Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".


Vacation Key West was balmy and lazy and perfect. We had flown in to Miami, picked up the rental car and taken the long ride down Route 1 through the Keys. The grassy swamp of the Everglades soon gave way to the blue waters of the Gulf, and the slow pace of the traffic crawling along the two-lane road only increased our anticipation, already at a fever pitch. By the time we arrived at the hotel we were so hot we just left the luggage in the car, grabbed the key from the desk and were kissing and caressing all the way up on the elevator. For the next 18 hours we made love and slept before finally getting the luggage and grabbing something to eat. After some sightseeing, we wrapped up the second day watching the spectacular sunset from the roof lounge of the hotel. The beauty of the setting sun and the champagne provided additional but unnecessary inspiration as we returned to the room for a second night of lovemaking. We slept in the third morning and it was about 10:30am when we decided to get up and move from the bed to the Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. Although it was little more than an hour since I had last cum, the excitement of being with you and the anticipation of the warm, bubbling water was already working, and my cock was half-hard as I settled into the tub. I sat back and spread my legs as you climbed in and sat down between my legs with your back against my chest. As I rested my head on the back of the tub you leaned back and let your head rest on my shoulder. My cock stiffened against your lower back and you giggled and pushed your ass closer against my cock as my hands moved around you and began to cup and squeeze your swelling breasts and play with your nipples. We closed our eyes and relished the closeness and intimacy, the sound of the bubbling, swirling water blocking out everything but our thoughts and the sensations racing through our bodies. I don't know how long we stayed that way before I opened my eyes and began kissing the back of your neck. As I did, something caught my eye, some motion not related to us. As my mind moved from our passion to the distraction, my eyes began to focus and I realized that through an opening in the bathroom door I could see something moving in our room! Not wanting to frighten you, I said nothing, continuing to kiss the back of your neck while my eyes focused more clearly on the opening in the door. As they did, I recognized the uniform of our hotel maid. I could see the door moving slowing, opening wider, and I immediately closed my eyes, not wanting her to know that I had seen her. I realized that she must have come in to clean the room, and the noise from the Jacuzzi had blocked the sound of her knock. She must have thought the room was empty and had come in, only to see us naked in the tub. Although I could not see your face, I knew your eyes must be closed as you continued to enjoy my hands on your breasts and nipples. After a few moments I ventured another peek. This time the maid was much more in view, and what I saw almost made me cum. She was leaning against the door frame, her eyes closed, her head tilted, a look of sensual passion on her face. She had unbuttoned the top buttons of her uniform, and her left hand was inside, caressing and squeezing her breast. Her right hand was pressed tightly against the uniform, rubbing her pussy. She was an attractive woman, with olive skin and dark hair, about 5'2" with enough weight to accent her body without being fat. Although the details of her figure were obscured somewhat by the uniform, she had nice legs and what appeared to be ample breasts. Not wanting to get caught, I closed my eyes again and resumed kissing the back of your neck. As my lips approached your ear I softly whispered to you, "Don't panic and don't be frightened. Just open your eyes and peek at the bathroom door." For a moment I felt you stiffen, but then you must have seen what I was seeing because I felt you relax and I heard a long, passionate and inviting moan. The maid must have heard it too because as I opened my eyes I caught the flash of her blue uniform moving away from the door. You turned to look at me and I could see the passion in your eyes. "Damn, that made me hot," I said. "Me too," you replied. "Watch this." Your rose from the tub and grabbed a towel, wiping away some of the water. Then, holding the towel in front of you so that it only partially concealed your nakedness, you moved toward the door of the bathroom. I practically jumped from the tub, my cock hard and throbbing. This was something I did not want to miss. I watched you leave the bathroom and as I approached the door I heard you say, "Oh! Hi! I didn't know you had come in." I reached the bathroom door and peeked out just in time to see the maid standing by the half-made bed, staring at you, transfixed by your partial nakedness. "I'm sorry, miss," she stammered. "I didn't know anyone was in. I knocked and no one answered." "Oh, don't worry," you said. "I don't mind at all. You just go ahead and take your time." Then you walked over to the mirror over the dresser in the room and began toweling yourself, slowly rubbing your body. The maid was trying to focus on the bed, but I could see her looking at you. She could see you from behind, totally