Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

A birthday present.

a birthday present I wanted to be one of the first to wish you a happy birthday, and I wanted to do it in a very special way... We decide to go to dinner and the movies for your birthday. We get to the restaurant, and are seated at a table in the corner of the restaurant where it is quiet and more intimate. Instead of bright lighting, the area is lit by soft candles. The waiter brings us some wine, and I make a toast..."to a very exciting evening." You wonder what I mean by this, seeing as our plans are just dinner and a movie, but you don't ask aloud because you know that I always have something up my sleeve. I sit close to you at the table, so that I can rest my hand on your thigh. The appetizers are served, and I begin to feed you. This night is for you, and I will take care of you in every way. I am wearing a low-cut blouse, so that you can see my cleavage as I lean toward you with each morsel of food. I accidentally drip some sauce on my chest, and you lick it off me. It's so nice to have some privacy in such a busy restaurant. While we wait for the main course to be served, we continue to drink our wine and my hand moves from your thigh to your crotch. I can feel the bulge pressing up against your pants. I whisper in your ear how much I want you, and that our evening has just begun. I place light kisses on your cheek, ear and neck... We eat our meal, and decide to forego dessert, because I insist that it will come later. We pay for dinner, and leave for the movies. We get to the theater, and pick a movie that we know not many people are going to...obviously in search of more privacy. We get some popcorn and drinks and find some seats in the back of the theater. The previews start and you begin munching on some popcorn. You feed me a kernel and I suck the butter off your fingers. You feed me another kernel, and I suck again. This is obviously turning you on. You lean in to kiss me, a very passionate kiss. I suck on your bottom lip, and then I feel your tongue searching and exploring mine. I feel a hand on my breast, and my nipples instantly go erect. You squeeze and pinch my nipples, making me moist down below. I instinctively reach down to my pussy and begin to rub. You see me doing this and whisper in my ear how much you'd like to taste and lick me. By now, we've completely missed the beginning of the movie. We notice that there is just one other couple in our theater, and they are as disinterested in the film as we are. We begin to hear noises coming from where they are sitting, and we peer over to watch. This turns us on even more. I boldly get up and ask them if they would like to join us. They readily agree, but first they want to watch us for a while. We all move to the front of the theater to give us more room to move about. As I sit in the seat, you stand in front of me. I reach down and unzip your fly, releasing your already hard cock. You straddle my chair and offer yourself for me to lick, taste, suck...I offer my tongue to you and slowly circle the head of your cock, tasting your pre-cum. You have one foot in the aisle, and the other leg is propped on the arm of my seat. You grab me by my hair and pull my head closer to you. I wrap my mouth around your cock, my tongue sliding all around...and as I am sucking on you, I feel someone tugging on my pants. The woman is so aroused by watching us that she wants to taste my pussy now. I continue to suck harder on your cock, milking it with my tongue...and she slides her tongue between my pussy lips and enjoys the sweet taste of my juices. Her man continues the action by getting behind her while she is on her hands and knees at my pussy and slides his cock into her. With every thrust of his cock into her pussy, her tongue thrusts into my pussy, and your cock thrusts into my mouth. It is with such intensity that we are all in rhythm together...fucking. I decide that I want to feel your cock deep inside my cunt...and the other couple wants to try a different position, you lay on your back just below the movie screen...I explain to the other couple that it is your birthday, so we decide to give you a gift. I tell you to close your eyes and you will get a big surprise...I slide myself onto your cock, the tightness of my pussy driving you crazy...and then you smell the distinct scent of pussy at your face, and you open your eyes to see the other woman sitting on your begin to suck and lick her, while she sucks and licks her man, who is standing in front of her. Now, with each thrust of your cock into me, you are thrusting your tongue into her cunt, tasting all the juices she has to offer...we are all building up to an incredible orgasm. I am playing with my pussy while you are fucking me, and I can feel your cock throbbing inside me, almost ready to cum. I hear the woman moaning as you suck on her clit, and her man is moaning as she sucks on him too. We all begin to spasm and we drown out the film with our sounds of pleasure. The credits are already beginning to roll, and the lights come up as we quickly put our clothes back