe is about 6' tall with a very muscular body, and about a 10" cock to go with it. He is always popular at our parties. Our other regular couple that would be attending is Sara and Andy. Sara and Andy are the nicest people you'd ever meet. They'd only been to two or three parties before, so they are fairly new to all of this. We actually introduced them to the group also, after meeting them at a PTA meeting, of all places. Neither of them is incredibly beautiful. Andy is average height, about 5'8" and and stocky, with a smallish penis, about 4 or 5", I'd guess. Sara is about the same height, with a nice figure. She is the typical soccer-mom type. She has large, plump breasts and the same type of ass. She's not heavy, but could stand to lose 20 or 30 pounds. Let me describe my wife and I, before I get into the party. I am fairly tall, about 6'3" with an average build, and an average 7" cock to go with it. My wife, Angie is my pride and joy. She has long brown hair and a beautiful face. She's about 5'7" with great 36B tits. She has a nice round ass, and a nice body. Not too this, but not too heavy. She's just a sexy woman and has sexy curves, as well. The night arrived and Angie and I were more than ready. The three new couples were the first to arrive. I guess they were all anxious. I could tell that Jack and Megan were apprehensive, but I hoped that they would go through with it. The bunch of us hung out and got to know each other better as we waited for the other two couples. They finally arrived and seemed to be pleasantly surprised with our new members. Once everyone had a few in them and seemed to be ready to get things going, my wife and I got their attention. We explained to them that the theme tonight was a key party. We put a large glass bowl on the table and all the men had to put their keys in it. Each woman would then pick out a set of keys. Whoever's keys they picked out would be the one they'd have sex with. Everyone cheered and seemed to like the idea. We decided that the first selection would go to the oldest woman and so on. This, of course, meant that Rose would pick first. As I said earlier, I hoped that she would pick me. Rose stepped up and reached in the bowl. When she lifted up the keys, I was disappointed to see that they were not mine. I didn't recognize them, so I figured they were one of then new men's. I was right; they turned out to be Jack's. Everyone exploded in applause. The oldest woman had picked the youngest man. I thought this was would be perfect. I'm sure Rose could certainly teach this kid a thing or two about sex. Rose was excited and said that she was 32 years older than Jack. Everyone got a kick out of that. The next to pick was Sarah. She reached in and pulled out Joe's. "Lucky bitch", my wife yelled out, kiddingly. Now Sarah and Joe have both been at parties together before, but I can't say I remembered seeing them together before. I knew Sarah had to be excited. Joe didn't seem to mind, and walked up to Sarah, giving her a big kiss. The next to pick was Tracy. Now like I said, she was the cream of the crop, no matter who was at the party. Again, I hoped she'd pick mine, but again, I was out of luck. It turned out that she had picked Will's. I guess she had a thing for black men, because she seemed overjoyed when he stepped forward. She nearly jumped into his arms. We were now at the halfway point. Three men had been picked, with three more to go. So far things were very interesting. The next to pick was my wife, Angie. The remaining men were Andy, whom she'd slept with once or twice, Ben, and me. She reached into the bowl and made her choice. Luckily they weren't mine. They turned out to be Ben's! My wife was going to be fucking a man nearly twice her age! She looked at me and smiled before joining her mate for the evening. The next to pick was Alice, our new black member. I had always been curious about being with a black woman, but again I was not the choice. She picked Andy's keys. This too was an interesting match up. I can almost guarantee that Andy had never been with a black woman before. That left me with Megan, our new 19 year old friend. Now this is a great consolation prize. She's a beautiful young woman and I was ecstatic over the thought of fucking her. Everyone paired off and made their way into other rooms throughout the house. I knew Megan was very nervous, so I fixed us a drink and went to sit beside her on the couch. I comforted her, letting her know that I was not going to rush her into anything, and that I'd take care of her. She seemed to relax a bit as we talked. I flirted with her, running my hand over her legs, and kissing her neck and cheek. When she finished her drink, she leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back, then got up and led her towards my bedroom. We took our time walking through the house, peeking in on all the action. The first couple we saw was Andy and Alice. They were standing together, naked. Andy had his head between her huge tits as he groped at her full ass. This was a rather funny sight to both of us. In the next room, we found two couples. One was Will and Tracy. Will was standing up, as Tracy was sucking on his cock. When Tracy saw us, she pulled away from his dick. It was huge! It had to be at least a foot long, and very thick. Tracy smiled at us and went back to work on that monster. On the bed, in that same room, we saw my wife and Ben. She too was giving her new friend a blowjob. He was lying on the bed as she knelt between his legs. From where we stood, her ass was in the air, staring us in the face. I walked up behind her, and gave her a playful slap on the ass. She turned to me and gave me a kiss, waved to Megan, then went back to sucking off Ben. He gave me a big smile, then moaned "You're wife is incredible!" I took hold of Megan's hand as we continued down the hall. The next room is our largest guest room. In it are a queen size bed and a couch. On the bed we saw the final couple; Megan's boyfriend Jack, and of course, Rose. Rose was lying on her back, as Jack ate her pussy, which was a big gray patch. As Jack ate her, she was giving him instructions. When she saw the scene in front of her, Megan squeezed my hand, either out of excitement, or anger; I wasn't exactly sure which. She then pulled me over to the couch. We sat down and started making out. For being such a young girl, she was an excellent kisser. As we kissed, my hands began roaming all over her body. When I grabbed hold of one of her tits she nearly jumped through the ceiling. She giggled, then placed my other hand on her other tit. In a flash she had me completely naked. She then slid down to her knees and took me in her mouth. She really knew how to use her mouth. She was