Chapter 35 - Return to Remnant


[Contract completed.]

Objective - Help Tina Sprout gain her freedom.


- 6.5M XP

- 100k SAS$

Hidden Objective - Agree to become her older brother.


-Recruitment as Operator, do not cost slot.

[Objective Completed]

[Savior of the Oppressed]

Objective - At least 5,000 Cursed Children

Reward - Limited function unlock, Orbital Fortress


On board the Orbital Fortress are Adam with his team and roughly 21 thousand Cursed Children. The Contract had been achieved although it lacked action compared to the previous world.

Anyway, Adam chose to return and the spacecraft is immediately engulfed by a fizzle of data as the Quantum Teleportation swallowed the craft and spit them out at the orbit of Remnant.

It's an amazing spectacle for sure. From Earth to Remnants. They all can clearly see they are in another world as the continental distribution of landmass on Remnants is way different than Earth, especially the one on the northwest, a dragon-like continent mysteriously shrouded in darkness.

Agent upon return, immediately linked with her Dummies she left behind to hold the fort. She quickly gets up to date and her face turns to the worst.

"Master, your presence is required immediately in the presidential office, Atlas had declared war on Vale." Agent informed which shocked not just Adam but also Winter.

"Atlas declared war on Vale?! Why? Why would they do it?" Winter panicked and also felt angry.

"The Council, driven by Jacques Schnee and the new General, sees him as a threat and blames the Virus Outbreak on Master, blaming the organization behind him as the culprit to seize power over Vale." Agent answered disinterestedly.

"Please assume command over the office, Master. I will handle the children."

"Alright, I gave you the authorization to use the Teleportation function." Adam said and left immediately after.

Agent also dismissed Executioner and Destroyer, sending them back to their original post to defend against the attacks on their facilities.

As for Winter, he sends her Adam. She had some influence over the Atlesian Military although it had dwindled a lot. At least she can be the voice to reason with the people from Atlas.

But for this newcomer that got close to her Master… She honestly didn't know how to deal with her. From what she heard from Destroyer. Adam had agreed to take Tina as his adoptive sister. That makes her a family member of her Master. But, so does Winter although he wouldn't acknowledge it.

For now, she sends Tina to Alice. She will join them at the main base. As for the other Cursed Children, they will be temporarily allocated across several places until the construction of their new residence is completed.

Those that wish to become civilians will be prepared for adoption or orphanage. Meanwhile those that chose to fight for her Master will be living in this facility that has their residence, school, training facility, etc. After all, her Master said they will need to do the Huntsmens training first, to at least master Aura before they can fight in battle.


Back to the Presidential Office.

"What is the situation right now?" Adam sits by his desk and waits for a briefing from Agent.

Agent makes a screen appear on his desk which displays various details.

"Let's start with the strength of the enemy." She said and more details appeared which Adam recognised as the military strength of Atlas. "From what I could gather, Atlas has 24 of their Airships in their disposal. Half of it will be used in the attack. This will be our main obstacle as we lack air superiority."

"As of now, I have started the construction of AA Batteries in several strategic locations across the city. However, it is still inadequate to fully protect ourselves from the Airships unless we have an air unit capable of engaging against their Airships." Agent stated this as the main problem.

"Next would be the landing forces. This will mainly be Atlesian Knights and Paladins. Their mechanized units. 20 thousand Knights and 100 Paladins will be deployed according to the enemy plan."

The explanation dragged on for a while. But from what he grasped, their chance of winning isn't impossible. However, what Agent worried about more is the aftermath of the attack.

The situation with the world right now, they have no spare resources to engage in a war against one another. Their focus should be on the Outbreak.

Although Agent is reluctant to agree to attack Atlas. No nation is militarized enough like Atlas to defend against the threat of the Zombie Outbreak. In fact, all nations except Atlas have no standing military forces. They had been always relying on Huntsmens for peacekeeping as the major threat had always been Grimms.

At the time being, the Zombie Virus is still landlocked to Sanus. Vacuo is mostly safe due to the wide desert which is unfavorable for Zombified Grimms which will dry up and turn into a mummy long before they could attack the population.

However, with the confirmation of a leader with intelligence leading the Infected Grimms, there is no guarantee the Virus will not spread into other continents.

"So, your plan is to lead a small strike force and conquer the capital in one go and remove the current leadership."

"Yes. We wouldn't need to worry about the Atlesian Knights or Paladins as they had been infected by a modified Anti-Parapluie Virus the same day they declared war on us. All of their assets with electronics are under my control. What is left is to eliminate their human forces." Agent proudly shared the preparation she had been doing in the background.

"I see, you have send Neo to infiltrate Atlas and plant the virus." Adam now understands why Agent emphasizes multiple times that the Roman and Neo pair is a very useful 'tool' that he must keep.

