Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Working Through University.

Working Through University In order to survive at University, I took a part time job in a small shop. Whilst at work, Tony, the store supervisor caught me helping myself to some of the ladies toiletries and told me to go up to 'the office' which was in fact the flat above the shop. I pleaded not to be sacked as I would have to leave the Uni without my job. "I'll do anything" I pleaded. "Anything?" asked the young supervisor. "Oh anything, I really want this job to help me get through Uni" I replied. "Anything?" he repeated as his hand reached out and stroked my left breast. I didn't resist but just repeated my plea "Please don't sack me..please". His hand continued to fondle my breast, then reached to the top button of my blouse. "Please, promise you won't sack me please" I pleaded. "We'll have to see" he said as he undid the buttons on my blouse, "We'll have to see" he repeated as he opened the front of my blouse and stared at my cleavage. "It really is very naughty to steal" he continued as he pushed the blouse from my shoulders and pulled it down my arms. "You won't sack me though will you?" I begged. "But don't you think that thieves should be punished?" he asked in a very matter of fact manner as his hands reached around my back and unfastened my bra. I didn't reply but just stood before him as he took hold of my bra straps, pulled them from my shoulders and tossed my bra to one side. I allowed him to fondle me for a while and then thought it best if I took the initiative. I brushed my hand over the bulge in the front of his trousers. Immediately his hands wrestled his trousers and underpants to his ankles revealing his erection. Slowly I dropped to my knees, took his penis in my hand and began to massage slowly. Tony was already in a state, his body was shaking, his breaths were panting. With a few movements of my lips over the head of his cock and some gentle hand massage he was soon gasping with delight, and I had sperm splashing down onto my breasts. Nothing else was said as I quickly cleaned myself up, Tony replaced his trousers, and we both returned to the shop. Tony didn't sack me, but the following day he did tell Garry, the manager of the shop, not only that he had caught me, but what had happened after that. It was at ten thirty during mid morning coffee break and I was summoned once more to 'the office'. I opened the door to be confronted by Tony and Garry where upon I had to plead my case once again. This time Garry used his position of superiority to dismiss Tony back to the shop. I then had to describe in graphic detail what I had done to convince Tony that I should not be sacked. It was becoming obvious from the look on Garry's face that I would have to repeat the performance. It was some 20 minutes after I had gone upstairs that I returned to the shop, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with Tony. Garry had promised that he wouldn't sack me, but wasn't sure if he might have to tell Mr Watson, the owner. I hoped he wouldn't, because the owner probably would sack me, but if Garry kept it to himself then I would always be in his debt. I seemed to be in a no win situation. The following day Mr Watson arrived at the shop at eleven o'clock. I was on tenterhooks during his stay, expecting to be summoned and sacked at any moment. But at one o'clock, Mr Watson went for lunch, his face looked like thunder and he didn't return. Later on I saw Garry in the shop. I gave him the biggest smile and thanked him. He said I had nothing to thank him for, because he had told Mr Watson. I asked what he had said. Apparently nothing was said but Mr Watson stormed off and didn't return. It was five minutes to nine the following morning when I arrived at the shop. Mr Watson's car was already parked outside and as soon as I walked through the door, Doreen one of the cashiers called out to me. "Mr Watson wants to see you upstairs, he said you were to go up the moment you arrived so I should get up there quick". I made my way to the office, knocked on the door and was called in. Mr Watson sat back in an easy chair. To his left stood Tony and on his right stood Garry, both looked grim faced. They all stood for some while in absolute silence, Mr Watson stared into my eyes, the other two looked down at the floor as I looked from one to the other wondering what on earth was going to happen. A clock in the corner of the room struck nine chimes. "Well?" Mr Watson broke the silence with a booming voice, "What do you have to say?". I looked back at him and mumbled, "I'm sorry". "Sorry?" shouted