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Green Adventure.

Green Adventure I went for a vacation in South East Asia last summer on an invitation by a college friend, Rudy. It was my first visit to this region and especially to a country with plenty of rain forest which was my subject of interest. The people were very friendly and most adults were able to speak some words of English, just enough for most foreigners to communicate with them. I was fortunate that Rudy lived in a remote village at the very fringes of the rain forest. The sight of the lush green vegetation was indeed beautiful but I had not expected the weather to be very hot and humid. I came to know that the heatwave was due to the El Nino phenomenon and some parts of the country experienced forest fires that blanketed the region in a haze. And with no permanent electricity supply in the village, the heat can be very unbearable during the day or night. I was in my Bermuda shorts only for most of the time and even that was uncomfortable. The local villagers seemed to have beaten the heat by wearing only a simple attire called the sarong, a colorful piece of knee-length cotton cloth worn on the hips by men and above the breast by women. This seemed to be their favorite attire while they are in the village, day or night, and seemed to be worn by villagers of all ages. The best part about wearing the sarong, as I soon found out from Rudy, was that you don't have to wear anything else underneath it. And most men and women in the village, so I was told, would go about doing their chores this way. This sure keeps their pricks and pussies cool, dry and comfortable all day and night. After nearly a week of fighting the tropical heat, I finally traded my Bermuda shorts for the sarong. It was a clear-cut case of when in Rome, do as the Romans do. The village had no piped water supply to every home, so drinking water comes from the few public roadside taps and wells available, and taking the twice daily baths means going to the nearby river about a hundred meters away. And bathing is so simple too. You just dip into the river with your sarong and let it dry off naturally on you after you have finished. Bathing in the river has its incentives too since men and women often bathe close to each other. Although nude bathing is forbidden by custom, except for the children, and the women never take off their sarongs in public, they usually loosen them up when they soap their bodies. So I could see some titillating samples of what they had under their sarongs as they go through their bathing rituals. Bathing also proved to be an embarrassment for me since my prick would harden whenever I saw some voluptous young girls in their revealing wet and clinging sarongs. And it does not help when you have the longest prick in the village when compared to those of the local men. The girls would giggle whenever they see an unsightly bulge in front of my sarong. Since Rudy came from a large family, his father allowed me to stay in one of the utility rooms located at the back of their house, which was specially converted into a bedroom for my privacy. Staying in the next room was Suzy, a 20 year old girl who worked as a house maid for Rudy's family and who comes from a neighboring village. She would stay with Rudy's family a few days a week when it was her turn to work as a live-in maid. Rudy advised me not to offend any of the local girls since some of their relatives have a habit of becoming violent at the slightest provocation, so I decided to play it cool when I was there. Suzy got to know about my interest in the rain forest and invited me to join her and her friends to gather herbs from the forest. The villagers seemed to make their own herbal medicine, which they call jamu, which is supposed to have many benefits. We started out one weekend morning during her day off and casually walked through several small villages, rice fields and rubber plantations until we reached the very edge of the rain forest. Along the way, we were joined by Suzy's village friend, Kit, a pretty 26 year old girl with what seemed to be big boobs under her sarong. Kit was married but her husband worked in a neighboring country and would only return home once a year during the new year festival. She makes the jamu and sells them in the local market to supplement her income. We stopped at a clearing just inside the forest and spread our mat and sat for an early lunch before we look for the herbs. It was during this lunch that the girls revealed how sexy and aggressive they were. We sat cross-legged in a circle around the food. As Kit leaned forward to reach out for the food and sat again, her sarong would slip back a bit, revealing more of her olive brown thighs. The same goes for Suzy too but she coyly pulled it down back to her knees. As we continued eating and reaching out for more food, Kit's sarong slipped further back until I could see tufts of her black pubic hair emerging from under them. I had thought that she had worn a panty underneath her sarong, but I was wrong. My prick hardened into a vertical meat pole which made my sarong looked like a mini tent. On seeing this, the girls giggled and looked at each other. A little while later, Kit's sarong had slid all the way up her widespread thighs that I could clearly see her clit amidst her black bushy pussy. By this time, Suzy had overcome her shyness and had allowed her sarong to slip back and show a bit of her lush pubic hairs as well. Shaving their pubes is not the norm here and these girls have long and lovely black pubic hairs. By this time, their sarongs had also loosened at the top and none of them attempted to hold them back as the sarongs slipped off their breasts. Suzy had a pair of lovely rounded apple- sized boobs while Kit had a pair of heavy hangers, which is quite amazing considering her petite body. When we had finished lunch, the girls put on their sarongs again and we split into two groups and searched for the herbs in the undergrowth. Kit asked me to help her out in the search, telling me to stay close behind her in case I lose my way in the dense undergrowth. After bending down several times to pull out the herbs, Kit's sarong loosened and she would undo it before tying it up again. This time around, Kit adjusted her sarong upwards, giving me a clear view of her lovely rounded butt. As we continued to search for the herbs, her every bend forward would fully reveal her bushy pubes to me and Kit would occassionally glance back to see the expression on my face and the bulge in front of my sarong. Still I pretended to be cool and let her make the first move, if any. After about two hours or so in the cool but humid undergrowth, we got all the herbs that we needed and we returned to the clearing and waited for Suzy's to return. The afternoon sun was shining through and it was so hot and humid that soon I felt sleepy. That was when I must have dozed off but was awakened to a most exciting sensation. I felt my prick had hardened but something wet was rubbing and squeezing it. It was Kit and she had my prick deep inside her mouth. She would repeatedly thrust my prick into her mouth, licked all around it