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Sweet revenge.

sweet revenge Thoughts of anger raced through my mind as I envisioned the thought of my best friend cheating and fucking my wife behind my back. Why would Tom who had such a beautiful wife of his own be fucking around with my wife? Not that my wife lacked in the good looks department, and there was no doubt she was totally fuckable. My mind raced with thoughts of letting them know their gig was up, and then giving them a piece of my mind. I was so god damn mad and hurt I didn't know how I was supposed to react. Then a thought came to me, why not get revenge? Tom's wife had always had a crush on me and a few times when she was a little tipsy, from a few too many drinks, brushed against my cock intentionally when she thought no was watching. Me, my wife Beth and our old school pals would meet every other Friday during the summer at Tom's house to drink and party late into the night. Well this Friday I was going to get my revenge. I had overheard Beth talking to Tom on the phone and she was suggesting they meet at the nearby motel when he got off work so they could enjoy each others company before the party. That's how I found out about the bastards. That extra time before Tom arrived home would be put to good use for my needs, I thought to myself. I called Tom to ask if we needed any more beer or liquor for the coming Friday. "Yes that would be great" said Tom and then added "Oh by the way I have some paper work to catch up at the office before coming home, why don't you and the guys start the BBQ and get things going before I get there?" "No problem" I said before hanging up the phone. Now all I had to do was put the rest of the plan into action. I called the other three guys and told them Tom would be a little late getting home for the party Friday and wanted us to go ahead and start early without him. Then I sat down in the living room with my wife to finish watching TV. "I guess Tom will be running a little late Friday and wants us to start early without him." She tried to play dumb and said "Great do you mind if I finish up a few shopping errands before coming over?" I told her that would be fine because we could start the BBQ and have a chance to exchanging a little BS before the party started that way. Friday I got off work early and headed for the liquor store to pick up some tequila and scotch for the party and then I headed home to shower. My wife had already left and I knew her and Tom would be occupied for some time. My wife never enjoys having a quick fuck; instead she likes it slow and long. Excitedly I headed for Tom's house. By the time I got to the front door I was already sporting a good wood. Tina greeted me at the door and I was relieved to find she was all alone and none of the other guys had showed up yet. "Say, let get this party rolling shall we" I said to Tina as I pulled the bottle of tequila out of the liquor bag. "Yes, let do" she said with a smile. While I got out the shot glasses she fetched a lime and a salt shaker. I handed her a shot and we toasted. "Down she goes I said" and we both downed our first shot. We had a few more shots and the tequila got her giggly and loosened up. The door bell rang and she went to let the other three guys in. "Starting without us I see" said Steve, looking at the condition Tina was already in. Bob, Steve and Stan followed her back into the kitchen and all five of us continued doing tequila shots. After about an hour we had moved into the living room and were sitting around on the sofa and love seat. Tina put on some music and asked if I would dance with her. As I danced with her she pressed herself against me so she could feel my manhood. I reached down and pressed her ass to my direction hard. Tina did not resist, but was surprised by my action. I then kissed her. Her inhibitions were gone and she kissed me back violating my mouth with her tongue. I could feel the other guy's eyes on us as we danced slow and sexy. I reached to the top of her neck and kissed her, at the same time letting my hand press against her tit. She did not pull away but instead gave out a low moan. Slowly I started to undo her blouse one button at a time. The way she pressed against my groin I could tell she was enjoying the idea. She blushed when she remembered we were not alone in the room. Steve got up and stood behind her pressing his cock hard against her ass. Then he slid his hands down to her sides and squeezed her hips firmly grinding her ass into his rock hard cock. Tina reached back and gave his cock a quick tug through his pants. By this time I had her blouse undone and begun to push her bra out of the way so I could get a good look at her tits. They stood firm and out like a young school girls tits. Steve teased one of her nipples gently rolling it between his thumb and fingers. I kissed the other nipples and then sucked as much of her tit into my mouth as possible. She moaned again, but louder this time. Me and Steve picked her up and move her to the sofa. Now Bob joined us by positioning himself on his knees in front of her. Stan came over and stood by the side to get a better view of the event that was unfolding. Stan pulled his cock out of his pants and was stroking it slow and hard and teased Tina with it. Bob picked up Tina's ass and slid his hand up her