Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

College Vacation.

College Vacation The college student union always organised a summer trip to the Mediterranean for students and partners. My boyfriend was unable to make the trip and so didn't want me to go either, but I decided to travel with out him. Besides, it might be more fun that way. In the meantime, my friends Gordon Jim Greg and Andy heard about the trip, and although not part of the college still managed to arrange to take up the unfilled places of students who were unable to travel. It was somewhat of a surprise to see them on the bus waiting to depart as I arrived with my baggage. Certainly my boyfriend was not too pleased to see them there either. "Oh well, never mind" I said to hin as I boarded the bus and waived farewell. We had been at the quiet resort for a couple of days, soaking up the sun and enjoying the local food and wine. We had sat up talking until very late before I retired to my room and caught up on some sleep. I awoke late. The sun was already streaking through the shutters as I rose from my bed in the secluded villa. The place was quiet, most of the others had arranged to go on an organised day trip the remainder presumably had already gone to the long sandy beach in the village. It all sounded rather busy and organised to me so I planned a quiet day by the pool recovering from one hectic evening and to prepare for another one. After a coffee and a freshen up, I slipped on a pair of loose shorts and a thin cotton tee shirt and made my way out into the sun. The villa had its own small pool, surrounded by a wall and clumps of olive trees. I laid out my blue and green towel at the edge of the pool. For a time I laid back, my eyes closed, soaking up the warm sun. After a while I propped myself up on my elbows. Three shallow steps, each one only five or six inched deep, ran the width of the pool, leading down to the shallow end of the water. I wriggled forward just far enough to allow my feet to dangle over the first step and to dip my toes into the cool water. It was peaceful and still. I could hear crickets in the olive tress, and I watched the sun sparkle on the small ripples as they ran slowly across the surface of the pool. I thought of my boyfriend back home, probably thinking enviously about me. As I sat I caught a glimpse from the corner of my eye. It was something red and moving near the building. I turned towards the villa to see Jim, in a bright red tee shirt and red swimming trunks sauntering towards the pool. He made a direct line towards me and without a word he knelt closely beside me. He looked at me and grinned from ear to ear. I broke into a wide smile but still neither of us spoke. I looked down as his left hand slowly reached out and brushed across my white linen tee shirt. The hand cupped carefully around my breast and squeezed gently. I looked back up, still smiling. Jim was now gazing down at my bust but still grinned as his hand stroked back and forth. Carefully he pulled away and crawled around behind me. Leaning forward, his arms reached over my shoulders and he took hold of a large firm breast in each hand. I threw my head slowly back and I looked up into his face, still smiling as his hands gently massaged firmly in a steady circular motion. Slowly his finger tips reached down to the hem of the tee-shirt and gripping it between fore fingers and thumbs he carefully pulled it away from me and lifted it up to my shoulders. Still resting back on my hands, I looked down at my large, exposed breasts. Jim moved back to my side, and his right arm reached round behind me until he could grasp my right breast in his hand. His left hand cupped around my left breast, lifting it towards his lowering head, and his lips closed tightly around my erect nipple. My buttocks squirmed around on my towel as I watched Jim tongue and kiss my aroused nipple, his right hand squeezing and kneading my right breast. I had been oblivious to everything else until, from the corner of my eye, I noticed movement at my other side. I glanced to my right to see a pair of feet next to mer. Slowly my head glanced upwards to see Gordon's face grinning down at me. Gradually my face looked back down, my gazing travelling across his yellow and black patterned tee-shirt until my eyes fixed upon the front of his black swimming trunks. I looked back up at Gordon's face with the same wide smile that had greeted Jim before my eyes returned to the bulge in the front of the black trunks. Gordon's fingers slipped inside the waistband and began to ease them downwards. As his pubic hair and the base of his prick became visible, he eased the back of the waistband over his buttocks and the trunks dropped to the floor with a sudden rush. My buttocks squirmed on my towel once more as Jim continued to massage and caress my large firm breasts and Gordon kicked the trunks to one side. I watched as Gordon's penis began to slowly erect. It was already long as his hand took hold of the shaft and began to slowly encourage its progress. It grew longer and harder as his thumb and forefinger squeezed his foreskin back and forth over its purple helmet until finally his hand released