Chapter 106 - I Don't Know What This Chapter Is About. Maybe His Daily Life In Seireitei.

"Hey, did you notice? For the past week since he returned from the expedition, he had been training non stop. Without rest, sleep or eat."

"Shiro? Yeah, I noticed he had been missing from his bed even at night when he was off duty. I heard he always goes to the dojo immediately after the patrol."

Two Shinigami who are Shiro's roommates were discussing and caught more attention from other nearby Shinigami.

"I heard he was also hunting Hollow very desperately to get more money." Someone chipped in.

"Could it be, he is preparing to propose to Tsugumi from the tavern?"

"Nah, I think Shiro actually likes Shion more. I noticed he always looks at her big boobs."

"Peh! Do you think boobs are everything? Tsugumi has a slender waist and a big butt." Another added with passion, defending his favorite girl.

"You uncultured swines! Yume-Chan's thighs in the short kimono and white stockings is definitely the real winner!"

The conversation quickly turns into debate and argument about fetishes.

"Oi you lots! Eat and leave. This is no place for you to discuss your perversion!" The auntie shouts angrily from the kitchen which silences the debate and everyone obediently eats because no one wants to anger the person that prepares their meals.

"Haah… Really, what had happened to that kid. Suddenly skipping meals and sleep to train day and nights." The auntie sighed worriedly.

If not for Adam stopping by for bento every time he is on patrol duty, she might have already flipped the barrack upside down to find him.


While on his patrol on District 38 which is where he is assigned to today. Adam zoned off in his mind while his body was on autopilot.

The patrol isn't anything difficult and most of the time, is uneventful and boring since no one would dare fight against a Shinigami unless they are courting death.

The gap of power between the Shinigami and untrained peasants of Rukongai is simply too big. Higher Reishi quite literally make one immune to any attack and the Reishi of an untrained peasants is just too miniscule compared to an average Unseated Shinigami.

With that in mind, Adam usually zones off with his mind focused on something else while his body will walk through a set path with the help of his Crysis suit overriding his body movement.

The patrol duty is generally boring and uneventful. Adam typically has four patrol shifts per week. Each shift lasted a whole day from 7 am to 5pm. In those times, he cannot train and those precious times were wasted just like that.

So, in order to prevent his time being wasted. Adam formulated a method for him to train. That method is VR!

Yes, Virtual Reality.

Adam already has a computer, a supercomputer that is connected to his brain. So, VR is absolutely possible. In the VR space. Adam can continue to refine his technique even while patrolling.

Differ from normal training, training in VR only affects his mind instead of both. So, his training in VR primarily involves simulation and refining techniques.

Simulation is quite self explanatory. By simulating the reality, Adam can experiment on something like Kido which is normally not possible because nine times out of ten, the spell will explode on his face. So, in this VR space. Adam experimented with spells to figure out how to adjust the spell, how to create new spells, and how to make them stronger.

Refining technique is basically just VR Tekken. He simulates an opponent and fights. Then he will analyze the combat data and find his flaws and weaknesses. Then he refined his technique to remove those flaws. Rinse and repeat.

Also, in VR. It's possible to manipulate his sense of time although quite mentally straining since his brain will work overtime in the constant 'Bullet Time' state where his brain reacts faster than the world outside.

On this particular day, Adam was practicing in the VR space while his body is being controlled by the AI in his Crysis suit.

His body was going through his patrol route as usual when he was stopped by a black-haired girl in a blue floral kimono when he was passing through a less crowded street at the edge of the district.

"Ano… Shinigami-san. Do you have some time for a talk? T-There is something that I wished to ta-talk to you about." The girl's cheek turned rosy as she peered at Adam's face and saw the polite smile he had on his face which was like an arrow to her innocent heart.

"Yes." Adam or rather, the AI replied with the best possible answer for her question after simultaneously running 893,000 simulations in two seconds.

"Ah! Wonderful." She softly clapped her hand before she approached Adam.

"I heard from some patrons who are your friends. They said that you actually like me." She said with a giggle of embarrassment and continued. "Actually, I like you too. I heard of your heroic feat during the expedition and slayed a thousand monsters. I can't help but fall head over heels for you. You look very handsome, earnest and heroic."

"It's not your fault." The AI replied.

"Yes. With your look alone. You can conquer any maiden's heart. Not to mention your other qualities. No man can compare to you." The girl replied with a sigh, completely agreeing with Adam.


"So, I w-wonder if yo-you have fr-free time this S-Sunday?" She stuttered as she asked because she was very nervous. "We can v-visit the flower garden in District 16 to-together to see flowers."

"I am busy."

"Oh… o-of course, Shinigami-san has his duties…" The girl said while looking sullen and heart broken.

Before the girl could run away in frustration after being rejected. Adam or the AI, hold the girl's shoulders. She looks at his hands before she lifts her head up to look at him, who is looking at him very intensely and making her cheeks turn redder.


