Chapter 58 - Next Mission

On the screen, there is another hand scanner which is glowing as if wanting him to place his hand on it.

Adam placed his hand on it and it immediately displayed a familiar set of information.

[Military Info]

Name: Adam White

Type: SAS Mercenary Operative, Autonomous Special Operative (Temporary)

Rank: Assault Scout, Major (Temporary)

"Identity confirmed. Mr Adam White. An A-Autonomous Special Operative?" The person on the other side gasped for a little before recovering swiftly and talked with a more polite voice. "Major White, there is an urgent call for you from the Planetary Governors."

Immediately the person on the call was replaced by multiple faces which were obscured in darkness.

"Greetings, Major White. We are the Planetary Governor of Aartis. We had been made aware of the outbreak that happened on Kurios Space Port by the Mercenaries. Although you indeed have the authority, I hope you will understand that destroying the only space port of Aartis will cause quite a lot of problems…" They continued blabbering and Adam didn't pay much attention.

The talk was basically them blaming Adam for destroying the Space Port which will severely affect the commerce of Aartis. But Adam gave them the proverbial middle finger and said that his choice is between damning the whole world to an outbreak or destroying the Space Port.

Anyway, after that. His first mission was completed and he basically vanished through a Teleportation and reappeared in another location.


Status: Completed

Grade: S

Time: 01:55:40

[Next mission, Vaccine.]


The planet Thera, the origin of the outbreak, was confirmed to be overrun by 200 million zombies which is deemed beyond saving. The Planets Federation President had ordered the planet Thera and any survivors to be annihilated with a doomsday weapon of the Federation, Jolt ship, in fear of a further spreading of the outbreak. However, the Combot did a scan on the planet and detected a research facility that managed to produce the Vaccine for the Thera Virus strain. The vaccine is of utmost importance to the Federation and to the whole of humanity. Thus your job is to get down there and retrieve the vaccine within 15 minutes before the Jolt ship glass the planet.


- Obtain the vaccine and board the dropship within 15 minutes.

[Qualification Test]


- Survive until the completion of all missions. (Pending)

- Onslaught (Complete)

-Vaccine (Pending)

- At least 20% of the Aartis population survives. (Pending)

-Exterminate all Infected. (Pending)

- Investigate the cause of the outbreak on Kurios Space Port. (Optional) (Complete)

- Collect the secret research data hidden in the vaccine research facility. (Optional)


The next moment after his mission is declared complete by his System, Adam opens his eyes and finds himself inside a ship. A dropship to be specific as he can see the scenery outside the window and its outer space.

"I know it's a very dangerous strain of virus, the Nightmare Variant. But, can't they just put the destruction of the world on hold while we are retrieving the Vaccine? Must they force us with such a short time table to work around?" The Heavy Class operator sighed before he leaned on his seat and stared at the ceiling.

"Order is order. There's nothing we can do about it but to work hard and make sure we get out before the Jolt ship glass the world into a scorching hell." The Assault Class operator next to Adam said and he detected the voice sounded feminine but he isn't that sure with how the comms heavily masked it to sound more neutral.

As for the Medic and Adam himself, the two kept their silence. One is for reasons unknown. As for Adam, he is too absorbed at reading through the new pop up on his System Screen. He is trying to obtain any available information provided by his System. But sadly he found none.

Retracting his focus on the screen, he chose to reload his guns and do a final check on himself before the mission started.

"Premium weapon? That's something rare. How did you get it?" The Assault Class operator suddenly looks at Adam and his shotgun before talking with great interest and even asks if he can borrow to hold it for a bit but Adam rejects the request.

"Let's not do that and focus on our mission." Adam responded which the other two operators agreed and the Assault Class operator was left clicking his tongue with dissatisfaction.

In another 5 minutes, they arrived at the drop point.

"Good luck on your mission, soldiers. Call me immediately after retrieving the Vaccine. I will try to find a place nearby to land on. Remember, we only have 15 minutes to wrap this up." The pilot said and dropped them off on a starport that is connected to a subway terminal.

"Roger!" The three operators said and Adam too.

Then the four get down from the dropship to the starport and immediately make their way to the subway terminal below which is unsurprisingly infested with Zombies. But Adam is already used to this place. He played it hundreds and thousands of times.

"Follow me. I know the way." Adam said and led them into the terminal while wading through a sea of zombies which Adam mowed down with relative ease using his shotgun in a confined space.

Going through the terminal, they went down an escalator before they arrived at the train station underground. The train station is still working despite the zombie outbreak.

"The lane on the left is the one that will bring us to the lab." The Heavy Class operator said while pointing at the lane that is empty and the train should be arriving in another 2 minutes.