Mr Watson, "Sorry?". "Well, its, I mean, I need this job to help my stay at Uni, and I didn't mean to take it, and well, I thought and I.." the words just continued to blurt out, "and I promised to Tony and Garry that I'd never do it again". Mr Watson interrupted "And, what else did you promise them?" "Well, I er.." I started to stumble for words, "Well I said that I would do anything if they didn't sack me". "Yes, good, exactly" said Mr Watson who seemed please to have got to this point. I looked at Tony as he let out a stifled giggle. Mr Watson continued, "I think we'll start with a little floor show, don't you?". He smiled at me as he sat back in the chair, his arms folded and Tony and Garry approached me. "What?" asked I inquisitively, "Do you want me to do a strip tease or something". "No no my dear, I want a really naughty exhibition from a really naughty girl" he answered, "That is, if you want to keep your job". "Oh I do but, well, I er..". my voice dwindled away. Tony and Garry were already undoing my blouse and they opened it wide. "I want to watch and see what you got up to with these two" said Mr Watson. Tony pulled my blouse away and Garry undid my bra and removed it. "Mmmm! You were certainly right about her breasts, they are magnificent" commented Mr Watson. "Large firm breasts are certainly a weakness of mine", he continued. Garry was already pulling off my skirt and Tony took hold of my knickers and slid them over my hips and they dropped to my ankles. I stood naked before Mr Watson for some while, but he made no move towards me, he just looked admiringly up and down at me, taking in my large breasts and my shapely thighs. Eventually he spoke. "I think Tony is ready for you now" he said. I looked round to see that Tony have removed his trousers and stood with his erect cock in his hand. I looked back at Mr Watson whose hand gestured me towards Tony. "Pease, go ahead, don't be shy" he smiled. I stepped slowly across to Tony and Mr Watson watched as my large breasts bounced with each step. Tony's face wore a wide grin and I stood before him and slowly lowered my self down. My hand replaced Tony's as I took hold of his erect shaft and my head moved forward. Mr Watson watched Tony's face and saw his eyes close and his mouth let out a gasp as my lips pushed across the swollen helmet of his prick. "Oh yes" gasped Tony as his head dropped and he watched me at work, my lips stretching across the head of his cock, pushing back his foreskin and exciting his already aroused cock. He continued to watch, his hands on his hips as my head began to bob faster, back and forth down his cock. The clock in the room struck nine thirty. "Don't forget Garry" called out Mr Watson. I released Tony's prick and looked round. Garry was naked, laying on his back, spread out on the carpet in front of Mr Watson. I looked at Garry and then back to Mr Watson. This time his hand gestured me towards Garry, "Please" he said quietly "Try this one". I crawled slowly over to Garry and mounted him. Slowly I lowered down onto his stiff prick until it was buried to the hilt. Gently I raised and lowered myself up and down his shaft, Garry breathing deeply in time to my rhythm. Mr Watson made no attempt to move, but remained sat back in his chair. His gaze switched back and forth between my face, with my eyes closed my full lips slightly parted, and my large breasts which bounced and swayed with my movements. After some while my hands reached back and rested on my ankles for balance as my pubic lips continued, time after time to rub up and down Garry's erection. Finally Mr Watson moved forward, his hand reached out and took hold of my breast. I watched his hand as it fondled my breast and his fingers grasped deep into the flesh before squeezing hard at my nipple. "Oh Yes, beautiful breasts" panted Mr Watson as I continued to ride tirelessly on Garry and Mr Watson continued to touch and caress my breast. "Yes, yes, beautiful breasts" he repeated, "but I think Tony is ready again" and with that he sat back into his chair. Tony had undressed completely and was on his knees close to me. I raised myself, freeing Garry's cock, and clambered off. I crawled towards Tony as Mr Watson gazed at my rounded rear, and I began to squat before him. "No No, stay on all fours" called Mr Watson who now appeared to be directing operations from his chair, "I want to see you manage both of your young men". Garry as he scrambled up from the carpet and approached me from the rear. Both men took their cocks in their hand, and as I remained on all fours, Garry slid his erect cock into my moist cunt, and Tony eased his