Chapter 92 - Arms Dealer

(Got six stocked chapters. So here a free bonus from this generous Author.)

"I will introduce myself again. I am Adam White, an Interdimensional Mercenary. You can have my business card if you want." Adam provided a card that his System gave him a moment ago.

"An Interdimensional Mercenary, you say?" Dr Kouzuki and Commander Radhabinod looked disbelieving at Adam's statement because for them, the idea of technology to traverse dimension is simply beyond their imagination and nothing more than fantasy. However, like it or not. They have to believe because Adam and his people that aided their battle is the proof of that possibility.

"So, I assume you are here to collect your payment?" Dr Kouzuki narrowed her eyes and tried to guess Adam's reason for coming here.

Commander Radhabinod is aware of the deal that Dr Kouzuki made to Adam and honestly, for just the blueprint of TSF in exchange for a powerful ally that can actually single-handedly end the battle if the analysis Dr Kouzuki made is correct about Adam and his capabilities especially the spacecraft.

"Actually, it was already paid." Adam said which surprised Dr Kouzuki and Commander Radhabinod since they both had never authorized the payment as neither the UN or IJA are willing to give away their TSF blueprint yet.

"How? No, who made the payment. Neither I nor Command Radhabinod authorized it yet." Dr Kouzuki slammed her hand on the desk and immediately stood up looking outraged.

She is angry because Adam just revealed there is someone within the administration that overstepped their authority. But they soon found it to be a false alarm.

"It's a little complicated to explain but let's just assume your request for my aid is a magical contract that is enforced by a higher being that you can assume as god. The moment I fulfilled my part of the contract, I received my reward which isn't provided by your part."

"For example, one of the rewards was a Gen 7.5 TSF from the far future of the year 2040. Equipped with a miniaturized Rutherford Field that can block beams of Laser Fort-Class BETA for 15 minutes." Adam read out the spec of the nameless TSF he received out to Dr Kouzuki before showing her the holographic screen with the said data he just read out.

Not even commenting about the holographic display, Dr Kouzuki opened her eyes wide in disbelief as her eyes scanned through the data like she was given a glimpse to the answer of all her questions. Unfortunately, those data didn't really describe much about the TSF.

The Nameless Gen 7.5 TSF was from the future when a civil war was waged across the world before the establishment of the Union of Mankind to focus on their real enemy, the BETA. This TSF had been developed in secrecy as a secret weapon to put an end to the civil war which caused most of the data about its creation to be purged or erased and not even a name was ever given to it.

"They mastered the G-element generator! Also, capable of traversing space with surface-to-space capability…" She gulped as she didn't realize she was salivating at the advanced TSF design and would have been on her knees begging Adam to lend her the TSF for research if not for her dignity as a genius stopping her.

"So, do you believe me now?" Adam asked while calmly drinking tea which Agent pulled out of nowhere because the tea offered by the host was cheap and she would never allow her Master to drink. So she went and brewed one without anyone noticing until just now.

"Fine, I believe what you said." Dr Kouzuki sighed.

Even if she did, she found herself doubtful of the existence of magic and higher beings like god. But she shrugs it off as logic from another dimension that operates under different rules.

"Then, let's just say that the higher being warned me of another attack that will take place on Yokohama Base. It gave me the task of cooperating with you to repel the BETA invasion." Adam revealed and then created a holographic display of the map of former Hive 22.

"What I learned is the BETA are trying to recapture the core of former Hive 22 and secure their hold of Japan while trying to eliminate Unit 00 which it considered a threat to its species' existence."

"How- Forget it. But they are targeting Unit 00?" Dr Kouzuki wanted to confirm.

"Yes." Adam nodded and hid the fact he is also one of the targets.

Dr Kouzuki had received all the information from Adam and she turned to look at Commander Radhabinod who is in charge of the base while her authority only extends to STF A-01.

"Hmn. I don't see any reason to reject their offer to cooperate considering we get it for free. Besides, with you participating. We can once again reduce the number of casualties." Commander Radhabinod extended his right hand to Adam. "It's a pleasure to have you on our side, Mr White."

"Just Adam is fine." Adam said before accepting the handshake and sealed their cooperation.

"Alright, since we are on the same boat for this battle. I would like to offer a few things that will come in handy for the battle." Adam stood up and made an offer. "Would you like to take a little tour to the Orbital Fortress? I can assure you will not regret this." He rubs his grubby hand like a greedy merchant that is about to make big bucks.


