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It Was Worth The Wait.

It Was Worth The Wait I've been happily married for 15 years and neither my wife nor myself had ever discussed having sex with anyone else during this time period. I thought our sex life was ok until one day while we were in the kitchen she told me that she had been thinking about how hot it would be to have her watch me have sex with another woman. Now my wife, Amy, is 5 feet one inch tall with short brown hair, weighing in at a sexy 130 pounds, and an adorable face. To say the least I was floored and got an instant boner. At the time I wasn't sure if she was just saying this to be sexy and never had any intentions of allowing such a thing to happen or if she really wanted to find someone and go through with it. Well 2 more years went by and we talked about it often, with her main concern being that she was afraid of getting some exotic disease, so I suggested that we try to get her, our, friend Lisa to fulfill her fantasy. Lisa is married to Phil and we'll hang out together and do things, but our plans just required Lisa's services not Phil's so this was a tricky plan to work out. I suggested to my wife that she would need to seduce Lisa and then introduce me after she had already "fucked" one of us. Keep in mind that my wife has never had a lesbian experience and initially was uncomfortable with the idea. She had always played with me in bed with dirty talk about two women making love to me, but her role in all of that would never be sexual with the women, just the two of them working on me. I told her that when the time arose and she felt as she had a chance to seduce Lisa that she should sneak away and quickly call me on my cell phone, then I could come up with a mystery illness, leave work and come home to catch them playing with each other. Amy agreed and we left it at that. Well little would I know that just 3 days later my cell phone rings at work and it's Lisa. She's whispering on the phone from the bathroom. She said that she and Amy just open mouthed kissed and that Lisa was actually the more aggressive of the two. She said she had to go since she told Lisa she needed a minute to freshen up. I took my cue, went in told the boss I was deathly ill and raced home. As I neared my house I parked the car on the street, and walked up our driveway past Lisa's car. I walked into the house and up stairs to the bedroom where the door was slightly ajar and peaked in to the most incredible sight this man has ever seen. There was Lisa laying bare ass naked on the center of my bed with my naked wife kneeling next to her with her mouth on one of Lisa's nipples in her mouth and two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. I stood there for a moment to try and absorb it all in, but then I made my move. I walked in and in a soft voice said, "Hi girls." Lisa screamed, and Amy looked up smiling. I said, "Lisa, It's ok. Is it all right if I get comfortable?" She said yes, while she tried to hide behind a pillow she had taken down from the top of the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed, next to my wife and gave her a deep opened mouth kiss and started took my tie and shirt off. Then I stood up in front of the women, kicked my socks and shoes off and pulled my pants and underwear off exposing my rock hard cock at full attention. There was complete silence in the room. I walked around the bed to the other side of Lisa, sat down and gently touched her perfect tit with my hand. Once my hand was on it and she didn't object, I knew that there was no limit as to how far this was going to go today. I started sucking her tit and my wife, as if on cue, started sucking her other tit and slid he fingers back into Lisa's sweaty bush. I moved up and kissed Lisa and she kissed me back for what seemed to be almost forever. I knew that I needed to eat her pussy immediately. I got up, positioned my self at the base of the bed and started kissing her thighs until I had worked my way up to her mound where my wife's fingers were still fucking her. I kissed and sucked my wife's hands and Lisa's pussy at the same time as Lisa began to breathe rapidly and made subtle moans. I wanted my wife down here with me eating this pussy. I put my hand on Amy's hand inside Lisa and gestured for her to come down next to me. With her by my side we kissed and I went to work on one of Lisa's inner thighs and Amy on the other. I got to Lisa's pussy first and started licking it and sticking a finger in her ass at the same time. I pulled back and motioned with my head for my wife to lick her. Well, she needed no additional prodding, I watched as she went down and first just gently kissed Lisa's pussy lips, but then just as quickly, I saw her tongue come out of her mouth and begin to eat her first pussy. I stood up with my cock in hand and enjoyed the sight before me. I then positioned my self at the top of the bed and lowered my cock straight into Lisa's mouth. She had both of her hands pulling my ass towards her face almost deep throating my cock. So as I knelt there with my cock in my wife's best friend's mouth and my wife was lost with, with no eye contact, licking her first pussy as if she had been thirsty for a lifetime, I felt myself coming and told Lisa to get ready because I was going to explode. My eyes could not have been opened any wider as I started to cum in Lisa's mouth and it poured out of the sides of mouth and she continued to suck wildly with one hand on my ass and the other around the base of my cock. My wife continued to eat Lisa's pussy, peaking