Chapter 85 - Battle of Sadogashima II

Looking out his visor, all Adam could see was darkness while he felt his body was plunging at great speed.

"This brings back a lot of memories." He chuckled.

'30 seconds before impact, Master.'

'20 seconds…'

'10 seconds…'

'3… 2… 1…'



The airlock on the drop pod unsealed before blasting open from its frame revealing Adam the dark sky above that was supposedly filled with some kind of materials with purpose to reduce visibility for the Laser-Class BETA.






Numerous other bigger pods drop after Adam, directly on top of the BETA hordes.

Adam climbed out his own pod and met with a confused look by others in their TSF that towered over him.

An unknown person talked in the open channel that Adam's suit automatically connected since they are designated as friendly.

The command unit ordered after receiving no immediate reply.

Adam ignores the order since their leader should rely on his arrival soon. Adam is busy teleporting people from Orbital Fortress to the battlefield.

True to his guess, seconds later. The command informed about Adam's participation and ordered the plan to resume as planned.

"So, this is what we will be fighting against?" Jalter looked disappointed at the enemies when she saw how easy they were killed and their only advantage was overwhelming numbers.

The other Servants didn't share the same opinion as Jalter. At least, they didn't really care if the BETAs were weak or not. 'The BETAs are enemies.' is enough for them as they await Adam's order.

"We go as planned. CVs wait until we clear up the Laser-Class BETA before providing air support. NJ you provide artillery support where you think is necessary. The rest is on me. We are charging ahead."

"Yes, Master/Commander!"

The larger pods that fell with Adam blast their door open before Mechs pour out from them, raining hell on the BETAs formation to soften it before Adam and his team charge right ahead like a spear through their weakened side, directly into the back line and attack the Laser-Class BETAs hiding in the back.


The people on the TSF wondered as they watch Adam and his team rush into the enemy that look like a complete suicidal move until a bright blinding blue light suddenly engulfed the battlefield and deleted an entire brigade of BETAs.


The burden on the sub Whiskey team on the beachhead lessened when Adam and his team dived behind the enemy's line.


Moments before Siegfried used his noble phantasm.

The HQ is paying close attention to their supposed helper from the orbital landing to the Mech army that appeared from the pods.

"Will they truly be capable of aiding us?" Admiral Ozawa looks skeptical especially when a few are actually wielding cold weapons and all of them are without any weapon that looks capable of defeating large BETAs.

"Let's put some trust on them, Admiral. If they claimed they came from another world that similarly has Alien problems like us. They probably also have appropriate weapons to fight. Besides, I doubt anyone would recklessly drop into a battlefield without confidence." Dr Kouzuki said while her eyes are filled with intrigue when she looks at the KANSEN which rigging obviously resembles a warship with cannons and hulls and wonders how it relates to the real deal.

"They are moving." Admiral Ozawa said as he is also interested in what Adam can bring to the table.

"Zoom in on the person in the suit!" Dr Kouzuki ordered and the staff did as told and zoomed in on Adam.

Dr Kouzuki and the Admiral saw how Adam's seemingly normal sized firearm can kill a Grappler-Class with a single shot to the head and also Adam himself can shoot with pinpoint accuracy from distance over a kilometer while running.

Then one after another surprise, one of the men in the team that wield a greatsword did something before blue light bathed the battlefield that turned into a pillar, piercing through the heavy metal cloud and then unleashed on the brigade sized BETA horde which annihilated them instantly.

"I see. They are aiming for the Laser-Class BETA hiding in the back!" The Admiral finally realized.

Prior, they only gave Adam his order to assist the assault on Mano Bay. They also want to eliminate the Laser-Class BETA that is hiding at the back because they are what is pushing back the sub Whiskey team from securing the beachhead as the warship fleets cannot approach the shore.

"Order Whiskey team to support them! If we succeed in taking out the Laser-Class here, we can finally secure the beachhead and push back the BETAs." Admiral Ozawa ordered.


Half of the sub Whiskey team had been advancing along with Adam's team. Mainly the Stingray squadron and the 999th Battalion. Adam ignored their chatter and focused on defending the team and giving out orders rather than fighting because of his invaluable ability to heal and pull damage to himself.

Adam watches as the Mechs along with the shipgirls and his Servants wreck havoc deep behind enemy lines that the BETAs from other sectors are pouring in here desperately to stop Adam's advance.