swollen helmet between my lips. Immediately, Garry's hands grasped on to the flesh of my hips and began to stroke the entire length of his cock in and out of me. Tony continued to hold onto the shaft of his cock, his spare hand caressing my face as he pushed his shiny purple helmet in and out of my mouth, occasionally rubbing the sensitive tip around my lips before squashing it back across my tongue. The clock struck ten o'clock. Mr Watson had remained a spectator, watching as Garry rhythmically crashed against my buttocks, observing the look of ecstasy on Tony's face as my lips squeezed around his helmet and gazing at my breasts as they bobbed and jumped under the ceaseless action. He could resist no longer and rose from his chair and crossed the floor. At my side, he lay on the floor and turned on to his back. He wriggled underneath me until his face was under one of my violently gyrating breasts. With both hands he grasped my breast and holding it firmly began to knead the flesh. As the two cocks continued to penetrate me, Mr Watson's fingers squeezed deeply into the flesh of my breast and his lips closed tightly around my nipple. For some minutes he continued to knead and squeeze and suck at my breast before he quickly rolled away and returned to his chair. He continued to watch as Tony and Garry screwed me at both ends. "I told you she would manage" panted Garry in time to the movements. "Like that, yes, but what about giving head to both of you" suggested Mr Watson, "I think I would like to see her do that next". Tony and Garry pulled back whilst I, still on all fours turned my head to look at Mr Watson. His hand gestured to the carpet in front of him, "Just here my naughtly girl" he grinned. I crouched on the carpet before Mr Watson. Tony stood one side and Garry the other as I continued to look at Mr Watson. Garry took hold of his cock and tapped it on my shoulder. My head turned to face him and he immediately began to rub the exposed head of his prick around my lips. I began to try and kiss the tip of his cock, my tongue licked at it but he continued to rub it around my face. I turned to my other side and faced Tony who stood still, his cock standing proud and erect. My hand reached out and took hold of it, and with several wanking movements exposed his helmet and pulled him closer. Mr Watson watched as I pressed the end of his Tony's cock, my lips slowly parting as I eased my head forward, engulfing the helmet of his prick in my mouth. My hand wanked at the shaft several times before my head pulled back. I turned my face towards Garry. This time he held his cock steady, his foreskin pulled back as my tongue pressed against the underside of his helmet. My head moved forward, my lips opened and his helmet disappeared in to my mouth. My head bobbed back and forth several times on his cock, my hand masturbating Tony's penis with the same rhythm. I turned again to Tony, my hand exposed his swollen purple helmet and my mouth quickly engulfed it. For several minutes my lips worked up and down the shaft of Tony's erect cock until the clock struck ten thirty. "I think you are neglecting one of your young men" suggested Mr Watson as he continued to watch the proceedings. As my hand resumed wanking at Tony's shaft, my head turned towards Garry. Holding his shaft in one hand he pressed the tip of his cock to my lips, whilst his other hand slipped quietly around the back of my neck. As his hand drew my head gently forward and my lips parted across his shiny helmet, so Garry eased his hips forward pushing his swollen cock deep into my mouth. He held me firmly in position for some moments before simultaneously drawing back his hips and releasing his hold allowing me to retreat. Just as his helmet began to emerge from between my lips, his hand pulled my head firmly forward once more and his hips thrust his cock deep in to my throat. He held me tightly in position and rammed his cock back and forth several times. "Steady now" said Mr Watson. "I can't help it" gasped Garry, "The feel of my cock in her mouth drives my wild" and he thrust forcefully several more times. "Look, you are supposed to be letting her give head to you both at the moment not mouth fucking her, that can come later", said Mr Watson. Garry released his hold, and as if in protest, I immediately returned to Tony's cock. Gently I began to suck at his cock before allowing my lips to squeeze tightly around his helmet as my head bobbed back and forth. Eventually I returned to Garry, who stood motionless, his cock in his hand. I took hold of him and as I masturbated Tony, I took Garry's swollen helmet in to my mouth. My