and down to my balls and then up to the tip where she would suck my prick again, shoving it deep into her throat several times. Suzy had returned and she watched coyly as Kit feasted on my throbbing prick. When Kit realised that I had awakened, she smiled and apologised for disturbing my slumber and before I could reply, she slid my prick into her mouth again and moved her butt over my face. With her legs spread apart and sarong pulled up to her waist, I had a real close-up look of her wet clit among the bushy pubes which was glistening with sweat. Instinctly, I kissed and licked her clit, sucking at the long pubic hairs and driving my tongue deep into her pussy. She moaned and sucked my prick even harder, as far as it could go. Finally, she let go of my throbbing prick and turned around and hovered over me, letting her hangers flop over my face. As I licked and suck her hard tits, I could feel her pussy rubbing against my hard prick. As soon as her wet clits found the tip of my prick, I felt my prick being rammed into her pussy. Rythmically, she piled my prick deeper and deeper into her pussy, moaning with each penetration. Her body shuddered as she climaxed but she immediately resumed to shove my prick into her dripping wet pussy again and again. This must surely be one sexy gal that I ever come across, and she must have been extremely prick hungry for the last several months. The fucking went on for several minutes where she climaxed again. After that, she rolled over and asked me to fuck her doggy fashioned. This time, I was in control of her body and I plunged my prick into her pussy as far as it could go. Finally I could not hold back my throbbing prick and shot my load deep into her. She smiled and let go a soft moan as she felt the warmth of my cum filling up her pussy. My prick was still hard and dripping when I pulled it out of Kit's pussy. Kit called on Suzy to come closer, held her hands and coaxed her to touch my prick. Suzy must have been a virgin and had never seen an adult prick, let alone a long and blonde haired one. Kit licked and sucked my prick, removing whatever cum that was on it and then asked Suzy to do the same. Suzy hesitated at first but she finally relented and kissed my prick several times before she slowly put it into her mouth. With some verbal encouragement from Kit, she began to suck my prick, shoving it deeper into her mouth and sucked and licked my balls as well. Kit suggested that I fuck Suzy but she refused. However, Suzy asked me to lie down where she copied Kit's earlier prick sucking position. With Suzy sucking on my prick again, I took the opporturnity to savor her dripping wet virgin pussy. I shot another load into her mouth but she spit out my cum at first. After a while, she licked my dripping prick and started to sucked it again, letting my prick drop from her lips only after it went totally limp. She soon climaxed as my tongue probed deep into her pussy, and I licked and swallowed her musky pussy cream. On the way back to her village, Kit explained that some of the herbal medicine she made was also an aphrodisiac. We dropped by her hut and she gave me several bottles, cautioning me to consume the right dosage only at night since it would make me feel hot. She invited me to drop by her place whenever I feel like it so that she can show me how the various herbal medicines were made. I tried the medicine that night and it tasted terribly bitter. Rudy told me that it was normal for the local herbal medicine to be bitter and that some types are usually taken by married couples to improve their sexual performance. Within an hour of drinking the concoction, I could feel my body burning up even though the night air was cool. It was nearly two in the morning before the heat wore off and I finally got to sleep. I was awakened before dawn with the same sensation that I had felt while in the forest. In the dim light of the room, I could see that it was Suzy and she was sucking my prick as deep as it can go into her throat. I did not know how long she had been sucking me before I woke up but I was ready and soon ejaculated into her mouth. This time, however, she moaned and sucked harder as my cum spurted into her throat. As soon as my prick became limp, she removed her sarong and hovered her small tits on my lips which I readily sucked and nibbled. I then sucked her whole breast into my mouth and this made her squirm. Then she slowly moved up and spread her legs, brushing her pubic hair all over my face as I tried to kiss and lick her cunt. As soon as she felt my tongue on her clit, she shoved her pussy deeper into my face and she soon climaxed, pouring her milky pussy juice all over my face. But soon after, she hastily put on her sarong and went off, saying that it was time for her to prepare the breakfast for Rudy's family. This went on every morning for the next few days until another maid took over the duty as a live-in maid. The other maid was married and more mature, in her thirties, and had one of her children staying with her while she work. After a few days of drinking the medicine, I could feel that the erection lasted longer than usual and the skin of my prick felt tighter. Perhaps the medicine really worked like an aphrodisiac after all. I went over to Suzy's village to pay Kit a visit late one morning. She was delighted to see me and wasted no time in getting my prick into her mouth again. According to her, my prick was very much stiffer than the first time we fucked and I was soon giving her the fuck of her life. I piled my prick repeatedly into her pussy as deep as it could go, making her climaxed several times until she told me to stop fucking her out of sheer exhaustion. As I laid back on the wooden floor. Kit crouched over my torso, sucking my prick deeply until I exploded in her mouth. I could feel the cum splurting into her throat and making her grin with satisfaction. We stopped for a while for Kit to show me her medicinal skills and to have lunch. When she later saw that my erection had returned, Kit once again took the opporturnity to sample my prick in every imaginable position until it was time for me to leave. On my next visit to Kit's place a few days later, Suzy met us there and we had a wonderful threesome. When she saw how wonderfully Kit climaxed with my prick deep inside her, Suzy finally decided to try one herself and I had a wonderful time fucking a tight virgin pussy in between being sucked by two prick hungry gals. Later when it was Suzy's turn to stay at Rudy's place as a housemaid, she would slip into my room in the early hours of the morning and we would suck and fuck each other until it was time for her to prepare breakfast for Rudy's family. Perhaps Kit must have told her that a man's prick is naturally hard in the early morning. I spent the rest of my two month stay at Rudy's village learning more about their wonderful people, their culture and their green environment, and sampling the sexual delights offered by Suzy and Kit. I am looking forward to my next visit to Rudy's village again this summer break. Is there anyone out there who wants to join me and do some serious research on the mystical jamu and its effects?.