"Master! All Laser-Class BETA eliminated." Jeanne informed once the last one was shot down by Cleveland.

Adam nodded before he immediately contacted Enterprise.

'Commander? Are we clear to launch our planes?' Enterprise expected the reason for the call.

'Yes. Deal as much damage as possible before more Laser-Class BETA appear.' Adam ordered and remembered that there are more Laser-Class and their heavy strain lying in wait for Susano-O II and Unit 00 to appear.

'Affirmative, Commander.' Enterprise replied before quickly cutting the connection.

Not even a minute later, planes and jets filled the sky before they rained payloads after payloads of bombs on the area concentrated with BETA.

The TSA user wondered out loud as normal jets, much less planes, had long become obsolete because of the Laser-Class BETA which caused humanity to turn to TSF. Planes in this world are nothing more than an expensive coffin.

However, with the Laser-Class BETA eliminated in advance. The planes ruled the sky temporarily and pushed back the BETAs even more further back to their hives as they failed to maintain pressure on the frontline when their numbers were unable to replenish in time.


"Amazing! It's almost like magic!" Dr Kouzuki looked in surprise as she finally saw what the KANSEN were capable of. A human size mobile Aircraft Carriers, Battleship, etc.

Everyone celebrated when the BETAs were pushed back despite knowing it's a short lived victory because the number of BETAs pouring out from the hive surged in response to the threat.

"I think we should change the plan a little considering the capability of our helper. We should direct them to Whiskey team's main unit to attack the hive and reduce the number of BETA that flow to the other areas." The Admiral suggested.

"Indeed. You are correct." Dr Kouzuki agreed after giving it a thought.

If Adam and his team can directly reduce the number of BETA flowing out from the hive, the number of BETAs in other areas will also reduce which will allow them to take a short break and resupply properly.

"Relay the order!" The Admiral ordered the communication staff.



On the frontline, Adam received a new order.

'Head west to join Whiskey team's main unit to attack the Hive.' He was informed.

Adam looked around the battlefield and noted that they basically wiped out the BETA in the vicinity and most areas will have less BETA around to kill so better head up to the source directly.

"Roger. Heading up west to join Whiskey team main u—." Adam replied but was interrupted by a great tremor that shook the whole area.

"What happened!" Adam asked but the communication channel is in total chaos as information pouring in about more BETA emerging from the ground.

Instead of relying on the HQ for information, Adam turned to Agent who was biding her time waiting for her turn.

'Master, three Corps size BETA forces emerged from the hive and overwhelmed the Whiskey team main unit, forcing them to retreat in a panic. One Corps split into smaller units and marched across the island while the two Corps were heading straight in your direction, Master.'

"Three Corps?" Adam is a little shocked as that number is over 100k assuming each Corps is around 40k BETA each.

"Are they grouped up?" Adam asked as he had an idea how to take care of them.

'Yes.' Agent confirmed and asked. 'Which armaments should I use, Master?'

"Use the main battery. Evaporate them away." He said with a child-like excitement emerging from his mind thinking about how those BETA will be annihilated under his mighty weapon.

'Yes, Master.' Agent replied with a slight cheerful tone, perhaps happy to indulge her Master's fantasy. After all, Adam had been holding back from using his Orbital Fortress for any serious attack because it's always an overkill with the sheer destruction it could deal.

Adam ended the transmission with Agent and switched to the IJN Mogami to contact the HQ.

"HQ, do you hear me?" Adam talked with a rather casual tone which is inappropriate since this is a wartime but he didn't really care or bother.

'This is Admiral Ozawa. What is the matter? We are rather busy right now.' The Admiral replied with an annoyed tone but seems to be willing to endure Adam's disrespect for the proper code of conduct. No doubt because of how useful he is in battle.

"I will be brief, order Whiskey team main unit to retreat immediately. I will take care of the newly emerged BETA hordes." Adam said.

There was a brief silence before the Admiral answered yes and ended the transmission.


When Adam was calling the Admiral to inform he is going to take care of the two Corps sized BETA hordes, he thinks Adam was joking or something because that number of BETA is difficult to defeat even if Siegfried spam his Noble Phantasm. But something seems to change his mind…

"Admiral, we detected unusual activity from the spacecraft." One of the staff said and displayed the live recording of the Orbital Fortress charging its main cannon which glows and flashes dangerously.