naked, and through the mirror she could watch as you moved the towel to soak up the water, exposing your breasts and your hard, stiff nipples. I watched immersed in the eroticism of the moment as you caressed yourself with the towel, moving it down across your stomach and fully exposing your spectacular breasts for her to see. You paused a long time at your pussy, rubbing it slowly and closing your eyes, your ass tightening from the sensation. The maid, who did not see me, unconsciously let her hand drift down toward her pussy, clearly aroused by your show. My hand was already stroking my cock as you dropped the towel and leaned over to open a drawer, pointing your beautiful ass at her and giving her a perfect view of your luscious, wet pussy from behind. By this time the maid's glances were becoming stares, and I could see the passion in her face as she licked her lips in excitement over the erotic view you were providing her. I watched in amazement as you took a pair of stockings and a garter belt from the drawer and walked naked to a chair near the bed. You sat facing her, looking directly at her as you spread your legs and began putting on the stockings. The maid's back was to you, but she continued to glance back, mesmerized by the sight of your beautiful pussy. From my vantage point in the door I could see you were wet with passion, and I'm sure the maid could see it too, adding to her excitement. The maid walked over to the other side of the bed, pretending to work on the covers but actually so she could look at you directly. She could see your naked body from the front as you began to slowly and erotically put your stocking on, sensually drawing each up your leg, and rubbing your hands along the full length to smooth them out. With each leg your hands would move slowly up to your thigh and then linger at your pussy, your fingers gently brushing your slit and lips as you caressed yourself. Your sweet, hot pussy was fully exposed for both the maid and I to see, and it was obvious to both of us that your body was flushed with passion, your pussy wet, your large breasts swollen, your nipples hard with sensuality and desire. By this time the maid had dropped all pretense of work and stood by the bed watching you and occasionally brushing her hand across her breasts. I was still peeking through the bathroom door, stroking my hard cock and enjoying the show. We both watches as you picked up the pink garter belt, slipped your feet through it and stood, drawing it up to your waist. The maid gasped out loud as you placed one foot up on the bed and began fastening the garter to the stocking. Your sweet gash was fully exposed and open, wet with desire. From the bathroom door I could clearly see your clit hard and exposed, and my lips and tongue were dying to suck and lick it. Just then the maid began unbuttoning the blouse of her uniform, and started walking toward you. With a voice halting and choked with passion, she said, "Would the lady like some help?" "Oh. Yes," you replied, smiling at her and glancing toward me in the bathroom. "That would be just wonderful." In a moment the maid was directly in front of you, with her back to me. I decided I was not going to miss a second of the action and walked out the bathroom and sat in a chair located on the opposite side of the bed. It gave me a perfect view of the action without being too intrusive. You smiled with anticipation and erotically licked your lips as you saw me emerge from the bathroom, my hard cock stiff and glistening. I sat back in the chair and began stroking it again as we both watch the maid strip. She was obviously enjoying the moment, focused entirely on you as she slowly removed her blouse to reveal a low-cut red bra. The blouse dropped to the floor and she stood before you, supping her breasts with her hands and then slowly moving them down to the waistband of her skirt. She slowly eased the skirt down, leaning forward and swaying her ass as she did so. Beneath the skirt was a matching pair of red thong panties. She then returned to her bra, cupping and squeezing her breasts once more before finding the hook in the front and releasing it. She held the cups in her hand for a moment, teasing you and looking right into your eyes. Then she slowly drew the cups away to reveal a luscious paid of tits, not as large as yours but ample and well-formed, with large, hard, protruding nipples. The sight of her breasts brought an audible response from you, and your moan was like an electric shock for the maid and I. She cupped her breasts for you and then gently pinched her nipples, making them grow even larger. Sitting in the chair across the bed, I began stroking my cock faster, and my left hand moved down to cup my balls, which were swollen and aching from the huge load of cum waiting to be released. Your response was not just audible, however. As you stared with hungry desire at her breasts your hands moved slowly up as you too squeezed your breasts and pinched your nipples. Then they moved lower, across your stomach and down to your shaved pussy, already spread wide with your leg up on the bed. With one hand you spread your pussy lips even wider, while with the other your fingers slowly traced your slit. Without a work the maid stepped forward and then slowly sand to her knees. Her face was just inches from