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Mrs.C s Second Gangbang.

Mrs.C's Second Gangbang Hello ; This is Robin ( Mrs.C**** ) ; I am a 48 year old and married ; 5'10" tall ; long dark hair and a nice ass. I have high cheek bones and a natural hairy pussy. My tits are small to med. , but nice with dark nipples. It has been 2 weeks now since my crazy night out with my son's friends . Things are different for me at home ; the boys were right ; I need much more excitement now. I work the 4PM to 3 AM shift. That night at Billy's place 2 weeks ago was the hottest night of my life. I was gang banged by 12 of my oldest son's friends. As of now no one has found out about that night ; but boys will talk so I expect to be found out sooner or later. They did take pictures but as of now I have not seen any. I hope they keep them private. I found out later that 5 of the guys were seniors in High School and 5 were 20 year olds , and Billy and Jason ( my favorites) were 24. Last Saturday night I got done my shift at 3 AM as usual ; Billy and Jason came in and asked if I wanted to go out to a club that was opened all night. I needed that so I said yes. I called home and told my husband I was going to do a double shift and would see him about 12 noon tomorrow. I some times cover for the other girls so this was not unusual. They met me outside a Diner and we went in their car ; leaving my car there . When they told me where we were going I felt a tingling in my pussy. There is an adult club opened 24 hrs. not far from work and couples often go in . I always wondered what went on in there , and it seemed as if I was going to find out. I didn't want to go in with my uniform on, black pants and a white shirt; but the boys had me covered . They had earlier went "shopping" for something for me to wear. They knew I would go out with them and had planned this very very well once again. When I saw what the boys wanted me to where; I didn't think I had the nerve to go out in public that way. I will start from the shoes ; red pumps 4 in heels ; red thigh highs ; red see through g- string and a black tight top that was cut very low. I just stared at the outfit and then laughed out load. Ok with me; if my guys want this; I will do it. I was worried about my pussy hair showing as I do not shave . My husband would think something was up if I suddenly started shaving my pussy ; so I trim it but the G-string was see through and you could see thru!!! I soon forgot about that when I began dressing in the car. Jason helped me out of my clothes and Billy played with my tits and pussy every chance he got. It seemed as if we took 1 hour to get me dressed. I was finally ready to go in but I needed to cover up first. They gave me a long raincoat to wear over the outfit. I looked like some hooker they picked up on the street. Now this adult club is a local place so I began to get nervous about who I may see inside. We went in and it was dark but very nice and the stage was lit up brightly. A nude girl was dancing for the guys and there were also booths around a circular stage that rotated where another girl was putting on a show. So we sat at a table and ordered drinks. We also did a few shots of vodka before I went to the ladies room to check my appearance and freshen up my makeup. I was still real nervous about my outfit but was getting into it too! I did look hot for a 48 year old mom with 3 grown son's. When I came back to the table I was surprised to see 5 of the guys from the gang bang night sitting with Billy and Jason. I figured that Jason must have called them and told them we were there. I started to think the boys were planning another of their wild nights. I couldn't stop staring at the dancers and was amazed at how much attention they were getting ; not to mention the money in tips. The waitresses were dressed very slutty ; kind of like myself. I kept my raincoat on ; but the guys were rubbing my legs and thighs , making me very horny. Billy came over and started to take off my overcoat ; which I let him do , and then I stood up to show off my sexy outfit for the boys. Well the boys were not the only ones to notice me; the older guys in the crowd were very very interested also. Drinks began to arrive for me from around the room and I started to enjoy the attention, even though all the other girls dancing were much much younger than me. My 7 guys turned into 10 ; then 12; then before we knew it the tables around ours were filled up with most of the guys in the club. This was too cool ; and once again I felt that wild tingle inside my pussy. The music was non stop and the club is very cool as it lets people party with out bothering them. The older guys were buying drinks and trying to get me to leave with them , the younger guys wanted me to do a stage show ; and the club manager offered me a job doing what ever I choose to do. I could not decide on anything as I was very horny and getting drunk by the minute. The club manager wanted an older mature woman to do some shows and offered me quite a bit per week. I told him I would think on it and get back to him later. My slutty outfit was perfect after