Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Net Ball.

Net Ball I was 18 when this happened. I loved sports; the chance came for me to join the net ball squad. The team was made up out of mainly Asians, which was very comforting. I was surprised I made it, since I don't consider myself that good. Probably my selection was the result of my height, which is 5'11". This height is very unusual for Asians where girls rarely cross 5'3". True, I've never had trouble-finding guys, and my figure is pretty good but not perfect. It took about three days to find out who the bitches were, and who the friendly girls were. Names here have been changed to protect us all. Our costumes consisted of scanty wisps of nylon, and small shorts, or long dance leotards that hugged our bodies close. You HAD to be in shape, else every little bulge or flabby spot would show. Kim, a white, bitchy blonde who'd originally given me bad advice constantly griped about wearing skimpy costumes just to give the guys in the audience a thrill. She kept saying that she'd rather fuck a bull than most of the sports fan slobs. It was Nisha, who told me to ignore Kim. Nisha was very pretty, with a slim figure and legs that were perfect, especially when they extended out from beneath a pair of our purple shorts. Nisha had introduced me to Harpreet and Reena, and we ended up as a foursome whenever we practised or travelled. It was after our first week of practice when Nisha asked me if I wanted to come over to her place for a swim, and some relaxation. It really did sound fun, especially since Harpreet and Reena were both going. I followed them to Nisha 's house, some forty minutes away from the gym. It wasn't much, but it was nice. Nisha had gotten the house after divorcing her husband, which surprised me, since Nisha looked only about 18. In fact she was really 20. Maybe it was her light black/brownish eyes that seemed to sparkle all the time that made her look younger. The house sat on a hillside, and she had no real neighbours to speak of, and the pool was large, surrounded by a nice wooden deck. I mentioned to Nisha that I didn't have a suit, and asked if I could borrow one. "Suit?" Nisha laughed. "None required in my pool, unless you're bashful Pooja." I'd never considered skinny-dipping and I stared at Harpreet when she boldly walked out of the back door and dropped her clothes, shorts and a blue T-shirt then dove into the pool naked. Reena followed suit, peeling off her spandex racer-back top and showing off her full breasts. She too dove into the water, stark naked. Nisha was pulling her top over her head and I started to do likewise, figuring "when in Rome...". The four of us swam around, splashing each other and generally having fun. Reena crawled out and spread herself out on the deck, letting the warm sundry her. Nisha and Harpreet raced back and forth, and I just loafed along. After about thirty minutes we all got out and sat around in Nisha 's backyard, stark naked talking about Kim and the other three bitches in our squad. Harpreet produced a couple of joints and we smoked them both, getting a pretty good buzz. Nisha said we should grab something to drink. We went in, picking up our clothes on the way. I was going to get dressed, but the others dropped their clothes in a heap on a chair inside the door, so I did likewise. I felt a little odd, walking around someone else's house nude, especially with three other girls there. But it was all so easy and free, I went along with it. Reena was telling us about one of the guys she went out with, and the size of his prick. She made him seem like a super-stud, with a monster of a prick and able to fuck all night. Harpreet kept squirming around on the barstool, making the seat swivel back and forth. Each time she swung around, her large breasts brushed the cold counter top, and I could see how hard her nipples were. It was arousing me too. Then, without any hints or suggestions, Reena made an announcement. "Let's all take a shower." She said with a playful look in her eye. Harpreet and Reena were dashing for the bathroom, and Nisha told me to come along, walking behind them. I followed, unsure of what was about to happen, but I had visions of four naked girls crowding into a shower. As it turned out, Nisha 's house had a shower big enough for about eight or ten, with two shower nozzles and controls on opposite walls. Harpreet and Reena were already soaping up, and Nisha climbed right in. I was a little unsure of this, and carefully climbed into the shower. I wanted to rinse the chlorine smell off me and out of my hair. Nisha volunteered to wash my long hair and I didn't object. My hair reaches down almost to my waist and I keep it braided most of the time. Pretty soon, I was standing with my head back and Nisha was massaging