Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".


Revenge I had been living with Pete for quite a while and all seemed well until I started to hear rumours that he had been seen with someone else. I didn't take a lot of notice at first, but it kept eating away at me. The rumours persisted, little coincidences occurred and the same name was mentioned again and again. Eventually I was convinced, it was true, Pete was seeing someone else. It was strange but I didn't feel upset or betrayed, I didn't even feel angry, I just wanted revenge! Placing his key in the lock, Pete opened the front door, stepped inside and closed the door behind him. As he turned around I confronted him in the hallway and he froze on the spot. 'Isn't that your old school dress?" he eventually stuttered, looking me up and down. I was indeed wearing my old blue school dress, the one he had made me keep and always wanted me to wear but I never had. I had obviously grown in certain areas since I last wore it. It pulled tightly around my body, and the hem just covered my buttocks. I was only able to fasten the lowest of the buttons, those from the hem up to just above my waist, and as the material stretched across the top half of my body it gapped open, revealing my cleavage and parts of my breasts. The short hem exposed most of my thighs, and on my face was a wide teasing grin. Pete stepped forward, his face beaming, his hand reaching towards the top of the dress as it gaped open. "No!" I chastised him as I raised my arm and blocked his move. I stepped slowly towards the kitchen door; Pete remained on the doormat. "Lesley" he called out. Slowly, I turned towards him, my head slightly bowed and I looked directly into his eyes. The wicked, mischievous grin reappeared across my face. Pete's face looked a picture of confusion as he remained glued to the spot. My finger beckoned him to follow, which eventually he did. I walked slowly and silently through the dinning room towards the open lounge door. Pete seemed to have taken little notice of anything else as he watched the movement of my buttocks in the tight dress, the short hemline and the backs of my thighs. His mind was probably racing, thinking of what I might be up to or what might be in store for him. As I stepped into the lounge, Pete suddenly realised that there was someone sat in the armchair by the window. "Hello, long time no see", said Andy casually. "What?" was all my Pete could manage as he looked back at me. I had stepped further into the room, and then turned to face him. My head motioned towards the other end of the lounge. Pete took a step forward to see Gordon sat in the other armchair across the room. I gave my shoulders a slight shrug and grinned before motioning my head towards the sofa, which so far had been out of Petes view behind the open door. He stepped forward again and looked around the door, to see Jim and Greg sat on the sofa. They all remained silent for a while as Pete looked around the room then back at me. Gordon's voice eventually broke the silence from the armchair. "Lesley" was all he said in an inquisitive tone. "Aren't I naughty" I said towards Pete with a giggle and gave another playful shrug of the shoulders before I turned and stood before Gordon. Sitting forward on the edge of the chair the back of his hand reached out and stroked slowly up and down the front of my thighs, from my knee to the hem of my short dress. I stood and grinned down at him as he repeated the stroking several times. As I continued to stand before him, his hands reached round to the back of my knees and in full view of Pete, his palms began to run slowly up the back of my thighs, to the hem of my dress and back down. He repeated this several times, gently, slowly, until finally, his hands travelled up my thighs and his fingers disappeared under the hem of my dress and clasped gently at my buttocks. His head bowed forward and his face pressed against the thin material of the dress. Jim stood up from the sofa and stepped across. Gordon's hands dropped away as I turned towards Jim, looking him in the eyes, with an inviting smile on my face as I wondered what he would do. Standing by my side, his hand reached up and began to caress my breast through the material of my dress. His fingers gently touched the naked flesh, which protruded from the gap. He tried to reveal my breast but was unable to pull the material far enough. "I think we may need to open another button for that" I said, my eyes looking directly at Pete as my hands reached up and teasingly opened another button. Jim tried again without success to extricate my breast from my dress but I obligingly pulled the material from around both my large tits, exposing them completely. "Oh!" was all that Jim could manage as his head bowed and his hands clasped gently at my left breast. Greg had been watching closely and was quickly up from the sofa, his hands soon caressing my other beautiful breast. Pete obviously saw that there had been no resistance from me to the hands that caressed my body, in fact there had been obvious encouragement, and he took several steps back towards the door in