Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Asking for my fantasy.

asking for my fantasy I had often fantasized about having two men at once. There is just something so sexy about the thought having two hard cocks in me at the same time. I have lain in bed at night playing with myself just imagining that two men were fucking me. Just thinking about it brought me to a crushing release that left me weak and spent. I have to admit I think I would have done about anything at this point to experience it just once. I had been with my boyfriend Tony for about six months. He has the biggest dick I have ever seen. It is 10" if it is anything. Just having sex with him blows my mind, but ever time I was with him I couldn't seem to help but wonder what it would be like to do it with him and someone else. He is so gentle when we are together. I knew that if I was going to do this it would be with him. Every time I thought about telling him about my fantasy and asking him to help me make it come true I chickened out not knowing what he would say. If he did not want to do it I didn't want to risk loosing him, but the longer I was with him the more I thought about it. I was just going to have to get my courage up and ask. One night while in Tony's bedroom I brought it up to him. I had to know if he would help me or not. I was on my knees in front of him running the tip of my tongue along the length of his shaft when I asked "Would you do something for me if I asked you sweetly?" I sucked the head of his dick all the way back in my mouth and started to work it with the muscles at the back of my throat and than slowly pulling it out of my warm mouth, running my tongue around it. He ran his fingers into my hair and just moaned. "Would you help fulfill one of my fantasies?" I asked while teasing him by slowing slipping him in and out of my mouth. "What do you want me to do?" he panted, as I started to suck him harder. I could feel his balls getting tight and his cock got even thicker in my mouth. I started stroking him as I sucked him harder. Right then I heard him groan deep in his throat I knew he was cumming. I went all the way down on his shaft, pushing the head of his dick into the back of my throat. He started to pump into my mouth and I felt his sperm filling my mouth, I tried to swallow all of it but some slid from the corner of my mouth and dripped onto my breast. Lifting my head I looked him in the eyes while I slowly licked my lips. He smiled and ran his fingers through the cum on my breast, using it to tweak my nipples. "You asked me to help you do something. What exactly is it you need me to do?" He was rubbing his knuckles over them now. I could feel the friction all through my body and my pussy flooded with moisture. It was now my turn to moan in reply. He just laughed at this and ran his hand down my flat stomach to play with the smooth lips of my pussy. "Tell me your fantasy!" he ordered, as he slipped a finger into my wet hole. I started to pump my hips onto his hand trying to get him to fuck me faster. Looking straight into his eyes I ground my clit into his hand and whimpered. I was getting so close. Right when I was on the edge to getting off he stopped and stood, moved behind me and pushed me face first onto the bed. He moved behind me and I felt his dick move over my clit. Without warning he plunged in, all the way to the hilt. I screamed as I began to cum. I started to move my hips in time to his thrusts. I was riding him as hard as he was riding me now. "Yes. Fuck me. Harder." I begged as my body worked itself into a fervor and I began to shake once again. Tony grabbed my hair and pulled my head back causing me to arch my back and take even more of him. When my pussy tightened around him he ground his hips into my ass and came. Lying with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me, we both fought to get our breath back. Finally when we were both able to breathe again, he rolled me over so I was under him. "I think I heard something about a fantasy. So my little kitten, what is it you want to try?" Now face to face I started to chicken out again. He must have seen the uncertainly in my eyes because he started kissing me gently. After a long deep kiss he pulled back and just looked at me. I knew right then if I wanted to chicken out he would not press me any farther than this. I bit my lower lip trying to decide how to ask. Finally I just spit it out really fast. "I want to have a three way." Seeing the look on his face I went one. "I want to be with you and another guy. I have been thinking about it and I want to do this with someone I love." At this point I was holding my breath; I could not tell what he was thinking. Just when I was about to tell him to forget it he surprised me by saying, "Okay, I will set it up. Do you have someone in mind?" I thought about it for a second and told him who I did not want it to be. He just laughed and kissed me. A couple of weeks went by and neither of us brought it up again. I just figured he had changed his mind and did not want to go through with it. I could understand this but was still disappointed. He picked me up after work one night and told me he had to go pick some things up from his friend Mark and asked if I wanted to go along. I agreed and settled back and enjoyed the ride. Arriving at Mark's about thirty minutes later, I lifted my head from the back of the truck seat and looked around. The house sat back off the road and by its self with nothing but open fields around it. As we got out and walked up to the door it opened and Mark motioned us inside. "Hey guys, I hope you are hungry. I just ordered a pizza." He sat back on the couch and just looked at me. Mark and Tony