Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

A brief lesson in passion.

a brief lesson in passion She came up behind her. There was something vulnerable about being completely naked and at the perusal of someone else. A feather touch ran across one shoulder, down her arm, across one hip, to cup the fullness of her buttocks as one other hand floated around to her right breast, fingertips teasing the little pebble there to a delicious tautness. She had only touched her with her fingertips and already she was quivering with anticipation, her wetness spilling onto her inner thighs. She took a sharp intake of breath and let it out in a sigh as she felt her breasts touching the bare skin of her back. Her nipples stood erect as well. From across the room, he watched them. There was a casual air in his stance, leaning against the wall, that belied the constriction in his groin. Yet, he resisted the instinct to touch himself or, better still, touch them. It was his pleasure... to feel himself harden, become mindlessly aroused, simply by watching until he could bear it no longer. That was the ultimate exhilaration. To be reduced to your most base instinct. To mate. With a ferocity and need that came on a much more primitive level. It was how he wished it. The feathery touches continued. They could touch each other, but not themselves, and never, never, were they to touch their woman core. This was for their pleasure. Lust was something that one never took lightly, and arousal was equally important. The anticipation of what was to come played an important factor in this lesson. It was not about making love. This was about sex. She turned in her embrace, wanting her own turn. Dipping her head, she took one of those rosebud nipples in her mouth, warming it, before flicking the peak with her tongue. The heightened sensitivity made her cry out, arching her neck. Almost in apology, she gently suckled on the nipple, running her tongue along the soft underside, then biting gently. She moved to the other breast, leaving the first wet and straining. Soft kisses and teasing bites brought the second to a matching hardness. Looking up, the eyes she met were heavy lidded with arousal. But it was not yet time. Slowly, inexorably, they took turns nipping, licking, and suckling various erogenous parts... The pulse at the neck, the place where the neck meets the shoulder, the bend of the elbow, the ear, the navel, the back of the neck, the backs of the knees, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and each hollow along the spine were all subject to their lavish attentions. Slick with sweat, saliva, and women's honey, they kissed mouth on mouth. This was no tender exchange of breath, this was a hungry, passionate duel of tongues, each fighting for the upper hand. As they kissed, their bodies rubbed together, not able to get close enough, trying in vain to relieve the sexual tension. He knew they were ready then. They had forgotten the rules. He, however, was not ready. While he disrobed himself, he would let them forget about him for the moment... They fell onto the bed, still interlocked, hands searching. She reached down, not to touch herself, but to touch her, needing to feel that hot core, wet and ready and wanting her. She moaned when she felt her hand stroke her where she most wanted it, crying out in frustration when that hand was removed. With something akin to a snarl, she bit her on the shoulder and reached down to spread the smooth hairless lips, humping her own hairless cunt against the other woman's. Each cried out as waves of sexual tension filled them. Their blood engorged clits penetrated each other's cunts like miniature dicks until they rode each other faster and faster, needing that tension released. Two large hands stopped them. They sobbed their chagrin, but knew they had erred. It was too fast. Guiding them, he turned her around on top of her until they could each face one another's pussies. They knew what to do. Spreading the lips before them, they set to work. Slowly, maddeningly slowly, they licked. Never did they touch their clits, but they stroked and tongue fucked each other in the pussy and the ass, raising their hips to meet each stroke, stoking the passion that had been theirs briefly for a brief, animal second. She had the better view. Looking down, she had a perfect view of her tiny button pussy and knew she would be very tight for him. She looked at him then. He had undressed sometime during that flurry of cunts and his manhood was standing straight up. Not out, she noticed. Up. He did not touch himself, but from the bead of moisture she saw at the end of his staff, she knew he wanted to. No... She had the better view. With the legs on either side of her head, she had a magnificant view of the cunt before her, whose huge lips were constantly wet. Her cunt was enormous... Testing her, she slipped two fingers inside and they were swallowed. The pussy grabbed at them, as if wanting more. Obliging, she slipped in a third, then a