it. I gasped with amazement and admiration at the sight of his extremely long thick tool. His erect penis stood horizontal and perfectly rigid, it must have been 9 or 10 inches long. Gordon took hold of the shaft in his right hand, and as he exposed the shiny helmet, he inched forward. Running his left hand through my hair, he cupped the back of my head and slowly eased the bulbous head of his cock between my yielding lips. Jim looked up as his hands continued to squeeze and knead my large firm tits. He and Gordon both watched intently as he gently pushed the head of his long prick gently in and out of my mouth. My eyes had closed and my lips gripped tightly around the rim of his helmet. Jim's head dropped back to my breast and my sucked my stiff nipple deep into his mouth, but soon lifted again to watch my face. He could imagine the sensations as he looked closely at my lips, squeezing over Gordon's bulbous helmet. "Oh! That feels so good" said Gordon with a loud sigh as his hips pushed gently back and forth. "Mmmm" I murmured as I continued to suck at the head of head of his cock. Jim released his grip on my breasts and stood up. He stretched the waistband of his own red swimming costume over his already erect cock, and they dropped to the floor. He moved forward and tapped the end of his tool on my left shoulder. I pulled my head away from Gordon and turned to my left. I gasped again as I was greeted by Jims equally large, stiff prick. I literally didn't know which way to turn. I looked at Jims large tool, standing proud and erect. I turned to Gordon's stiff prick, its head exposed and wet from my sucking, then turned back to Jim. Slowly I sat up, my hands pushing Gordon and Jim aside. With teasingly slow movements, I drew my legs up, swung myself round and my hands reached down as Jim and Gordon stayed glued to the spot. I was positioned on all fours. The front of my tee-shirt remained around my shoulders, my large exposed breasts bounced gently as I wriggled my buttocks towards the two of them. Gordon approached me from the rear, dropping to his knees as he homed in on my rounded buttocks covered by the thin white shorts. My knees were apart and he edged closer between my legs. He stroked his hands up and down the backs of my thighs, but was unsure as to how he would remove my shorts as he slipped his right hand inside the leg. The shorts were so loose fitting that they allowed him to push the hem right up and push the crotch to one side, exposing the soft flesh of my buttock and my pubic lips. His fingers probed carefully at my pubic area, quickly finding that my cunt was already wet as his finger slipped inside. His left hand took hold of his erection and immediately pressed it against my pubic lips. I let out a long guttural moan the as bulbous head of his cock stretched my pubic lips open. There was a sharp intake of breath from both of us as the large thick cock began to slide into her. Jim had crawled around the front, and not wishing to be face to face with Gordon, positioned himself to one side. Holding the root of his cock in one hand, he turned my face towards him with the other. I pursed my lips as he rubbed the tip of his exposed helmet around them. Slowly he pressed forward. Slowly my lips began to part. Slowly the helmet of his penis disappeared into my mouth until my lips gripped around his shaft. With no further encouragement from Jim, my head began to bob rhythmically up and down, my full soft lips following every contour of his large cock as his hand held it in position. Jim's eyes closed and he let out a long sigh. Gordon's fingers massaged into the soft flesh of my buttocks. His hips thrust gently back and forth as he worked his cock deeper and deeper into my wet hole. Eventually, his hands moved round and gripped tightly onto my hips. With his knees placed inside mine, his thick cock began long strokes deep into me. The movements were slow and gentle. Jim continued to hold his cock to my mouth. My head moved up and down, my lips aroused his sensitive cock further, his breathing became deeper. After a while, Gordon's breathing was fast and deep. The gentle stroking of his penis had degenerated into fast and furious lunging thrusts. His hands grasped my waist tightly, holding my body still as he plunged his long fat cock deeply into me, his pelvis crashed repeatedly against the flesh of my buttocks. It felt devine. Jim opened his eyes and watched as I continued to take the head of his cock in my mouth. My breaths were coming in short pants through my nose as Gordon thrust hard and deep. Holding the root of his shaft in his left hand, Jims right reached down and his fingers ran through my soft dark hair. His hand rested on my head as it bobbed up and down. He looked up. Gordon's face was red and he had broken into quiet a sweat. Beads ran down his forehead and his cheeks. Drips were forming on his chin. "Jeez it's hot!" gasped Gordon. Gradually his wild thrusting slowed until he was almost at a standstill and his breathing returned almost to normal. Holding tightly onto the flesh of my hips, his knees inched forward and his hips wriggled, burying his cock as deep as it would go. Once again the slow gently