an effort to withdraw. "Where do you think you're going?" asked I quietly but firmly. Pete looked up but did not reply. His face looked white and shocked. "You're staying right here", I said firmly. I motioned Pete to the sofa, "you can sit in that spare chair at the end of the sofa". I wasn't quite sure what to expect but still stunned, he silently he made his way across the room and sank down on the chair. I followed him, and silently reaching down, I closed the two clasps around his wrists to prevent his escape and then stepped to my position. Pete looked up at me, my arms now around the shoulders of Jim and Greg as they both stood, heads bowed, their hands fondling my large firm breasts, their lips kissing and licking at my hardening nipples. I couldn't help the wide wicked grin on my face. Gordon leant forward, his hand reaching out until it reached the inside of my knee. Slowly it moved up the inside of my thigh until his finger brush against my knickers and began to rub gently. After a while, my arms dropped to my side as the hands continued to touch me. Pete watched in astonishment as slowly, my hand reached out and began to gently rub at the obvious bulge in Jims' trousers. Jim needed no further encouragement and quickly stepped back. His hands wrestled with the front of his trousers until he produced an erect penis. I extracted myself from the hands of Gordon and Greg and stood in front of Jim. Without any further persuasion, I slowly lowered myself down on to my knees until I came face to face with his erect penis. Pete could only stare as I, just a few feet on front of him, reached out, my fingers gripping around the shaft of Jims' erection. Slowly I exposed the shiny head of his cock and looked closely at it. My head dipped slightly and my tongue flicked slowly around the tip. Jim let out a low moan of pleasure as my lips squeezed over the swollen helmet and my mouth engulfed the head of his penis. He stood, head bowed as he watched my head dip slowly back and forth and felt the wonderful sensations. His breathing became deep and audible as the feeling of my lips easing over the head of his cock heightened. My head stopped momentarily as my tongue pushed his sensitive helmet around the inside of my mouth. Jim gave another deep moan as my head resumed its gentle motions. Pete could only watch in stunned disbelief and imagine the sensations as I continued for some while. Gordon had quietly stood up from his chair. "Lesley" his voice called out invitingly. Gently, I released my grip on Jims cock, much to his disappointment and slowly rose back up to my full height. As I did so my breasts slipped back inside the gapping dress. Slowly I turned towards Gordon, and stood before him. He looked from my face all the way down my body, then back up to my cleavage. I watched his face intently as my hands raised up to the top most of the fastened buttons and undid it. Agonisingly slowly, my hands travelled down to the next button, then the next undoing each button in turn until finally the dress gapped open from top to bottom. Taking one side of the dress in each hand, I slowly pulled it wide open, revealing my large breasts. "Mmmm" he murmured in appreciation as his hands reached out and caressed them gently, he leant slightly forward, his lips kissing them. His hands slipped down to my hips and caressed the soft flesh, then reached round and clasped at my buttocks. Watching intently, Greg's hands wrestled with the front of his trousers until eventually producing his erect penis. "Lesley" his voice said quietly. As Gordon's hands dropped away I turned to face Greg who gazed at my beautiful breasts. Gordon turned and stood behind me and his hands reached up, slipping along my shoulders until his fingers were placed at the base of my neck. Taking hold of both sides of my collar, he slowly pulled the top of my dress away from my shoulders, then slipped it down my arms and away from my body and it fell in a crumpled heap at my feet. I stood there facing Greg, naked apart from a small pair of white knickers. His hands reached out and gently fondled my large firm breasts. Gordons hands caressed the soft flesh of my hips before running gently over my buttocks. Then Gregs arms reached up and he also placed his hands at the base of my neck. Gordon stepped away as Gregs fingers also brushed along the top of my shoulders and stopped. This time, his palms applied the gentlest of pressure to my shoulders. It was enough to encourage me to slowly lower myself down to my knees, where I came face to face with his erect penis. Pete could only continue to watch as I once again reached out, and my fingers gripped around the shaft of Greg's erection. Slowly I exposed the shiny head of his cock and looked closely at it. I looked up at Greg's face and with a grin, I began to gently tap the shiny head of his cock against my pursed lips. His hands began to reach out but I gently shook my head and pulled away. Eventually, Greg let out a whine of pleasure as my lips squeezed over the swollen helmet and my mouth engulfed the head of his penis. He stood and watched my head dip slowly back and forth