my scalp. "Shit! Can you take over a minute Reena?" I heard Nisha say, "I've got soap in my eye." Reena began washing the lower part of my hair, telling me that she'd had hers long in high school, but loved it shorter now. I heard Harpreet say she was getting out, and then Nisha said she was going to make some tea. I relaxed and let Reena finish my hair, and then rinse it out. It felt nice to have someone else do the work for a change. "You've got a nice figure." Reena said. "I bet guys go crazy over your tits though." Guys did actually. I have 35C breasts, which are just big enough to be fun, not as big as Reena's 38Ds. Reena kept hers wrapped up in tight spandex so she didn't jiggle too much in front of the fans. After rinsing, Reena said she was getting out too, and I soaped up and rinsed off quickly. I stepped out and used a towel that Nisha had left and then headed out of the bathroom. Hands grabbed my arms and I was scooped up and carried towards the back of the house. "Hey! What's going on? What're you doing?" I yelled, struggling but not too hard. I was dumped onto the bed, and Reena sat on my legs, tickling me, while Harpreet and Nisha began tying my hands to the headboard. I was laughing and struggling, and a little bit goofy from the joints. I didn't notice anything really weird until I realised both my legs were also tied up, to the bottom bedposts. Nisha picked up a bowl of fruit, and fed me a strawberry. It was cold, and sweet, so I ate it. I figured this was some sort of "rite" that they were doing to me, so I didn't resist. Nisha sat next to me on the bed, as naked as me, feeding me orange slices, apple pieces, strawberries, grapes and the like. "Hmmm, now this might be interesting." She said, picking up a banana. I giggled, then laughed at the age-old idea of special uses for a banana. I watched as Nisha peeled it. She looked down to me, playfully. "How far down do you think you can take it?" She asked. "Hmm," I said, giggling too, "Eight inches!" That was the size of my last boyfriend and I'd taken him all the way without putting a finger on his Dick. Nisha fed the banana to me and I arched back letting it slide into my throat. She pressed it deep very softly, and then withdrew it. I gagged a little, but not much. Reena showed up with a tape measure and ran it from Nisha 's finger to the end. "Jeeez, pretty good." Reena said. "Nine and three-eighths of an inch." "Really?" I said. "I'll bet you're a pretty good cock sucker." Reena said, leaning over. "Among other things." I said, giggling. "Watch this!" Harpreet said, taking the banana from Nisha. I raised my head and watched Harpreet take the long banana into her mouth, and surround the end with her lips, then push it back out. She sucked it in, then closed her lips again, and then pushed it back out. I was amazed at the sight of it, and I felt both envious and aroused thinking about her ability. "That's a ten inch banana too." Reena said. "Try this." Nisha said, reaching into a drawer and tossing Harpreet a very long dildo. "It's fourteen inches long." Harpreet arched her head back like a sword swallowed, and we watched most of it disappear. All but one or two inches which she held on to with her fingers. She pulled it out, and bowed. "Gawd, girl!" Nisha said, "You're incredible." "I have other talents too you know." Harpreet smiled. I had been aware of being aroused, but now I realised that Reena was drawing circles on my right breast with her fingers. I was about to say something to her, when Harpreet interrupted, without saying a word. Harpreet stuck her tongue out, and held it out a full five inches from her lips! It was the most incredibly long tongue I'd ever seen, still is! She flicked it up and down, and around, it reached above her eyes nearing forhead then pulled it back into her mouth and smiled. "Ohhh Jeeez-us!" Nisha said, "You'd better show us how that works." "Glad to." Harpreet said. Harpreet crawled up onto the bed between my legs, and I shifted a little bit, uncomfortable with her closeness, and frightened by my own arousal to her oral abilities. Harpreet bent down towards my pussy. "No. Harpreet, no!" I pleaded. She stopped, far enough away from my pussy, or so I thought. I felt the tips of her tongue graze my clit, and I jumped. "She's too far away!" I thought wildly. "How?" I wondered, then remembered her tongue. Then "IT" happened. Harpreet slid forward, putting her mouth fully over my pussy, and slid her tongue up inside me. Rockets, bells, whistles, horns, everything went off in my head. I arched up and thrust against her invading tongue. My legs were tied but to my surprise I had widened them and even I was elevating my pussy for deeper approach. I orgasmed for several long seconds and then fell back on the bed. But Harpreet had just started. She