Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Just that.

Just that I had been watching my mother's friend for many years. She was about 52 and still had a great body that has been the envy of many of her friends. She still had her looks and a very pretty face. A great ass, excellent tits and I had always wondered what she looked like nude. Little did I know that I would get my chance. She called one day asking to help her move furniture around as she wanted to steam clean her carpets in her living room. It was a cold day out, she was wearing a sweater and sweatpants. We moved the recliner from one corner of the room to the other and continued to move stuff from one side of the room to the other. After about three hours, we were both in a dripping sweat and were glad that the work was finally over. She asked if I would like a beer, which I gladly accepted. I wasn't planning to stay for more than one, but I didn't have anything planned that evening, so I also accepted her invitation for dinner. She cooked a great meal and we sat on the sofa and had a few more beers when she noticed that I was getting hard. She looked down at my cock, and blushed. She said that she apparently hadn't tired me out enough. I told her that she still has the power to get me hard. I had known her since I was a teenager and had many a fantasy about her. She said that she didn't know that I had feelings for her. I informed her that I had always had feelings where she was concerned. I told her that I had wanted to make love to her for many years. She said that she was an old lady and that no one would want her. I told her that I did, and would be honored to give her love that night. Again, she looked down at my hardening cock and said, "so I see". She took my hand and led me to her bedroom. Both of her children were grown and moved out and we had the house to ourselves. She then told me to strip, which I did slowly. When I got down to my underware, she stopped me and said this is where she takes over. I stood before her and allowed her to proceed. She knelt before me and looked at my hard-on still trapped in my shorts. She placed her mouth over the fabric and started to suck my cock though my shorts. This about made me cum right there. Then she pulled my shorts down and began to suck me slowly. I fell onto the mattress and stopped her before I came. Then we stood up and I began to remove her clothes. She was everything that I had dreampt about. I removed her sweater and found a beautiful set of tits. I removed her bra and the nipples were errect and about the size of a half dollar. She had a little tattoo on the right one. I never dreamed that she would have a tattoo there, let alone anyplace else. Then I pulled her sweatpants down and she didn't have any panties on. She had a great ass for a lady her age. Still firm, no sag and a perfect clit. She even shaved it! Bald Pussy is the very best to me. She said that I told her one night that bald pussy was great and she said that it was a night that I was hitting on her because I was drunk. I have a feeling that she was planning this all along. I knelt before her and began to kiss her thighs. She pressed my head toward her pussy. She smelled like sweat, which was fine by me. I would have sold my soul to lick the sweat from her thighs. She let me do just that. Then my tongue found it's way to her pussy. I told her to lay on the bed and we could do a 69. I thought that she wouldn't go for that, but was surprised when she got on top to initiate it. I proped my head up on some pillows to get a better shot at it. She lowered herself onto my face and I lapped up her juices like an animal. She must have came about ten times. In the meantime, she was giving my cock the loving care that it had needed for sometime. I was in seventh heaven. Again, she stopped before I came and turned and sat on my cock and rode me every so slowly. I reached up and kneaded her tits and pinched the nipples and she moaned like a cavewoman. She was cumming again and I was cumming for the first time that night. She milked the cum out of my balls for what seemed like forever. We both came and she laid on top of me, both of us soaked in sweat. She looked at me and started to laugh. I asked what was funny. She said that she was living a fantasy too. Apparently, she had wanted to make love to a younger man for a long time. She had lots of men her own age, but always wanted one that was younger than herself. I was flattered that she choose me for that. She then wanted to take a shower. I asked if I could join her. She said, "I was hoping that you would! Get your ass up and in here now, young man!" I couldn't wait to get in there to help her get cleaned up. The shower was great. We sucked and fucked some more in the shower and went back to bed for more sex. This time, she told me what she wanted. She wanted me to eat her out and to come on her tits so she could like it off. Who am I to say no?.