"Is that… Wave Motion weapon" Dr Kouzuki fell into a silence and looked somewhat defeated too after seeing the beam cannons. "Of course, he is from a civilization advanced enough to traverse dimension. Creating such a superweapon should be very easy."

The Admiral who knows a little about the Project Alternative IV understands why Dr Kouzuki looks this defeated. Essentially, Project Alternative IV is the introduction of a superweapon capable of destroying swathes for BETA and destroying their hives without nuking everything into oblivion with G-Bomb. But an outsider came out of nowhere with a similar and even more superior version of her weapon. Wouldn't it be easier if they simply hired Adam to destroy all hive cores?

After advising all their forces to retreat as Adam asked.

Out of nowhere, a pillar of beam flashed into existence, descending from heaven like a divine punishment. The two Corps sized BETA were instantly incinerated into ashes and the ground charred and melted into a lake of magma in its wake.

Adam however didn't continue to shoot the hive next. He had his reason despite being able to single-handedly stop the war.

According to his objectives, retrieval of Unit 00 is listed as the main objective, which is the main completion objective which, if fail, will cause the Contract to fail. So, he must allow Susano-O II and Unit 00 to join the fray and let the story play out as canon or else he had already long blast the entire hive.

So, after glassing the two BETA Corps. Adam stops the attack using his beam cannon which was questioned by the Admiral and Dr Kouzuki. Adam just shrugs and says his weapon needs cooldown despite not needing it since the beam is technically only 20% of its maximum output.

He directed his group up west after that and regrouped with Whiskey team's main unit after that which suffered heavy losses when the BETA suddenly surged from underground, catching them off guard.

Curious, Adam looked at his mission tab to check the casualty rate and saw it's over 20% right now and still climbing rather rapidly for his liking. He then switches to his minimap and zooms out to have a look at the overall situations of the battlefield with the red area being under BETA control and blue under the UN and IJA control.

Adam noticed that the south side of the island is mostly blue with friendlies now established as footholds on the shore of Mano Bay. However, the opposite is happening on the north side. The BETA that was pushed away by Whiskey team is flooding over to Echo team up north and east. The only reason they are still able to hold their ground is because they are using the canyons to control their numbers and setting up ambushes.

If this situation continues, the BETA could be pushed over to the east and possibly overflow to the direction of the A-02 rendezvous site, putting too much pressure on the Valkyrie Unit that is securing the site for A-02 to arrive.

Thus Adam made his choice. He will bring his Servant as a rapid strike force up north to help team Echo due to their superior agility and explosive firepower while the shipgirls will help Whiskey main team that direly require their stable and sustained firepower over here to suppress the flow of BETA out from the hive from affecting other areas.

But Adam himself is rather slow since he can't move as well as the Servants even with his superior and enhanced strength. But he has an idea how to solve that. He saw the wreckage of a Takemikazuchi unit with a white paint job instead of the purple or blue that he remembered.

Adam approached the wreckage and found the pilot dead of course. He pulls the pilot out and sits in the cockpit before a notification pops up on his HUD.

[Detected Exo-Frame Armor. Allow Neural Synchronization?]

Adam selected yes and an energy cable immediately appeared and immediately connected his mind into the TSF control terminal which effectively hijacked the entire control. Now that the TSF is now technically an armor, he used his Medic skill to regenerate the Mechs back into pristine state using Nanites? Aura? Whichever it is.

He didn't need to control the unit, he can move them with simple thoughts like his own body part and tbe most neat part is his Aura and abilities extend to the unit itself. Though sadly he can't extend his Crysis suit ability to the Type-00 unit itself since it's technically not his ability, but the Crysis suit's own ability or else it would be even more broken when he can increase strength, armor and speed at will and even become invisible.

After checking everything is all green, he pick up Siegfried, Jalter and Jeanne before blasting off up north to reinforce Echo team.


Meanwhile, back at IJA HQ.

"He can fix a broken armor just like that!" Dr Kouzuki becomes even more and more excited and eager to strap Adam on a dissecting table to see how his body tick and uncover all his secrets the more she sees him pull out magical feats from his ass.

Meanwhile the Admiral wondered if the Royal Guard would take offense if Adam took one of their Type-00 units.


(A little all over the place and messy. But I tried my best to build up the earlier scene and make him shine on the latter half as even the anime simply gloss over the first few phase to until Susano-O II arrivals and Sumika shoot two beam at the hive.)