all. My black pussy hair showed through the red G-string and the 4 in heels showed my nice legs and horny ass off perfectly. The manager asked me to audition for the club so I did. I decided to do a lap dance for one of the older guys. He offered me 50$ for one and I told Billy that I would give them the money to pay for the outfit. He agreed and let me do it ; if they could watch. The older guy said ok and we went to the couches. I was not too sure when a lap dance ends but I was soon to find out. He sat down and I tried to do my best to dance for him ; just as the other girls were doing. After a couple minutes he pulled me down over his lap and I knew he was horny. His cock was rock hard and pressing against my G which was moist and getting looser all the time. It wasn't too much longer before it was pushed to one side and his fingers were in me. Then 3 fingers were in me and I was no longer in control. He took out his cock and I jerked him off until he came all over his shirt ; the audience went wild and Billy took the money from me. Then another guy sat down and we did the same thing ; collecting another 50$. Then there was a big crowd all wanting to have the happy ending I was dishing out. We made quite a bit of money and decided to give the club 150$ ; and the boys kept the rest. I need to take a break so we returned to the table and now the older guys were leaving ; leaving me to a lot of horny young guys to deal with. Billy shouted out " party time " and they all seemed to know what that meant. It was now 5AM and I suggested we leave ; but I was really worried about running into any friends of my husband. As of yet we were ok but you never know who may come in the club. Billy was calling the shots so we decided to stay longer, especially since we made enough money to party longer. Jason went up to the DJ and told him something ; then returned to his seat. When the next song was over the DJ called me up on stage ; by my name no less! He said " Lets have a warm round of applause for Robin!!!!! ; Come on up here Mrs. C**** and show us what you got!!" He said my last name!!!! I was stunned! Me on stage and under my real name ; and if thats not enough they put it up in the moving lights over the stage. The boys brought me up the steps and I just started to dance ; just like I saw the other girls do. It must have been good because the crowd was shouting and clapping ; cheering me on and asking me to get naked. I felt naked in the outfit the boys bought me but off it came anyway. The top came off first revealing my small but nice tits, then the G came off showing my black pubic hair . My red high heels and stockings stayed on and there I was ; Robin ; waiting to be seen by someone I knew. I work 4 miles away and get to meet a lot of people at late hours. Many of these guys may even come in the diner after being here , and I may have waited on them. The boys started calling my name out " Hey Robin get down on the floor!" " Hey Mrs. C**** , show us your pussy! " This was too much babe! I did all they asked me to do ; and I was a hit with the crowd. I leaned over and spread my pussy lips apart . I laid down on the floor and spread my legs wide open rubbing my pussy and fingering my slit. I got on my hands and knees inches from the edge of the stage and let guys rub my pussy and ass ; not knowing who they were. Then I would flip over ; legs spread wide and let them come up to give me money. Then back to spreading my pussy lips open showing all my private area for easy access. When the 3 songs were over I returned to the table to relax and get a shot of vodka. The manager came over and said " Robin , you were great . Think about it , I could use you here anytime . You passed the audition ; and by the way you serve a mean breakfast at the diner " . Then I recognized him and the bouncer too! I looked around the room but no one else seemed familiar to me. I laughed as if all was ok. I was still sitting with Billy , Jason and 8 guys that stayed to see the show. Most of the boys were at my gangbang 2 weeks earlier so we were all friends if even for only a short while . Jason suggested we go to Billy's so I knew what was in store now. I put on my outfit again and overcoat . He got on the phone made a call and we left. When we arrived at Billy's , 6 guys were already there drinking ; and Billy and Jason brought the 8 guys from the club back too. Now there were 16 young horny guys and one 48 year old woman that they all knew ; some even as kids in school. The last time ,12 guys fucked me ; this time there were 16 and it was already 7AM. I told my husband I would get done by 12 noon, well that may have to change. They took off my coat and exposed my outfit ; and Billy asked me to get on my knees. I did and he put his cock in my mouth , already hard and dripping. Next thing I know ; I'm surrounded and everyone wanted a Bj from Mrs.C**** . Well they all got one ; 4 guys at a time; until all sixteen came in my mouth. Next I had a beer and Billy put me on the floor to relax. A guy named Gary started to take off my top and G-string. I still had on my red nylons and red heels. Gary was only 18 and was