Chapter 46 - Orleans Singularity Speed Run

Adam and Siegfried return to Lyon after Adam saves him from his death.

"So, in short. The real enemy we should actually defeat isn't actually Jeanne Alter. But Gilles de Rais that owned the Grail." Adam emphasized defeating Gilles and Siegfried noticed that his Ma- Adam is purposely diverting the target from Jeanne Alter for some reason.

"Hmn." Siegfried grunts in response as Adam nods and continues talking.

"So, if I remember everything correctly. The Chaldean will come to Lyon after they meet with Saint Martha in search for you who is the key to defeat Fafnir. Jeanne Alter will also come with the Servants she summoned and Fafnir to attack the Chaldean." Adam reveals even more of the story to Siegfried. "At that time, we will take down Jeanne Alter and bait out Gilles and kill him for good."

"You will kill Fafnir here the moment he arrives and also Jeanne Alter with the help of The Chaldean. You can use as much of my Au- Soul energy you need to make it happen. That Gilles will definitely appear if Jeanne Alter is in danger and I will pop his head off."

"That's the gist of it." Adam nods and sure his plan is as perfect as it could.

"If that's your order." Siegfried nods and agrees to the plan.

"Good. For now you stay in the town and wait for the Chaldean. I will camp out here in the woods. It's better if less people know that I am here." Adam tapped Siegfried's shoulder and went the opposite way from Siegfried, into the forest.

Siegfried continued his march toward Lyon and felt assured that Adam is strong and capable of taking care of himself as he did manage to kill off Berserker Lancelot on his own.

Thinking about the battle where he was saved by Adam, Siegfried couldn't help but wonder who Adam was. Servant is out of the question since he is alive. A Magus is not possible either because he has no Mana.

When he was summoned, Siegfried received some information from the Grail and the weapon used by Adam, Siegfried recognized as firearms although a much, much refined version compared to the matchlock guns currently existing in this 14th century world.

He naturally theorized Adam is someone from the future. But he did introduce himself as someone from another dimension entirely. This intrigued the dragon slayer as he wished to learn more about this person he will be serving.

Once arrived at Lyon, Siegfried is greeted with a partially ruined town with France soldiers manning the wall.

"Hmn. Here I go then." Siegfried went forward and greeted the wary soldiers.


Inside the woods, Adam rested on top of a tree. His suit protected him from the elements and kept him cozy regardless of the external temperature.

Instead of resting, he is in deep thoughts. When he shot Berserker Lancelot earlier, he never really thought he could kill a Servant with a mortal weapon.

Well, not exactly a mortal weapon due to the System's influence and his Semblance. But still, he never thought he could kill a Servant with just a casual headshot.

He rationalized.

Servant is not bound by human logic. He is sure someone like Emiya or Lancer Cu can definitely sense him the moment he aimed at them. It worked on Berserker Lancelot because at that moment, he was focused on Siegfried and also him being Berserker downgrade many things including his intelligence and senses for strength probably.

He worried that if he tried this on Jeanne Alter or Gilles later, we would fail. That's why, to ease his worry, Adam is checking his Nanosuit's Cloaking mode ability.

With the System 2.0 update, all his skills and equipment like the Nanosuit is now powered by Aura. Meaning, they are no longer purely technologies. There is now a mix of magic? supernatural power? Whichever it is.

Meaning, if he uses Cloaking mode while Aiming. Logically, he should be untraceable.

"Haah, if only I can get Presence Concealment or something…" Adam sighed and scratched his head from stress as he wondered how he should verify this theory of his.

While he is resting, he soon senses something lurking below. He looked down and noticed a werewolf and undead roaming below, possibly just passing by.

"I can test on them." Adam mutters and drops himself from the tree branch.

"Awoo!" The werewolves howled and immediately charged at Adam but he engaged Cloaking mode.

Instantly, the Werewolves become confused and frantically look around in search for their missing prey. Adam purposely walked close to them and stepped on some branches which snapped. The Werewolves reacted to the noise but couldn't sense him.

When Adam tried to aim at the werewolf to see if they could sense his intent. Miraculously, they don't. Or perhaps couldn't? He isn't that sure yet. But from this round of testing. He can confirm something physically like sound and smell can be sensed but sometimes metaphysical like his killing intent is still unsure.