"Ehh? Bodyguard? But why us too?" Miki or Tama wondered when Chizuru informed Captain Isumi's order.

"I think it's likely just an excuse. Perhaps there is a deeper reason for our participation? After all, we were invited to tour the spacecraft." Takeru said.

"Perhaps." Most agree and quickly gather up in the assembly hall where they were ordered to gather.

When Takeru and his team arrived, they saw Commander Radhabinod, Dr Kouzuki and STF A-01 members all gathered along with two unfamiliar people which Takeru assumed was the rumored person that aided them during the Battle of Sadogashima.

"Alright, since everyone is gathered. Let's go." Adam snapped his finger and everyone immediately enveloped by a blinding light before reappearing in a different location instantaneously.

"Woah! We are actually in space! Look! I can see Earth!" Tama immediately plastered her face on the gigantic window of the lounge area which in reality was just a massive screen that displayed the outside environment in real time.

"Indeed. Welcome to the Orbital Fortress. Let's start with a brief tour around some important places before we get down to business, shall we?" Adam asked Dr Kouzuki and Commander Radhabinod.

"Sure. Why not." Dr Kouzuki said while concealing her excitement to tear everything apart and learn the technology while Commander Radhabinod was curious of the strategic value of this spacecraft considering Adam mentioned it as a 'fortress'.

"Alright then. Let's start with the recreational and living area. As you know. This area is the lounge and over there is the cafeteria…" Adam brought them on a tour around the living area and recreational area.

The living area is, well, rather luxurious since there are only a few living on the Orbital Fortress. So, Adam renovated it with comfort and aesthetics in mind rather than maximizing living space. From a mansion built on an artificial environment to apartments or cottage houses, tailored to each resident to a garden and small forest filled with rare plants and harmless animals which Adam can modify at will now he unlocked the function instead of manually tearing down and rebuilding them.

As for recreational areas… It's mostly tailored to the residents. For example Siegfried had a small plot of land with a cottage and an open field where he spent most of his leisure time training his swordsmanship or sparring with other servants. There is also a public one that everyone shares. But so far, only Siegfried and Jalter have their personal area since most don't even spend much time up here.

After the living area and recreational area, Adam moves on to the production area where the onboard 3D printers are manufacturing Mechs, ammunition, etc. His molecular storage warehouse, aka his Inventory where items are miniaturized and stored in the special warehouse. The hangar area where many dropships were stored along with several actual spaceships of different types ranging from asteroid miner, utility and combat type. Lastly is the specialized training area where even Servants and TSF can practice live combat without worry.

"That's… a Shiranui TSF? No, it looks a little different. I have never seen it before." Takeru immediately asked after seeing the Type-04 Shiranui Second while others didn't really notice the difference until he mentioned it first.

"Is this another one of the TSF from the future?" Dr Kouzuki asked while the uninformed bunch were wondering over the existence of TSF from the future which Dr Kouzuki revealed from her words.

"You are correct. This is Type-04 Shiranui Second that should be created a few years from now. I received its blueprint as part of my reward." Adam answered.

"What, hold on a moment. Blueprint? How could you manufacture them overnight?!" Dr Kouzuki realized the absurd feat she just heard and the commander was also very interested.

Not just manufacturing but also material as the TSF is made of specific lightweight super carbon material that is also very durable and many more. It's impossible to prepare all the facilities to produce those materials and manufacture the parts and then assemble a TSF overnight.

Adam contemplated if he should reveal his System Manufacturing function and decided why not considering it wouldn't affect him at all since he won't be staying in this world for long.

"Let just say I have an ability that allows me to create any equipment as long as I have an appropriate blueprint to create it and currency to pay for the cost. Just like this." Adam said and magically made a new Type-04 Shiranui Second TSF to appear with a wave of his hand which cost 50 Million credits.

A pocket change considering his credits have thirteen digits. But the TSF is surprisingly cheap, probably because the machine is made of mostly carbon. A very abundant material. Majority of the cost comes from the production method where the carbon needs to be converted into a certain polymer into a super carbon to create the material.

"That's absurd." Most shared similar reactions of slacked jaw looking as a TSF pop into existence which Adam claimed he created in just an instant.

Adam shrugged and casually dropped another bomb.

"Actually the main feature of my ability is that I can upgrade the equipment I've created." Adam said and pointed at the distance where Alice, Tina and Winter are training in live combat.

At first, they were confused. Not knowing what's the upgrade that Adam mentioned until they saw Winter piloting the Type-00A Takemikazuchi TSF and slashed Tina who are doing borderline impossible acrobatic moves to evade the attacks while retaliating with accurate shots using a TSF size sniper rifle but Winter perfectly evaded all shots too.