"I dislike hassle. We can do it right now."

"—mi-san… huh? Wait. Do it right now? Do what?" The girl panicked when the AI dragged him into the back alley.

"Wait! Shinigami-san. My heart is still not prepared yet." The girl resisted weakly which is contrary to what she said.

"Don't worry. Leave everything to me. I will prepare it for you." The AI replied reassuringly before the AI bag her and vanished into the back alley.

Meanwhile, a few meters down the street. Hiding behind the corner are the five roommates of Shiro from earlier this morning debating about which girl Shiro/Adam will choose.

"Damn. That bastard had been lying on us. What experienceless virgin? He swiped Tsugumi away like nothing."

"By the way. He is definitely fucking her right. Should we. You know… check on them?"

The rest turn to the one that suggested peeking and look at him like he is an idiot before they collectively sighed.

"Unless you want to eat a Shakkaho to your face. I suggest you not to try anything stupid." The eldest of the group said while the other three nodded in complete agreement.

"With that said. How should we celebrate this? Our barrack's poster boy finally popped his cherry and became a real man."

"Let's ask Captain Aikawa for permission to celebrate."

"I'll prepare the wines."

Everyone looks back at the one that previously suggested peeking.

"You ask the cafeteria lady to prepare the feast."

"Fuck no! She's gonna skin me alive!"

"Don't worry. We will remember your noble sacrifice." They said and fled before the guy had the chance to say anything.

"Fuck you guys!" The scapegoat bites his nails nervously while making his way back to the barrack for his execution.

Meanwhile with Adam and the tavern girl named Tsugumi.

Tsugumi was nervous and filled with anticipation. Each step she takes, her heart beats faster and faster to the verge of exploding.

At first, she thought Adam would drag him into the back alley and do the deed there. Not as romantic as she wanted but she didn't mind it either. But they continue walking out of the alley and continue out of District 38 before he suddenly carries her in his arms and uses Shunpo to move quickly to another District.

Her imagination went wild. At first she thought Adam was dragging her into an inn to do the deed there after leaving the alley. But when he exits the district, she thinks Adam is dragging her into the woods. It was quite an escapade. However, when they arrived at their destination, she stared at the grand flower garden in District 16.

"We arrived." The AI announced.

"Shinigami-san… What are we doing here?" She wondered because even if the location is very romantic, a big garden filled with beautiful flowers she liked. But still, having her first time such a public space like this is quite wild.

"Let's go." The AI hold her hand and walked into the garden.

Tsugumi's face is now as red as a ripe tomato and her body becomes soft and weak from her wild imagination of doing the deed in a public space that has many people coming and going.

"Shi-Shinigami-san… are we really going to do it he-here?"

"Yes. This is what you wanted. No?" The AI asked with a confused look.

"M-Me? I did? B-But! People can see us… it's very embarrassing." She explained and was surprised how confident Adam is suggesting such a thing without an ounce of embarrassment at all when she remembers his friend told her he is still a virgin.

"Then no need to worry about the others. I will protect you if anything happens." The AI reassured her.

"Even if you said it like that… I don't want to be publicly labeled as a pervert." She sniffles.

"Why is seeing flowers will make you a pervert?" The AI was unable to comprehend the logic and asked for a clarification.

"Bec— Wait. Did you just say seeing flowers? By any chance, you brought me all the way here just to watch flowers?" Tsugumi realized something might have been misunderstood.

"Yes. Isn't that what you requested?" Adam asked with genuine confusion.

"Ha… hahahahaha! Seeing flowers? All this time you were trying to bring me to see flowers?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, outside of patrol duty, I will be busy with training and unable to fulfill your request to see flowers on Sunday." The AI replied.

"Are you taking me as an idiot or are you really that dense?! Obviously seeing the flowers is just an excuse. What I really want is to go out on a date with you." Tsugumi is burning in embarrassment and shame as she lashes out at Adam.

"Oh, I see. However I am still unable to fulfill your request."

"Why? Am I not pretty enough for you? Or do you think I'm a loose woman because I work in the tavern?" Tsugumi shouted, demanding answers with tears and sniffles.

"No. I do not have such thoughts. According to my Host's preference. Miss does look beautiful. Innocent beauty type face, medium but premium breast, a child bearing hip enough to support an entire country's bakery industry and a decent thighs that have good potential. Overall rating is A Tier."

"Then why?" She stopped sobbing and looked a little happier after being praised.

"Ahem. Unfortunately, you will require the permission of the first and third wife to be accepted as a lover." The AI replied to the best of its ability.

"First? Third? Y-You already have wives?! You! How dare you lie to me and play on my feelings like this!" She immediately became angry again and tried to slap Adam's face but unfortunately, the AI easily caught her hand.

"I had never disclosed such information to you. Are you sure you asked me before? If not, I cannot be held liable for any false information." The AI said.