If only he had something like Presence Concealment. Although becoming perfectly invisible and undetectable is not possible. That skill can reduce his presence to near perfect invisibility. Sound, smell, heat, etc will blend in perfectly in the surrounding perfect for assassination like what he is going to do soon.

But instead, his reward from the recent Emergency Task on La Charite was something he never would have expected. Not unwelcomed. But he rather trades it in for something more immediately useful.

[Archangel Michael's Sword]

-Fragmented Authority of Archangel Michael that allows a temporary one use of his flaming sword. This is a gift for helping and defending the residents of La Charite. A gift not possible to be bestowed normally. However, through a loophole, the System. Archangel Michael foreseen your future and bestowed a gift that will aid you in your journey.

It's a card similar to Craft Essence for the game FGO except without stats or anything. Just a piece of solid metal card with engraved gold back and the front is the image of a blazing sword wielded by a multi winged angel whose features were shrouded and blurred for some reason. It's a one use item that allows Adam to borrow a potentially powerful weapon as a trump card. However, that means. Majority of the time. This card will simply sit in his Inventory to collect dust until the day he encounters a problem he couldn't solve and requires additional violence.

If he could, Adam would have just traded it for something he would use more often than a single use item.

Having a one use item will make him hesitate and think, Is this really the right time to use it? Is there perhaps another method to solve this problem? It would be like that until the day he becomes strong enough that the item becomes useless and turns into a collection item instead. Although he doubts his strength will outgrow this fragmented divine power.

Also, the description of the card is worrying some. Archangel Michael foreseen his future and thought there would be a day he would require something this powerful. This means he would encounter a foe that he needs to hopefully defeat with this Fragmented Authority in the future. It gives him chills just trying to imagine it.

Anyway, after Adam sweeps up the enemies in his surrounding area. He really is taking a rest on top of a large tree branch. He will stay here and wait for Jeanne Alter to attack The Chaldean at Lyon.


While Adam and Siegfried are doing their things in Lyon. The Chaldean finally caught up and are on the right track of the story except they aren't visited by Saint Martha in the middle of the night. Instead, they were attacked before The Chaldean could even take a rest and set up a camp after retreating from La Charite.

They fought against Saint Martha as they should and she revealed the information about the Dragon Jeanne Alter had under her control and shared the whereabouts of the slayer capable of felling the evil dragon.

"Hold on a moment. Did you see any man in armor and using a gun?" Ritsuko asked as Martha are disappeared.

"Of course, they are the one that saved the Dragon Slayer and killed Berserker." Saint Martha said bitterly before her time was up and vanished.

"It seems that you have to travel to Lyon instead of camping here. We need the Dragon Slayer urgently if what Saint Martha said were true." Doctor Romani said.

"Indeed. However, is it wise to travel right now? The sun is setting and we need rest, especially Master who needs to be at her best to support the Servants in battle." Mash voiced her concern.

"Oh, leave it to me then." Marie Antoinette coughed excitedly as her time to shine as Rider had arrived before summoning a carriage and two horses made entirely out of glass. "Now. Let's get on and depart swiftly."

Everyone gets on, which is a little cramped. So, Artoria and Caster Cu sat on the coachman seat while Emiya sat cross-legged on the roof, he can keep watch of their surroundings better this way. As for the rest, they sit in the carriage.

With Marie, Amadeus and Jeanne being the locals, their journey is as smooth as it could go with a few fights along the way when they encounter some enemies. The group reached Lyon in no time and found the Dragon Slayer, Siegfried.

"You already have a Master. It's that guy in weird armor right? Where is he? I have a score to settle with him." Caster Cu immediately demands Adam's location but unfortunately Siegfried wouldn't share it even if he wanted to.

"Pfft- Please control yourself, Caster and don't cause trouble." Emiya wanted to laugh but controlled himself and scolded Caster Cu for overstepping the line.

"No! I am definitely sure this punk is the one messing with my Primordial Runes. I won't be satisfied until I clear my shame." Caster Cu refused and continued to demand Adam's location and almost broke out into a fight if not for the sudden arrival of Jeanne Alter and her band of Berserk Servants.

"It's the Dragon Witch attacking! Sound the alarm!" The France soldiers scrambled awake and quickly reached for their weapons.

