Chapter 4:Abyssal Blade

Yang zhu, a figure of wisdom and experience, stepped between the two, creating a tangible barrier that quelled the escalating tension. His gaze shifted between his two sons, stern yet filled with a paternal concern. "What has come over you?" he demanded of Yang Chen, seeking an explanation for the sudden and aggressive outburst.

Yang chen suddenly heard a sound ,


the system has a new quest for the host.

Expose the incident between Yang zhou and Qin meng

Yang chen kept quiet to see how things would play out but suddenly Yang zhou got up .

Gasping for breath and rubbing his throat, Yang Zhou staggered back from Yang Chen. The pain etched on his face mingled with a mix of confusion and hurt. He shot a glance at his father, silently pleading for an explanation or intervention

Yang chen then started explaining everything but his brother said that it was all false.

Yang chen then quickly took out something and rushed towards yang zhou ,Tang chen then grinned while saying "try lying with that in your stomach"

When yang zhou denied the charges against him a sharp pain was felt he fell on the ground yelling in pain.

In a chilling moment of confession, Yang Zhou, his voice filled with a mixture of guilt and resignation, admitted to the charges against him. The air in the room hung heavy with the weight of his acknowledgment.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yang Long, the second brother, stepped forward, his aura resonating with newfound power. Having reached the formidable third stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, he moved with unparalleled swiftness. In a single, calculated stroke, his blade cleaved through the air, severing one of Yang Zhou's arms.

"Urrrrghhh sh*t" Yang zhuo screamed in pain.

The room fell into an uneasy silence, broken only by the echoing gasp of those witnessing the swift and brutal justice. The metallic tang of blood filled the air as Yang Zhou, now physically marked by his admission, crumpled to the ground, his expression a mix of pain and anger.

After the incident my father told me to follow him.

"Congratulation my son , I am proud of your advancement. I may be cold at times but it is all for my children's sake".

As he continued I felt his breath getting weaker and weaker he told me that he was injured during a sects meeting.

We continued walking until a huge door met us it was the treasury room.

He told me to enter but to only take one item, I open the the door an entered.

I entered the treasury room, its air thick with the weight of accumulated treasures and ancient artifacts. Surrounded by shelves adorned with artifacts of power, I treaded carefully. The low hum of mystic energies filled the air.

As I wandered through the room, the familiar system window materialized before me, and the female voice from earlier spoke once again. "There's a formidable weapon here," she echoed. "Search for it, and it shall reveal itself to you."

Determined, I rounded a corner, and there, in a display of radiant illumination, the name "Abyssal Blade" materialized before my eyes. The very essence of the room seemed to shift as the weapon beckoned to me with an alluring energy.

With a sense of reverence, I extended my hand toward the Abyssal Blade, feeling a resonance between my essence and the weapon. The moment my fingers brushed its hilt, a surge of power coursed through me, and the blade responded to my touch as if recognizing a kindred spirit.

And immediately I had broken through to the third stage of true yuan realm just by touching the Abyssal blade.

The Abyssal Blade is a masterwork of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate runes that seem to pulse with an ethereal glow. Its blade, sleek and obsidian-like, reflects an otherworldly darkness, hinting at the potent forces encapsulated within. The hilt is wrapped in a rare, enchanted material that provides both a secure grip and a conduit for the wielder's energy.

But the blade seemed to not be reveling all its potential, I got out of the treasury and wanted to head into seclusion. This solitary journey into the heart of his own essence aimed to unlock the deeper layers of his powers, understand the mysteries that surrounded him, and prepare for the challenges that awaited in the ever-shifting landscapes of the martial world.