In both exchanges, the TSF unit piloted by Tina should gain a deep gash. However, not even a scratch. Much less a deep gash.

When Winter faked an advance and slipped into Tina's defense to catch her off guard, she swapped one of her blades for an assault rifle and sprayed the entire clip point blank on Tina but also not even a scratch on the paint, much less the armor itself which looked illogical and unscientific at all.

Adam then revealed the effects of Augment to them which caused quite a scene.

"Are you telling me that this 'Augment' thing you do can increase the TSF performance more than ten times its base form?"

"Wanna try?" Adam asks which Captain Isumi and Takeru immediately nodded.

"Hold on a moment." Adam said and teleported the group to Tina and Winter who stopped their sparring after seeing Adam arrive.

"Nii-san! How is it, my performance?" Tina jumped out the cockpit and landed on her feet without harm which showed her superhuman quality that left the group wondering. Winter also exited her unit by jumping and landed with the aid of Aura reinforcing her body.

"Wonderful." Adam said and gave her a thumbs up. "Though, shouldn't you train on using the Electromagnetic Railgun Cannon since your combat style is a sniper."

"What's there to train about, Nii-san? It has its own auto targeting system that basically never misses and all I need to do is pull the trigger. I'd rather train on close quarter combat." Tina retorted before turning her head away and curiously looking at the guest. Some from Takeru's team waved at Tina like Tama and Mikoto who acted very friendly to her.

"Right… anyway." Adam directs Captain Isumi and Takeru to Tina's TSF and the one he newly made before giving them the free reign to test out the Argument's effect.

Then Adam stored away the Type-00A unit and teleported everyone outside of the arena before the two started their duel.

While most of the guests are focused on the duel happening between Captain Isumi and Takeru with the goal of testing out the Augment's effect. Adam with Tina and Winter at the side discussing about their practice session.

"So, do you prefer the Takemikazuchi unit or the Shiranui unit?" Adam wondered what Winter's choices were.

"I would prefer the Takemikazuchi unit. Although it wasn't Augmented or else I would have never lost to Tina that many times." Winter said with a sulky tone.

Winter is naturally very competitive and didn't like losing. However, with the Type-00A unit not created by Adam using the System's Manufacturing function.

So, to get a unit for Winter. He needs to strike a deal to obtain the Takemikazuchi unit's blueprint. That's why he tried to sell Mechs and TSF to Dr Kouzuki and the commander in the hope he could exchange for the TSF blueprints he needed instead of having to resort to 'forceful borrowing'.

"It's alright. I will make one for you later. For now, just continue training with this unit." Adam promised to Winter while giving her a head rub.

The duel is getting intense between Takeru and Captain Isumi as they continue to push the Augmented TSF and explore its limit. But it's clear to them that the Augments had made the two units way stronger and they hadn't even touched the topic of Augmented TSF weapons.

"So, how is it? Is their performance up to your satisfaction?" Adam approached the two leaders and asked for their opinion.

"Haha… what are you joking about? It exceeded our expectations. So, what is your price? Mr White?" Commander Radhabinod chuckled and asked.

"Blueprint for Type-00 Takemikazuchi and F-22A Raptor."

"That's quite a difficult request." Paul Radhabinod said but didn't immediately reject it and instead looking forward to what Adam can offer.

"Indeed, however in exchange I will offer an Augmented Type-04 Shiranui Second along with augmented TSF weapons for each unit for the whole STF A-01."

Commander Radhabinod turn to Dr Kouzuki for her input before agreeing and Dr Kouzuki adjusted the term a little after Takeru whisper something to her.

"I doubt both nation would agree if what you offer didn't really benefit them. So, my term would be you also add the laser weapon technology from the Mechs we previously seen and replace one Shiranui Second for an Augmented Takemikazuchi unit." Dr Kouzuki said, very obviously aiming for the laser weapon technology.

With the introduction of G-element generator, TSF can possibly be equipped with equivalent of a portable nuclear reactor and beam weapon would be perfect for those TSF. Besides, if they have laser weaponry. BETA be easier to dealt with when they have extra range and punch that their current ballistic weaponry lack.

"Alright, we will negotiate with the two nation later." Commander Radhabinod said after receiving a nod from Dr Kouzuki.

Thus the tour came to an end and Adam managed to sell Augmented TSF on top of the Mechs that he sold for blueprints of naval warships and jet planes.