slobbering all over my knob, driving me insane. After much too short a time, I blasted my load deep into her throat. She pulled back from my cock and licked up every drop of my cum from my cock, then, surprisingly, grabbed a tissue and spit it all out. I wasn't offended or anything just surprised that she'd lick it all up and then spit it out. When she got up, we looked over to see Rose going down on young Jack. It was quite a sight. I was very impressed with how great Rose's body looked. I sat Megan down on the couch so she could watch, and began to undress her. The first thing I removed was her shoes. They were black, strappy, dressy shoes. After taking them off, I began massaging her feet, which she seemed to enjoy. She then pulled on of her feet away and put it in my mouth. I sucked her toes for an acceptable time, and then pulled back. I never really cared for sucking toes. The next thing to go was her shirt. I then removed her belt and her black dress pants, leaving her in only a matching blue bra and panties set. I kissed around her body, and I could feel her trembling beneath me. I couldn't believe how nervous she was. I pulled away and asked her if she was okay. "Yes, yes" she groaned, "Just keep going, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I did as she asked. I slid my hand down and rubbed her pussy through her panties. She must not have been too nervous, because she was very wet down there, and a wet spot appeared on her panties. After teasing her awhile, she removed her bra, exposing her tiny little boobs. They were definitely an A-cup; and she had the tiniest little nipples I'd ever seen. They were very sexy though on that tight little body of hers. I sucked her breasts for what seemed like an eternity. I was trying not to rush her, but it was time to move on. I pulled away from her tits and headed south. When I got there, she began trembling again. I hesitated and looked up at her. She just nodded her head yes. I grabbed her panties by the waistband and pulled them down and over her legs and feet, leaving her completely nude. I pulled back to take in her incredible body. She looked amazing; so young and so sexy. I couldn't believe I was going to be fucking her soon. I started kissing her around her pussy, to try to relax her. I then started lightly licking up and down her lips. I then slowly inserted one finger into her; then two when I felt she was ready. Finally, I just went at it, playing with her clit with my thumb, while I ate her out, as I finger-fucked her. She was covering me with her juices. After at least two orgasms, she was ready for me. She grabbed me by the back of the head and led me up her body, until my cock was pressing against her mound. "Go ahead", she whispered, "Fuck me!" I reached down and placed my head at her entrance. I slowly eased my way in, an inch at a time. When I entered her, she let out a loud moan. I hesitated, and then continued easing my way in. Finally, my cock was enveloped by her tight pussy. And when I say tight, I mean tight. I looked up at her face, and saw a tear escaping her eye. "Are you okay? I asked. Again, she just nodded her head yes. After getting comfortable with the rhythm of my cock, she began thrusting up at me as I thrust into her. I don't know if it was because she was so tight, or if I was just overcome by the thought of fucking this young girl, but I didn't last long. As I blew my load into her tight pussy, I collapsed down on her. Our sweaty entangled on the couch. After recovering from the incredible fucking I got, we sat up to see what our friends were up to. It turns out that Jack was having trouble getting it up to fuck Rose. She was doing her best to get him back to life, but it was fruitless. He just couldn't do it. While we were watching, Megan had been slowly wanking me and my cock was coming back to life. Finally Rose gave up. She looked over towards us and summoned us to them. Rose gave Jack a deep, wet kiss, and thanked him for a fun time. She then looked at me. She smiled and took hold of my hand, pulling me down on top of her. She kissed me deeply, while she reached down and took hold of my cock. She started tugging it, until I was rock hard. She then guided me into her. As one would expect, she was pretty loose, so I wasn't sure how much I'd get out of this, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I don't know what it was; I still can't explain it, but she was an incredible fuck. Her pussy was so soft, and so warm, it felt amazing; and the way she moved her hips as I fucked her was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I looked over to see that Megan had brought Jack to life. I looked over just in time to see her mount him. She looked so beautiful riding her young man. I guess he was just too nervous to get it up for Rose. I leaned over and kissed Megan as she fucked her boyfriend. I guess Rose didn't want to share me, because she pulled my face back towards her. She thrust her tongue into my mouth as I felt her pussy spasm around my cock and she moaned into my mouth. That was all I could take, and I let loose inside her. The four of us pulled ourselves together and headed out of the room. As we passed through the hallway, no one was in the other rooms. When we reached the living room we found out why. It was a huge fuckfest. Everyone was fucking right there in front of each other. I saw my wife riding Joe, while Will was filling her mouth with his huge cock. Sarah was on her back on the floor with Tracy sitting on her face, while Alice was eating Sarah out. Ben was on his knees behind Alice fucking her from behind and Andy was filling Tracy's mouth as Sarah ate her out. We weren't going to miss out. One by one, people started to separate, and then join others. Rose was on her back as Will slammed his cock into her pussy. At the same time Ben was fucking Sarah, side by side on the floor. Jack and Megan had stayed together. Jack was fingering her as she jerked him off, while they watched everyone else. Andy and Alice must have enjoyed themselves earlier, because they had gotten back together as Andy fucked her in her big, black ass. Tracy had found her handsome husband Joe and was riding him for all he had. I too had found my spouse. Angie got down on her hands and knees as I plowed her from behind. She was very close to Tracy, and every once in a while they would lean in and kiss each other while their husbands were fucking them. For the rest of the evening, everyone switched partners and groups and had a wonderful time. We went on late into the evening. By the end of the night, I think everyone had been with each other at least once. Everyone had a wonderful time, and we were all glad to have found some great new friends to share.