Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

College Weekend Friday Night.

College Weekend Friday Night I was sitting in my room on Friday night when the telephone rang. "Hello Bryan, its Rachel." The voice said. "Hi yah, how's it going?" I asked. "Fine, I've got a favour to ask." Rachel sounded a bit drunk. "Yes." I answered. "It's Elaine's nineteenth birthday, and well how do you fancy being a strip-o-gram for her?" She asked. "Why not, it sounds like a laugh." I answered. "Well get your arse over here then." She said. "See you in ten, bye." I answered. "See you, bye." She answered. I got in the car and drove over to Rachel's, I knocked on the door and Rachel answered, she was stood with a policeman's uniform. "Quick put this on." She said thrusting the uniform into my hand. "She hasn't paid her parking fine. So get her with that." I quickly got dressed, and the two of us entered the kitchen where Elaine was, Angela immediately recognised me but kept quite. In total there were six women and me in the kitchen. "Elaine?" I said. "Yes," she turned round, "Eh that's me." Elaine was about five foot four, she had short dyed red hair in a bob, she had a slim pretty face, and dark brown eyes. "About these tickets." I said sternly. "Yes. I was going to pay them." She said. "Too late." I said. The uniform had Velcro seams; I ripped the uniform off and stood there in just my boxers. "No I'm going to have to punish you, turn round place your hands on the table and bend over." The other girls were laughing and shouting at this spectacle. Elaine did as told, I walked over to her and pulled her skirt up on one side revealing a naked buttock cheek, I gave it a light slap. "More." The others were screaming. So I smacked her a couple of times, Elaine was not complaining. I then pulled up the other side of her skirt expecting to see a thong; Elaine's skirt however had been that tight she had neglected to wear any knickers. 'Nice arse.' I thought and smacked her again. Elaine turned around. "Well officer I think we need to see your truncheon." She said, and very quickly grabbed my boxers and pulled them down. The girls were whooping and shouting. Elaine grabbed my cock. "I've been a very naughty girl." Her skirt was up around her waist, she rubbed my cock over her thigh and across her opening. My cock was now rigid, and aching. The girls were now getting very rowdy. I'd seen it in films where a bunch of men did this with one woman, but this felt strange, especially as Rachel seemed to be the ring leader. Elaine hopped up onto the kitchen table and parted her legs, I thought what the hell, I dropped to my knees in front of her, and I parted her pussy lips with my fingers and attacked her pussy with my mouth. All I could hear was the other girls getting very excited shouting out encouragement. I felt a hand on my cock and felt a condom being placed. Elaine's hips were now rocking back and forth, I stood up and placed my hands under her backside and pulled her forwards. Rachel grabbed my cock and guided it into Elaine, her body shuddered as I pushed into her, there was very little resistance as I started to ram in and out of her, being egged on by the others, Angela came over and stood by Elaine's side, her fingers moved down over Elaine's mound, and as I was ramming in Elaine, Angela was playing with Elaine's clit, Elaine's body tensed then shuddered, She clamped her legs around my back and pulled me deeper, I could feel the pulsation of her pussy walls, as she kept me locked in position, she then seemed to go limp, and I continued ramming her at a faster rate, my knees buckled as I exploded into her, only now did I fully realise I had been the centre of attention, the girls were all cheering. "Happy birthday." I gasped. "Thanks." Elaine replied. I pulled out of Elaine, and headed for the sitting room, I managed to dodge most of the grabs at me, but my backside had been grabbed and smacked, by the time I got out of the kitchen. I walked into the sitting room and sat down, about to get dressed, the door opened and a blonde girl walked in, she had long hair and was wearing a tight black dress, which clung to her petite body. "Hello." She said. "Bet you weren't expecting that?" "No I wasn't, but I'm not complaining." "I'm Michelle." She said. "Nice to meet you." I replied. I bent over to pick up my clothes, but when I sat up Michelle was in front of me, she hitched up her skirt, placed one knee on the sofa and straddled my lap, she sat down, and pressed her lips to mine, I returned the kiss, I could feel the fabric covering her crotch on my cock, and it felt quite damp. Michelle was grinding her crotch onto my quickly hardening cock, as we frantically kissed. Michelle reached down between her legs and I heard the distinctive sound of press studs unfastening, I now felt bare warm, flesh pressing onto my now fully erect cock, Michelle took hold of me and I could now feel my cock being swallowed by her moist cunt, I