fourth, until she was fucking her with her whole hand. She screamed her ecstasy while she smiled, keeping up the rhythm. There was a mirror on the ceiling. Somehow, she managed to keep licking while being fist fucked. Crossing her first two fingers, she began pumping her, rotating her wrist as she did so, giving back some of the pleasaure she was receiving. She gasped in pleasure. Her fingers could just fit in her tight snatch... Looking up once more, she indulged in a secret smile. She would have trouble with his size... but knew the pleasure she would receive with it. He had the best view. With a sight before him of two beautiful women with their heads between one another's thighs, moaning and groaning with ecstasy who could argue? Cum was beginning to stream from his huge, straining, pulsating dick... It was almost time... Without being bid, she moved off of her and crawled onto her back, propping herself up on her hands and feet, raising her cunt into the air. She matched her position and coming together with an odd sort of suction sound, they began to crab fuck, humping each other, slapping their pussies together with their clits exposed to the air, their breasts jumping and heaving with the exertion. The moaning had increased to a fever pitch. In one motion, he swept her away from her and lifted her knees to his shoulders. She nearly cried for anticipation of relief, then cried from frustration. He had not penetrated her. He had positioned his great dick in between her upper pussylips, on top of her clit, and was thrusting, coating himself in her juices, maddening her with the contact to her clit. Even in passion, he was always controlled. Her head thrashed back and forth as she railed at him for relief. She was silenced when her pussy came to rest upon her mouth. Distracted, she began once again to eat her. She had sat backward, a strategic move. From her vantage point, she could watch him fuck her and she could touch her and him and kiss him, if she wished, which she did. She kissed him with an even greater abandon than she had her and he relished that, reaching out to fondle and tease her breasts. Without warning, he thrust himself into her. She screamed in pleasure-pain into the cunt above her, pain at his greatness, pleasure at his throbbing flesh inside her. He did not move for many moments until she was moaning again, then he slowly withdrew until all but the head was inside her, then another quick thrust and he was completely inside her again, his balls slapping against her ass. He kept that slow rhythm for a long time until her frantic hips began to tremble with her need. Then he knew he could begin removing his restraint. She enjoyed the feeling of her moaning into her cunt and so reached down between them and gently rubbed one finger against her clit, slowly circling it, until the vibrations reached all the way through her. Nudging her to one side, she moved from her face, a bit reluctantly as he swung her around, still joined with him, until he was lying on his back and she was on top of him, giving her the control. As she began to ride him with a desperation, he gave the other a slight nod. She nodded back, reaching around the other side of the bed and bringing back a strap on dildo, much the same size as his, very realistic looking, with soft balls and smooth synthetic skin. It had a device on the inside that would stimulate the clit, giving pleasure as you gave it. Strapping it on, she moved behind her and thrust quickly into her ass. She screamed yet again, her muscles clenching at the sudden unexpected onslaught. Having her on top was not giving her control... it was a stratagem. She could not complain, would not. The pleasure overruled her. She felt so full with one dick in her pussy, another in her ass, hard nipples dragging across her back at every thrust. Wave after wave of pure sex ripped through her. She was close, very, very close, as were they. She groaned at the feel of the dildo's stimulator against her clit, reaching around her body to tease her nipples, holding her to herself. They rode together, urging each other on with words both nasty and sweet, with growls and wordless touches. He brought his hips up to meet them, strong powerful thrusts intended to bring them over the edge. They had endured this much... he would not drive them to madness. This time. With a great scream, she came, and would have collapsed if not for the woman behind her holding her up. She thrust twice more into her ass before she too came, grinding herself against her and the dildo. Then, he let his control go. He gave several more very quick and hard thrusts and he came... Shot after shot of his creamy white man juice spilled into her. In a tangle of limbs, they fell together onto the bed, genitalia, real and otherwise, still ensconced in her body. They were falling asleep, but he opened his eyes halfway. He gave two more strokes, ones that went into her which she also felt as the dildo moved. It was not a beginning. It was a promise of more yet to come.
