Chapter 63 - Arrival At The New World.

[Dimension Jump successfully]

[Arrived in an unmapped world. Host is encouraged to explore on his own.]

[Triggering Task…]

[Investigate the World]

Objective: Find and investigate any clue that may reveal the name of this Universe.

Reward: Quest???

"We arrived?" Adam looked in disbelief as he sat on the helm of the bridge, overseeing the Jump.

"Yes, Master. This is a different world for sure." The Agent that stood next to Adam replied as she pointed at the satellite not far from them, visible from outside the bridge.

Adam sighed disappointedly and said, "I guess it's my fault for hoping for a better flair. It's literally the usual Teleportation used on the Orbital Fortress instead of myself."

"Hmn. Let's begin a survey on the world and try to find out where we are." Adam orders and Agent's Dummies already get to work on the terminals, investigating the world for any clue.

"Should we inform the others?" Agent asked.

Because Adam thought the Dimension Jump was gonna take a while, he told the others to get some rest first while he and Agent stayed on the bridge. But it turns out the Jump is immediate, almost instantaneous.

"Well, let's not disturb them. I already told them to rest and get some sleep. Instead, why don't the two of us survey the world on our own?" Adam suggested with a hidden intention behind it.

Well, who said they cannot enjoy a little while exploring the world? No. So, Adam suggested Agent go on a date while they are at it because the initial survey shows this world is also like Earth.

Agent said nothing in reply but simply bowed to show she accepted. Without further delay, Adam snapped his finger before the original Agent and he vanished from the bridge.


Upon his arrival on the surface, Adam paused first before they walked out of the back alley.

"I think our clothes might be too conspicuous. Don't you think so too, Agent?" Adam looked at himself while he made his comment.

"Hmn… Indeed, Master's current fashion is out of place for this time period." Agent agreed after she took a peek into the information network of the world.

Fyi, Adam is currently wearing his custom made combat suit typically worn by Huntsman since it incorporated fashion with armor. Basically, fashionable armor. His own is more like a combat suit he wore under a dark gray trench coat.

As for Agent, she didn't really look out of place in terms of fashion. But out of place because maids are rarely seen in public. But she didn't really care.

"Give me a moment, Master. I will take care of this." Agent said and exited the alley and returned ten minutes later with some clothes she bought god's know how or what.

The clothes she bought is a suit which Adam wears on top of his combat suit instead of having to get a change and he removes the trench coat.

Once the issue is solved, Adam and Agent exit the alley together. It was nearly night time, it was late evening. He sees there are still plenty of people roaming the streets even though it's getting dark.

After walking down the street, they take a turn to the more lively street. There Adam found a club, bar, pub whichever fit. As for the reason why Adam is here isn't because he is trying to get drunk. He physically couldn't get drunk with low alcohol drinks like beer.

The reason why Adam is here is because when someone is looking for information, there is no better place than an establishment like this where people come to sit and talk. Place where information is exchanged in the form of news or rumors.

But before Adam entered, he remembered. He has no money. He couldn't possibly use Lien here so he must find something that the locals would accept.

"What about gold coins?" Agent suggested as she fished out a purse filled with said gold coin.

"Since when did we have gold coins?" Adam was momentarily confused.

"Since when? Well, we did have gold mines and half of the mined gold was made into bars and coins for Master's usage since other worlds will use different currencies but gold is a universal currency as far as I had observed."

Adam looks jaw slacked. Agent prepared a lot into the future. She even expected this kind of situation and prepared beforehand.

Seeing the look of amazement on his face made her chest swell up with pride. Of course, as a professional maid. Satisfaction of her master is the highest form of gratification in her mind.

As such, the two enter the pub without any worry about their money and focus on collecting information.

Once inside, Adam walks up to the bar top and sits at the rightmost corner which is empty. Adam invited Agent to sit with him but she insisted on standing instead and he gave up persuading her after the bartender arrived. The bartender is a middle aged man with gold rimmed glasses, trimmed mustache wearing a gray shirt over a black vest.

"What's your order, sir?" The bartender asked.

"Hmn… I never tried cocktails… How about a Mojito? Also, I want to buy information." Adam made his order. But upon hearing the latter half of his words, the atmosphere of the bartender immediately changed from relaxed to tense.

"Information?" The bartender mutters. "I think you may have misunderstood sir. We serve food and drink only." The Bartender replied while acting suspiciously, trying to keep calm when he was visibly sweating.

Agents were the first to notice the odd behavior of the bartender and Adam too after he got a good look on the bartender's face as the pub is quite dimly lit up. Perhaps, there is some juicy information and Adam lucked out on this one. Or it could be simply because his actions were guided by fate?

Anyway, Adam acted oblivious to the bartender's panic and slid up a blank gold coin on the bar top which only had ridges without anything on each side.

The bartender looked confused for a moment before he picked up the coin in disbelief.

"You can test it if you don't believe me. Consider it a gift. Also, I have plenty more if you are willing to talk." Adam claimed confidently while maintaining eye contact with the bartender who gulped before he turned to the gold coin in his hand.

