Chapter 81 - Civil War

A month passed after Adam returned from meeting the Elves. Less than weeks after that day, the Elves disappeared into another spatial rift and vanished forever from this world.

Their arrival is not without repercussions. The world learned it only after the Elves left that they had been stealing energy or vitality of the Earth or whatever that meant.

Some curious group of scientists investigated the seabed where the tree root and anchored itself and they found an entire patch of that seabed withered away as if their vitality sucked away leaving only their husk. That lead to a more extensive research and another week later, they finally compiled a data that said whatever the Elves did had caused the Earth to lose its energy like a weakened magnetic field, temperature drop by several degrees all across the world and all sorts of other problems. However, this information had no significance to Adam.

What did interest Adam is the sudden spike of Siren activities. Ever since the Elves left, Siren's activities increased five fold and their aggression also increased as shores all across the world are basically constantly attacked by Sirens and the shipgirls are constantly busy for the following weeks till the present.

*Knock* x2

His office door opened up and Enterprise entered with a tired and exhausted look but she didn't let it hinder her because she isn't the only one as the base had been working on full capacity since two weeks ago when Siren suddenly increased their activity and aggression.

"Commander, an urgent order from HQ just arrived." Enterprise hands Adam a letter which he immediately reads.

While he did that, Enterprise looked at the secretary seat and found her sister, Yorktown doing her best to help everyone despite Enterprise, Hornet and Vestal discouraging her from joining any sortie if possible. So, she is stuck with doing paperworks. But she is happy to be of help regardless of what she did.

"What!" Adam suddenly exclaimed in shock which caused Enterprise and Yorktown to immediately look at him.

"The Royal Navy shipgirl is staging a coup to seize power over Britain." Adam read out some of the content of the letter out loud.

Them two also surprised how it did happened which isn't stated in the letter. Instead, in the letter is from the Secretary of Defense which stated order from the President to reinforce their ally, the Britain to arrest or destroy the rogue KANSEN of Royal Navy and for the first time in four month his System made an appearance.

[New Task]


- Apprehend the Royal Navy. (Optional)


- Support the Royal Navy's coup d'état. (Optional)

Reward: ???

This time it's different. The quest give him two choices. Whether to arrest the Royal Navy shipgirl or arrest them.

"Commander! There must be a misunderstanding. The Royal Navy is humanity's staunchest ally. It's impossible for them to turn againts—"

"I understand, Enty. No need to remind me." Adam said as he remembers very clearly in the game. Royal Navy is a very commited member of Azur Lane with the Queen's will to protect and safeguard humanity.

"There must be a reason why they decided to stage a coup." Adam added which Enterprise wholeheartedly agree. Yorktown is confused why they trusted the Royal Navy that much but understand why because even in the memories of WW2 imprinted from her ship, the two faction is very close ally that fought together against the Axis Power.

"Then, what is your decision, Commander?" Enterprise turn her gaze back to Adam who is staring at the letter.

Adam promptly scrunch the letter into a ball and throw it into the bin.

"That's my answer. There's no way I will forsake any shipgirls much less a faction know who our true enemy is." Adam stated before standing up and put on his white embroidered cap before marching out his office while he give his order to Enterprise even though his secretary for today is technically Yorktown.

"Gather up everyone and recall anyone out on sortie."

"Yes, Commander." Enterprise nod and left quickly to carry out her order.

A long while later, New Jersey returned. The two flagship of his fleet had gathered and he will now assign task.

"Now that everyone gathered. I have something to announce." Adam said and informed everyone about what happens over at Britain.

Their reaction is mostly disbelief as they had worked close to them in previous operation and got close enough to be called friends.

"Don't worry. I also suspect there is something else at play that caused them to take this drastic action. For that, I will ignore the order from HQ. Instead of apprehending the Royal Navy, we will be supporting them." He said which garner a lot of cheers amd support. "But before that, I must learn the reason why they decided to stage a coup. For that reason, I will investigate first and take action after I ascertained their motivation."

Everyone of the 10 shipgirls agreed and supported his decision unanimously which made him happy to receive this much trust from them all.

"Alright, let's go then." Adam teleport everyone into the Orbital Fortress.

Those that entered the Orbital Fortress for the first time marveled the fact that are in space and looking at the blue sphere that is Earth floating in the dark vacuum of space.

"You are late, Master! Let's hurry, I'm excited for a battle!" Jalter laughed with a battle hungry expression which made Adam facepalmed. Jeanne who is next to Jalter immediately knock some sense into her sister's head and admonished her for not paying attention.

"Master's goal is to resolve the conflict with as little bloodshed as possible. Not to aggravate it. Besides, our goal should be helping humanity. How would attacking and injuring them help?" Jeanna, looking like a disappointed older sibling that is trying to correct Jalter who acted like the stubborn younger sibling as she argued, "Who cares about saving humanity? All I care about is defeating the Master's enemy." Which leaves Jeanne speechless because her mindset is not wrong.

"Master!" x5

"Can we join too?" Alice asked.

Adam contemplates for a moment, wondering where can Alice fit into the line up because she can't really help much in terms of firepower. The only role he can think of is the moral support role. Which fit's them well since they are adorable enough that basking in their presence is enough to lift up his spirit.

"Of course." Adam couldn't bear to say no to those cute faces.

"Yay!" x5

Those five Alices excitedly go and grab their rifles which Adam personally and fully upgrade for each of them.

Tina that is nearby wanted to also ask if she could join. But Adam cut her to it.

