Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".


Pamela OK, so here is my fantasy. I have always wanted to have sex with a black couple, expecially licking the clit of another woman. I work with this black women and had heard stories about her and her husbands wild sex life-orgies, group fucks, ect. For months she would catch me looking at her-she would lick her lips, blow me a kiss, sometimes hike her skirt up and pantomime fingering herself. I would get so embarresed and look away, but she knew I wanted it, she knew she facinated me and that it would only be a matter of time. Finally that time arrived. There was some paperwork that had to be delivered over the weekend, and my boss asked if I could do it. "I, I guess so", I stammered. He gave me Diane's address and off I went. When I got to her door and rang the bell, Diane answered. Holy Christ. She was wearing a thin light-colored silk robe-I could see the shape and color of her nipples thru it, and the dark blur of pubic hair at her crotch. "Come in Pamela" Diane said-"I was just thinking of you, and got so hot I had to undress" "Here's the paperwork you need", I said, thrusting it at her, trying not to look at her breasts thru that robe. "Oh come now, white bitch" she said, her voice suddenly hard. "We both know you have been aching for this for months, and I'm going to give it to you good. Strip, cunt, now and suck me off." My heart was pounding, my palms were sweaty, but trembling I started to undress and do as she had said. I am 30 years old, look alot like Pamela Anderson except for real boobs that aren't as big. I work out all the time and go to the tanning salon, so am golden brown all over. I am most men's sex dream, but actually get very little action because I'm so shy. Soon I was completely naked before her, standing very still. She had taken off her robe and was lying on the carpeted floor with her legs spread eagled before me. "Start sucking, bitch" she said Dutifully I bent down and went to lick my first pussy. Ever. Oh my God! That smell!! "OH, no!" I gasped, "What is that smell?" "My lover fucked me earlier-that's his cum-now shut up and LICK!" I bent to lick her clit-at first the smell was almost over-powering, but quickly it became a heady, musty fragrance that I couldn't get enough of. I sucked and licked her cunt for about twenty minutes, Finally, her voice gutteral she rasped, "Tongue-fuck me, bitch! I want you to get as deep as you can!" So there I was, my ass in the air, buck-naked, thrusting my tongue as far as I could into this women's wet, steamy, musty, cum-filled cunt and loving every second of it. "Deeper, deeper!!" she ordered. "You want her deeper?" This was a different voice-a deep, male black voice. "Yeah baby-fuck her hard-drive her into me!" Diane said. I turned around-there was this HUGE black man-at least six feet tall-naked with a boner I swear was nine inches long and as thick as my wrist. "Who said you could stop, bitch?" Keep fucking me!" yelled Diane I turned and started ramming my tongue into Diane's cunt again. All at once I felt the tip of that huge black cock at the entrance to my pussy. Without any warning whatso ever, he rammed it all the way in. MY GOD!! I thought I was going to be split in two!! So he's ramming me and it is pushing my tongue all the way up her cunt-I can't breathe, my face is pushed so far in her pussy. After a few minutes of very hard fucking, Diane suddenly screams "I'm CUMMING!!!! I could feel her cunt which was all swollen and wet from her juices and old cum tremble as her orgasm overtook her. Her sweet cum juices came in my face, and I happily licked every drop, until she finally collasped, spent and drained. This allowed me to concentrate on the monster with the giant cock ramming from behind. Finally I knew my orgasm was close-one more hard deep thrust that hit the wall of my vagina and I had the most intense orgasm of my life-giant wave after wave of trembling. As soon as he felt me cum, the thrusts (if possible) intensified, punding, hard, deep cunt-splitting thrusts. At last he grunted "Get ready, white bitch, I'm going cum in your womb and fill you up!" With one last mighty thrust , he dropped the biggest, hottest load of steaming cum I have ever felt. It did fill me up, I could feel it running down my leg in thick white rivulets. As I lay there exhausted, I knew that we would do this again. And again.