head bobbed back and forth in rhythm with my hand motions on Tony. Garry let out a "Oh!" of disappointment as I released his prick and my head turned towards Tony, but my hand began to massage Garry's shaft as I slipped the head of Tony's cock back in to my mouth. For some minutes Mr Watson watched with interest as I alternated between the two aroused cocks, my lips squeezing and rubbing against their sensitive helmets, my head turning from side to side as I attempted to bring them both to a climax. My hand pulled the foreskin back and forth across the head of Garry's cock as my head turned to Tony. Exposing his shiny purple helmet, my lips tightened around the top of Tony's cock as my head made a series of quick thrusts back and forth before slipping as much of his cock as I could into my mouth. "Oh God!" cried Tony as he stood, hands on hips, his head thrown back his eyes closed. My lips squeezed as tightly as they could round his shaft and I began to slowly draw my head back. The feeling of ecstasy was too much as the tight ring of my lips eased up his shaft and across his helmet. He must have felt like his balls were about to explode. "Ahhh!" cried Tony as the sensations burst in to his helmet and his sperm began to erupt into my mouth. He began to pull back but my head followed him, my hand held tightly on to his throbbing tool. His hips began a series of short jerks, each one nudging his helmet between my lips, each time more of his warm sperm spat from his cock in to my mouth. Tony let out a loud sigh as his penis began to soften. My lips gave a final suck and turned my head towards Mr Watson. I looked him in the face as I visibly gulped down the last of Tony's spunk. "And not a drop to be seen" smiled Mr Watson "Marvellous, marvellous". Garry moved forward as I continued to wank at his cock. I watch the hard purple helmet as I pulled his foreskin back and forth across it. After a few moments Garry cried out, "Coming..coming". I watched as his pre-cum smeared across the head of his prick and listened as his breath panted. As I noticed his body begin to tremble I quickly moved forward. My spare hand reached up and stroked against his heavy balls and he felt my warm mouth engulfing the swollen head of his cock. Garry could do nothing but let himself go. He let out a loud groan as he felt his first rush of sperm burst in to my mouth. He expected me to pull back but instead he felt my lips squeeze harder around his cock and my hand rub his shaft. His cock released more of his sperm in a gush and this time I released his helmet from my mouth. Gary looked down and watched, Mr Watson sat motionless in his chair mesmerised and Tony looked on as my hand continued to slowly pump at Garry's shaft and my fingers probed his balls. His cock continued to shoot long white streaks of spunk which I guided towards me and allowed to splash across my face. All three stared as I pressed the tip of his cock to my lips and kissed it. It responded by oozing more sperm which I smeared round my mouth and then licked with my tongue. As I milked the last drops of cum from him, I took the end of his cock in to my mouth and sucked him dry. Garry fell back on the floor in a heap. "I think I had better use the bathroom" I said looking down at myself and with that I left the room. By the time I returned, Mr Watson had undressed. I was somewhat surprised, but stepped up close to him. "How would you like to get down on all fours for me my naughty little girl" smiled Mr Watson with a wicked grin. "If that's what you would like" I smiled in reply. "Well, actually I think I know what I like but its a shame not to try everything that's on offer" he said. I assumed my position on all fours, expecting him to approach from the rear. I was again somewhat surprised when dropped to his knees in front of me and presented his erect cock to me. Before I could speak, Mr Watson had one hand under my chin, and with the other he began to rub the exposed head of his cock from side to side across my lips. As soon as I began to open my mouth, Mr Watson immediately started to push his cock eagerly forward and his helmet was soon engulfed. His hands dropped to his side and he remained stationery as my body began to rock gently, forward and back, forward and back, my lips pushing up and down my shaft, forward and back across his helmet, forward and back. Mr Watson couldn't see them but could image my large round breasts rocking gently to and fro. After a few minutes he withdrew. My body stopped rocking as he crawled round to my rear and approached me. His hand guided his swollen knob to my pubic lips. Gently he eased it deeper