pushed up and impaled her, we continued kissing as Michelle started to bounce up and down on my cock, as I continued to thrust up and into her, I clamped my hands on her small backside, feeling her muscles tense with each stroke, I was aware that other people were in the room, but I was too busy enjoying the feeling of Michelle's hot cunt enveloping my cock. The sweat was dripping off me as I continued to thrust into her, Michelle had stopped bouncing up and down and was now pushing her hips back and forth, I could feel that I was fast approaching the climax of this encounter, and then for the second time tonight I erupted into a sexy woman. Michelle's face was flushed, as we finally broke our kiss. "Enjoy that?" She panted. "Oh yes." I answered still breathing heavily. I looked over Michelle's shoulder and saw two other girls sitting casually talking. Michelle climbed off my lap and slumped down on the sofa. I placed my hand on her lap and moved it between her legs, my fingers pressed into her sticky cunt and started to work on her clit, and one of the girls however stood up and walked over. "Let me take care of that." She said. She dropped to her knees and started to lick out Michelle's cunt. Michelle's head was back, her eyes were closed and she was moaning with delight. The other girl a cute brunette came over and knelt between my legs, here let me clean that up, she took my cock and started to lick at the shaft, and down to my balls, and then back to the shaft and then she swallowed it whole, as she gently sucked I could feel the blood starting to flow back into the shaft, however at this early time, and considering my balls had emptied twice in very quick succession this could take a long time. I was half watching the two girls sat beside me, watching as the girl between Michelle's legs kissing and licking Michelle's cunt, Michelle's hand was stroking the girl's hair, and then she let out a long squeal, as her legs lifted, and her knees came up to her chest. After the attention the brunette had gave me my cock was quickly coming back to life. She looked up at me and said. "There you go ready for action." The other girl was now lying on the floor naked. Michelle got up and said. "Home time for me," and disappeared into the kitchen. The brunette who had been sucking my cock was now undressing she had a very fit toned body, she stood between the other girls legs and then dropped between them, and started giving the same treatment to this girls cunt as she had to my cock, I just sat and watched, what a site, two beautiful naked women. "What are you waiting for?" The brunette asked. "Just enjoying the view." I answered. "Come on fuck me." She demanded. I knelt behind her. "You'll need this." She said, she reached into a bag and passed me a condom, I quickly placed it and squared up behind her, I positioned the tip of my cock on her pussy lips, which parted as I pushed forwards, and felt my cock slip into her. She was very tight but once the end of my cock was in I slid in fully. As I did she Gasped and stopped pleasuring the other girl, but once I started to solely pump in and out of her she went back to what she was doing, I looked down at her backside and then followed the line up her narrow waist and then up to her back, and rested my eyes on the girl on the floor, she had a soft body, with quite large breasts made to look all the bigger as her hands were above her head, her eyes were closed but she had a satisfied smile on her face. I placed my hands on the brunette's hips and started to thrust faster, this had the effect of pushing her forward, her head pressed deeper into the girl on the floors pussy. The girl I was buried in started to arch her back, this started to pull my cock, and with the increasing speed and the friction from her pussy walls, I released my load, my balls ached with each pump. I slowly withdrew. The brunette looked around. "Thanks it's been a long time since I've had a man." She said smiling. "No thank you." I replied. I stood up and head back to the kitchen. Elaine, Angela and Rachel were sat around the table. "So, we know you did Michelle, but that was half an hour ago, have you been watching Susan and Claire?" Rachel asked. "Yes, but the brunette asked me to fuck her." I replied. "Really" They all said at once. "You're honoured; she said she was sick of men messing her about." We sat talking, and the door opened. "We're going now." The brunette said. "Susan just stay, the spare rooms free, and anyway what about you letting Bryan screw you?" Rachel said with a big grin on her face. "You knew he was Elaine's birthday present." "Well you know, heat of the moment, Claire's even wants a go." Susan said. "Seriously, I though you were dead against that Claire." Rachel said. "I'm just curious to see what it feels like." Claire said. "Do you want to stay the night?" Rachel asked. "You've still got Claire, Angela and me to do." "Well it would be rude to leave now." I answered.