"You will join me too to help me look after them just in case." Adam said which Tina nodded

"Now that everyone has been accounted for. Let's go." Adam uses a teleporter to bring everyone except the Agent who will be supporting from the Orbital Fortress to London where the center of the conflict is according to Agent's observation.


A day ago in Britain.

"Useless! Every single one of you is useless!" The Admiral screamed on top of his lungs, wheezing when he coughed and choked on his cigar after reading the recent battle report.

"How could we lose more than 70% of our fleet over the course of just a few days?" The Admiral questioned the Captains gathered in front of him.

"Sir, we are not only outnumbered and outperformed against Siren ships. We also had been fighting without stopping for more than a week. Our ships and sailors cannot withstand the stress, especially with such high casualties that reduced everyone's morale." One of them stepped up and bite the bullet to speak despite knowing it will just fall on a deaf ear.

"Morale? It's your job to keep their morale in check. Who else will fight to protect our land and seas if not the navy?" The Admiral were outraged to hear the reason presented to him.

"Those prototypes will. They had always been willing to fight and defend our people. It's you stupid fucking ego that refuses to allow them to do their job!" Another Captain flipped and basically thrown his cap and his ID before storming off the office saying he is quitting and getting out of this hell hole.

The remaining three look at each other contemplating their decision while the Admiral look shocked someone actually dare to defy him.

"Prototypes? Those bunch of junks? Why should we let those junks take over our job? It's should be our duty to protect our nation! Not a bunch of junks like that!" The Admiral angrily smashed the table to vent his anger.

The out of the sudden the telephone on his desk ringed. He answer the call and immediately become even more angrier.

"What! Those junks are rebelling! What is the Commander doing? He should properly leash down tose junks!"

"Dead…?" The Admiral heard from the caller which explained briefly what happened. "They revolted and killed the Commander?! Then why are you dallying anymore? Apprehend them. Use lethal force if needed. No need to hold back against those traitorous bitches." The Admiral grinned for once because now he had a perfect excuse to eliminate those junks.

The captains can see the look in their Admiral's eyes. Greed and hunger for power. Because of his selfish reasons, people are sacrificed. Their mens died needlessly in battle against the Siren.


The Admiral looked shocked with his eyes open wide as he slowly turned his head down to see a bloody hole on his chest before the realization kicked in. He crashed to his desk before slipping down to the ground with blood pooling around him.

"James! What have you done!" The other two Captains look in shock too before quickly calling for the guards and try to arrest James.

"What have I done? The right thing. Something I should have done long ago." He said with his face turned emotionless as he aimed his pistol at the two Captains.

"Surrender now, James. Once the guard arrives, you will be outmatched." They tried to use persuasion. However, it was ignored.

"Surrender? Why should I?" He asked while the guards the two captains called arrived and swiftly swarmed the office.

"Surrender now, James. You are just making this situation even worse by resisting." They said but received no reply from James who merely stared at him like a man possessed. "Arrest him!" They ordered but the guards remained still and didn't move.

"What are you doing? Arrest the criminal who assassinated the Admiral!" The two noticed something strange but they were too panicked to care.

"Me? A criminal? That's laughable because those who follow the false queen are the real criminals. It's time for the true queen to ascend to her rightful throne! For the glory of the Queen!" James roared and the guards replied with aiming their rifles on the two captains before pulling their trigger to provide swift execution to the enemy of the true crown.

The same occurrence is happening all over the base as the subject of the new Queen raising their arms or rebellion to overthrow the false Queen and help their Queen to reclaim her throne of England.

As the spark of rebellion is spreading all across Britain. Electronics all across the nation were hacked and hijacked to play a particular broadcast.

"Hear my voice, my misguided subjects. I am Queen Elizabeth I, the rightful owner to the throne taken by the false Queen. Long had my people suffer and sacrificed for a meaningless purpose. My nation had become rotten down to its very core and I had enough watching from the sidelines while doing nothing."

"Hear me, my people. Aid me in my endeavors to restore my glorious nation. Pick up your arms! Your Queen demands your service!"

The broadcast was heard by basically everyone in the nation. However, not everyone fell for its magical enchanting effect. Only those with real love for their nation and those with a real sense of duty will fall for its effect. Those who didn't are those who are ruining the nation.

Emerging from the base that were in reality nothing more than a glorified prison, Queen Elizabeth accompanied by Warspite and the Maid Corps appeared before the remainder of the personnel in the base that survived the purging.

"We greet Her Majesty the Queen." The Vice-Admiral bowed, carrying a box dripping with blood. "I present the head of the sinner, the Admiral who had been sacrificing your loyal subjects in vain to the Siren."

Queen Elizabeth is a little spooked when seeing someone presenting her a blood soaked box that contains the head of a person. But she has to maintain her regality.

"A-Ahem. You did well, my servant. What is your name?"

"Henry Young, Your Majesty!" The Vice-Admiral lowered his head deeply thinking he might be given honor by the Queen.

"Sir Henry then? You can remove that head already. Also, you will be appointed the leader of my servants. Now go and lead them to battle. I will await good news from you." Queen Elizabeth said with her arm crossed and chest puffed out like she just presented a brilliant idea. In her mind that is.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will not fail your expectations!" He kneel down and bowed very gratefully before he rose up and ordered the soldiers behind him. Mostly Marines that are trained and capable of land combat.

As the soldiers depart, Queen Elizabeth turns back to her Royal Navy shipgirls.

"Illustrious and Unicorn will aid my servants to capture the palace. As for the rest, come with me. We must find where they are keeping the Wisdom Cubes to bolster our forces against the Siren's attacks."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" x6