your pussy. She began running her hands along your legs, drawing a deep, hot moan from your throat. Her face moved forward and she began planting slow, gentle kisses on your hands, which were still caressing your pussy. Then she slowly began kissing and licking your thighs and stomach, savoring the smell and touch of you. Her hands moved to your hands and she gently moved your hands to your thighs. She reached forward through your legs and cupped your ass with her hands and slowly drew you to her, until finally her lips were on your pussy, her hot, hard tongue burying itself in your slit. The impact of her eating your cunt was immediate and electric. Your head flew back as your hips were thrust forward, and your hands flew up to your breasts, squeezing them tightly. Your face was flushed with passion, your eyes closed. You gasped, your breathing hard and broken. You began moaning, "Oh baby, Oh baby " over and over as the intense pleasure of this long-awaited and unfulfilled desire was made real. The sight was no less electric for me. The fulfillment of my voyeuristic fantasy, combined with the pleasure I was feeling from the knowledge that your fantasy and desire was being fulfilled, was incredible. It was like someone has flicked a switch inside me because suddenly, without warning, my orgasm was on me. My cum erupted from my cock and shot up in a way I had not seen since I was a teenager. Load after load pumped from my cock and my orgasm was so intense I though I was going to pass out. I must have moaned or cried out because just as I began to cum you opened your eyes and saw me. The sight of my cock spurting its cum triggered your orgasm. Your hands moved to the maid's head, pulling her tight against your pussy. You stared right at me, watching me come as your orgasm began to sweep over you. "OH! OH! OH! I'M CUMMING, BABY. I'M CUMMING. I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMMMMINNNG!" We were frozen in time as the pleasure of our mutual orgasm swept over us. Although we were on opposite sides of the room, I felt as if I were inside you, joined to you. The intense feelings of my own orgasm made me feel as if I were looking through a mist, but I could still clearly see you shudder and hear you gasp as wave after wave of pleasure swept over you. The maid was moaning too. The intensity of the pleasure her mouth was giving to you was arousing her to a fever pitch. Her hands had left your ass and were roaming all over her body as she caressed herself in search of release. I stood up from the chair and, with cum still dripping from the head of my now-slackening cock, began walking toward you and the maid. At the same time, you gently pushed the maid away from you , looked down into her eyes and said, "Now it's your turn." As the maid rose to her feet you took her by the hand and the three of us laid down on the bed. At first I just watched as you began planting light, soft kissed on her neck and face. The maid lay with her eyes closed, but when your lips found hers she opened her eyes and I could see the lust in her as she stared deeply into your eyes and the kiss became more urgent and probing. As the kiss continued I brought my lips to her breasts and began gently kissing and sucking. Her nipples were large and long and rock hard in my mouth. As I kissed and sucked on one breast and caressed the other with my hand, I looked up and saw your tongues intertwined, kissing deeply and passionately. As I watch your lips parted, and you began moving down toward the foot of the bed. The maid and I both watched with anticipation was you slowly and erotically began sliding her panties over her hips and off. Her pussy was wet and waiting, a thin strip of close-cropped dark hard covering her slit. As you dropped the panties to the floor, the maid spread her legs in invitation. I knew this was the fulfillment of a fantasy for you, and I could see the excitement in your eyes and you lowered yourself on the bed between her legs. My cock, soft from the effects of the recent orgasm, began to stir with excitement, for this was my fantasy too, and the thought that I was about to see you eat her pussy was electrifying. I laid back and watched, not wanting to miss a moment of this lifetime dream turned reality. The maid watched you with mounting anticipation, raising her hips slightly to meet your mouth. As she did so, her left hand cupped her breast while her right hand moved slowly across my stomach and down to my cock. She began to gently rub my cock and balls. You began to kiss the inside of her thigh, but this was a pleasure that for you had been too long denied, and it was only a moment before the lips of your mouth were planting soft kissed on the hot, wet lips of her pussy. The maid moaned and arched her back, shoving her cunt against your face. She gasped as you began to probe her pussy with your tongue, and I watched the maid's breasts swell even larger with pleasure as your tongue probed deep inside her. Her right hand abandoned my cock and she began cupping and squeezing both her breasts, pinching the nipples. Her breathing was hard and deep, her eyes closed. I watched as her hands left her breasts and moved down, across her stomach to her pussy. With her finders she spread the lips of her pussy for you, opening herself even wider to the pleasures being given by