and he felt the wonderful sensations, he glanced across the room and gave Pete a grin. His breathing became deep and audible as the feeling of my lips easing over the head of his cock heightened. My head stopped momentarily as my tongue licked around the head of his cock and Greg let out a loud sigh. He gave another deep moan as my head resumed its gentle motions. Pete hadn't noticed Andy slip behind the open door. He had silently removed his clothing and had waited for his moment. Pete was looking at me as I released my grip on Greg's penis. I put my hand to my mouth and yelped with apparent surprise. Then I broke into a wide smile and clapped my hands as I starred across the room. ete followed my line of vision to see Andy emerge naked from behind the door and step up to me. "Oh my god" I exclaimed with delight, "I'd forgotten just how big you were" I continued as I stared at his large erect penis. Slowly, Andy walked towards my, but as my hand reached out towards his erection, his hand told hold of mine. Gently, he raised my up to my feet and then stepped my back to the armchair where Gordon had sat and motioned me to sit down. As I perched on the edge of the seat he stepped closer. Again my hand reached out and this time took hold of his large cock. My fingers struggled to stretch around the thick shaft and began to slowly draw back his foreskin. "I'm sure you're even bigger than you were before" said I as I stared directly at his emerging helmet. Andy remained still and silent as my head bowed and my tongue began to lick around the shiny head of his cock. Pete watched as I stopped, admiring his monster cock, then resumed, pressing my tongue around the underside of his prick. Eventually, with the head of his cock completely exposed, I pressed the tip against my lips. Slowly, I began to ease the swollen helmet into my mouth. My lips stretched wide as I squeezed the bulbous head between them until eventually my lips gripped around the rim of his helmet. As the minutes had gone by, and my movements had quickened, so Andy had become even more aroused. His breaths were deep and fast as his orgasm approached. As I sensed this, I slowed my movements, teasingly taking longer over each stroke. Andy's body was quivering, his fingers flexed, his breath almost hissed. He let out a whine as I pulled back, exposing his helmet and held his cock still. "Are you going to come in my mouth?" I asked quietly before my lips engulfed his swollen helmet once more and my head move back and forth. Andy didn't respond as he gasped for breath as the sensations began to over whelm him. He let out another groan of exasperation as I drew back yet again. "Are you going to make me swallow every drop?" I gasped quietly. Andy couldn't cope with the teasing taunts and by the time I had finished my sentence, his hand had gently drawn my head back to him. My lips again squeezed over his large sensitive helmet and obediently resumed moving back and forth. Gradually my movements became slower and slower until the point where, with his orgasm imminent, he could stand it no longer. Andy pulled back slightly, freeing his cock from my grasp. "I'm going to squirt my cum all over your face" he gasped as the fingers on his right hand encircled the head of his penis and quickly rubbed several times before squeezing tightly around the rim of his helmet. His left hand cupped under my chin and gently turned my face towards the tip of his cock where my mouth obligingly opened. The fingers on his helmet gave a slight twitch as Andy gasped loudly. Several small droplets dripped from the end of his penis. With his whole body trembling he drew his fingers slowly over his purple helmet. As he did so, a torrent of thick white sperm erupted and squirted directly in to my open mouth. In a single moment, my mouth closed, I swallowed hard, then my mouth was open again and waiting. As Andy's hand held my face towards him, two parallel streaks of spunk shot from his cock, one squirting over my tongue and oozing down into my mouth, the other splashing in a long line up the side of my face. I remained still as Andy's fingers continued to squeeze the rim of his helmet. More white cum erupted from his cock and splattered in all directions over my face. My hands quickly took hold of Andy's tool and my face moved closer. I rubbed his sensitive helmet over my lips and chin as it smeared more gooey spunk over me. My fingers continued to slowly massage his shaft as I allowed the shiny head of his prick to slip between my open lips. Looking a little disconsolate, Jim had quietly drifted away, removed his clothes and then plonked himself on the sofa next to Pete. I looked across and saw him there. I rose from the armchair and slowly walked towards the sofa, my large breasts bobbing gently. Pete watched as I stood in front of him. His eyes went up and down several times as I stood before him, naked apart from my brief white knickers, and with smears of Andy's sperm still glistening on my face and neck. His face looked confused, no doubt wondering if it was his turn next. Still looking into Petes eyes, I stepped aside to stand in front of