"I understand that we could easily kill and replace the current government. But how about the people? Will they accept us that easily?" He worried that the population will not accept him as their ruler and eventually revolt.

"Master, do not need to worry about that. I had been diligently doing my job and dug up a lot of dirt on the current council members and most of the top level government and military officials." Agent show files filled with countless corruption, illegal dealings and lobbying. Especially the one named Jacques Schnee after the death of James Ironwood which resulted in him becoming one of the council members.

Adam estimated that these files alone can cause a big revolt and riot in Atlas and especially Mantle. Those council members will not sit long on their throne once their dirts are released to the public. Especially one that involves a plan to actually assassinate James Ironwood by one of the more power hungry members which Agent will capitalize to shift the crime she did to an unfortunate black sheep.

Everything is perfectly prepared. What left is for Adam to lead the small strike force and eliminate these soon-to-be criminals.

"Sheesh. You are really scary when I think about it, Agent. Not even a day after their declaration of war and you already prepared a thorough preparation to eliminate their government." Adam relaxed and rested on his back on the chair after realizing everything was under control.

"Of course, Master. I thank you for your generous praise. Your will is my command and I will strive for nothing but perfection." Agent bowed deeply to Adam.

This is the true horror of Artificial Intelligence that no human can compete. Their brutal efficiency and speed that can complete jobs that take days and weeks to do. Especially in a world that isn't technologically advanced enough. Atlas' electronics have basically no chance of resisting Agent's infiltrations.

While the Council members of Atlas are celebrating their early victory celebration. Thinking Vale is already in their grasp, they didn't know that it was the exact opposite. They probably wouldn't even know what hit them.

"Alright, I will do it." Adam agreed on the plan.

"Anything else?" Adam asked as he will leave the office soon and return home. He wanted a good bath after all the time he spent crawling in the sewer.

"There is one. The Headmaster of Beacon had requested to contact Master but I turned him away saying you are currently unavailable."

"Professor Ozpin?" Adam wondered what the reason Ozpin would want to meet him. Is it related to what is happening in Atlas?

"Put him on call right now." Adam ordered and waited while he looked at the Headlight Dust screen.

The call took a while to be connected. When it did, Professor Ozpin's face appeared while sipping his coffee inside his office.

"Good afternoon, Mr White."

"Good afternoon, Professor Ozpin. Is there anything I can help with? I heard you were looking for me this morning."

"Ah, it's nothing too important." Ozpin said with an embarrassed tone. "It's just an unruly student that I unfortunately need your help to bail out."

"A student needs to be bailed out?" Adam is puzzled as he had no idea what Ozpin is talking about. He turns his head to Agent and she immediately shows a picture of a student which he found to be reminiscent of someone, blond hair and blue eyes.

"Breaking into military installation?" Adam read the crime recorded for the boy.

"He stated he wished to hitch a ride secretly in one of the Bullhead heading to Reach for a resupply run when he was interrogated. However he wouldn't state the reason why he is doing that." Agent added a few more details.

"Isn't he the son of Nicholas Arc?" Adam finally recalled it.

"Yes. That is correct, Mr White." Ozpin confirmed.

"I see, then his reason is probably because he wishes to meet his father? Anyway, I will release him for sure, Professor Ozpin. You didn't need to worry about this small matter."

"I am immensely grateful to you, Mr White." Ozpin sighed in relief as if a big burden was taken off his shoulder.

"He probably cared a lot about his students." Adam shrugged as the call ended and Agent already arranged for Jaune to be released.

(I actually forgot about him. Poor Jaune was thrown into jail for a week. 🤣)


When Adam finally returned home, he immediately went for a bath. But, by the time he is about to enter the bathroom, there is a line behind him.

"What are you doing, Alice?" Adam turned and saw all five Alice are behind him holding their towel, planning to join him in the bath. He also noticed another blond hiding behind the five Alices. "Not you too, Tina."

"But we want to take bath with Master too." Alices deploy their puppy eyes on Adam who immediately cover his eyes with his arm.

"Me too, Adam Onii-san~" Tina doubled down on Adam.

"Hold on a second. Aren't you American? Why are you talking like a Japanese?" Adam feels bothered by that.

"I learned it from reading manga." Tina answered with a smile and trotted forward to catch Adam who was planning to escape. "You are not going to run away, nii-san."

"Sthap! Help!" Adam howled as he was getting dragged by Tina's monstrous strength that somehow outclassed him.

"No!!!" Adam was holding on the door frame but Alices playfully pulled away his finger and left him nothing to hold on as he got dragged in before the door slammed itself shut.

His last words were, "I swear I'm innocent, officer! I was forced against my will!"


(The last part was a joke. I just ran out of stuff to write and decided why not that. No +18 happens in the bath alright. Get your heads out of the gutter. Just normal bonding.)

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