thrusts resumed. Once in to his rhythm, his hands let go of my hips as he continued to slip back and forth deep inside me. He took hold of the hem of his yellow and black tee-shirt and carefully pulled it up over his shoulders and over his head. His hips continued to stroke his cock in and out of my moist cunt as he discarded the garment to one side. "Oh! That's better" sighed Gordon as he looked down at his long thick cock, still easing back and forth. His hands clasped once more on the soft flesh of my hips. He wriggled slowly backwards to his original position, pulling back and exposing the shaft of his cock until just the head remained between my pubic lips. Holding on tightly he began to rock back and forth on his knees, recommencing his wild lunging thrusts, and ramming his large cock in and out of my wet cunt. Jim looked down. He too was feeling the heat as I continued to sucked on his aroused cock. His hand lifted from my head and began to lift the hem of his tee-shirt. He managed to pull it so far but then needed two hands. Carefully he let go of the root of his shaft and began to inch forward trying to keep his erect cock in position as he pulled up his tee-shirt. As he reached up to pull it over his head, I pulled back and his prick bounced free from my mouth. Quickly he threw away the shirt and took hold of his shaft but it was too late. I was already crawling forward, and although Gordon tried to hold on to me and follow, suddenly I was free of his cock. The two of them watched in disappointment as I crawled away. On approaching my towel at the pool side I rose to my knees and my fingers eased the white linen shorts over my hips and they fell to the floor. Returning to all fours, I crawled away from the shorts, rolled over and collapsed onto my back. As the two watched, my legs began to slowly part until my thighs were spread wide, revealing my puffy red pubic lips. Gordon was the first to realise and began to move forward on his knees but Jim sprang to his feet and was the first on the spot. He dropped back to his knees between my legs and took up position over me. My legs eagerly lifted and gripped around his hips, my ankles crossed above his buttocks. With a long slow descent, his hips pushed his bulbous helmet deep inside me. I took a slow deep breath as Jim's hips rose, and let out a loud gasp as they dropped. It felt wonderful, lying in the warm sun, the rustle of the breeze through the olives, the sound of the crickets and Jim's cock plunging into me. Suddenly Jim withdrew. Lifting himself up he placed his knees either side of my hips and sat back, his buttocks resting on my thighs. I lifted my head to see what was happening. Jim's left hand gripped the base of his erect shaft. The thumb and forefinger of his right hand formed a circular shape and were rubbing slowly back and forth around the bulbous purple helmet of his prick. His eyes looked down at his tool, his face had a wide mischievous smile. My head dropped back down until I heard a gasp of pleasure from Jim and felt warm droplets fall onto my stomach. I lifted my head again. Jim's fingers continued to encircle the head of his cock and massaged slowly but firmly. He looked up towards my breasts, partly covered by my tee-shirt, he still wore the wide smile on his face. I watched as a large streak of white sperm squirted from his cock. Almost in slow motion it shot several inches through the air before splattering in a long white line across my exposed right breast. Quickly my fingers reached for the hem of the tee shirt, pulling it up to my neck. My large breasts swayed gently with the sudden movement. "Oohh!" gasped Jim as more thick spunk ejected from his cock and he watched as it descended on to my breast in great dollops before it splattered in all directions. His fingers dropped from his helmet and his left hand held his cock steady, helmet exposed. I watched as his stomach muscles tightened and his long cock throbbed. Another streak of white sperm splashed over my breasts. I looked up at him. His eyes were now closed, his head had sunk between his shoulders but his face wore the same wide grin. I looked back down as I felt more of his warm sperm splash onto my body. His stomach muscles tightened again and again, his penis throbbed and repeatedly spunk shot from him and splashed down all over me. Eventually Jim sank back. He looked with satisfaction at my breasts and stomach, covered by his glistening sperm. As he slowly crawled off, I wriggled out of my tee shirt, and used it to mop the large puddles of cum which still oozed over me. I tossed the wet garment to one side as Gordon approached. My thighs were still spread wide, and my hips pushed my puffy pubic lips towards him, but Gordon ignored this and clambered over the top half of my body. With his knees pressed into my armpits, he took hold of his erect cock and exposed its shiny purple head. His hand pointed the cock downwards. His organ was so long that even in this position he was able to rub the underside of his helmet across my lips. I gently kissed his sensitive helmet, my tongue pressing hard against it, licking and flicking at it. Moving forward, Gordon was able to press the tip against