wiggled that snake-like tongue inside my pussy, and I felt it starting up again. Expertly, she fucked me with her tongue, which was both stiff, and soft at the same time. At times she made it pointed and soft to reach deeper and times she made it broad and hard. I squeezed it with my pussy, feeling it slither past in or out. Then she sucked my clit, her tongue flicking rapidly over it and circling it with the most beautiful rhythm. I arched again, coming hard and moaning. I pulled at the ropes on my hands and feet, frustrated by not being able to move much. When I opened my eyes, Harpreet was sitting up and smiling at me. Reena and Nisha were fingering each other's pussies. Harpreet looked right at me and her long tongue snaked out and licked my cream from her chin! "Is that all me?" I asked, shocked at the wet mess on her face. "Um-hmmm!" Harpreet replied, "You cum a lot hon, and you taste good too." I couldn't believe I was doing this. Naked in bed with another woman eating my pussy - and enjoying it! Nisha leaned over and licked the length of my pussy, tasting me and making me arch up. "You're right, she does taste good." Reena repeated it, and then they all took turns, each taking only one lick of my pussy. It was driving me crazy, and I wanted to cum again. Harpreet leaned down and shoved her tongue inside me, and Nisha sucked my clit, humming as she did. The vibrations set me off, and I climaxed with a loud moan, clenching Harpreet's slippery tongue in my pussy. "God girl!" Harpreet cried out. "You almost sucked my tongue into your pussy!" Harpreet slipped up over me, and bent down. Our eyes met, and she turned her head, coming closer. I responded automatically, and we kissed. Her tongue entered, then filled my mouth, passionately swirling all around my tongue, licking the roof of my mouth, and under my tongue. I could feel my own wetness becoming a flood. Harpreet was turning me on! A LOT! I pulled a trickle of my own, and sucked her tongue into my mouth, treating it like a cock, and sucking on it. Harpreet let me, then began to fuck my mouth with her long tongue. We did this for long minutes, and I could feel her pussy dripping onto my belly. Now, for the first time, I wanted, really wanted to lick a girl's pussy. "Let me eat you." I said breathlessly when she sat back. Harpreet gave an "ohhh" sigh, and moved over me, lowering her bush to my mouth. Her musky, fragrant smell was erotic, and I licked her pussy lightly. Her taste was what I expected, much like mine. I began licking her pussy up and down, then circling her clit. In no time, Harpreet was rocking her hips back and forth over my mouth and tongue, her cream soaking my lips and chin. She squeezed her full breasts, moaning loudly. Harpreet soaked my face, then Reena climbed on while Nisha began licking me. Over and over, I ate each one of them until my jaws ached. Nisha was the wildest, rubbing her pussy on my tits, then fingering Reena's dripping cunt and smearing her juices all over my face. While Reena ate me, Harpreet and Nisha lay next to me, in a very torrid 69, and Harpreet got off and rubbed her pussy all over Nisha's tits. Nisha made me suck her tits before I came, and Reena licked Nisha's cream from mine. When we finished, they untied me, and we all made a circle, sucking each other's pussies. From then on, we were inseparable. Especially since Harpreet and I loved to get each other off. I loved her long tongue in me, and she loved the way I could suck and flick her clit just right to make her cum hard. At several games, Harpreet and I were the last ones out of the locker room, so we could spread each other's juices on our tits before the game. We were even on television, with the cameras zooming in on Harpreet and me as we cheered the crowd on. How many hard cocks or wet pussies would there have been, if they'd known that Harpreet's tits were sticky with my cream, or that her juice was running down between my tits along with sweat? It was after the sixth game of the season, and we were out of town, staying in a hotel. The only reason we were there was that the game wasn't that far out of town. After dinner, Harpreet, Reena, myself, and Nita returned to our room. Nita was staying with us since Nisha had come down with the flu. Nita was sweet, but seemed very straight and innocent. The four of us crowded into the elevator with two men, a tall black man who was nice looking, and a white guy who kept glancing at our bodies. I winked at Reena and Harpreet, but it was Nita who started things off. "You guys watch the game today?" Ann asked. "Yeah." The black guy said. "We dumped 'em good." We'd lost the game, but by only two points, so we were all a bit irked by his comment. "Two points isn't 'dumping them good'." Reena said sharply. "And besides", I piped up, "it was a lucky