and deeper in to me until finally, he let go of his cock and grasped on to the flesh of my hips. His hands moved my body slowly back and forth, drawing my pubic lips up and down his shaft. His own body began to move, his hips moving forward as he drew my body back to meet him, his skin pressing against my buttocks before he pushed me gently away and drew back himself. He repeated his actions, each stroke becoming faster than previous, his body now crashing against the flesh of my buttocks at the end of each stroke. Again, he couldn't see but he could imagine my large breasts bouncing violently with each thrust. After a few more strokes he withdrew. "It's no use, you'll just have to turn over", he panted. I rolled on to my back, my thighs slightly apart, my pubic mound thrust proudly forward. Mr Watson ignored this completely and clambered over the top half of my body. "I've always been a breast man, always will be, and these are just too good to miss" explained Mr Watson as he lowered himself down, his cock coming to rest in the valley between my tits. His hands reached down and cupped my breasts together, burying his prick within their flesh. Mr Watson's hips began to thrust and his exposed helmet popped in and out from between my breasts, the sensations of my soft flesh against his cock and the sight of what he was doing was enough to have Mr Watson quickly aroused. I watched as his face began to go red, small beads of sweat ran down his forehead, his brow was furrowed. Suddenly he pulled back, his buttocks resting on my belly. Whilst one hand grasped at my breast, his other rubbed slowly but forcefully at his erect cock. "Ahh" he gasped almost in relief. I saw a large blob of white sperm shoot form his penis, than felt it splatter across my breast. Mr Watson's hips were thrusting his cock slowly back and forth through the tight grip of his hand. He let out another groan and I felt another dollop of warm spunk hit my chest. He continued to thrust and thrust as more and more droplets of spunk rained down on my breasts. Eventually the thrusts and the shower of sperm ceased. Mr Watson looked down at me and smiled as he saw his sperm peppered all over my large round breasts. He slowly clambered of and fell back into his chair. "I think I need to go back to the bathroom" I chuckled as I stood up and made for the door. "Wait Lesley!" commanded Mr Watson from his chair. I stopped and turned round to face him. "Yes, that's it" he said as he grinned for ear to ear, "Just stand there like that for a few moments". I watched him starring at my chest and then looked down. The large dollops of his sperm had begun to slither down across my large breasts, droplets began to run down, some trickling down the valley between my tits. I looked back at Mr Watson who continued to watch and then looked down. Some of the sperm had reached the underside of my breasts and droplets began to run down in thin streaks. I looked back as all three now watched fascinated. My hands cupped the underside of my breasts and then began to caress them, my fingers collecting the wayward sperm and smearing and rubbing it all over my breasts until they were covered with a glistening mess. I stood before them and squeezed and kneaded my slippery breasts before turning for the bathroom. As I stepped back in to the room the three were all talking quietly. Mr Watson stood up and handed me a white apron. "I thought you might like to make us some coffee" said Mr Watson, "It's about time". I hadn't heard the clock chime for some while and looked towards it. A quarter to twelve. I put the apron on and tied it around me. My breasts, constricted by the apron, were visible either side, and as I turned for the kitchen, all three admired my exposed buttocks. I had brought in the coffee and all sat drinking, Mr Watson in his chair, Tony and Garry on a sofa, whilst I was curled up in an arm chair, my hands around my almost empty mug. "You won't sack me now will you?" I asked Mr Watson in my best 'innocent little girl' voice. "Well now, that really depends" began Mr Watson, "You see I really need to discuss the matter with my colleagues here and there is no point doing that until we've finished". "Finished?" I questioned, "You mean you'd like me to leave the room whilst you discuss it?". "No No!" Mr Watson retorted " I said there is no point us discussing it until we've finished". "You mean you haven't finished yet?" I gasped. "Well" said Mr Watson turning to Garry "Do you think she's done enough to keep her job?". "Nope!" said Garry with a wide smile. "Do you?" asked Watson turning to Tony. Tony just shook his head. "No, and