my lips, which yielded under the pressure and the swollen helmet slipped into my mouth. Holding his shaft steady with one hand, his other reached down, his fingers moving into the gap between the ground and the back of my neck. Slowly, carefully he eased my head up, causing my lips to travel further up his shaft and burring his helmet deeper into my mouth. Gently he began to lower and raise my head with a slow regular rhythm. My hands gripped around his thighs as the movements thrust the sensitive head of his prick backwards and forwards in my mouth. My fingers squeezed into the flesh of his buttocks as my lips gripped tightly around his excited organ. I could feel his body begin to treble as his hand continued to massage the shaft of his cock. His hand gently lowered my head a final time, letting it rest back on the ground. The head of his cock had lifted from between my open lips as his hand squeezed tightly up and down his shaft. My hands moved around from his buttocks, my fingers took control of his shaft and Gordon's hand dropped away. My fingers squeezed up and down his solid shaft as I guided the swollen helmet towards my open mouth. Gordon let out a grunt as a dollop of thick white spunk splashed onto my chin. My head lifted quickly and my lips closed around the head of his cock. My fingers massaged tightly as more warm sperm bubbled into my mouth. My head lifted further, my lips pushed back and forth across his sensitive helmet causing more and more of his cum to ooze into my throat. I gulped at it as it filled my mouth, Gordon's cock continuing to throb and twitch until the last of his warm juice has dribbled into my mouth and I swallowed every last drop. All three of us decided that a swim would be in order and with nobody else around we slipped naked into the water. I couldn't help but think of my boyfriend back home as the sun beat down and the cool water surrounded my body. After a leisurely swim, the three of us began to play and splash, quietly at first, then more loudly and vigorously at the far deep end of the pool. Still naked in the water, none of us had noticed Martin as he had ambled to the poolside at the shallow end. He had watched us for some moments before removing his own shorts and spreading himself out on a large white towel. I decided to get out of the pool, and it was as I waded towards the shallow end that I noticed Martin laid out. Hearing the noise of the water, he turned his head, and watched me, my arms aloft, my breasts bouncing freely as I waded through the water. I climbed the series of small steps and emerged, the water dripping from my body on to the warm concrete surround of the pool. "Like to borrow my towel?" asked Martin as his eyes looked up and down my shapely body. "Oh Thank you" I replied as I stooped to pick up his spare towel and began to pat myself dry. Martin continued to watch the movements of my body and his penis began to harden. As I went to return the towel, my eyes caught sight of his fully erect penis. I looked at his smiling face and then back at his penis. 'It's a sign of appreciation" said Martin. I knew I shouldn't have done but I just couldn't resist. Without a reply I slowly dropped to my knees as I let the towel fall to the floor. Moving onto all fours I took hold of his cock, and holding it vertically, my head moved over it. Slowly I lowered, the tip of his prick touching my lips. I planted several gentle kisses on it, before pushing it into my mouth, my lips pushing back the foreskin as I took his helmet into my mouth. Jim and Gordon were watching from the far end of the pool. They slowly made their way back to the shallow end, watching as my head continued to bob up and down as I sucked at Martins cock. As they approached the steps, they stopped and stood, watching. Gordon watched my head as it moved, rhythmically, and Martins face, his eyes closed, his breathing becoming heaving. Jim watched my firm round buttocks and my shapely thighs. My lips continued to excite Martins cock as they squeezed up and down his shaft and over his aroused helmet. Gordon and Jim emerged from the pool and Gordon made for the spot where he left his shorts. Jim slowly approached me from the rear and dropped down. My knees were apart and he crawled between them. I felt his wet legs as they began to push against mine forcing my knees further apart, lowering my body as I continued to oral Martin. I felt Jim's wet hands as they grasped at my buttocks and kneaded the warm flesh. I felt his fingers slide up and down the crack between my cheeks as my lips continued to push back and forth over Martins sensitive helmet. Jims hands parted the flesh of my buttocks, and with a deep breath of excitemet he carefully pressed his wet finger into the tight ring of my anus. I continued to take Martins cock in to my mouth as Jims finger slipped slowly in and out several times before withdrawing. I could hear Jim's already heavy breathing. His legs pressed against mine, pushing my knees as wide apart as he could and lowering my body further. I could feel his body already shaking. He looked down with a grin at his erect penis that stood directly level with my arse. I braced myself as I continued to