Chapter 104 - Day 1 Infiltrating Seireitei

(Early 200 Power Stone Bonus Chapter.)

(Reiryoku=Spiritual Energy/Power)

It was very early in the morning, the sky still dark and the sun had yet to even reach the horizon.

Adam just finished tending to his wives and took a bath before he went to make a few more final preparations like stocking up his inventory just in case and some useful things like hard cash in the form of precious metal ingots and gems.

Once he was done, Adam went to the command room and sat on his seat. He sighed and stared at the scenery outside of the command room's window plane. The dark space and Earth which the Orbital Fortress is orbiting.

"I guess it's time." Adam felt heavy hearted to leave. There is numerous hesitation in his mind trying to dissuade him.

The thought of what if something unexpected happened while he was away? What if the Evil God suddenly attacked, etc etc.

"No. Even if I am here. I can't do anything if I am weak. Weakness is the sin. It is a sin to remain weak and I must strive to be stronger. Strong enough to ensure I will not repeat the same mistake again." Adam is reminded of that heart wrenching moment when he saw Agent being destroyed by the Outer God.

Had she been someone else that can't be brought back to life like a T-Doll, he might have been a different person today.

Being weak isn't a sin. But being able to be stronger but refusing to is the real sin. Adam has a very convenient ability that is his System that allows him to travel into any world he could think of. He could learn and master a myriad of abilities, techniques, and powers. Obtain powerful tools, weapons treasures. Recruit people with various abilities to fulfill his needs. His only problem is his lack of exposure to media like anime, manga, games, etc which limits where he can go. If not for that, he might already be even stronger than his current self.

If he memorized every loophole, timeline, plot, people, treasures of each world. He could easily conquer those worlds and plunder everything it has to offer but because he didn't, he couldn't even exploit the best feature of his System.

He instead becomes wary and afraid of randomly entering worlds unless he is very sure he can at least survive in those worlds. Bleach world being one of those worlds he is somewhat familiar and confident with. But that doesn't mean it isn't dangerous, especially how quickly the power level gets inflated. Even a random mid level boss can sweep him under the floor not to mention he is trying to infiltrate Seireitei that is filled with even stronger people like Genryusai Yamamoto, the Captains of Gotei 13. Each can easily beat him effortlessly.

Taking a long and deep breath, Adam cleared his mind and opened his System Interface and set up the Interdimensional Contract.

[Infiltration option will allow Host to be an insider rather than outsider during a Contract that could greatly assist in completion of a Contract.]

[Selecting Infiltration option will assign Host with random background, memories and abilities to supplement Host's existence as an insider.]

[Initiate Interdimensional Contract?]


[Interdimensional Contract initiated. Activating Dimension Jump in 5 seconds...]

[Host will feel momentarily disorientation and confusion while artificial memories are being implanted.]

Adam felt himself become drowsy before he fell asleep and that is the last thing he remembers.


Shiro. No surname. Originally a simple wanderer from Earth that died and his soul were purified and brought to Rukongai. He lived a simple life in District 41. A rather well off district compared to other districts over the number 50. With his survival skill living as a wanderer on Earth, he chose to work as a fishmonger and was able to sustain a decent life for himself.

Five years later, while he was selling his catch at the market in the afternoon as he usually does. A passing by Shinigami that is recruiting for the Shinigami Academy noticed Shiro's unusually large amount of Reiryoku. Not overwhelmingly big. Just bigger than what a normal soul should have that hadn't trained as Shinigami.

Shiro was recruited and he agreed because of the promise of earning big money as a Shinigami. He worked as a fishmonger and could only earn enough to sustain himself without any luxury but a lowest grade Shinigami earned 40k Kan or 200k Yen per month. That's equivalent to half a year of profit for him.

Thus, to turn his life around. Shiro chose to be admitted into Shinigami Academy and exhibited quite a lot of talent especially in Kido class. He even attracted some attention from Kido Corps due to his talent. However, his mastery of the other techniques are not lacking either. His ungodly learning speed and improvement rate regardless of class made others give him the title of genius and protected by the higher up of the academy from the jealousy nobles.

He graduated in merely 5 years after mastering all the basic skills and entered the 7th Division instead of the Kido Corp. His reason? The Hueco Mundo Expedition.

The methods for a Shinigami to earn extra cash are many. But the easiest is by killing hollow and cashing in bounty. But as lucrative as the job was. The risk is equally high too. But that didn't deter him as his dream is to settle down in the peaceful and beautiful District 12 with a home to retire to later.


[Host had been integrated into the Contract World with an artificial identity.]

Adam woke up after experiencing the memories like he was watching a movie playing out in the cinema.

He woke up from his sleep in a place he assumed to be the barracks because there are bunk beds and something that resembles lockers.

"Really? My name is Shiro?" Adam questioned and he didn't really blame whoever gave him that name because his hair is naturally white and his skin is pale too.

After that, he immediately opens his stats screen because he is curious about the allocated ability.

[Zanjutsu (Skilled)]

Zanjutsu or swordsmanship art is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami which encompasses other weapons besides swords before the introduction of Asauchi but has fallen out of popularity due to Zanpakuto.)

[Hakuda (Basic)]

Hakuda or Martial Arts is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami that focus on unarmed combat and the usage of the body. Mostly focused on Taijutsu and application of Reishi on a shinigami body for offensive and defensive purposes.

[Hohō (Novice)]

Hohō or Fast Movement Arts is an important technique of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami as it allows the user to incorporate extreme agility and speed with the other fighting style to elevate their ability. The basic and greatest expression of Hohō is Shunpo or Flash Step that allows movement faster than the eyes can see.