Tsugumi immediately realized that the information she got was indeed not from Adam but his friends.

"Then! Why did you never tell me until now?"

"You never ask me, Miss." The AI replied bluntly and Tsugumi fell into another silence because she cannot retort his words.

Tsugumi eventually calmed down and rationalized when she realized it's her fault for not having proper information and trusted the dubious information given by Shiro's friends. Her hands were let go after she calmed down.

Since she is already here. She didn't immediately turn away and leave. Instead, she looked at Adam even more curiously after she recalled information about 'Shiro'.

"Hey, you said you have three wives right? Where are they?" Tsugumi was curious and wanted something to distract her mind.

"Hmn. They didn't come with me." The AI replied.

"Oh…" Tsugumi instantly thinks Adam is saying his wives are still in the living world.

Considering Adam's appearance, she deduced he should be in his 20's and as a new Shinigami. High chances are his appearance actually reflects his true age. So, she concluded Adam might have died young and entered Soul Society.

She guessed the reason why 'Shiro' is obsessed with earning money and buying a home in the upper districts is probably the preparation before the rest of his family join him in Soul Society. Thinking about it made her realize 'Shiro' is a very dedicated and reliable man. Not to mention he is a Genius in Kido Arts and his recent feat in the Hollow Extermination expedition means he is strong.

A good looking, stable, dedicated, strong and family oriented man. In the eyes of any ladies experienced in life know that he is the ideal husband. She might even ignore the fact he has multiple wives.

Tsugumi knows she still has a chance. Considering he died young, his wives might have married another man or if they didn't, it will take some time before they will enter Soul Society. He would have to endure decades of loneliness while waiting for his wives. So, she can help fill the role and comfort him until his wives arrive.

"So… you have three wives?" She asked, trying to set up her questions.

"Actually. I have another one that was recently discovered. She is my wife from another timeline. I also have a lover from a similar timeline.

"Y-You have more?" Tsugumi is shocked to hear and totally misses the 'from another timeline' part while rubbing her forehead.

"T-Then… how do you think about me compared to them?" She asked with her cheeks beginning to blush again.

"Compare? In what way?" The AI asked her to specify.

"You know… our look. How do you think my looks are compared to your wives and lover?"

The AI delves deep and accesses Adam's memories and thoughts to formulate a response.

"Hmn. That is difficult to compare because everyone is unique." The AI said and then spent the next half an hour describing each of his wives' looks. He even creates a hologram of their image which Tsugumi brushes off as some kind of ability made using Reiryoku and focused on each of his wives' appearance.

"Wait, hold on a minute. Why does she look very similar to you." Tsugumi noticed and gasped in realization.

"Oh, the second wife is my own biological sister." The AI confirmed her assumption.

"This…" Tsugumi is at a loss for words. The dubious incestuous relationship aside, each of his wives are a beauty of their own class. It's hard for her to compare.

This made her realize why none of the seduction from her and other girls failed on him. Considering his wives, his standard of women would be higher. It's difficult to admit but they all do look better than herself. However, all hope is not lost.

In his explanation, he explained the reason he loved them not just because of their looks. But because of the strong bond they forged and their personality. For example his first wife which he said he cannot live without her because she is so helpful that he became dependent on her like a drug addict with a crippling addiction. A literal model wife. She is his wife, maid, and his right hand woman. All in one package.

"Then… What do you think about me? Do you think I can be a good wife too?" She asked out of the sudden.

"Insufficient data. Unable to conclude. My apology." The AI apologized.

"No no… it's alright. That means we just need to spend more time together so you can understand me more." She said while cupping her blushing cheeks as her imagination runs wild.

"Unfortunately, that will be a difficult request."

"Why?" Tsugumi broke out of her imagination and inquired.

"I do not have spare time to spend with you. I need to focus on my training and weekly grind." The AI replied frankly.

"You don't have time? You led me around with false hope, played with my feelings and now you say you don't have time for me." Her head tilted forward and cast shadow on her eyes as a dark aura gathered around her.

"No. Also, I did neither of those acts you accused me of." The AI replied unbothered by the Intimidation.

"Hmph. Play hard all you want. You can't dump me away that easily. I swear I'm your wife if I admit defeat that easily. Don't you dare forget that!" She shouted before she ran away.

"I am not playing hard. Also, regardless of the outcome, you will still become my wife. That is not a fair bet." The AI mutters and wants to catch up to Tsugumi but coincidentally, it's time for Adam to end his patrol and he is taking control back to his body.

"Hmn? Why am I in another district?" Adam is confused but he trusts the commands and protocols he set up for the AI to follow.

For something like this to happen, it could only mean something might have happened. Like sudden order or he was helping out the people with requests again.

Anyway, Adam quickly returned to his barrack to report the completion of his patrol and returned to the dojo for more training.