oral Martin. Holding his shaft tightly, with his purple helmet exposed, he held it to me and began to squeeze it in to the tight wet ring of my anus. I let out a guttural groan as my head lifted, leaving Martins penis exposed. I remained stationary for some moments, my hand gripping tightly around martins shaft, as Jim worked the head of his cock in and out of my arse. Gradually I became used to the sensation and slowly my head dropped back down. There was a loud groan of relief from Martin as he felt my lips close around the head of his penis. Jim was soon in a delirious state. The hard swollen helmet of his prick felt ecstatic, engulfed by my tight hole. His fingers prised my buttocks further apart and he began to stroke, gently, but deeper and deeper into my anus. He began to feel almost dizzy, his head was spinning as his hips pushed slowly, further and further forward as he eased the whole length of his big long cock in to my arse. Suddenly Martin let out a cry. His body was shaking, his hips pushed up from the ground, and the first of his warm sperm squirted into my mouth. My head continued to bob up and down, my lips squeezing across his sensitive helmet. The thick spunk continued to bubble into my mouth as Jim's large cock slid in and out of my anus. Martin was spent, his penis began to soften but my lips continued to suck and squeeze the head of his cock, milking every last drop of cum from him. Eventually, my hands released his soft organ, but I remained, my head resting on his thighs as Jim continued. Suddenly and without warning he withdrew. His hands wanked several times at his shaft before I felt warm spots of cum dropping onto my buttocks. There was a loud gasp from Jim before I felt sperm splattering between my shoulder blades. I turned to watch as Jim concluded his masturbating and deposited several streaks of white spunk up my back and over my buttocks. Jim fell back on to his haunches, and I sprawled out across my towel. I dozed in the warm sun, still thinking of my boyfriend, wondering what he was doing. I wondered if he was thinking about I might be doing and couldn't help smiling to myself. It was peaceful except for the occasional rustling of the olive leaves in the gentle breeze. I didn't know how long I had been there when I was slowly awoken by a hand caressing my thigh, rubbing lightly around my hips and fingers gently brushing my pubic mound. I rolled onto my side, to be confronted by Gordon's erection. He was lying alongside me, his head level with the top of my thighs, his cock in line with my face. His fingers began to press into my pubic mound gently massaging in a circular motion. My hand reached out and took hold of his erection, rubbing gently with my fingers before moving my head closer. My tongue licked across the top of his exposed penis, my lips planted several kisses on the head of his organ before I wriggled closer. Slowly, teasingly, I took the sensitive helmet between my lips and began to suck. Gordon let out a loud sigh of appreciation as his fingers continued to rub at my clitoris. As I continued to slide my lips over Gordon's excited prick, I felt another hand as it caressed around my hips, and stroked gently up and down the back of my thighs. Fingers squeezed firmly into the soft flesh of my buttocks. I disentangled myself from Gordon, turned onto my back and continued rolling on to my other side. I was confronted by another penis, and looking down saw Marcus in a similar position to Gordon. I reached out, and taking hold of his erection, wriggled closer, my tongue repeating it licking action before my lips squeezed across the head of his penis and I began to suck. Marcus placed a hand between my knees and pulled it up between my thighs until his fingers reached my pubic area. His fingers began to probe between my lips finding and arousing my clitoris as I continued to excite his penis with my mouth. As we continued to arouse each other our breathing became deeper and louder. Marcus had caused my clitoris to swell under the attention of his fingers, but I pulled myself away and turned to face Gordon's erection once more. Quickly my lips homed in on his cock and began to suck his helmet in and out of my mouth. Gordon squirmed under the onslaught, but still his hands reached between my knees. He lifted my top leg, parting my thighs enough to enable him to move forward and bury his head into my pubic mound. His fingers held my lips apart as his tongue pressed against my already hard clitoris. My breathing soon became deep and loud as Gordon continued to arouse me. I couldn't cope with the onslaught and sucking Gordon's penis at the same time and was reduced to caressing his purple helmet gently with my fingers. My body pushed my pubic mound hard, with a slow rhythmic motion against his face, he responded by moving his tongue faster and harder against my clit. Suddenly my body began to lurch, the soft warm flesh of my thighs wrapped around Gordon's head as my orgasm exploded through my whole body. I shook and cried with my orgasm as Gordon's tongue continued to lick ceaselessly at me until finally I managed to pull myself away and rolled onto my back, still breathing heavily. Marcus