Jim. Jim, with his erect penis standing proud, spread his legs, allowing me to step forward and gradually crouch between them. My hand reached out and began to massage his tool. After a few moments, my head slowly lowered and my tongue flicked across the tip of his helmet. Pete could only stare as I lowered further, my lips slipping over the head of his cock, forcing a moan of appreciation from Jim. Soon my head was bobbing up and down rhythmically on Jims excited penis, his hands ruffled through my hair as I did so. Gordon had been watching with interest and crawled slowly towards me. His hands reached down and clasped my buttocks gently through my knickers. With my forearms resting across Jim's thighs as I continued to excite his prick with my lips, I eased myself up onto all fours. Gordon's hands resumed, caressing my buttocks before lowering his hands and running them slowly up and down the backs of my thighs. Gradually his hands moved around between my legs and his fingers run up and down the inside of my thighs. His hands reached up and rubbed gently over the thin material of my knickers that still covered my pubic mound. All the while, my lips eased back and forth over the swollen helmet of Jim's erection, his breathing becoming faster and deeper as his eyes watched me intently. Gordon's fingers pulled the crotch of my knickers to one side and rubbed gently, slipping easily between my wet pubic lips. His fingers circulated around my clitoris, extracting a gentle moan of pleasure. Easing back, Gordon's fingers slipped inside the waistband of my knickers and slowly eased them over my buttocks and they slipped down to the floor. As my head eased even further down Jim's erection, I obligingly lifted each knee in turn, allowing Gordon to draw my knickers down to my ankles and remove them completely. My knees obligingly eased apart, and Gordon's fingers resumed their position, arousing my clitoris with a slow circular motion. Gently, he slipped a finger into my moist hole and stimulated my further, before he took hold of his erect cock in one hand, and held onto my hip with the other. Shuffling forward he presented the head of his penis to my pubic slips. Gently he eased forward, the head of his cock sliding slowly into my tight but moist hole. I lifted my head, my hand held tightly on to the shaft of Jims cock as I looked up into his eyes. Gordon looked down as he gradually eased his hard cock further into me. My eyes slowly closed as I felt Gordon further and further inside my. Gordon gave a final push, and I gasped as the entire length of his cock was buried inside me. Gordon pulled back, then slowly but firmly plunged deep inside my again. My eyes opened wide and I gasped again. Jims hands caressed my head, then gently but firmly eased me back down to his excited prick. My lips engulfed his helmet and squeezed tightly around it as my head resumed its rhythmic movement. Already aroused by Gordon's fingers, my clit was now under the influence of his hard cock as it slid firmly in and out of my moist hole. I felt my orgasm approaching. I lifted my head from Jims penis as my breath panted, my mouth open my eyes closed. Still Gordon's cock plunged to and fro. "Oh...Oh...Oh!" I gasped as my climax exploded. My head rested on Jims thigh as my heavy breathing subsided. Gordon's firm deep thrusting had given way to slow gentle movements. Gradually I lifted my head, my hand was still holding onto the root of Jims shaft. A gentle gasp was all I managed before my lips once more wrapped themselves around the head of Jims cock. My head resumed once more as Jim's eyes watched me take his swollen helmet into my mouth. Greg has quietly crawled over to Gordon and the two exchanged knowing grins. Gently Gordon withdrew his cock from me and shuffled away. Quickly Greg was in his place and his hand guided the head of his cock to my moist hole. With a gentle push, the head of his prick disappeared into me, then slowly he eased himself deeper. Holding on to my hips with both hands, he began long firm thrusts. Jims hand brushed across my shoulders. He could feel his climax approaching and was hopeful nothing else would interrupt it. His hands brushed over my cheeks as my head continued and my lips squeezed tightly over his helmet. Pete could only sit and watch what was happening on the sofa next to him. Jims body began to go rigid and tremble. His hands had dropped onto the sofa and his fingers stretched into the cushions. Greg continued to thrust gently but firmly. Suddenly Jim cried out and his body gave a jolt. I felt the first of his warm sperm erupt into my mouth. My head continued up and down, my lips squeezing every last drop of cum from his cock. Gordon determined it was his turn and motioned for Greg to pull back. As he did so, and before Gordon could move in, I extracted myself from Jim and crawled into the middle of the room. Gordon was quickly down and in position behind me and guiding his prick back into my moist hole. Greg, moved around to the front and holding his shaft he presented the head of his penis towards my lips. Gordon and Greg continued to screw me at both ends. Two cocks