Chapter 8 - A Little Stop At Reach

(The chapter is late due to me being caught up with Irl stuff.)

When Adam saw the usage of modern trucks although not fueled by diesel like the one he knew, he already guessed the technology of this world would already be advanced enough.

But he didn't think it was this advance…

"You know that faking your identity is a big problem right? At least, you aren't stealing identity." The sheriff said with a sigh before stealing a glance at Adam while looking at his computer screen. "Still, I have to ask why a big shot from Schnee is in the frontier town all the way to Vale. Not to mention, you are declared as a missing person."

In Adam's mind, he keeps trying to figure out what the Schnee means. It's a family name, maybe a clan or a nobility? Considering the sheriff called him, or rather, the previous owner of this body a big shot.

'Some help please.' Adam whispers to his comms hoping Agent can help him salvage this situation.

Agent helped by giving Adam an abridged history of this man named Whitley Schnee. Adam was impressed he actually took over the body of a powerful heir of a global corporation that rakes in billions each year.

"*Cough* I am sure everyone knows how my father is. Even my sisters ran away from him." Adam relates his supposed father's authoritarian tendency and how the first daughter fled to join the military and later disowned and then the second daughter had just recently run away to join a Huntsman academy in Vale.

"So, you said you were running away from home?" The sheriff asked with one of his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner.

"...yes." Adam pretended to look bitter as he answered the question.

"So, how does that lead you here in Reach with this get up?" The sheriff then looked over at his computer again before reading something. "A registered mercenary at the Mercenary Guild under the name, Adam White."

"This is clearly a fake identity and looking at your face… you also went through some plastic surgery."

"Again. All this is just to run away from your father?" The sheriff inquired again.

"Yes." Adam nodded.

His identity and background is flawless after Agent hack into the government database and forge him a believable false identity as a mercenary.

The only reason why Adam's blatant falsification of information and identity when registered as Mercenary was overlooked is because Mercenary Guild is kinda a gray zone. Only people with questionable identity would register to a Mercenary Guild instead of Hunters Guild. Most of them are criminals or people who are running away like Adam, allegedly anyway.

Difference between Hunters Guild and Mercenary Guild is that one is made by the government, hence the privileges but also strict rules. But the Mercenary are private institutions and quite loose with the rules as long as profit is made. But they still have to follow the law.

Their jobs are mostly the jobs that most Huntsmen wouldn't accept for various reasons and mainly because of the riskiness. So, Adam's cover to be investigating Ansel is quite believable too in the eyes of the sheriff.

After a few more questioning, Adam and his companions were released without any issue. Of course, he also received warning to not cause trouble and Adam agreed.

He will only stay for a night before leaving.

"Say, Agent. The Whitley guy is rich right?"

"Yes. Why?" Agent is a little confused with his question.

"Can you try and withdraw as much money as possible. We are basically broke right now and can't even rent an inn for the night." Adam point out their situation.

"Let me try." Agent closed her eyes for a few minutes. No doubt focused on carrying his order.

At the meantime, Adam is occupied with G41. She is always starved for attention and skinship. Even right now, they sit on a bench outside the sheriff office and the spolied G41 rest on his lap, rubbing her face on his steel plated pants while having her head and ears scratched while she purred in joy.

"I think we should get you a new clothes first as soon as possible…" Adam mutters as he watch the passing by people giving him a dirty stare after they look at G41.

"Why? I like my clothes, Master." G41 lift her body up and sit while looking at Adam with her head tilted with confusion.

The scandalous gossip in the background intensified when they heard how G41 was addressing him. Thankfully, his embarrassment is hidden because he has his gas mask on to hide his expression.

"It's nothing wrong. But maybe covering your skin a little… Maybe a cloak to protect your body." Adam said while gently touching the scrape on her synth-skin as a result of trekking through the forest and caught some sharp branches.

"Master, it's done. I managed to transfer 3 Million Lien into an untraceable account. We can withdraw it right now." Agent reports her success to Adam with her usual cold expression.

"Good job, Agent. Let's withdraw the money and buy necessary supplies." Adam commended Agent and patted her head unconsciously.