skirt and stripped her of her panties. She offered not resistance and spread her legs to show off her wet cunt. She licked her lips and then inserted a finger into her pussy rubbing in and out her slit slow and then deep. We all looked at her with lust as Bob pulled her down on her back and began to lick and kiss his way up her inner thigh. Stan removed his clothes and positioned his self so she could stroke his massive cock. Tina grabbed Stan's cock and began to lick and suck it while stroking the lower exposed part with her hand. She sucked Stan hard while I and Steve played with her tits each taking turns sucking and pulling her nipples until they stood out with excitement. Just before Bob's mouth made it to her wet cunt, Tina suggested we should move to the bedroom where we could have more room to lust her body. "First one there gets a blow job" she giggled. We all removed our remaining clothes and followed Tina into the bedroom like little school boys. Each of us then resumed our positions after Tina lay on the middle of the bed spread eagle and eagerly started to finger her wet pussy again. Bob pushed her hand away and let his tongue part her pussy lips to expose her little pink clit. Bob grabbed her by the waist and shoved his tongue deep inside her pussy. She moaned and started sucking harder on Stan's cock. Reaching over she grabbed my cock and then Steve's cock with her other hand, then started to jack us off on her tits. She moaned and pushed her cunt into Bob mouth wanting him to go deeper. Stan was the first to cum and she let his cock juice splash on her face and lips. She teased the under side of his cock with her tongue forcing each spurt to shot harder than the last. Bob got up between her legs and pressed his small but very fat cock into her cunt. She was totally intoxicated and wanted more. Both Steve and I came on her tits at about the same time. She licked and sucked our cocks each in turn to remove any remaining cum. "Mmmm" she moaned as Bob pounded his fat penis into her pussy. Bob arched his back and shot his load deep into Tina's cunt. Tina came at the same time biting down on my cock as her cunt throbbed around Bobs cock. After Bob finished shooting his load he pulled his limp penis from her still throbbing cunt and let his cum run down her cunt and into the crack of her ass. Sliding his middle finger deep into her pussy, Bob got his finger wet with cum and then slid it into her ass working it loose. All four of our cock went hard again as we watched Bob finger her ass lubricating it with his sperm. By her moans we could tell she was ready for more. She looked at me and said "now I want your big cock in my pussy." She pulled me down and rolled on top of me. Using her hand she found the head of my swollen cock and pushed it into her cunt. Bob then worked his fat cock into her ass slowly so she could accommodate the fatness of his cock. When she had the two of us in position she had Stan and Steve kneel so she could suck both of their cocks at once. It didn't take long for all of us to shot our loads for a second time. She made sure each of us had a chance to enjoy each of her offerings. Cum covered her face, breast and thighs. Her ass and cunt were red from being violated so many times. She laid spread eagle fingering her cunt as she drifted off to sleep. Her orgasms and the alcohol took their effect on her. As she slept we got ourselves cleaned up and dressed before my wife and Tom got home. When Tom finally drove into the driveway my wife was right behind him. "Look who I bumped into" Tom said pointing to my wife as they both entered the door. I got up and gave my wife a quick peck on the check and handed Tom the bottle of tequila. "Looks like you boys really got the party started" he said as he poured himself a shot. The rest of the guys sat around not saying much wondering what Tom was going to do when he discovered what had become of his wife. Tom downed his shot of tequila and then asked "where's Tina?" "She's in the bedroom waiting for you" I said as I pointed down the hall towards the bedroom. I heard Tom open the bedroom door to check on his wife. "You lousy fucking son of a bitches" I heard him say when he saw his wife lying on the bed with wet cum dripping from every orifice. Heading down the hall back to us he picked up the bottle of tequila and gulped down a big swig. "I can't believe you cock sucking bastards fucked my wife and didn't even wait for us to get here to join you." We all looked at him in disbelief at what we just heard. We all started laughing not knowing if we should or not. My wife stood and looked at us all to take in what had happened before their arrival. Then she lifted her skirt bearing her freshly fucked cunt. "Is it too late for seconds?" she laughed. She then stripped and asked "who's first?" Being the gentlemen we are, we all got up and helped her to the floor. Tina woke up a short while latter to find us all in the living room fucking my wife. "Hey wait for me, I want some more too" she said as she came over and massaged Steve balls while his cock plunged into the depths of my wife's cunt. Bob laughed and said "hey what about the BBQ?" "Fuck the BBQ" I said as I inserted my penis deep into Tina's mouth for another blow job. We all laughed and enjoyed our new party style which was the first of many more to come.