at once, it had been a while since my student days when I experienced this before. I didn't know what Pete was thinking know, in fact by this time I really didn't care! It wasn't too long before Gordon began panting. More thick warm sperm squirted into my throat. I gulped hard as more and more cum oozed into my mouth before Gordon pulled away and collapsed on the carpet. Greg withdrew and crawled round to the front. His pushed his excited prick between my lips, his hands held onto my head and gently eased me back and forth. I was soon rewarded with more warm cum, and Greg was soon in a heap next to Gordon. Suddenly there was a ring of the doorbell. "Oh shit" I exclaimed looking at Pete and then the others. "Don't worry I'll get rid of them" said Andy as he grabbed his trousers and made his way through to the hallway. In a panic, I jumped up and gabbed my crumpled dress, quickly put my arms down the sleeves and tried to quickly fastened as many of the buttons as I could. Greg remained sat in the window chair, Gordon in the other chair, Jim on the sofa, nobody seemingly panicking like me. They obviously had faith in Andys ability to get rid of the unwanted visitors. I looked a little dishevelled as I stood next to Gordons chair. I hadn't fastened all of the buttons of the dress which stretched tightly and gaped open at the top again. Muffled voices could be heard at the front door for some moments. Eventually it went quiet and the front door closed. After a few moments Andy came back towards lounge door. "Look who I found at the front door" he announced as he walked back through to the middle of the room where he had been before. I stood and starred at the doorway where Mel, Steve and Garry appeared, and behind them stood Clive and Martin. "And I wonder why they suddenly turned up here" I said with a knowing grin aimed at Gordon. Gordon silently shrugged his shoulders in attempted innocence. Mel looked around at them all, sitting half naked. "Is it hot in here?" he asked innocently but received no answer. "Lesley" called Gordon. I turned in front of him and faced him. His hands went around me and began to slowly stroke up and down the backs of my thighs. Looking around me he called across towards the others, "Hey Mel!". As Mel watched, his hands stroked up and down several times before finally he slowly raised the hem of my dress to reveal my naked buttocks. Mel said nothing but looked admiringly across. "Why don't you go and give them a flash" suggested Gordon. I smiled at him, half turned towards Pete and grinned, then turned right around. Slowly I stepped across until I stood immediately before them. I watched Mel's face as my hands slowly reached down the front of my skimpy blue dress and unfastened a button. Mel's eyes followed my hands down as they unfastened each button in turn. Taking hold of both sides of the dress I allowed it to gape open and give a glimpse of my naked body. There were gasps of surprise and admiration as my large firm breasts were partially exposed. Mel reached out and pushed each side of the dress aside revealing more of my body. Immediately Steve and Garry shuffled forward either side of Mel and were quickly joined by Clive and Martin as they formed a huddle around me. Pete could no longer see me in the midst of this group. Mel's hands gently reached inside the front of my dress and began touching my breasts. Other hands reached out and were slipping under my dress, clasping softly at my buttocks, Steve and Garry's hands jostled with Mel's to touch my exposed breasts, then Steve's hands dropped, running down over my stomach and began stroking my thighs. Mel's hands reached up and his fingers slipped inside the top of my dress, sliding it from my shoulders and with a little more help it slipped down my arms. Although Pete couldn't see me as continued to watch the excited huddle around me, what he did see, once again, was my dress drop to a crumpled blue heap on the floor amongst the legs and feet. There were more gasps and murmurs of approval and appreciation, "Oh Look!" "Wow!", "Oh yeah". I remained still, just standing amongst them my arms at her sides. Hands caressed my breasts, fingers massaged the soft flesh of my hips, others leant down and allowed their hands to stroke up and down the front and backs of my thighs. A hand brushed gently against my pubic mound, fingers ruffled through my hair. Pete would have seen Mel as his hands wrestled open his trousers and eagerly pushed them down, and he would have seen them drop to around his ankles then get kicked to one side. As Pete continued to watch the huddle, Steve's trousers dropped and were also kicked aside, then Garry's then Clive's and finally Martins. I had no idea that this second treat had been arranged for me, but it was heavenly as hands from all directions resumed caressing all parts of my body. As I looked down, I couldn't help the giggle of delight as five exposed pricks stood proud and erect before me. My hands reached down, my fingers ran gently along the shafts of Steve and Garry, then I turned slightly and allowed my hands to touch Clive and Martin. Pete was still watching