Adam finds it strange because in the game, the train should be there the moment they arrive. But he shrugs and attributed it as being in real life instead of a game.

When they heard the train was arriving, it was automatically announced on the PA system and naturally the noise attracted quite a lot of zombies.

All four of them fought hard and defended their ground until the train arrived. But unexpectedly, when the train arrived. The door slid open and released a bunch of Spitter and Bloater which caught them off guard especially when they were suddenly being splashed with a lot of acid. Unlike game, the acid could possibly ruin the gears and weapon of every operator and Adam chose to defend them using his Barrier. The acid slid off harmlessly thankfully and he killed all the Spitters swifty before everyone quickly got on board after killing off the remaining zombies on board the train.

After a minute, the train closed its door and departed from the station.

"What was that?" The three operators were curious about the Barrier that Adam uses.

Actually, Adam also didn't know but his System explains it because the SAS4 world he originated from is more advanced than this parallel SAS4 world he is currently in.

Adam shrugged it off as experimental technology whatever.

"Hoh, first Premium weapon and now experimental technology. Clearly our friend here isn't normal." The Assault operator said and the Heavy and Medic operator also agreed but they didn't ask the details.

"Not going to ask me questions?" Adam wondered.

"Eh, most of them are gonna be classified anyway. Why even bother asking." He replied nonchalantly and reloaded his rifle before the train suddenly stopped. "There are still three more stops and we have to defend ourselves on each stop." The Assault operator said before the train door opened up and Zombies started swarming in from the train station.

Three stops later…

The weary operators were tired fighting off thousands of zombies trying to rip their skull off before they arrived at their final stop.

The door opened up and they were greeted with a dozen Shielder zombies, which is basically an infected SWAT police with riot shields that can tank a lot of shots unless someone has a high piercing gun.

"Wow, exactly as you said." The Assault operator said and gunned down those Shielder zombies along with the Medic who also used a sniper rifle.

"Let me and him go up first to clear the zombies. You two can come up after a few seconds." Adam gestured at the Heavy operator to join him while the other two waited.

Because they were trusting Adam's intels, they agreed to his plan.

As soon as Adam and the Heavy Class operator went up the escalator, they were indeed greeted with large amounts of Zombies which filled the area. The Heavy Class operator immediately called in an Artillery Strike as planned as they ran into the lab before shooting down any zombies that approached them.

After the Artillery Strike ended, the Assault and Medic operators below in the station regrouped with the rest as they searched up the research facility for the vaccine. As for Adam, he is left scratching his head wondering where the secret research data was hidden away.

Without any clue what he was searching for, Adam tried putting every stack of paper, USB drives and CPU into his inventory until one of them clicked. Although his actions left others' minds boggled. Eventually he found it, a USB drive.

After that, they also found the Vaccine which the Medic operator grabbed and placed it into a special container.

Then, the Assault operator called in the dropship. Informing the pilot about their success in obtaining the Vaccine and now needs a swift evacuation.

"There's 3 minutes left. Let's go." The Assault operator said and led them to the open area on the other side of the research facility where the dropship could land but was filled with zombies which they had to fight through.

Just as they pass by the road filled with barricades intended to stop the zombie's advance, there is a sudden surge of zombies coming from everywhere. However, what terrified them the most is the Savage Devastator rushing towards them.

"We don't need to fight it, we just need to get around!" Adam told everyone who panicked and froze when saw the Savage Devastator. After all, they have less than two minutes to leave this planet. They cannot afford to fight it.

"Medic, throw your bombs! Slow it down!"

"Assault, summon Reinforcement!"

Adam barks out orders amidst the chaos and manages to slow down the Savage Devastator while the team all get on the dropship. However, unwilling to let its prey escape. The Savage Devastator digs its arm into the asphalt ground and rips out a big chunk of it before throwing it at the dropship. But Adam had seen through its intention from early on and equipped The Coffin before shooting a projectile at the piece of asphalt and exploded violently.

"Hold on tight! We are flying out of this world!" The pilot roared, using the explosion as a push to lift off the ship and fly off.

As the ground is getting smaller and smaller in the background, they saw a green beam shot from the spacecraft in the orbit which hit the ground and penetrated the ground before spreading a shockwave of explosion that wrecked the whole planet. Essentially killing possibly all biological life on the ground.


Status: Completed

Grade: S

Time: 00:14:17

As before, when his mission is confirmed to have been completed. Adam was teleported away again.

"Five more to go then." Adam exhaled deeply before bracing himself for another mission.


(I will not cover all missions. After this, I will skip directly to the last one and we are going into the next world.

The SAS4 world has little relevance. The important part is just the conversation between Karl and Crook.)

If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here. Also for advance chapters and possibly +18 scenes.