started talking about the concert that we had all gone to last week. This entire time both of the guys were glancing my way from time to time. I was starting to get a funny feeling, almost like there was something going on I did not know about. I soon forgot about that as the food arrived and we all dug in. All of us were sitting on the floor listening to music, eating and drinking, just joking around and having fun now. Since this was only the second time I had ever drunk beer I was starting to get pretty tipsy as I finished my second one. I leaned back against the couch and closed my eyes and just relaxed. I felt someone move up beside me and start kissing me. Since I assumed it was Tony I kept my eyes closed and returned the kiss, sucking his tongue into my mouth, really getting into it. Then I felt someone else kissing my neck, pulling my shirt out of my pants and pushing it up over my breast. It was then that I knew Tony had done what he promised he would. I was going to live my fantasy tonight. Slowly breaking the kiss I open my eyes and look straight at Tony. He had his hand resting right below my breast but he was looking at Mark who was now kissing and biting my neck. I could tell by the look in his blue eyes that he really liked what he was seeing. I felt myself getting wet just because of that look. He bent his head and started kissing my stomach pushed my shirt back up over my breast. Mark helped him lift the shirt the rest of the way off. "Lets get you out of the rest of these clothes, shall we." Tony smiled at me as he helped me stand up. Mark reached up and started unbuttoning my pants and pulled them and my panties down my legs. Tony started kissing me hungrily while he removed my bra. It felt magnificent to be undressed this way. I felt Mark slid his hands up the inside of my thighs so I adjusted my stance to allow him better access to my now very wet pussy. He ran his finger over my lips before using two of them to open them so he could kiss my sensitive clit. My knees started to buckle from the pleasure this caused to rush through me making my already wet channel to flood with even more moisture. Taking me by the shoulders, Tony helped lay me back on the couch making sure Marks mouth never broke contact. He started sucking my tits, biting my nipple with his teeth and squeezing my other one. After a few minuets he switched to the other one. He licked at it and then blew on my nipple to dry it. He did this a few times until I grabbed the back of his head and brought it down on my begging breast. Mark was sliding a finger deep into my aching and empty channel while sucking my clit into his mouth. He moved down and started to fuck me with his tongue rubbing my clit with the finger he had just pulled from me. I started to buck my hips into his face, trying to get him to fuck me harder. I felt Tony laugh around the nipple he still had in his mouth. He lifted his head and whispered into my ear "Come on honey, I know you can fuck a tongue better than that." Just hearing him talk that way made me even hotter. Then he started kissing me, driving his tongue into my mouth, and doing battle with mine. I started to whimper and reached down and grabbed the back of Marks head and pulled him in roughly to my pussy as I started to cum. After the waves stopped crashing through me I felt his tongue slowly lapping up my cream from my orgasm. I was still trying to catch my breath when Mark pushed my legs wider apart and pushed his thick cock deep into me. I rolled my eyes back into my head and wrapped my legs around his hips. I felt Tony's dick rubbing against my lips seeking entry. I ran my tongue over my lips and tasted his pre-cum on my lips. I got so hungry I tried to pull him the rest of the way into my mouth. "What a little slut you are. You want my cock in your mouth?" He teased me. "Oh, please. Please give it here." I begged. He smiled but let me slip his hard shaft into my hot little mouth. I was on fire because of how good this felt being fucked really hard by Mark and to have Tony's hard dick filling my mouth. I was sucking him like I had never done before. I was running my tongue up and down his shaft while playing with his balls with my hand. Tony put a hand on the back of my head and started to time his thrust into my mouth with the ones into my pussy. Every time Mark pulled back, Tony pushed his cock back into my mouth only to withdraw again at Mark's next thrust into me. This started to drive me crazy. I started to buck my hips against Mark's as I sucked hungrily on the dick in my mouth. I was ready to come apart at the seams. "That's it fuck him! Ride that dick." I could tell by the way he was talking to me that he was as turned on as I was. He was starting really to fuck my mouth then. His pushed his dick in deep, almost down my throat. "Come on kitten, suck me hard and fuck him!" he ordered. I loved the feeling of being totally dominated by these two. I could also tell Mark like it to. He lifted my hip up even further in the air trying to get a better position to drive shaft in deeper. He was slamming into my hips so hard now I was literally bouncing off him. I could tell by his grunts and groans that he was getting close to coming. I started grinding my clit against him, urging him on. I was moaning and screaming as my orgasm raced toward me. Hearing this, Tony grabbed me by the back of the head "Deep throat it baby, I want to cum in your mouth!" he ordered. I sucked him in the rest of the way, until my lips were touching the base of his shaft and I began working the swollen head with the muscles of my throat. He reached down and twisted my nipple between his fingers. That is all it took to push me over the edge. My pussy