Chapter 28 - Le Cunny

Early morning the next day. Adam and the ladies gathered in the warehouse which still is their base.

Adam geared up and armed to the teeth with his max Augmented armors and guns that he spent days grinding for. Besides that, he also has several other surprises he stored in his Inventory.

Alice, Agent, Executioner and Destroyer except Scarecrow who need to oversee the production of robots, participated. Although they didn't bring all their Dummies and only the original except for Agent and Alice that had their Dummies fully upgraded.

Last one of the group is Winter. He actually didn't intend to involve her but apparently Agent invited her into the group and when he ordered her to ask everyone, that included Winter.

What an oversight. Haah…

Well, at least he knew Winter is strong. Strong enough to fight toe to toe with him. For that, Adam allowed her to participate. Also, she is kicking up a fuss if he doesn't let her join.

She apparently buys the lies he told about him being amnesiac. Then, for whatever reason. She becomes this annoyingly protective older sister. When she learned what the Interdimensional Contract entails, she insisted to join and be by his side so she can protect him. So, just for the sake of shutting her mouth. He recruits her as an operator. Who knows, maybe she will be useful in the next world.

"I hope everyone is ready." He said and scanned everyone with his eyes and saw everyone nod.

He first stored Executioner and Destroyer into his Inventory. As for the rest, they will follow him due to being his operators.

"Alright, let's go then. To a new world."

Adam opened the menu and initiated the Interdimensional Contract.


Location: United States, ???

Time: Night time, ???

Adam arrived at the new world along with Alice, Agent and Winter. Adam first brings out Executioner and Destroyer before he orders Agent to try to access any available network to gather information for him to potentially identify the world.

Although the world of Remnant and GFL is not known to him. He still remembers the being that reincarnated him confirmed that he will indeed be sent to a fictional world. Meaning every world he visited is from either games, shows, movies, books, etc.

While the Agent is completing his order, the rest survey their surroundings. Their location is currently an empty office building, seemingly abandoned in a hurry as many things were left behind. Also, it's been abandoned for a very long time with a thick layer of dust covering basically everything.

Adam walks to the window plane and looks out to the city outside. Adam looks up to the sky, he can see stars. Which is odd as normally, the area around the city is impossible to see stars in the sky due to the light pollution. When he looks at the ground, streets are completely dark as street lights are no longer working. However, in the great distance. He can see light from civilization.

Then he shifts his attention to his minimap and expands the range to the maximum. He found both enemies highlighted with red dots and also blue dots which indicate friends but not allies as they can turn hostile too.

"Did you find anything?" Winter suddenly approached him very closely and asked.

"Yes." Adam distanced himself a little, feeling uncomfortable. "I found enemies and locals of this world."

"Really?" Winter looked surprised and asked. "How? I can't find any though." She looked out the window plane and tried to find the people Adam mentioned but found none on the deserted street.

Then suddenly Winter looked in a particular direction at the base of a skyscraper to her right and saw a group of two children with glowing red eyes running out from behind the skyscraper and being chased down by a weird giant insect creature that looked like a praying mantis. Its carapace is sickly green and yellow with eyes glowing red in the dark.

"That's…" Adam think he had a hunch of what the creature were and his assumption strengthens by the fact the two childrens also have red glowing eyes and strength beyond their size and age.

"Master, I have gathered all necessary information." Agent wakes up from her brief inactivity and approaches Adam.

"Is it Gastrea virus?" Adam asked without looking away from the chase down below on the street.

"Master is familiar with this world?" Agent is a little surprised while the other is shocked. Agent already knew Adam's secret while the others didn't.

"Yes and it's a little worrying. I shouldn't have brought Winter along." Adam sighed and regretted his choice but what's done is done and there's no going back until he completes his objectives.

Speaking of objective, he still hadn't received any…

"What do you mean by that?" Winter is a little offended by his words but guesses he probably has a valid reason since he claims to be familiar with this world and isn't trying to look down on her.

"Hmn. Agent, you explain to them." Adam asked an Agent trying to summarize the general history of Gastrea and the Gastrea war 10 years ago.

Meanwhile, Adam is checking his System about the lack of objective or mission whatever.

"So, what's happening?" He questioned his System.

[Host Contract is one sided.]

"What is that supposed to mean? Explain it in a way I could understand, please."

[To put it simply. The contract that summoned Host is established and acknowledged. However, the Contractor did not. The Contractor is not aware of it due to some issue on the other party.]

Adam still doesn't understand. The person that makes the contract like Commander Gentiane is the person requesting help. But if she is unaware, then how does that person even request help? It's illogical.

"So, now what? Is the Contract invalid then?"

[The Contact is established and acknowledged, thus is valid. The goal to help the Contractor has not changed. However, the objective cannot be defined simply because the Contractor does not have a goal defined. Thus Host must seek out the Contractor and obtain it himself.]

"Great, a classic RPG quest line." Adam sighed and dismissed his System as his awareness returned to his surroundings as his Objective is being redefined.

[New Objective]

-Seek out Contractor.


-Unlocking the Main Quest Line.