Although Agent continued to show indifference on her face, her slightly reddened cheek revealed her true emotions but went unnoticed by Adam as she immediately stood up and led them to the local bank.


In the town square, there are quite a lot of stalls and shops sheltering under a tent or proper roof. Most of them sell weapons, ammunition and Dust?

Dust is a sort of crystal that comes in numerous types and sizes. A quick question to the seller tells Adam that Dust is used like electricity in this world. Mostly used to power appliances, tools, vehicles and weapons.

Some weapons shoot ammunition containing Dust and some are powered by Dust.

Their usefulness was even attractive to his System. Apparently it can create special bullets. Dust infused bullets.

Anyway, he is getting sidetracked.

Adam went to a vendor selling Huntsmen clothes which apparently were made to be heavy-duty and have some degree of protection. He bought three sets of cloak leather cloaks with hoods. One for each of them. He has to admit, each of them is too eye-catching for various reasons. Him being his armor, Agent because of her maid outfit and G41 because she is scantily dressed.

Adam also buys a Scroll or this world's equivalent of a mobile phone while he is still in the market. The vendor promised him it's the latest model and charged him 3k Lien.

Next, food. Aside from eating to their fill. Adam remembers to stock up his inventory too. He felt odd that android or T-Dolls like Agent and G41 require sustenance. Apparently they can convert calories into electrical energy.

Whatever, that saves him the pain from requiring them to charge because electrical energy in this world is weird.

Before they end their day and rent a room at the sole inn in the town, Agent and Adam went out to look for a transport service. They did find one, this world's equivalent of a VTOL plane called Bullhead. They hired it to send their group to Ansel.

Apparently, Huntsmen regularly hire Bullhead service although at a more discounted price to send them to their mission area. Adam were charged 5k Lien for the whole trip of sending him there and they will return to fetch him again in two days which is the duration Adam set, thinking it wouldn't take longer than that to investigate the place. Of course, he can just call the pilot and adjust the time if he wanted to be picked earlier or later.

"Hoaa…" Adam yawned under his gas mask and felt tired again. He was standing outside the Bullhead airport after negotiating for hiring one.

"Let's find an inn and rest." Adam said to his companions.

Agent looking at Adam irritatedly. "I told you it's more effective if we split up and get our task done in one go rather than doing it one by one." She was complaining about the inefficiency of them working as a team which bothers her quite a bit.

Her initial plan was to split up from Adam to negotiate the procurement of a Bullhead at the airport located at the edge of the town while Adam and G41 shopping for their supplies.

Adam would agree. If they were pressed on time. But they are not, they can afford to waste some time especially when this is a fantasy world for sure. Aside from the fantasy-like architecture of this world despite having advanced technology like Scroll which is a holographic phone, tablet or computer and Bullhead which is literally a better version of V-22.

Anyway, they had enough sightseeing for today. Even G41 is running out of her zoomie energy exploring the town.

They paid for a room and retreated there for the rest of the day, waiting for tomorrow.


In Beacon Academy, Weiss Schnee was suddenly contacted by her elder sister.

"H-Hello, Winter… Why did you call out of the sudden?" She tried to maintain a smile but the messy background and three people wrestling behind her on a bed, made her lips twitch and her smile faltering.

"*Cough* I have important news to tell you. I think we should talk about this more privately." The older Schnee pretends to not see the state of her sister's room and sends her an address to a restaurant. "I will be arriving in two hours and you better not be late."

"Of course, Winter." Weiss nodded and fell to her bed with relief when the call ended.

The fight between her teammates ended abruptly as they are more interested with Weiss than whatever they were fighting for a moment ago.

"So, Weiss. What's so important for your sister to arrange a meeting this urgently?" The blond girl named Yang asked, very curious. Perhaps too curious for her own good.

"I don't know. She didn't reveal anything." Weiss shrugged as she quickly prepared herself and dressed up. Once she did, she grab her weapon and her purse before she left in a hurry to board a Bullhead heading to the city of Vale.

Later in a high class restaurant caters to mostly Huntsmens, Weiss is looking over the information given to her by Winter.

"He… Whitley isn't dead? He's alive?" She asked Winter with hope and desperation in her voice. No matter how she hated her little brother because of how much he follow after her father, Whitley is still her family.