Siegfried remembers his job and draws his sword. The Chaldean also prepared to assist Siegfried to defend Lyon. As they waited nervously for the enemies to arrive, the undead approaches from the depth of the woods and charged at the gate of the town.

Mash, Caster Cu, Artoria and Siegfried fought the Undead and prevent them from getting close to the town while Emiya is shooting with his bow at any that slipped the initial defence. The French Army also at wall, fighting back at the incoming Undead.

The Undead isn't strong but simply annoyingly huge in numbers which purpose is only to waste AOE attacks that will consume precious Mana that could be use somewhere better. But now they have no choice as the Wyvern is getting close and fighting both is something they rather not. So, Artoria use Strike Air to release blades of razor sharp invisible winds that diced the Undeads instantly and effectively.

Now, Emiya and Caster Cu is bombarding arrows, swords and spells at the incoming Wyverns. But the arrival of the massive black dragon made everyone paused.

"A phantasmal species indeed. The power output is too massive. Please take down the Evil Dragon, Siegfried." Doctor Romani urged as he is very worried what would happen if they didn't kill it immediately.

"Kill that Dragon Slayer Servant!" Jeanne Alter ordered as she stood on Fafnir with her darkened flag while she scanned everyone below her with arrogance.

As she ordered, several Berserk Servants appeared and immediately rush over to Siegfried.

Berserk Saber Chevalier D'Eon, Berserk Assassin Phantom of the Opera & Carmilla, Berserk Archer Atlanta and Berserk Berserker Eric Bloodaxe. All five Servants swiftly went to attack Siegfried as ordered but quickly thwarted as the Chaldean Servants stopped them to buy time and let him slay Fafnir.

When Siegfried prepared to deploy his Noble Phantasm, the Evil Dragon Fafnir sensed his fate of demise and shivered in fear.

"This! Fafnir is trembling… That Servant, could it be…? Damnit!" Jeanne Alter immediately turn serious and shed her playful expression as she ordered Fafnir to fly high to get out of range but it's useless.

"It's been a while, my old foe, Fafnir. My purpose of being summoned here is to send you back to your eternal slumber." Siegfried said with his mana climbing at exponential rate, exceeding even the usual need to deploy his Noble Phantasm as he is overcharging it to eliminate all the Wyvern too in one swoop. "Hear me, One Who Rules the Blue Sky! My name is Siegfried! He who once defeated by me! Noble Phantasm, Release!"


The berserk energy dancing around Siegfried instantly absorbed into his holy demonic greatsword. The energy condensed into an azure blue pillar shooting up into the sky. Upon the release of his Noble Phantasm's true name, Siegfried performed an instantaneous slash which send the pillar of azure blue light like a wave through the sky and killed Fafnir along with thousands of Wyverns which fell into the ground like flies.

"Haah…" Siegfried sighed and relieved that Fafnir is truly dead and it's rider, Jeanne Alter was caught in the attack and now felled to the ground and being surrounded by Chaldean Servants that is eager to beat her up while she is still injured.

'I did it, Adam.' Siegfried informed telepathically through their Master Servant bond.

'Hmn.' A grunt is all Siegfried received from his Master.

"Tch! Useless! All of you useless!" Jeanne Alter throw a tantrum angrily at the Servants, dragon and wyverns she summoned. "Gilles! Help me, Gilles!" She shouted frantically.

Not even a second later, a tall creepy man in robe appeared and summoned disgusting tentacle familiars to attack the Chaldean as distractions while he carried Jeanne Alter on his arm and about to escape before…


A crisp crack echoed through the air and bring forth silence as everyone look at Gilles head blow apart illogically. Normally, unless the bullet is explosive, it shouldn't burst the head apart like that even if it carry powerful momentum. However, the head bursting effect is the result of critical damage being triggered.

The shots didn't stop at just one either…



*Bang!* x6

The shots stopped only once the entire body of Gilles de Rais had been reduced into pulp and no longer trying to reform his body.

Jeanne Alter was shivering in fear and terror as Gilles bit of flesh, blood and other gores decorated her like a twisted chrismas tree. She freezed up like a statue. Wanted to hide but nowhere else to hide. On one side is Servants of Chaldea and on another side is a cold blooded murderer that she pretend to be and finally meet.