your mouth and tongue. As you found her clit she gasped. "Yes, that's it," she said. I could see your tongue licking her protruding clit, and I noticed that your hand was between your legs, rubbing your own clit while your mouth and tongue sucked and flicked at hers. Unable to just watch any longer, I turned around with my head toward the foot of the bed, reached over and pulled your hips toward me and buried my face in your pussy. Your clit was hard and swollen and my lips locked on it, sucking, while I buried two fingers deep inside your hole. As I did so, you began to moan, and as if inspired by my actions you began fucking the maid's pussy with your fingers, pumping them slowly and deeply inside her. I was so focused on eating your pussy that the sensation of lips and tongue on my cock came as a shock. I paused and looked down to see that the maid had shifted as well, her face between my legs and her lips slowly sucking my cock into her mouth. As we continued this three-way oral action our passions began to build on each other. The excitement of one became the excitement of all, and the moans from one heightened the passion of each of us. Despite the fact that I had come twice in the last hour, my cock began to swell again, and the harder it became the more the maid sucked and moaned. As I sucked and fucked your pussy with my tongue, lips and fingers I could see you lost in the intense pleasure of your bisexual experience. Each spasm of pleasure which I gave to your pussy seemed to run through your body and from you mouth into the maid's hot pussy. And as the erotic feelings you were giving her surged through her, she sucked and licked my cock and balls with greater intensity. My eyes were closed when I began to feel your pussy move away from me. I opened them and looked at you, and you smiled and said, "Fuck me, baby. I want your cock inside me while I eat her pussy." I got off the bed, my cock again hard and ready, thanks to the hot work of the maid. I watched as you positioned yourself on the bed, on your knees between the maid's legs, your face near her pussy and your ass raised, anxiously waiting for my cock. Knowing what you like, I stepped forward, grabbed my shaft and began sliding it up and down along your slit. As I did so, your mouth moved back to the maid's pussy and you began devouring her cunt. After a moment the head of my cock found your deep hole, thrust my cock in deep and began pumping you hard and fast, just as you like it when being fucked doggie style. Each thrust by my cock into your pussy drove your face hard against the maid's pussy, and I could see you using your tongue like a cock on her, allowing the momentum from our fucking to drive your tongue inside her. As you tongue-fucked her your fingers massaged her clit. The maid was squeezing and pinching her nipples and breathing hard, gasping "Yes, yes, yes," over and over. Suddenly she thrust her hips hard against your face, arched her back and started to cum. "Oh, Oh, OH, OH, OOOOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHHHHHH, YES! YES!" Her orgasm was like and explosion in her body, and when the shock wave hit you, it triggered something in you. "OH FUCK!" you shouted as my cock pounded into you. "OH FUCK, YES! YES!" Your hard was still rubbing the maid's cunt as you exploded in the throes of your own orgasm. You were shoving your ass back to meet me, my balls slapping against your pussy. The maid, still cumming, was looking at us and moaning, "Fuck her, Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck her," over and over. I had though it would take me a long time to cum, but this first-in-a-lifetime double female orgasm was too much for me to take. Whatever juice I had left began spurting deep in your pussy as I began cumming. I began to shudder and felt light-headed. The room began to spin and I instinctively grabbed your hips tighter, afraid I was going to fall. The intensity of the orgasm seemed to focus not in my cock but my head and chest and legs. We collapsed like pancakes, you on your stomach with your head on the maid's pussy, I on your back, my cock resting against your ass. For what seemed like an hour nobody moved. There was no sound save for the heavy breathing and gasps as the aftershocks ran through us. Finally, I found the strength to lift myself off your back. You raised up on your knees and crawled on one side of the maid. I collapsed on the other side and then, without a word, we moved toward her and held her, and each other, in silent embrace. You rested your head on her breasts while I, for the first time, kissed her on the lips, gently, slowly. Then she rested her head on my shoulder and said, "My name is Maria." "Maria," I said, "you are wonderful. Thank you for making a dream of ours come true." "It was my dream too," she said, "but I have to go now and finish my work or I will get in trouble." "You won't get in trouble," you told her. "Rusty and I will be certain to tell the hotel manager how wonderful an employee you are, OK?" "Thank you," she replied. "No, we should thank you for making my fantasy a wonderful reality," you said. "If you have no plans for this evening, perhaps you would like to join us. We would love to have you for dinner." We all smiled, then broke out laughing, knowing that this incredible experience was only the beginning.