Chapter 87 - Battle of Sadogashima IV

Gliding on top of the canyons down east of Sadogashima, Adam saw a black dot gliding across the sea that quickly approached the island. With a few quick zooms, Adam confirmed visually it's the XG-70b Susanoo II unit.

"Master, look over there." Jeanne called out which made Adam stop the unit and look to the right where he saw a massive horde of BETA approaching.

"How? The number of BETAs we killed should have reduced their numbers to nonexistent."

Adam frowned as he and his team alone should have killed approximately 200k BETAs. That should be most of BETA the hive could hold. Yet in front of his eyes is another massive horde probably exceeding 50k BETAs and more are appearing from underground and also from other areas to destroy Susanoo II unit.

"It's not time to wonder why, Master. Their presence here means we just need to kill them again. It's useless to think too deeply about the reason." Siegfried provides his counsel when seeing Adam is worried over something irrelevant.

"You are right." Adam agrees since he is just a mercenary in the end. The reason shouldn't be his worry. All he needs to do is exterminate all BETA. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Let's go." Adam said before he turned to his back and headed to the open plain facing the end of the ravine where A-01 Special Task Force members were guarding and clearing any BETA presence that approached Plan B site.


Meanwhile with the A-01 Special Task Force or the Valkyrie Unit.

Captain Isumi Michiru asked.

Lieutenant Hayase Mitsuki replied.

'Captain Isumi, do you hear me?'

'Right, so remember that I said we have an unexpected helper? That is him in the Type-00A unit. I don't know what witchcraft he had done to that unit but he alone in that unit could kill tens of thousands of BETA up north in Ryotsu Bay and helped Echo team regain foothold on the bay.'

Isumi finds the feat very unbelievable as it's not something even humanly possible. But she didn't think her superior would lie to her.

'Anyway, he may start killing the BETA herd heading to your location. Just try to assist him while prioritizing your objective.'

Captain Isumi nods before the transmission ends and she quickly relays the new order down the command chain.



Back to Adam.

"Master, we might just have received an unexpected helper." Jeanne said after seeing the Valkyrie Unit speeding up behind Adam to catch up to him.

Before Captain Isumi could really finish her words, she caught sight of the three passengers on the Type-00A unit's shoulder and immediately after that, the unit crouched down before jumping directly inside the horde with its blade drawn that rapidly turned black.

They saw blood and chopped body pieces flying in the air around the area where Adam dived into.

Captain Isumi ordered all units including herself as she stayed in a safe distance and shot at the BETA that strangely didn't continue charging towards them and instead converged around the spot where Adam landed.

Suddenly a pillar of blue light shot up ro the sky which made few panicked and thought it's Laser-Class but they soon realized the pillar of blue light were different. Moments later, the pillar crashed down and swept through the BETA horde and exploded another big chunk of them away.

Then next, the ground suddenly cracked with geyser of fire bursting out from the ground and fire that appeared on the sky, both fire are different. One evoke feeling holiness and another evoke feeling of anger and rage. The flames scorched the entire battlefield and a few thousand BETAs in one swoop. Reducing the horde to two third its original size in mere moment along with the previous blue pillar of light.

Yet, somehow that isn't even the craziest thing to have happened yet.

Once the battlefield cleared up a little, they caught sight of the Type-00A unit bathing in blood of the BETAs he slaughtered and like it was possessed, it immediately dart to the nearest BETA which happens to be a Tank-Class BETA which he cleanly slashed into two despite its head had a layer of armor that is notorious being near impossible to pierce without specialized weapon and definitely not with a Type-74 PB Blade.

His relentless assault continues as when the unit suddenly glows red, its speed nearly doubles. He performed an impossible acrobatic move in a TSF while cutting down anything that his blade could reach. Creating a hill of corpses and a river of blood that flowed wherever he goes.

Lieutenant Hayase said with a whistle, wondering if Adam was some kind of Ace unit or secret project of the government.

Takeru asked because Adam is pursuing the horde and if the Valkyrie unit follows him, they will stray far from their main objective which is to secure the landing site for Susano-O II.

Captain Isumi said with a baffled tone, still in disbelief of Adam's feat.

Takeru himself had nothing to say about this. He himself is equally baffled as he couldn't remember a TSF pilot this good. If someone like Adam existed, surely he would be very popular and well known.

"Could it be, it's because of my interference?" Takeru wondered silently.


In the battlefield of the Hive area where Whiskey's main team were…


A loud buzzing like the sound of insects were briefly heard before a volley of shells fired towards the hive. Then a cacophony of explosions echoes across the battlefield.

"Reloading!" New Jersey shouted to inform her allies and eight seconds later, "Reloading complete. Ready to fire."

"Fire!" She roared.

Another volley of high capacity Lightning and Fire Dust shells. These shells is not only strong enough to pulverize anything in its radius which is quite large around 50 M. But also capable of literally blasting open the hive and allowing the CVs to do bombing runs on the exposed section of the hive.

"Miss NJ, cluster of Laser-Class and Heavy Laser-Class BETA at sector 09,12." A ground soldier, who was part of the mechanized and armored division, said after receiving a radio call from the frontline.

"Give me a second! Switching to cluster shells." New Jersey acknowledged the request and adjusted her aim.

'New Jersey, we are running low on ammunition and we lost half of the mechs army. Mostly the Aegis mechs.'

"Cleveland? Retreat from the battle once everyone's ammunition runs dry. As for the mechs army, let them be. Commander said they are disposable troops."