neither do I", agreed Mr Watson "and the day is yet young as they say." Obediently the clock struck midday. "You mean you want me to do more?" asked I gingerly. "yes, precisely" cheered Mr Watson "now clear these cups away and we can resume". When I returned, Mr Watson sat alone in his chair. Straight away the door from the bathroom opened and I turned round. In came Tony and Garry, drawing a gasp from me as they paraded their pricks which had returned to their fully erect state. "Where would you like us to begin Mr Watson", asked Garry. "Well, she's shown that she can give head to two, let's see how she gets on with three" said Mr Watson, "Come over here on the carpet as you were before and get started, I'll join in when I'm ready". His hand gestured to the carpet in front of him, "Just here my naughty little girl" he grinned. I squatted on the carpet in front of Mr Watson's chair. Tony stood one side and Garry the other as I continued to look at Mr Watson. I turned to Garry and took hold of his cock and began to masturbate him, exposing his helmet. I turned to my other side and faced Tony who stood still, his cock standing proud and erect. My hand reached out and took hold of it, and with several wanking movements exposed his helmet and pulled him closer. I turned and watched Garry's cock as my hand continued to massage his shaft and looked back at Tony's prick as my other hand wanked his cock. "Me first" muttered Garry as I turned and watched his cock. He moved forward and I immediately began to rub the exposed head of his prick around my lips. I began to kiss the tip of his cock, my tongue licked around the shiny purple helmet and then continued to rub it around my face. Mr Watson watched as I turned away from Garry and faced Tony. My lips pressed against the end of his Tony's cock, then slowly parted as I eased my head forward, engulfing the helmet of his prick in my mouth. My other hand wanked at Garry's shaft as my head moved to and fro several times before my head pulled back. I turned my face towards Garry. This time I held his cock steady, his foreskin pulled back as my tongue pressed against the underside of his helmet. My head moved forward, my lips opened and his helmet disappeared in to my mouth. My head bobbed back and forth several times on his cock, my hand masturbating Tony's cock with the same rhythm. I turned again to Tony, my hand exposed his swollen purple helmet and my mouth quickly engulfed it. Tony's hand began to run through my dark hair, stoking and caressing my head and my neck and for several minutes my lips worked up and down the shaft of Tony's erect cock. As my hand resumed wanking at Tony's shaft, my head turned towards Garry. Holding his shaft in my hand I pressed the tip of his cock to my lips, whilst his hand slipped around the back of my neck, his fingers running through my hair. As his hand drew my head gently forward, my lips parted across his shiny helmet, so Garry eased his hips forward pushing his swollen cock deep into my mouth. His hand remained fondling my head, his fingers ruffled my hair for some moments as my lips excited his swollen cock. My head eased forward and simultaneously Garry hips nudged forward pushing his helmet in to my mouth. We both drew back, but as his helmet emerged, we both eased forward, pushing his cock deep in to my mouth. I began to pull away from Garry and his hand dropped from my neck. I immediately returned to Tony's cock. Gently I began to suck at his cock before allowing my lips to squeeze tightly around his helmet as my head bobbed back and forth. Tony's hand caressed my neck as I sucked on his tool and my other hand wanked at Garry. After a while I returned to Garry, who stood motionless, his cock in my hand. I took hold of him and as I masturbated Tony, I took Garry's swollen helmet in to my mouth. His hand resumed stroking my neck and running his fingers through my hair as my head bobbed back and forth in rhythm with my hand motions on Tony. I felt a hand rest on the top of my head. It began to ruffle my hair, then stroke the side of my face. Garry let out an "Oh!" of disappointment as I released his prick and my head turned forwards. Standing before me, his feet either side of my thighs was Mr Watson. As his left hand stroked my face, his right hand held his erect cock, the tip pointing towards my face. His hand cupped around my neck and drew my head forward a little, the end of his penis resting against my partly opened lips. Simultaneously he drew my head closer to him and pushed his cock forward, sliding the helmet of his prick into my mouth. As my hands continued to wank Tony and Garry, my