began to spasm as the first wave of my intense pleasure ripped through me. The walls of my pussy grabbed and tightened around Mark taking the last of his will power from him. With a grunt he pulled his dick out of me and squirted his cum all over my stomach and breast. Seeing Mark cum all over me, Tony threw his head back and moaned as he filled my mouth to overflowing. Sucking it all down, trying to let none get away I sucked him harder. When I was sure he was completely spent I slowly began licking his cock to make sure I had not missed any. Knowing how much he enjoyed it when I did this I looked up and smiled at him, licking my lips letting him know I loved the taste of him on my tongue and lips. He pulled me up to his mouth and thrust his tongue deep in my mouth kissing me deep and hard. When he lifted his head he pulled my head to lay on his chest while he ran his hands up and down my back. "That was the first course. Think you are ready for the ones to come?" He whispered softly in my ear. I lifted my head and looked at him for a second before I smiled at him. "What else do you have planned for me?" I asked. He didn't answer me, just smiled and helped me stand up. He led the way to the bed in the corner and sat down on the edge. He pulled me in between his spread legs and started rubbing my sides. He was looking deep into my eyes and said "If at any time you want us to stop, just say so and we will, OK?" I leaned down and kissed him then pulled back "I will." It seemed to be what he wanted to hear because he pulled me down on the bed with him and started kissing me again. He rolled so I was lying on my side with my arms around his neck. I felt the bed give and knew that Mark had joined us. He moved up behind me until we were in a spoon position. He started kissing on my neck while he ran his hands down my back. I could tell by the way they were touching me, that they were trying to keep me calm. It was have the opposite effect though. My whole body was hypersensitive to their every touch. I started to move into their caresses. I didn't know I was purring until Mark laughed, "She does sound like a kitten doesn't she?" "Yeah she does. I love the way she let's you know she is enjoying something." Tony smiled at me and started kissing me again. I returned the kiss with everything I had. I started to move my chest against his and grind my ass against Mark. I could feel both of them becoming hard again. The muscles in my pussy started to pulse just thinking about having them fuck me again. I ran my hands down Tony's stomach and began playing with hard dick. I was stroking him from head to base rubbing the pre-cum from the tip all along the shaft. Tony grabbed me by the hips and rolled on to his back bring me with him. He lifted me over him and positioned his shaft at my entrance, then slowly lowered me onto it until it was all the way to the hilt inside me. I moaned as I started moving on his thick cock. I was rocking against him when I felt Mark lick my ass. He pulled my ass cheeks apart and stuck his tongue in my hole and pushed it in as far as he could. He pulled it out and then pushed it back in again. He did this for a few minutes before I felt his finger pushing against me. It was cold and kind of slimy and I knew he had grabbed some kind of lotion. As his finger slid into my tight ass I whimpered, part from pain and part from excitement. He slowly pushed his finger in past the second knuckle and pulled it back and pushed it back in. I was now moaning and panting for breath but I did not want him to stop. He added a second finger inside me and proceeded to fuck my ass while Tony fucked my pussy. "Oh…that feels so good. Don't stop." I begged as I pushed my hips back onto his fingers. "Fuck me harder. Please… Please fuck me." I whimpered. I was bucking my hips against his fingers trying to push them deeper into my ass. I wanted to feel all of him. Mark removed his fingers and I felt the head of his cock push its way inside my ass. It entered with a "pop" sound and I cried out and went still until my body adjusted to the invasion. I felt so full, almost like I was being ripped apart. Feeling both of them in me made my body begin to quiver all over. Both of the guys started moving then and I could not think any more. All I could do was feel. I started moaning and I could feel my wet pussy become drenched. "Yeah, that's it baby. You like being fucked by the two of us don't you." Tony panted as he pushed his dick into me as far as he could from beneath. "Damn, you were always tight but now it is incredible." He grabbed my hips and brought me down hard on his cock. That is all it took to push me over the edge. "OH… God … I'm coming! Oh … fuck me" I screamed as the pleasure pulsed through my body. My pussy started convulsing, the walls of my cunt grabbed Tony's cock and started squeezing it. I felt him stiffen and groan as he started coming. Mark who was also held captive by my release started pumping in and out of my ass until he also went stiff and shouted as he came in my tight ass. We fell in a heap on sweating body. Tony pulled my head up and kissed me softly "You OK?" He asked. He was running his eyes over my face looking for signs that I was upset or anything. "Yeah, I am fine." I laughed softly as I felt Mark run his hand down my back and squeeze my hip. "I am better than all right. Oh thank you, thank you both. This was better than even I imagined it would be!" They both laughed and settled down to sleep. Wrapped in both their arms I started to slide into sleep's oblivion when I smiled to myself. "Tony made my fantasy come true. Now it is my turn to make one of his come true." I thought to myself. With my decision made I too drifted off.