[Kidō (Skilled)]

Kidō or Spiritual Arts is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami that dabble in mystic and magic spells powered by Reiryoku. Kidō enables the usage of combat spells, support spells, healing arts, creation of barriers and seals.

[Zanpakuto (Untrained)]

Zanpakuto are the trademark weapons of the Shinigami which will bond to a Shinigami and form a spirit nourished by the Shinigami's Reiryoku. Awakening and communicating with the Zanpakuto Spirit allow the mastery of Shikai and Bankai which is the primary power of a Shinigami which boasts firepower outclassing all the basic fighting styles.

Adam looks at the screen speechless and incredibly happy. He didn't expect he would be assigned an identity as a full-fledged Shinigami.

"But, how does this work? These skills are only temporary, right? They will disappear when I leave this world." Adam questioned his System with a mix of excitement because free skill and disappointment because it's temporary only.

[Host's true mastery is only basic level and superficial. It is like having the form but no substance. However, if the host can properly fill in the substance. Host can obtain the skill.]

"So, I just need to learn everything from scratch huh?" Adam mutters with excitement.

He has the skills as his System said. But he didn't really understand it. Using it is like using a skill in a game. He knows the effects but not how it happened. That's why the skill will disappear if he leaves. But if he practices everything from scratch and masters it. The skill is his own.

There is no difference between going into the academy since he needs to learn everything. Except right now, he already has the information, manual everything in his head to the respective mastery of the skills. He just needs to practice instead of learning from books or teachers. He can directly go and fight enemies to raise his proficiency.

Which is about the time Adam talks about his shinigami duty.

Since 'Shiro' is part of the 7th Division. The chilliest division that is all about comradery, friendship, loyalty and courage. He has nothing much to worry about. The 7th Division has no specific duty so their members patrol the streets of Rukongai and Seireitei and help out other divisions that lack manpower.

As for 'Shiro' he likes to volunteer for the Hueco Mundo expedition which most Shinigami will avoid because it's literally a way to weed out and dispose of weak and stagnated low level Shinigami. But Shiro being Shiro, he is obsessed with the Hollow Extermination expedition and joins it every single time.

Today is such a day, the Hollow Extermination expedition.

"I should gather at the Senkaimon and report my attendance before 7 am." Adam remembers and he looks out the window of the barrack and sees the sun is already rising at the horizon.

Adam stood up from his bed and saw the other shinigami, his roommates still sleeping. He cleans up his bed briefly before leaving his room and follows his memories to head to freshen up and grab something for breakfast.

While he was exploring the place, he looked at his own outfit. A black kimono named Shihakushō with a chunni ass name like Death-Conquering Garb. His Asauchi was placed inside a scabbard tied to his obi sash.

He was curious about his Zanpakuto which stated to be unawakened. He tried to ask his System how he can awaken it or is there any shortcut. But unfortunately there is none. He must fulfill the requirement of a big enough Reiryoku and establish communication with his Zanpakuto spirit.

The first requirement is a must as the Zanpakuto spirit is created when sufficient Reiryoku nourished the Asauchi to create the spirit. So, the bigger Adam's Reiryoku is, the faster he nourishes his Asauchi. In the current state, his Asauchi still didn't have a Zanpakuto Spirit for him to communicate with.

So, if Adam wants to awaken his Zanpakuto. His focus should first be increasing his Reiryoku which isn't small compared to other Shinigami. His Reiryoku or Spiritual Power is actually quite big and in 20-30 years he will be able to successfully cultivate a Zanpakuto Spirit. In comparison, normal Shinigami take up to 50 years minimum.

"Oh, Shiro. Are you joining the expedition again?" An old lady in the mess hall asked upon seeing Adam entering the cafeteria-like place.

"Haah… This auntie didn't know how to advise you anymore. Chasing after money blindly will only lead people to early death. But you are smart and strong so I wouldn't try to dissuade you much. But be careful out there will you?"

"Y-Yes?" Adam stammered to answer because of memories suddenly surfacing.

This auntie is the lunch lady for this barrack who prepares meals three times a day. So, technically not a lunch lady. Meal lady?

Anyway, Shiro is being doted on by this auntie because of his good appearance and good attitude. She treats him like a son and Shiro, who is an orphan from his first to second life, accepted her affection.

"Hmn. Sit there and wait a little longer. You arrived a little early today which is quite rare since you are always very punctual with your schedule. Did anything happen, Shiro?" The auntie asked while finishing up cooking and then served a portion for breakfast for Adam.

"I was thinking a lot…" Adam replied while trying not to be suspicious because the auntie is quite close to Shiro and would notice if Adam acted weird.

"Thinking a lot? Is it about that tavern girl they introduced to you? Tsumugi was it, her name? *Sigh* You better not associate yourself with those kinds of girls, Shiro. Also don't follow your friends to the tavern if they invite you. Stay away from those place." She chasitate him.

"Haah… what am I going to do if they corrupt my sweet Shiro." The auntie stopped for a moment and sighed exasperatedly to show her deep worry for Adam's future.

"Here is your breakfast. Eat more. You will need it for the expedition. I can't have you go hungry in battle. So here's your bento too." The auntie served Adam's food before she returns to work because the preparation isn't fully done yet.

"Thanks." Adam said and took his food to a nearby table before eating them.

His breakfast is just simple fried fish, stir-fry veggies, miso soup with white tofu and rice accompanied with hot tea.

After he is done eating, the sun already starts rising into the sky and dispersing most of the darkness. A few people have already arrived in the cafeteria and started eating before leaving for their duty or training. Adam handed in his dirty dishes and waved the kind auntie a goodbye before he left with his bento.