"Even the System acknowledged its a quest line." Adam made his final sigh and put his troubled thoughts aside and looked to the ladies behind him.

"So, I assume everyone understands the threat we are dealing with?" Adam sweeps his eyes to each of their expressions.

The T-Dolls group didn't show much emotion fluctuations as no matter what the enemies are, their job remains the same, that is to follow their Master's order.

As for Winter, she shows a little more change as she understands why Adam said he shouldn't have brought her. However, the same can be said for himself!

"Yes. But do you really have to fight against those Gastrea? What if they manage to infect you?!" The voice of reason in Winter's mind slowly replaced with worry of Adam's safety.

She also compared the threat of the Gastrea virus and the one back at Remnant. The former pose more danger. It turns living creatures into abominations especially in later stages and each of them are not just strong but some might even develop strange abilities.

"You needn't have to worry about that. I am very resistant to any kind of disease."

Adam explains that the Nanomachines in his body are capable of doing the job of his white blood cell with even greater efficiency to exterminate any virus that enters his body. To top it off, the Virus Serum he took had evolved his body way above the limit of an average human.

"Anyway, Winter you should avoid any battle unless absolutely necessary. As for the others, try to be extra cautious. We still didn't know if our weapons will be effective against the Gastrea." Adam lay down the warning for everyone.

"Yes, Master!" Everyone replied except Winter who look downcast and reply with just a simple nod.

After that, Adam look at his minimap and lead the team by following the marked dot that indicates the target of his current objective.


Tina Sprout, a Cursed Child but also a Mechanical Soldier subject of the New Humanity Creation Project. Her existence is unique as a Hybrid of Cursed Child and Mechanical Soldiers.

The Mechanical Soldier of the New Humanity Creation Project was intended to be the blade of humanity against Gastrea, conceived during the Gastrea War. Exceptional humans are selected through a rigorous and strict filtering and then subjected to inhumane experiments to create a Mechanical Soldier. Their capabilities are immense too, capable of fighting even against Stage IV Gastrea which can destroy cities. However, the project fell off when Cursed Children were discovered.

Cursed Children are the childrens that get infected during pregnancy at the time of the Gastrea Virus outbreak. The children mutated and somehow always came out as female. They are essentially Gastrea that retain the genetics of a human and result as a hybrid. They can control the virus in their body and retain their humanity. However, they are still susceptible to the Gastrea Virus. If the virus ratio in their body exceeds 50%, they will turn into Gastrea.

But, they also gained special abilities. They get superhuman strength, vitality, perceptions, etc. They also have the chance of developing special abilities like Gastrea which sometimes appears as super powers. Besides that, based on what the source of the virus is, they will gain an animalistic template of it which ranges from enhanced hearing of model dog, powerful legs of model rabbit, night vision of model owl, etc.

Tina Sprout is both a Cursed Child with model Owl virus and a Mechanical Soldier which significantly enhance her already superhuman capabilities. Thus making her one of the top 100 in the IP rank.

IP rank is a ranking of strength based on the combined personal strength of a Promoter, Civil Servant and Initiator, the Cursed Child. Beside personal strength, it also takes into consideration the number of kills they have on Gastrea and also battle achievement.

For Tina Sprout to be in the top 100 of the 700,000 pairs. Her strength is considered as extremely dangerous and also an exceedingly powerful combatant, powerful enough to influence the battlefield and turning tides.

Yet, her purpose isn't to aid humanity in the war against the Gastrea. No, her real job isn't as an Initiator but a tool for her creator and Master, Ayn Rand, one of the Four Sages that use their intellect and genius to aid humanity to survive the apocalypse, one of the Four Pioneer of New Humanity Creation Project and many more.

Ayn Rand is a man with ambiguous morality. He isn't a man that helped humanity with the New Humanity Creation Project with good intentions. He was simply obsessed with it, a mad scientist that wanted to create the greatest weapon, which is the HYBRID, the union of Cursed Child with Mechanical Soldier.

Ayn Rand used these HYBRIDs he created like tools in his disposal to get everything he wanted. Tina, being one of them, had been tasked to assassinate countless people like political figures, rival companies and basically anyone that stood in his path.

Tina herself did not wish to kill anyone. It felt wrong. But she cannot defy her creator either. She didn't have the will and strength to do it. Thus, she turned herself into a tool for her creator. Her only purpose and reason to keep living is just that, to simply follow his order.

But once, she wished to be saved when she found the existence of comics, specifically superhero comics which were abundant and popular in her country before the Gastrea Outbreak.

She learned the existence of superheroes, an ally of justice. They could be human with supernatural power to a normal human with a great will. Something she cannot become. Thus, in that moment of weakness. She prayed for a savior, a superhero for herself. A superhero that can save her broken self from this twisted fate that was forced on her by this world.


(Aight, enough intro for Tina. I still hadn't decided how to approach it because there is no source on Ayn Rand or Tina's backstory. So, I just yolo it to see how it went.

Don't worry, the loli is going back home with Adam. Heaven be damned if I dare leave this lovable cunny behind. She deserves better! 😭😭😭

Also, I like owls because they are cute af irl. Sadly I can't get or keep one as a pet.)