at Billy's drinking with the other 5 boys when we arrived . Gary used to come over my house to see my son when he was 10 or 12 . I knew these boys from Little League and Football and it seemed strange to have them pulling off my clothes. The 6 boys started to work on my tis, ass , and pussy ; touching and grabbing me all over. What I found out later was Billy and Jason made them each pay to to come over and drink with us. I guess I was the added bonus. Now I was going to fuck them all ; 6 at once and with an audience of 10 more watching. Gary was the first to get hard again and flipped me on my knees to fuck from behind. He was telling me how hot and naughty I was . Then I remembered my elves hat I used to wear at Christmas time , it said Naughty but Nice and wondered if he remembered that also. He kept calling me Mrs.C**** ; then Mrs slut and Mom ; and when he finally came in me it became Robin the Slut . Now there were two guys in front of me and 1 behind in my pussy . They were banging me hard and I remember Billy , Jason and the rest filming me with video and stills. This was too hot and I let go with all I had. When these boys were done ; there were 10 more waiting , and I don't remember who was first, second or last. My pussy had a lot of cum in it and not one of these guys used a condom . I was spent and dripping with cum. I needed to stop as it was 9 AM and this woman was tired. Gary wanted more but I was tired and needed to catch my breath. Most of the other guys were passing out and I wanted to change clothes. Billy had brought my waitress clothes into the adult club for me to change into and we left them there. The guys were all passing out and no one was there to give me a ride to the club ; and I had to go get my uniform. I had a real problem . When I sat down a lot of cum soaked my G-string so it was useless and my red thigh highs were ripped at the knees. I still had my red pumps but my top was cum stained so I only had the overcoat. The boys had used the money I made so I was broke also. I called for a cab and got in the back seat , and when he said where to I felt embarrassed to say where . He looked at me and smiled but took me there . I told him to wait and I would be back with his money. I went in and was so happy to see the manager still there and I asked him for cab fare ; he gladly gave it to me, but told me to get back inside a soon as I paid him. I went back in to thank Sammy and he said no problem but this was going to cost me a little something ; so I thought he wanted a dance. He did and I went back on stage to a late morning crowd of older guys more my age. I was tired so I did more laying on the stage than dancing but still made 150$ which more than paid for the cab fare I borrowed. My pussy was sore but still wet , and I didn't really look at the crowd until I heard " come on Robin" show us that hairy pussy babe" from the edge of the stage. My name was on the sign above the stage again and these guys were drooling at me. Some were jacking off . The bouncer was taking pics of me naked on stage and I got real horny again. When the set was finished I got off ; paid Sammy and it was 10:45 AM. He asked me to come in his office to talk about working there and I told him my situation ; being married and all and said I would get back to him. I asked about the pictures and said they were for their website in case I wanted to start working for him . Then he sat down on the couch next to me and told me I could make lots of money; more than working at the diner doing 12 hour shifts. He put his hand on my thigh ; moved it up to my breast and leaned over to kiss me. I responded like the whore he wanted me to be. Next I know , I was blowing this guy too , and he was not going to cum quickly at all. He stopped me and took out a condom ; let me put it on him and moved me to my hands and knees. He had a large cock ; larger than all the boys earlier , and he wanted to fuck my ass. I was as wet as I can get babe, and he very slowly put the tip in my ass and worked with me ever so slow. I couldn't stand any more so I went wild and he started to pump me strong and long. I was grunting like a slut and loud too ; and he kept at me with a deep drive into my ass. When he started to get near cumming he pulled out and came around to my face, then pulled the condom off and thrust his hard cock in my mouth and came buckets . I swallowed all I could then he sprayed my face with the rest. He walked over to the desk and to my surprise turned off a video camera that recorded the entire event. I felt worried as this was a sex club that sold DVD's and videos ; but little did I know; Sammy not only recorded me ; but was playing it on a live feed it the club for the couch dancers and the store customers. He said it was on a loop so it played over and over , and if I wanted to sell it I could make more money. I needed to go home now! It was 11:45 so I changed into the waitress uniform ; which felt strange after being naked all night and the bouncer , Dave dropped me off at the diner so no one would see my return. I made it home in perfect time but home just doesn't feel like home anymore.