From the edge of the woods, the rustle of the grass caught everyone's attention. A person walk up to them from the foot-shaped mark on the grass and true to that, Adam disengaged the Cloaking mode and appears like Predator straight out of the movie with his gun aimed at Jeanne Alter's head, shocking basically everyone except Siegfried who fully expected this and move closer to his Master.

"Are you going to surrender the Grail or should I pick it up from you corpse?" Adam asked with his red visor glowed menacingly as he stared down at Jeanne. "I rather you choose quickly because I have little time to waste here."

The wait had wasted quite a lot of time and Adam was hopeful to end everything within 24 hours. He is rushing to return back to Remnant after all and the final Objective of this Interdimensional Contract is to retrieve the Grail and hand it to the Chaldean.

"Ah… I…" Jeanne Alter was in so much confusion and fear that her brain basically grinded to a halt and crashed.

Seeing that he wouldn't able to get the Grail surrender to him, Adam immediately rested the barrel of his Hornet sniper rifle at Jeanne Alter's forehead. Hoping that killing her will make the Grail drop like a loot. However, before he could pull the trigger. Someone pushed his gun away.

"Please wait a moment! She already surrender. Please spare her life, I beg you." Jeanne D'Arc stopped Adam and shielded Jeanne Alter with her own body.

"Then hand me the Grail now and I will leave immediately." Adam have no mercy to his enemies. But so does those that hinders his goal.

"No, you can't take the Grail. We need to retrieve them to prevent the Human Order Incineration." Doctor Romani interjected and told Ritsuko and Mash to prevent the Grail from falling into Adam's hand.

As for the other Servants, Caster Cu is the most eager to fight. Archer frowned and have his mood soured because Adam's attitude reminded him of his past and someone. As for Artoria, she remained neutral and awaiting order from Ritsuko.

Adam frowned looking at this situation that ia getting worse. He must get the Grail first to complete the Contract.

"I just wanted to borrow the Grail for a moment after that I will return it to you." Adam said to Ritsuko and awaiting no reply. He approaches Jeanne Alter who is still being shielded by Jeanne D'Arc. "Move aside and hand me over the Grail already. I need to return to my world immediately." Adam said irritatedly to the two.

Finally, Adam obtained the Grail in his hand after Jeanne Alter hand it to him. He can finally breath a sigh of relief as the Contract indeed being registered as complete. He then toss it over to the Chaldean as Ritsuko fumbled to catch the falling Grail.

Adam dismissed his gun and the murderous aura hanging around him vanished without any trace which baffeled a few like Emiya and Caster Cu. He is preparing to return however he still have one more thing to do.

Looking at both Jeanne, Adam open his mouth and ask. "Do you want to be my Servants? My world is facing a crisis and having you two is definitely beneficial especially the Saint Jeanne D'Arc." He asked nonchalantly especially at Jeanne Alter like he hand tried to murder her in cold blood.

The two immediately saw a screen appeared in front of them just like when Adam recruiting Siegfried.

"Wait, Wait. Did you said your world? You came from another world?" Doctor Romani suddenly popped up and ask. The others are also interested to know what Adam mean by that.

It's obvious by now that Adam isn't a Servant. Moreover, his suit of armor and weapon is too futuristic for this time period. He is obviously not someone from this time but neither he is a Servant. Then the questions appears. Who is Adam and how did he came here.

"It's a long story." Adam said. He didn't really want to explain because it takes time. So, he decided to throw a certain Magician under the bus. "Just think of this as Zelretch messing around again."

Naturally, the explanation is easily accepted as Emiya, the old long time victim of Zelretch's abuse, nodded in the back and can't think of anyone else but Zelretch that can do something like this.

While he is talking, Jeanne D'Arc already agreed. She agreed easily because Adam said the world is under a crisis and she wouldn't shy away from helping when it's possible. But she is unaware of the permanent indenture to service as a Servant, which Adam purposely didn't explain.

The strange thing is Jeanne Alter also agreed? Adam thought it's weird. Hadn't he killed Gilles in cold blood and threathened to do the same to her. Yet she still agreed to the recruitment. Perhaps she is a masochist and Adam wouldn't judge. He originally only need Jeanne D'Arc but he wouldn't complain for the extra Jeanne.

Without much delay, Adam immediately returns back to Remnant after securing additional Servants. He hopes Vale still stood strong. He spent nearly 9 hours here and back in Remnants, approximately 4.5 hours had passed in total.


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