throw that won the game." "Shee-it." The black guy said, "You gals really are into it." "I know who you are now." The white guy said. "You're the..." Nita put her hand over his mouth. " Be nice now." He told the black guy who we were, and he smiled. "Well, I always wanted me a Net ball player, now I've got four to choose from." "If you're MAN enough." Nita challenged him. "Oh! Baby, I'm man enough, believe me!" He said with a grin. "How about you, Mr. Know-it-all?" Nita said, looking at the white guy. "M-me?" He asked. "Sure." Nita looked at us, and we laughed with her. We were game all right. We took the guys to their room, since they were staying together on business, and the six of us quickly got down to business. The black man had a nice cock, about nine and a half or more inches and thick. The white guy wasn't a disappointment either. We each took turns sucking them, with Harpreet going last. She got the black cock last, and sucked the whole thing down, then snaked her incredible tongue out and licked the man's balls. "Ohhh shee-it!" He cried and moved back. His sperm gushed into Harpreet's mouth, and she let the rest splash into her face. Nita grabbed it quickly and drank down his last squirts then swallowed noisily. Harpreet sat there, smiling with her sperm-soaked face and neck. When Nita turned around, Harpreet showed her the thick pool of cum in her mouth, then swallowed it just as noisily. The white guy moved behind me and slid his cock into my pussy. He pumped for a while, then Reena demanded some. The Black guy pulled Nita over and slid his still hard cock into her pussy and began fucking her from behind. Harpreet got on her back and sucked Reena's clit, and Nita motioned me to suck hers. Pretty soon, we were all switching around, and each of us got fucked good and hard by both men. Reena was riding the black Dick, and sucking the white one, with Harpreet and I in a 69 and Nita sucking Reena's big tits. The black guy wanted to fuck Reena's tits, and she let him. She pressed her tits around his big cock and opened her mouth to suck the head each time it got to her lips. He sprayed her face with his thick cream, and then pushed his spurting cock into her mouth. Reena drank his cum down and I licked some off her face, then sucked the last drops out of him for the night. The white guy hadn't come at all, and now he wanted a special arrangement. Nita had the smallest breasts, and he wanted to come on them. But he wanted her to lay between Reena's legs, with her wide open, and Reena to reach around and cup Nita's breasts in her hands. The rest of us sat back and watched, toying with our pussies and the soft black cock. Nita sucked and sucked on the white cock, coaxing his cum to spurt. The guy finally backed up, straddling her waist, just above her hips. He jerked his cock hard, making his big balls bounce around. There's something about the way a man handles himself that's incredibly erotic, to me anyway. He leaned forward, pointing his cock at Nita's chest. What happened next got "oohs" and "ahhs" (awe?) from all of us, even from the black man. The man's cock turned purple at the head and seemed to swell up and get rough looking. Then he fired a long, thick stream from his cock. It spurt a white gout of cum for three seconds solid, the cum splashing onto Nita's chest and covering her with sperm. The man bent, then straightened again and another long spurt came out, arching through the air and splattering Nita's face. Thick streams of cum ran down her face, dripping off her chin, running down her neck. She opened her mouth, getting only part of it. He fired again, and this landed mostly into her mouth. Nita's face was soaking wet with his gel-like sperm, and we could see a thick white pool of it on her tongue. He came again, spraying more, this time aiming over Nita's shoulders and hitting the top of Reena's tits. Reena leaned over and opened her mouth, getting a face full of cum. Then he turned his hose-like cock on Harpreet and me. Harpreet scrambled right up the streaming cum, her mouth open, droplets spraying about her face, until she took his cock in her mouth. The man shook and came again, and Harpreet flinched, moaning around his spurting cock. He pulled out and sprayed my face and tits down again, then began milking the last drops out onto my tongue. I swallowed it, and it was slightly bitter, but good. Harpreet turned around and kissed me, a flood of semen entering my mouth with her tongue. We savoured it while we kissed and then I gave it back, most of it anyway, and she repeated the kiss with Reena and Nita. Harpreet sat up and swallowed his jism, then rubbed her stomach, as if it "hit the spot". We can't wait for another game in that town, because we have a new girl on our squad who orgasms when a man cums in her mouth!.