reached out, and with his hand on my hip, began to turn me towards him. I didn't resist as I rolled over onto my side. My hand reached out and took hold of his penis. The swollen purple helmet was wet and shiny from where I had sucked it before and my fingers gently massaged the shaft. His hand slipped between my knees and began to raise my thigh until, resting on his elbow, the back of my knee cradled in his hand, he propped my leg up, parting my thighs. I edged forward and began to slowly ease his helmet back and forth into my mouth. Marcus could see my swollen clitoris that still protruded from my puffy cunt lips. Slowly he edged forward, and as his spare hand parted my pubic lips, his tongue licked across me. I gave a jump as my still aroused clit received some more attention. I continued to squeeze my lips over Marcus's excited cock as he continued to cause my clit to harden again. The tip of his finger rubbed softly around my cunt entrance in a circular motion. I let out a gasp and his cock fell from my lips as his tongue flicked rapidly to and fro. I groaned loudly as his finger began to slip slowly into my wet hole. I was starting to breath heavily as my fingers massaged gently at his shaft. My body began to arch towards Marcus. My breath was panting as his finger slipped quickly in and out of my wet hole, in perfect harmony with his tongue which rubbed hard and rhythmically against my clitoris. I began to moan softly as his tongue worked feverishly at my clit. His finger probed deeper and deeper into my wet, juicy cunt. Suddenly I let out a loud cry, my whole body was shaking, my head thrashed wildly as another orgasm bust over me. Mark continued unabated, his tongue licked hard, his finger probed fast and deep in my wet cunt as I writhed against him for some while, gasping for breath until my climax subsided. Finally managing to break away, I turned slowly onto my back with a loud sigh. Gordon waited for a few moments before reaching out, and taking me by the waist, turned me back towards him. His hand ran over the flesh of my hips and his fingers ran down the front of my thighs, but this time my legs remained tightly together. I moved forward as my hands pushed back Gordon's foreskin as far as it would go. His shiny purple helmet glistened in the sunlight as I edged towards it and took it back into my mouth. My lips moved quickly over the head of his excited penis. Gordon was unable to stop the gentle thrusting motion of his hips as I brought him towards his climax. His hands, previously caressing up and down the back of my thighs, moved up to my buttocks. His fingers squeezed and dug into the flesh. I continued to move back and forth, rubbing my lips over the highly aroused organ. Gordon could contain himself no longer and gave out a cry. I was taken by surprise and let out a whimper as warm sperm exploded into my mouth. Gordon's body was quivering. His penis jerked and more spunk oozed into my mouth. Still I held the head of his cock tightly between my lips as I gulped at the warm juice. Gordon's penis continued to jump and throb, I continued to squeeze it tightly, swallowing the torrent of thick sperm that squirted from it. Slowly Gordon's movements subsided, slowly the flow of sticky spunk reduced to a trickle, until finally Gordon pulled away and rolled onto his back with a loud sigh. Marcus's hands began to caress the backs of my thighs. His fingers squeezed into the soft flesh of my buttocks. Slowly I rolled onto my back and them turned towards him. His penis stood proud and erect, the shiny purple helmet exposed. I moved in on him, and began to plant gentle kisses on the tip of his cock. Marcus's hand tried to part my thighs but met resistance as I slowly slipped the head of his cock between my lips. Undaunted, Marcus prised my knees apart, and propped my legs open once more. His fingers carefully parted my pubic lips as I continued to suck at his prick. Marcus watched intently as the tip of his finger pressed into my wet hole. He became excited as he watched his finger as it slipped deeper and deeper into my juicy cunt until it was completely buried. His hips began to thrust towards my mouth as he stared at his finger, sliding in and out of my cunts. His body began to shake, his cock began to tremble. I braced herself as his finger slipped deep into my wet hole and remained there. Marcus gave a jolt. His cock thrust into my mouth, squirting warm spunk deep into my throat. I pulled back gulping at the sticky juice but Marcus's body seemed to follow me. With a cry he released more sperm that bubbled into my mouth. I gulped it down as quickly as I could but my mouth was soon refilled with more thick warm sperm. His body continued to jolt as he cock throbbed and squirted more and more juice into me. Eventually the stream of spunk dried up and Marcus could only whimper as I squeezed my lips tightly over the head of his penis. I rolled back onto my towel. I raised my head and looked at the spent bodies around me. I laid back and closed my eyes appreciating the warm sun and the gentle breeze. I wonder what my boyfriend will be doing tomorrow I thought to myself. I had a pretty good idea what I would be doing tomorrow!!