as Mel moved closed and his hands reached up on to my shoulders. It only needed the gentlest of pressure from Mel's hands to persuade me down on my knees in front of him where I came face to face with his erection. Pete could probably see my outline through the various legs in the huddle. My hand reached out and took hold of Mel's penis, exposing the swollen organ. My head slowly dipped forward, my tongue flicking lightly around the tip of his cock before taking his shiny purple helmet between my lips. Mel let out a deep sigh at the feeling of my tongue and lips on his sensitive prick as I moved my head slowly back and forth. Steve moved in closer, offering his penis towards me. My spare hand reached up and began to massage it slowly but firmly. Mel let out a groan of disappointment as my head pulled back and turned towards Steve. I tasted his erection before turning to Garry, then Clive and finally Martin. Mel taped me gently on the shoulder. As I pulled away from Martins penis I looked around. Mel's finger beckoned me to follow as he stepped slowly back and took a seat at the end of the sofa. He motioned at Steve to join him and he did so, sitting right next to Pete's chair. I crawled towards them on all fours and took up position between them. Resting my arms across their thighs I took hold of an erect cock in each hand, exposing their swollen helmets as Mel and Steve waited in anticipation. Gradually I moved over towards Steve and slipped the head of his penis between my lips. He let out a deep moan as once more my mouth engulfed his excited prick. He watched for some moments as my head bobbed up and down, before his hands reached out and his fingers ruffled through my hair. His hands fell away as I pulled my head up and I moved towards Mel. "Oh yeah!" gasped Mel quietly in excited expectation. He let out a deep loud breath as my lips squeezed tightly over his shiny purple helmet. >From the other side of the room, Andy had been watching closely until the sight got too much for him. Quietly he slipped across the floor until he knelt behind me. Firstly his hand reached the flesh of my buttocks, gliding gently over them, his fingers moved between them, searching out my pubic lips. As my head continued to bob up and down on Mel's cock, Andy's fingers rubbed at my already moist cunt. With my lips still wrapped around Mels penis, I let out a stifled moan as Andys finger slipped in to me. With a wriggle of my buttocks, I spread my knees across the floor and Andy's finger slipped further in and proceeded to rub me gently. Pete could only watch the proceedings in disbelief as I had to raise my head from Mels cock and allow my breath to pant. I gave an involuntary moan in response to Andys finger before I moved back to Steves cock. I dropped my head and my mouth encompassed the sensative head of his cock once more. Andy slowly withdrew his finger and gently placed one hand on the small of my back. With his other hand he took hold of his errect penis and guided it towards my now moist hole. With a slow, deliberate push forward, he sank the head of his cock deep inside me. Again, I was forced to lift my head and let out a long guttural moan. Steve raised his hands and gently guided my head back down to his penis and my lips squeezed over it. Holding onto the soft flesh of my hips, Andy began to slip his long cock slowly back and forth. Martin had also been watching and was perturbed that Andy had got in first. Quietly he made his way over and gave Andy a tap on the shoulder. Andy looked around in surprise, still continuing to thrust back and forth. Martin motioned for Andy to move aside but he didn't budge. Martin frowned and repeatedly waived Andy aside. Eventually Andy stopped and withdrew, shuffling back and lefting go of my hips. Martin was quickly down in his place, and guiding his cock to me and the thrusting resumed. I tried to lift my head from Steve. Quickly his hands raised, trying to keep hold of me but to no avail. I managed to escape his clutches and moved across towards Mel, my breath panting with Martins thrusting cock in the perfect position, rubbing against my clit. I lowered my head and my lips engulfed Mels swollen helmet, causing him to take a sharp intake of breath. Martin continued his rhythmic thrusting, the entire length of his hard cock sliding easily in and out of my moist hole as his hands gripped the soft flesh of my hips. My head bobbed up and down, quickly and firmly but eventually I had to pull away. My breathing was reduced to gasping and panting as Martins cock brought me to a climax. My eyes were open, all I could do was to stare Mel in the face as I gulped for air. My head began to turn from side to side, my hair tossed and swayed and Martin continued to pump. Eventually I cried out as my orgasm exploded. My body shook, my hands gripped tightly around the two cocks I still held. Slowly my head sank down as the orgasm subsided. Martins strokes became slow and shorter. I rested my head against Mel's thigh as my body went almost limp. Martin gave just slow, short storkes as I lifted my head. I let out a deep sigh, as my head descended once more onto