lips squeezed around the hard prick in my mouth as Mr Watson continued to ease himself in and out of my mouth. "Yes" he gasped looking at Garry, "I see what you mean when you say it drives you wild" and he continued to push his excited organ in and out of my warm mouth. He gently eased back and his hands dropped to his side. Quickly, Garry's hand was turning my head towards his swollen cock and quickly my lips closed around it, my tongue pressed hard against the sensitive underside and Garry let out a long sigh. My hand continued to wank Tony who was becoming very aroused. I turned my head towards him and slipped the head of his cock between my lips. Tony let out a long gasp of breath as he fought to contain himself. Sensing his tense body I sucked hard on his cock, trying to make him cum but to no avail. I released him from my mouth and left my hand to continue wanking him and turned forward. Again, Mr Watson moved forward, guiding his cock between my open lips. This time, both his hands began to tenderly caress my face and his fingers ran through my hair as his hips began to thrust his cock delicately between my lips. He watched as his cock emerged from my mouth, my lips remained open, my head in position. His eyes continued to stare as he slowly pushed his cock forward, the helmet of his cock disappearing in to my mouth. He repeated his action, again and again, each time pushing his prick a little further in to my mouth. Suddenly, Mr Watson gasped and pulled back. "Oh dear, I think its all getting a little too much, I'm nearly coming already" he sighed and with that eased himself back in to his chair. My head turned towards Tony, but my hand continued to massage Garry's shaft as I slipped the head of Tony's cock back in to my mouth. For some moments Mr Watson watched as I alternated between the two aroused cocks, my lips squeezing and rubbing against their sensitive helmets, my head turning from side to side as I attempted to bring them both to a climax. I turned again towards Tony, but as I did so, Garry began to move and took up Mr Watson's position in front of me. I released Tony's prick and turned towards Garry. As I did so, he pushed my hand away from his shaft and drew my head towards his cock. Holding on to me tightly, his hips began to thrust his cock between my open lips. At first he was slow and gentle, but after a few moments, his movements became faster and harder. His hips began to gyrate wildly as he drove his fat cock between my lips. As his hips jerked forward, so his hands pulled my head forward pushing his swollen helmet deep into my mouth. I no longer masturbated Tony, I couldn't concentrate on him any more, my hands rested on my thighs as my lips stretched across Garry's erection and I slurped and sucked at his frantic cock. Garry continued in a frenzy his enlarged penis fucking my mouth swiftly and forcefully. "Yes!..Yes!..Yes!" panted Garry in time to his violent thrusts until he let out a long loud cry. He held me still, my lips gripped half way down his shaft. With a grunt he ejaculated the first wave of his warm spunk in to my throat. I could feel his whole body tremble with his orgasm and braced myself. His cock jerked and a large mass of sticky sperm squirted in to my mouth. "Ahh!" cried out Garry loudly. His balls tingled, his cock felt enormous, his body quivered. He jolted forward, his hands held on to me as more of his cum rushed in to my mouth. Gradually the movements eased and the flow of sperm subsided. Garry pulled back until the head of his cock rested on my lower lip. Trickles of sperm began to run down my chin. "Oh!" groaned Garry as with one hand he took hold of his shaft and wanked the last drops of spunk from his cock, smearing it around my lips. With another groan he fell back down to the floor. I remained before Mr Watson. My tongue licked around my lips provocatively as I looked at him. Mr Watson looked over to Tony who was sat on the floor. I also looked at him, then moving on to all fours I crawled towards him. Tony raised himself to his knees, and as I approached, took hold of his erect cock and directed it towards my face. My lips parted and with a final shuffle towards him, I took the exposed helmet of his cock in to my mouth. Tony rested his hands on my shoulders as my head bobbed rhythmically up and down on his erection. Soon his breathing became fast and heavy. His hands moved and his fingers ran through my long dark hair before they rested on my head. At first they touched me lightly, following the movements of my head. After a few moments they began to increase the motion of my head, lengthening the movements. His