"I am not 100% sure yet. But since he authorized the transfer using his biometric. High chance he is still alive and we narrow him down to Vale." Winter replied with some hope for Weiss.

"Narrow down? You still haven't found him yet?" Weiss found it hard to believe that Winter would delay her task instead of completing it immediately.

Winter avoid eye contact witn Weiss and instead look at the wine she is swirling in her hand. "I afraid so, Weiss. He seem to be avoiding us or anyone that trying to find him because he covered his track very well. I only barely able to track him down after mobilizing Atlesian military assets."

Weiss looks at Winter with her mouth wide agape with the extent she went to find their missing brother.

"Don't worry, I have Mr Ironwood's permission for this." Winter added.

"I see… So, what should I do to help? I don't think you came all the way to meet me just for this information." Weiss read through the oldest Schnee easily. There must be a greater reason for coming in person especially when Winter is a very busy person with very little spare time as a military personnel and a specialist.

Winter smiled and was glad to have an understanding sister. Although, she also understands she is partly to be blamed with Whitley's upbringing.

"I am affiliated to the Atlesian military. I cannot leave on my whim to search for Whitley myself especially with a mission that requires me." Winter said with a gripped fist. She wanted to be the one searching for her missing brother but they just happen to have a mission and she would be very busy.

"It's alright. Leave it to me, sister. Supplying me with information is enough. I can try looking for him myself." Weiss reassured her older sister while she cringed when she noticed how close they were acting right now.

After the little meeting ended. Weiss returned to her dorm before reading about the information Winter supplied to her.

The first thing she noticed is how different they look, the man in the Mercenary profile and her Whitley Schnee that she knew, her younger brother.

"Adam White… age 20? Huh?" Weiss frowned.

Whitley Schnee supposed to be 15! Two years younger than her, a boy. Yet in this profile, his image shows him already an adult with a battle hardened face, a far cry from when he was still a proud heir. His eyes stared blankly at her from the image carrying indescribable emotions in the two blue orbs.

"Just what happened in the two years he went missing?" Weiss couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh, Ice Queen. I didn't know you had such a hunk of a brother."

"Excuse me?" Weiss hissed scandalously at the resident blond teammate, Yang.

"I didn't know you have a big brother, Weiss."

"Because I actually don't." She rubs her forehead, aching at how she should explain this because she would require not just her team leader's permission. But also the whole team's help to go and search for Whitley.

"Actually… I need to ask for everyone's help." Weiss trailed as her eyes glanced past Yang to her partner Blake who is reading a suspiciously titled book on her bed and then Weiss' own partner, Ruby who is also the team leader.

All three give Weiss the attention since it's quite rare for her to ask for help.


Next morning, it was five and a half in the morning when Agent flipped open the bedsheet to wake up the two still sleeping sleepyheads.

Adam woke up first because of the cold morning, shaking and shivering as he quickly put on his gear to regain the warmth. Reach is a town placed on top of a plateau after all, the temperature is quite low in places with higher elevation.

"Eat your breakfast, Master. We will have to board the Bullhead by six and none of us want to be late." Agent hands a tray to Adam containing pancakes doused with syrup and a cup of hot coffee, a lifesaver for a cold morning like this.

While preparing to eat his breakfast, he noticed there was no other food beside his own.

Agent saw the face he was making and quickly answered the unasked question. "Our energy is still quite full from yesterday. So, I don't think we will be requiring food."

"Anyway, Master. About that human you asked me to check on." Agent swiftly changed the topic.

"What about him?" Adam wondered as he sliced a small piece of the pancake and stuffed it into his mouth.

"He is very suspicious. Although, I cannot find any evidence to prove he is the one causing the outbreak." Agent said with a hint of frustration at her failure.

"Hmn. It's fine. You did great." Adam praised, which made Agent feel immense joy and pride despite not showing it outwardly.

After having his breakfast, he woke up G41. They all got ready and went to the airport, waiting for their pilot before they boarded the Bullhead.

At exactly 6:30 am, the Bullhead took off after a routine check-up and refueling. The flight is heading to the mining town, Ansel at the mountainous border between Vale and Vacuo.


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