The Boss Fight

After waking up everyone was ready to go to dungeon but the problem was that they didn't knew what to do about the children.

"Today we have to finish off the boss but what should we do about these kids we have not found a proper place and no one is there to protect them" Felix quite worried for kids said to Arthur. "I know.. So listen carefully I have thought about it.. Felix and Me are to going to fight with the boss where as Amanda will protect the kids.Tho we still have to take then with us to dungeon because it will be more dangerous keeping them away from our eyes than in dungeon. "

Everyone agreed with Arthur and they moved on to go to the dungeon. They were quite nervous but they knew about the dungeon a little more than before so they were quite carefull.

As they entered the dungeon it was the same as they left it the only thing to do was to finish off the boss. The kids were tightly hugging Amanda while felix and Arthur were ready to fight.

[Finish the boss to clear this dungeon and get rewards]

Seeing this message from system everyone got ready and took their position. It wasn't ling when the boss showed up . The dungeon boss was a large werewolf with red eyes growling at the trio Amanda took the position to stay away from the boss and protect the children while felix and Arthur got ready to fight .

Felix used ho good combat skills to lure the werewolf at himself while Arthur got ready from behind to attack the vitual points of the werewolf.

He jumped and pierced the wolf from behind. The wolf growled calling out for other wolves Felix quickly took care of them while Arthur notified him to again pierce the wolf at hi vitual point. Felix agreed and they both attack the wolf. While attacking the wolf scratched Arthur's hand leading it bleed. Arthur didn't care about the pain and still peirced through the wolfs skin. The boss fell down and a message popped up infront of everyone.

[You have cleared a low grade dungeon. You have gained +1 strength and +2 agility.

Reward has been given: 500 gold, 2 wolf fangs, wolf fur and two low grade daggers]

Arthur was quite happy with the rewards and told the other to retreat as they have finished off this dungeon successfully. But before he could step forward he fainted..

"Everyone let's retreat..! " Said Arthur feeling a bit dizzy. "Arthur you don't look that good" Felix said to him in worry .

While arthur was retreating he fainted. "Arthur!" Felix and amanda quickly go to rescue him. Arthur was not looking good and he also had quite a lot of bleeding due to the attack of the werewolf. Amanda quickly started to heal him but looked like that the wound was too deep.

"The wound doesn't look like it's going to heal.I think we should use the healing potion". Felix quickly opened the inventory and got the healing potion out.

They used the healing potion on Arthur which looked like it worked after quick treat meant they took Arthur and the kids out the dungeon. Arthur wasnt quite looking like he will be awake anytime soon so they prepeared the food for kids.

"Hey. Felix do you think Arthur will be okay?. I am quite worried even tho we used the healing potion he isn't awake yet.."." I am quite worried for athur too but lets wait tonight and see if he will be awake. You get some sleep and I will keep and eye on argue and stay on a night watch.". Amanda agreed and got to sleep.

Everyone was sleeping peacefully and Felix also kept watch on the kids and Arthur. Ot was at the movement of dawn that Arthur felt like he was conscious now.

"Ugh.. What happened here.... "." You fainted." Felix quite relived answerd Arthur. "What!..." "Yup.. You fainted due to the injury but luckily you were saved by the healing potion and the healer. " "Okay then what about the kids?. " "Look behind you.. "." Ah.. That's a relief then. "

They both talked quite a lot until the next day came up.

"Arthur! You woke up!.. Thank goodness. " Amanda when woke up and saw Arthur she was quite relived. "Yea.. Thank you for the help.. But sorry um.. For causing the trouble.."

"Arthur what are you sorry for?! It was because of you and felix we were able to kill the werewolf ." "Yea but still... "

Arthur and Amanda talked a bit. The kids also had woken up and were hungry when Arthur saw that he gave them some food, when they saw Arthur was awake they hugged him tightly."ah.. Sorry for making you worry.. Why don't you have some breakfast first?".they nodded and Arthur gave them food and also the other had eaten their food too so they were ready to head out. Arthur before heading out checked his inventory.



Gold coins:900

Power point:10

Ancient item:None occupied.

Ability:control the wind.

Wind level:3/10.]

"This doesn't seem that bad in my opinion.. Well it looks that fighting in dongeon isn't that bad. I should fight in more dungeons it will be interesting to see how the other hugh grade dungeons will look like.. But before that i have maximize my level up... Other wise it wouldn't look that good in the dungeons" Arthur thought to himself.

[You have been rewarded with a low grade box]

"Hmm.looks like system forgot to give the low grade box yesterday.. Now that i have it I will let it be in my inventory and head out first. " Arthur happily thought.

"Okay everyone.shall we head out now? "Arthur said with a smile on his face. " Yea we should.. But you know arthur you have to be more careful now" Felix replied to him and amanda also agreed to felix. Arthur and the other headed out while this kids were holding his hand.

"Okay now the fun begins! " Arthur thought and smirked..