Mels errection and began to slowly rise and fall. Martin looked around to see Garry directly behind him. Holding on to just one hip, Martin carefully withdrew and moved to one side to allow Garry to come forward and take up his position. His errect prick slipped easily into my wet hole and he was quickly into his stride. Meanwhile, I had moved across to Steve. Having watched what had been going on, he was extremely aroused. As soon as my lips had encircled the head of his cock, Steves hands raised and began to caress my head. His fingers ran through my hair as my head bobed up and down. I squeezed my lips as tightly as I could around the rim of his helmet, heightening the sensations further. He looked at Garry as he continued to thrust into me, than back down to me as my lips and tongue worked carefully on his cock. Steves hands gripped me a little tighter as he started to move my head up and down a little faster, his breath panting, his eyes staring down. Pete watched as my lips squeeze over the swollen helmet of the erect penis, then he looked back at Steve. Slowly Steve's eyes closed and his face grimaced. "Jeeeez!" Steve suddenly exclaimed. As his hands continued to work my head up and down, his orgasm burst over him and thick cum began to squirt up into my mouth. His breath continued to gasp as more sperm erupted from his penis. His hands dropped to his side, allowing me to stop momentarily and gulp down the thick juice in my throat before my head resumed. Slowly but firmly I squeezed my lips across the aroused head of his cock. Steve groaned and whimpered as I extracted every last drop of his cum from him. I looked up, my tongue licking around my lips as I moved back towards Mel. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I plunged my lips around his waiting cock. Clive approached me from the rear, making himself known to Garry, who willingly moved aside and allowed Clive to move into position behind me. Guiding his cock towards me he slowly burried it to the hilt. Adjusting his position and and holding onto my hips, the shafting resumed yet again. Mel was obviously very aroused as my lips slid back and forth over his helmet. Eventually, I had to lift my head to take a breath and Mel seized the opportunity. "Let me" he gasped as he took hold of his shaft in one hand and allowed the fingers of the other to slide slowly but firmly over the shiny wet head of his cock. I tossed my hair back, then began watching intently as his fingers slowly slipped back and forth, and all the while Clive continued to thrust gently from behind. "Ohhh!" groaned Mel loudly. I immediately lowered my head, opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. Mel leant the tip of his cock against my tongue as his fingers gripped around the rim of his helmet, but hardly moving. His whole body was trembling as he stared down. Suddenly, a thick streak of white sperm erupted from his penis, squirting in an arc through the air and splattering over my nose and cheek. I quickly changed position, and as Mel let out a long moan a second wave of white cum shot up into my open mouth and began running back down my tongue. Mels fingers squeezed the rim of his helmet, his body still trembled, his breath hissed. A plume of white spunk shot from his penis, hitting my upper lip, splattering in several directions over my face. I lowered my head, my lips engulfing the sensitive head of his cock. Mel yelped, I felt his body jump as my lips squeezed over his helmet and more sperm oozed into my mouth. I was now resting my head on Mels thigh, my hand still held onto his now soft prick as Clive continued to shaft me. Andy returned and eventually Clive withdrew but as he did so, I managed to turn around to face them all, Clive, Martin, Garry and Andy. All slowly caressed their erect cocks with their fingers. I remained on all fours and crawled to Martin and began to lick the end of his cock with my tongue. Martin, holding on to his shaft, offered his erect cock to me and I bowed forward, taking his helmet between my lips. Andy seized the opportunity again quickly crouching behind me he slipped his thick long penis into my moist hole. For some while I fucked and sucked in this position until eventually all of my cocks were ready. Kneeling in front of the group, and in full view of Pete. I awaited expectantly and I was not to be disappointed. Firstly Clive stepped forward and his penis began shooting his load down the side of my face and down onto my breasts. Before he had finished, Martin and Garry had joined in, squirting sperm over my face and into my open mouth. By the time Andy moved in I was already covered in sticky glistening cum, and he added to the mess before allowing me to take his helmet into my mouth and sucking him dry. It had been a brilliant evening, well beyond my wildest dreams. On top of that there were two positive outcomes. Firstly, I got my revenge! Secondly, Pete moved out, allowing me to organise even more enjoyable evenings. As for the rumours - well they turned out to be just that - rumours. No truth in them what so ever, but never mind, every silver lining has to have a cloud!.