"H-How about I prepare your drink first before I arrange the rest of the order, sir?"

"Sure." Adam nods and the bartender swiftly prepares the cocktail before he leaves with the gold coin.

Adam isn't worried if he ran away with the gold coin since Agent have full access to the surveillance system. Also, it is just one gold coin. According to Agent, he has chests full of those coins in the Orbital Fortress along with gold bars.

Well, minutes later the bartender returned. He no longer looks nervous and worried. Instead, he exudes an air of professionalism as he guides Adam and Agent to the back room like he is a VVIP customer.

Once he is in the staff only area, he half expects to be ambushed and robbed. But apparently not and he is welcomed by an info broker.

Apparently, the reason why the bartender panicked is because Adam didn't use the usual code which helps them identify customers and outsiders. In Adam's case, he is an outsider and wanted to become a customer without any referrals. Anyway, the misunderstanding is resolved and Adam buys the information he needed for 6 gold coins in total. He didn't know if he was scammed or not. But the information he gets is plenty although most of it is useless for him because he was too broad with the information he requested.

One of those pieces of information was…

"This one will cost two coin." The broker said and Adam didn't even blink as he placed two more coins on the table. "Thank you for your patronage." He said before greedily putting away the coins.

"Ahem. So, apparently the military managed to produce an experimental weapon to fight against Siren. However, from what I heard, the soldiers described those weapons as human-like and can stand on water like real Jesus."

"Wait… did you say Siren?" Adam immediately realized where he was.

"Yeah, Siren. Those enemies from another world that almost wiped out humanity and conquered the seas." The broker looks at Adam weirdly because this information is literally common sense.

"I see… That's all I need for now." Adam stood up and left immediately as Agent followed wordlessly, already figuring out Adam had obtained the information he needed.

[Task completed.]

[Reward is being distributed…]

[Triggering a World Quest Line…]

[Select your Faction to decide a role;]

[Azur Lane]


Upon leaving the pub, Adam looked at the floating screen and found his guess was indeed correct. However, he didn't expect he could join the Siren?

"How is that a choice?" Adam was puzzled. Obviously, he would be helping humanity right? He would join Azur Lane. But there is a gnawing curiosity inside him that tempted to choose the Siren.

Agent ignores Adam's mumbling as he looks focused at something invisible. She already knows about the existence of his System. Instead, she focuses on the stalker that had been tailing them since they left the pub.

Seeking an answer from his System, he obtained a reply which he didn't expect.

[A Mercenary do not choose the side of good nor evil. They work for the highest bidder hence why they are also called Soldiers of Fortune.]

[To answer Host' question, even though Siren is an antagonist in this Universe. Despite their antagonistic and evil actions, their goal is also preservation of humanity in the scale of the entire Universe created by the same creator of KANSEN in the Origin Timeline.]

Surprised by the answer, Adam tried to recall all the lores he remembers about the game and indeed. He recall such details. Although, for the sake of simulation and experimentations, god knows how many million or billion timelines had been destroyed for the sake of this endless loop of evolution that may never reach fruition. After all the ultimate enemy to defeat is a divine being, an unknown god known only as Deus X. No matter how or what method the Siren use, creation of mortal could never reach the god. Such is a common trope and theme across all story, fiction, etc.

But Adam have a trump card. The Fragment of Nihility. A surefire method to counter all sort of power including the divine. The tool that allow Adam to reach the heaven above and brought the gods low to slaying them. Which he already did once and he can do it again.

"I choose the Azur Lane." Adam stated in a mumble as me made his choice. But suddenly a loud noise alerted him.


Adam turn around and found Agent was slightly injured, knelt low as she tried to slow her momentum after being punched away. Then she immediately grab the hem of her skirt and reveal the laser machine guns underneath that fired away at her opponent which Adam immediately identified is a Siren. Wearing a sailor uniform with yellow ribbon tied on her neck, long white hair and yellow pupils as she grinned excitedly like a child finding a new toy to play.

"Purifier!" Adam accidentally blurted the name of the Siren capable of leveling an entire city with a casual punch.

"Oh! You know my name? Strange because I never once meet you before. You are unmistakably an outsider." Purifier calmed down a little and didn't look like she intended to continue the fight with Agent and instead take on a relaxed pose with one hand on her hip as she lean forward to take a closer look at Adam. "Hmn interesting. A human genetically but I sense cybernetics other mechanical objects in your body… A technology too advanced for current timeline. But unmistakable a bonafide human and the source of the space-time anomaly."

Adam is feeling a little too tense being stared off by Purifier. If she wants, there's nothing Adam can do to fight against her right now if her strength in the lore is accurate. He isn't prepared for this fight. His only way out is to fled with Agent back ro the Orbital Fortress and return with his Servants for a chance of victory. However, Adam somehow couldn't sense her hostility. Not even when he tried probing her with his [Observation Haki] which could reveal a target's intent to some degree.

"Say, do you want to come with me to our base and have a small talk?" Purifier smiled sweetly while giving Adam an invitation.


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