up, as she watched me cum in her best friends' mouth. I lowered my head over Lisa's nipple and began to lick fast circles around her nipples as she put one hand on my head and her other hand down gently stroking my wife's face. It wasn't long before Lisa started breathing short breaths and I watched as she turned her head to the side of the pillow and looked me in the eyes as she started to cum. She moaned for what seemed like almost a minute, thoroughly enjoying the sweet feel of a women's mouth on her pussy making her cum. My wife starting to crawl up her body towards me, her face completely moistened with Lisa's juices. Amy and I open mouth kissed and I licked as much of Lisa's cum off of her face as I could. At this point we all layed there for a moment, not really quite sure what had just happened. I think we were all a bit shocked, and a little embarrassed to be honest. I asked Amy if she was ok and she said that she was, "just fine." I looked up to Lisa and asked her how she was and she smiled and said, "Wonderful." With that, I kissed Lisa and explored her mouth with my dancing tongue, and then I positioned myself over her, pushing my wife to the side, and spread her legs wide apart and lowered my hips towards hers. With my cock in my left hand, I guided it into Lisa's soaking wet pussy and ever so slowly pushed it all the way in. While I did this I made sure that I looked straight into Lisa's eyes and saw her gasp at least 3 times before I was completely inside her, rubbing my pubic hair against hers. I stayed there and just rotated my hips causing her to let out little soft whimpers of lust. My wife had finally gotten her wish and sat on the edge of the bed smiling as I began to pump Lisa with the steadiness of an oil rig. On each withdrawal I made sure that the head of my penis would come out to almost the lips of her pussy and then drive it back in just as deep as before. She sensed that I was about to cum since I finally took my eyes off of her and my mouth was opened wide looking at the wall in a blank stare. Seeing that I was about to cum, she whispered in the sexiest voice imaginable, "Steve, cum in me, cum in me now." Almost as if she knew how to push me over the edge I came in massive gush and rolled off her to the side. My wife met me there and said, "I love you" and I smiled. She then sandwiched herself between Lisa and me and without a word being said, Lisa started sucking one of Amy's tits with her mouth and massaging and squeezing her other tit and nipple. I kissed my wife, lashing her with my tongue as she had her first tour of duty being serviced by two lovers. Lisa, still, reeking of the load of sperm I had poured into her mouth, slowly worked her way down Amy's flat belly from her now fully erect nipples and positioned herself squarely between my wife's legs and began to eat my wife's pussy like a hungry dog. Seeing my wife getting eaten for the first time by another woman was, well, beyond belief! I stayed up with Amy kissing and fondling her tits and Lisa continued, her first time as well, trying to make a woman cum with her mouth. It didn't take very long until Amy pulled away from my mouth and said in a loud voice as she looked into my eyes, "Oh my God, I'm cumming!," and cum she did, forgetting me momentarily, and taking both of her hands to reach down and push Lisa's face deeper into her pulsating pussy. Amy had an almost pained look as she stared open mouth at Lisa who continued to suck, and lick. Amy laid there for a moment and then said," Wow, that was different." I almost didn't know what to do next, I mean up to this point it was everything I had ever dreamed about and more. Unfortunately, I had my third rock hard boner of the day and was a little shy about what to do next, fortunately, the women took the lead and helped finish the show. As I lay there, Lisa was the first to notice that I was high and hard ready for one more go around and she moved gracefully from between Amy's wide open legs and knelt next to my side and without missing a beat started sucking my cock as if this was her sole source of oxygen. My wife stared at her friend who now sucked on my cock with a passion that made even her jealous. Amy moved down next to my other side and then I witnessed a scene out of every man's fantasy as two women worked as a team to suck my final load of the day from my balls. As Amy would take control of my shaft, Lisa would move down and lick my balls, occasionally letting her tongue reach my ass, then they would meet together at the head of my cock and with each having a hand on my crank, they would dart each others tongues into and out of their mouths in the most amazing lesbian action I could have ever imagined. I felt my temperature rising as these two women worked on me with an unspoken urgency. My inner thigh began to shake and I called out that I was cumming, Lisa took control, pumping my dick and as my cum flew out of my cock, both women shared in the sperm drinking fountain that was now gushing all over their faces. We were done. We laid there and talked and giggled about what had transpired in the little over an hour since we first began. Lisa said this was the last thing she had ever planned on doing today or for that matter ever in cheating on her husband, but even as she said that, it was said without guilt almost as if she knew she had been a naughty girl and was proud of it and looked forward to the next session. We all showered and got dressed, promising to be discreet about the entire afternoon. Attention Lou Geherig, I am now the luckiest man on the face of this earth.