hands began to press my head further and further down with each stroke, forcing my lips further and further down his shaft, squashing his swollen helmet deeper in to my mouth. "Aaahh!" cried out Tony. Suddenly his hands released my head and dropped to his side. Only the tip of his cock was between my lips as his hips began a series of quick short jolts. His sperm began to bubble from his helmet as he continued to moan. My lips squeezed tightly around the head of his prick and rubbed quickly back and forth causing more thick warm sperm to ooze from his excited cock and slide in to my mouth. I pulled my head back and resting on one arm, my other hand grabbed Tony' shaft, pushing his sperm smeared helmet between my lips. Tony began to push his penis firmly through my hand, shooting his remaining cum in to my mouth in a series of thrusts. I released Tony who clambered in to a chair and I awled back over to face Mr Watson. I looked at him, my lips slightly parted allowing small traces of sperm to trickle from my mouth. "Are you ready now?" I asked. Initially Mr Wtson just looked at me "You ought to" interupted Garry, "Mouth fucking her is brilliant" "I don't know that I'd say what you two just did was mouth fucking" said Mr Watson as he rose from the chair, "It's no use like that my dear" he addressed me, "you'll just have to turn over on to your back". I laid down and rolled on to my back, my thighs slightly apart, my pubic mound thrust proudly forward. Again Mr Watson ignored this completely and clambered over the top half of my body. Expecting a repeat performance, my hands cupped my breasts, squeezing them together ready to accept his cock. Mr Watson took hold of my wrists as he manoeuvred in to position on all fours over the top half of my body, and pinned my arms to the floor, my hands above my head. He slowly dropped his hips, lowering his cock down to my face. He gyrated his hips from side to side, his erect cock slapping against my cheeks. He watched my face as he slowly raised his hips and carefully manoeuvred his swinging cock above me until the tip of his prick touched my lips. Once in position, he smiled as he began to slowly drop his hips, pushing the swollen head of his erection between my parting lips. Quickly his hips began to rise and fall with a steady rhythm, my lips squeezing round his sensitive helmet as he stabbed it in and out between my lips. Soon Mr Watson's breath began to pant. His hips started to rise and fall with more speed and vigour. Each time his body lifted his entire cock rose from my face before he plunged it back down deep into my mouth. My lips stretched across his helmet and the thickest section of his shaft. "This is what I call mouth fucking" he gasped as he continued to pump his fat erect prick in and out of my slurping mouth and deep into my throat. He continued to drive his cock between my lips and buried it in my mouth until eventually, with a loud groan, he lifted his body and locked his arms straight. "Ahhh" he cried as his sperm began to spit from his penis and pepper across my face. I closed my mouth as several large dollops erupted from his throbbing tool and plopped down on to my lips. His body pushed his penis against my lips and then back into my mouth. His hips moved rhythmically, rubbing the sensitive helmet of his prick rapidly back and forth against my pursed lips, as I gulped and swallowed his warm spunk which came for some while in drips and squirts. Mr Watson locked his arms once more and then lowered, the tip of his prick touching my nose and leaving a smear of cum. He chuckled at the sight as he lifted himself from me and flopped in to the chair. I lay recovering for a while before sitting up and looking round with a smile. My expression immediately changed as I saw Tony and Garry stroking the shafts of their recovering cocks. "Oh I think we ought to let Lesley do some work in the shop", Mr Watson intervened "after all that is what I pay her for". I smiled at Mr Watson. "Is it okay to use the bathroom before I go back downstairs?" I asked. "Of course, my naughty little girl" he chuckled. Tony and Garry both looked a bit down that the proceedings were at an end. "Don't look so disappointed lads" said Mr Watson. There was silence as I made my way to the door, obviously Mr Watson's words hadn't consoled them at all. As I closed the door behind me I waited and listened carefully as Mr Watson's voice spoke quietly. "I've checked with the university, she's got another two years to complete her course, so we have plenty of time for more". "Yess!!" I heard Garry and Tony chorus together. Oh well, I least I didn't get the sack.