on...we say our goodbyes and leave the movie theater... We decide to head home to continue your birthday celebration, but I insist that we stop at the grocery store to pick up a loaf of bread. We arrive at the store with just a couple minutes before closing. I get an idea, and I pull you into the bathroom with me. We hide there for about a half hour, and when we emerge, the store has closed and we are alone. I grab your hand and head for the produce aisle...I know how much you like produce... As we are walking, you start grabbing me and tickling me...I squirm from your grasp, giggling all the way, and as you try to reach out for me, you accidentally rip my blouse. Instead of getting upset, I get more aroused. I start kissing you passionately, grabbing at your shirt, pulling it over your head so I can feel your skin next to mine. You unsnap my bra and my nipples are suddenly rubbing against your chest. You lay me down and start kissing me all over, from my head down to my breasts, down my tummy, to the waist of my slip them off me, marveling at the fact that I'm not wearing panties (again!) and you keep kissing your way down my body. You kiss my inner thighs, behind my knees, down to my ankles. You get up and take off your own pants and boxers, and tell me to wait a minute while you go get something for us to play with. When you come back, you have a nice sized cucumber, and I am busy playing with myself. I have a three fingers in my pussy, my back arched, and my knees bent. You get right between my legs and offer to replace my fingers with the cucumber. You want to fuck me with it. I happily oblige. It feels so good, filling up my pussy, my juices coating it. You take it out and offer it to me for a bite, which I take, and so do you. It is my turn to find something to play with, so you stay there and wait for a minute. I find my way to the bakery department, and choose a chocolate covered donut. I come back and I slide the donut onto your hard cock, and begin to eat it off you. I lick the chocolate off, accidentally rubbing my tongue on your cock at the same time. The sensation is driving you mad. After I lick off the chocolate, I slide the donut off your cock, and wrap my mouth around it instead...the suction of my mouth and tongue on you is almost too much to handle...your cock throbs as the low hum in my throat causes a vibrating can't wait anymore, and you shoot your cum into my mouth - I swallow it with each spurt...sucking more and harder...draining every drop. I ask you to go to the seasonal department and find out if the store has any lawn chairs - you know the long ones you can use to lie out and sunbathe...while I go shopping for some other ingredients to have fun with... I find you in the center of the store and you have found the chair, along with some beach towels and some sparkling cider and wine glasses...I myself brought some chocolate syrup, whipped cream and cherries. I lie down in the chair and pour some chocolate over my breasts and my pussy...I have you spray whipped cream on the chocolate and I top each spot with a cherry. I also brought a candle which I anchor between my pussy lips, deep in the whipped cream. I light the candle and sing you happy birthday, and tell you to make a wish. You waste no time in doing so, and then ravenously partake of your birthday "cake". You lick my breast clean to the nipples, biting on them, savoring leave a chocolate trail as you slide down to my pussy, burying your nose in the whipped cream, eating the cherry, and sucking all the juice from my pussy. We pour more chocolate on me, and then on you, rubbing it in and licking each other all over. I take a sip of sparkling cider and then I start sucking on your cock again, the carbonation leaving a tingling sensation as I suck. I get on my hands and knees on one of the beach grab at my chocolate covered spank my ass and finger my pussy... I begin to moan as you slide your cock in me from behind. You push yourself deep inside and out...harder and grab my shoulder with your left hand, trying to get more leverage as you pound yourself into me...reaching around to my pussy with your right hand, playing with my clit as you fuck me. Your left hand goes from my shoulder to my hair, pulling on it as you drive your cock harder and faster...I am screaming with pleasure as you fuck me, telling you how good it feels as you fill me up...your cock is ready to explode inside of me and you let out a cry as you cum, your cock forcing deep as you unload every last drop. We collapse from sheer exhaustion in each others arms, each of us smiling from ear to ear with joy from such a wonderful birthday celebration...and then we sleep... Until suddenly the lights all go on in the is 6:30 a.m., and the manager has just arrived. We quickly gather up our clothes and the beach towels, and rush toward the bathroom. We clean each other off as best we can, getting off most of the chocolate and residual whipped cream, and put our clothes back on. At 7, the doors open to the store and we sneak back out of the bathroom, and head home... Wait a minute...didn't we forget the loaf of bread?.