'Roger!' Cleveland ended the transmission and New Jersey immediately fired volley of the cluster shells at the location of the Laser-Class BETA.

"Commander, can you hear me?"

'NJ? What's the matter?' Adam sounded a little surprised to hear from New Jersey.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. However, we are running low on ammunition and require an immediate rearming."

'Alright, I will inform Agent to deliver the supply.'

"Thank you, Commander." New Jersey nod and grateful that supplies will be sent soon.

'It should be me thanking you ladies for participating in this battle. Anyway, I am a little busy right now.' Adam chuckled before cutting off the transmission. But New Jersey could hear the intense battle happening on his side.


Ten more minutes later, the XG-70b Susanoo II arrived at the ravine in the canyon on the east of Sadogashima with a direct line of sight to the Hive on the west side of the island.

'HQ to all units, A-02 unit is entering its final course and preparing for the bombardment. All units move away from its firing trajectory.'

When Adam heard the transmission, he turned around and saw the floating fortress that is Susano-O II unit in the ravine facing directly at him. Of course, he would quickly steer to the side, away from its firing trajectory but the ground suddenly shook again and a hole dug open before even more BETA units crawled out the hole.

"Fuck! They shouldn't have this much numbers! It's illogical!" Adam said with a growl.

"Agent, have you finished scanning the island?" Adam is impatient already for the results and asks.

'Almost, but as the Master had concluded. There are a lot of subterranean tunnels and chambers under the island and seabed. From the heat map scan, there is still a lot of BETA hiding underground and moving towards Master's direction, inbound in approximately 20 minutes if they maintain their current speed.'

"No, they aren't coming for me. They are aiming at the Susano-O II unit." Adam corrected Agent because he can feel the telepathic connection that links the hive's core to the BETAs. They were ordered by the Superior to destroy the Susano-O II unit that could pose a credible threat to the core.

Adam immediately connected his comms to HQ and were noticed immediately since he had attention on him ever since he approached the Plan B site.

"Mr White? What's the matter?" The Admiral asked, making it clear that he isn't happy with him hijacking the comms to get priority on the call and wished Adam had a good reason for this or else.

"I have something pressing to report." Adam said before displaying all the data Agent compiled for him.

"This… heat map? Could it be a detachment of the BETA herd?" Dr Kouzuki interjected and immediately understood the data presented to her as expected of the smartest human on this Earth.

"Indeed, a moment ago. I used a means of mine to scan the battlefield after suspecting that there is more to meet the eyes than what presented by the BETA when they emerged from underground a few times and caught our combatants off guard multiple times. The result were numerous underground tunnels and caverns like a maze that stretched wide underneath the whole battlefield." Adam presents the data while casually multitasking to slay BETAs.

"My bet is they are heading directly to the Susano-O II unit, trying to catch it off guard." Adam said and lied a little when he already confirmed the BETA's target is indeed the Susano-O II.

The Admiral and Dr Kouzuki contemplate their option as they can't change the plan now as Susano-O II is already preparing to fire. Pulling off units from another team isn't an option either because those teams are barely holding their front to aid somewhere else.

Dr Kouzuki then turn her gaze to Adam on the screen before she made a sly grin.

"I see… Since you even bother to inform us means that you already have a solution already, don't you?" Dr Kouzuki smirked when seeing Adam nod in confirmation.

"Indeed. I plan to punch a hole directly into the subterranean tunnel and stop them on their track." Adam briefly explained his plan which Dr Kouzuki gave a quick thought of before agreeing.

"Alright, you have my permission." Dr Kouzuki said and the Admiral didn't object and went along with her decision.

With a gleeful smile, Adam cut off the call and reconnected to Agent.

'The cannon is ready to fire, Master.'

"Do it." Adam ordered and in the next instance, a pillar of light crashed down from the sky and into the ground, melting and drilling into the subterranean tunnel with sheer heat and pressure.

'Main cannon fired. Reaching target output in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Target breached!'

The beam soon ceased and what left is a hole leading into a deep dark void below.

Without even waiting for the melted bedrock magma to cool down, Adam in the Type-00A unit dived into the hole without hesitation.

'Master, I sent down several Battalion of Mechs troops to assist the invasion. They will be inbound in another 90 seconds. Your welcome, Master.' She ended the talk with a slight mischievous tone.

Adam felt speechless and kinda expected it. Her assist is always on point.

"I know I said this many times before. But I don't think I could ever go back to living without you, Agent." Adam sighed with a sweet reminiscing of the moments in the past.

'Of course, I don't ever plan to ever let go of you either, Master and I will continue to spoil you rotten until you are completely de-pen-dant on me, Mas-ter~❤️'

"Your intentions were laid bare, Agent." Adam made a deadpan face while pointing it out.

'Hmph, I don't plan to hide it anyway.' Agent snorted playfully but she knew their moment of playful banter had come to an end when Adam touched down on the base of the hole.

'Happy hunting, Master.' Agent sending Adam off before cutting off the transmission.

Looking into the total darkness, Adam switches on the night vision and immediately sees the situation he found himself in. Surrounded on all sides by BETAs that are out for his blood after how many times he thwarted their plan.

"Time for round two I guess." Adam grinned as he can feel his heartbeat quickened and adrenaline pumping into his bloodstream.

Yet, he never knew he was ever this hot blood. Perhaps it's the fact he was piloting a giant mech or the fact he was piloting a giant mech to exterminate hordes of xenos.
