Chapter 109

(Challenge 1 Bonus Chapter)

Inside the Orbital Fortress that hovers in the Earth's orbit and hidden under a layer of invisibility field.

Agent, Winter and Jalter gathered along with the rest of the crew and a few shipgirls from the three factions. The three sit closer together as they were Adam's wives and hold the highest sway among the group, especially Agent.

The rest are divided into their individual groups representing themselves.

Tina, Alices, Siegfried and Jeanne on the left most of the table. The three KANSEN faction's representatives occupied the rest of the table.

They all gathered today to discuss and to reach a decision.

"We need to make the decision. The other side had shown they have no intention at all to negotiate for peace. The NATO had repeatedly tried to attack and invade the United Kingdom from France even as we speak right now." Agent said while she shows videos and pictures on the holographic display.

What she showed were the declaration of European and NATO leaders to avenge the assassinated Queen to liberate her nation. Also the aftermath of bombing and missiles attack around the heavily fortified shoreline of the UK in preparation for their invasion.

"I think everyone can agree, those leaders wish not for peace but for the annihilation of us who pose a threat to their so-called kingfom and agenda."

Most nod in agreement with Agent's statement. After all the proof is already there after the Agent had extensively investigated and dug for information about the shadowy organizations and the involvement of the powerful families that are the true players behind those governments.

"Then, Madame. What is your decision?" Siegfried asked while giving Agent the look of suspicion. He already knows what the answer may be. Which he does not agree with at all.

Agent looked at Siegfried for a moment with an unchanging expression before she answered.

"Naturally, they wouldn't heed our warning because the leaders are all puppets under the control of the organization. So, I propose we simply accept the war and bring them into submission. After all, the war is inevitable and Master had predicted this. Thus he already made all the preparations in advance." Agent answered before she showed the thousands of Type-04 Shiranui Second, Type-00 Takemikazuchi and F-22A Raptors that had been converted to accommodate AI pilots created from the piloting data of Adam, Winter, Tina and Alice.

This shocked many as they never thought Adam would actually ever consider war is the only solution.

Seeing the shocked face, Agent isn't surprised since Adam rarely resorted to such extreme measures unless he is forced to. Which few had even seen. Only a few did and Agent is one of them. After all, she is the one that groom into a capable leader and her moral compass is definitely in the gray area if not outright evil as someone that follows the principle of the 'end justify the means'.

"Why must we involve the innocent soldiers who only follow orders from their leaders? Can't we target the mastermind only?" Jeanne voiced her opinion which is agreed by most including the shipgirls who are adverse to killing humans they are supposed to protect.

"No. It wouldn't change anything. The people's opinion had been swayed and blinded by the organization that killing the leaders wouldn't change anything. Instead, it's just further fanning the fire instead of extinguishing it." Agent explained with a sigh.

Agents also wish not to kill those humans. Not because she feels guilty or compassionate. They are no different than a blade of grass on the field for her. They are only valued because Adam has a need for them and Agent is just like the gardener. She will trim away the useless part and keep only the useful part for Adam. She is ordered to avoid war if possible. But the situation right now does not allow it anymore. She had underestimated the amount of influence the organization held on the population.

"They had become too proud and fearless. We had been working hard to hold off the Siren Invasion while they were wasting manpower on a useless act of war because of ego." Agent said while looking at Jeanne. "Tell me, how exactly are you going to fix these rotten people?"

"Yes, the common people aren't the ones trying to cause a conflict. They were simply beguiled and swayed by their leaders. However, those governments are democratic governments. The leaders are decided and elected by their people and to have such incompetent and useless leaders. Isn't it the people that put the leader into power? So, can you tell me they are faultless and innocent?"

Jeanne was immediately silenced and forced to rethink again.

The meeting is getting more tense after that. Everyone couldn't refute the logic that Agent just said.

Besides, the people are also stupid. It's not difficult to understand what the KANSEN are doing. They are protecting the sea and humanity from Siren. That fact is very clear and obvious as the KANSEN never tried to initiate any attack against humans and instead exhausted themselves fighting Siren on the sea only to be attacked by the Anti-KANSEN movement.

Yes, they rebelled against humans. But that is because the one leading them is incompetent and corrupt. So, the KANSEN took matters into their own hands to fix this mistake. Yet, they were shunned instead.

For the majority of the population to not see this is just a testament to their stupidity or perhaps it was the testament of how tightly the organization is controlling the people.

After all, Agent investigated the people too in order to figure out the organization. Most people know the truth about what happened in the civil war in the UK. Agent purposely spread that information at first in order to weaken the propaganda of the Anti-KANSEN movement. However, the majority of these people simply didn't care because the Siren Invasion didn't affect them much.

The main reason for nations to join the Pro-KANSEN is because they were affected by the Siren attack and needed the KANSEN's protection. The Anti-KANSEN however, were all landlocked nations and weren't that affected by the Siren Invasion. Those people naturally didn't care since their livelihood isn't affected and the puppet governments are appeasing their people with benefits to sway their people.

So, for all these reasons. Agent have only one answer.

"The only way to fix this situation is to show them the overwhelming difference between us and give them a proper wake up call. To show them how stupid it is for them to even decide to act against us by utterly crushing the army they are so proud of. We must show them how weak and useless they are that we have been sparing them all this time because they are a waste of time." Agent said with neither passion or zeal in her tone as if she was talking about something very natural like breathing.

"I see." Nagato muttered. "The people we had been protecting had become rotten. They are not grateful for our toiling and instead spitting on our sacrifices. Naturally, I have no objection. If this is what the commander had willed."

"What we KANSEN protect is the future of humanity. Not humanity itself. Naturally, even if the enemy is another human. I, Nagato will not hesitate before my duty." Nagato gave her inspiring speech with a red glint flashed in her eyes as she remembered the outcome if humanity is allowed to stray from the path.

After the speech from Nagato. Queen Elizabeth also agreed, saying that it is the duty of the Queen to lead her people down the right path and to punish those who strayed away.

"If this is what he willed. Then I also agree." Enterprise announced decisively before looking at New Jersey.

"Haah. I agree too. After all, I still want a payback on those ungrateful people that dare to attack us while we are working our asses off to keep them safe." She punched her palm and cracking her fist, eager for revenge.

Then the attention focused on Winter and Jalter who had yet to voice their opinions.

"I will participate in the war directly. Those who oppose my Adam are my enemy. I will personally hunt them down and hang their corpses." Winter said with bloodlust leaking out from her body.

"Then, let me help you hang their corpses. It's been a while since I got to burn and hang some sinners." Jalter said with a bloodthirsty grin on her face.

With everyone agreeing except for Siegfried and Jeanne that stayed neutral. The decision has been made and a war will be their answer.


Back to Adam's side.

"Unfortunately, Captain-Commander already decided that the 2nd and 13th Divisions will handle the extermination mission." The Lieutenant, Jinemon Kotsubaki replied to Adam with an apologetic look for unable to help.

"I see…" Adam didn't hide his sigh of disappointment as he thanked the Lieutenant and excused himself from the office.

After reaching the hallway outside the office. Adam's step came to a halt and he pondered for a moment. The 2th Division is still led by Yoruichi Shihoin while the 13th Division is led by Jushiro Ukitake.

The participation of 2th Division is understandable since Onmitsukido is incharge of information gathering and they are the scouts that actually found the location of the Quincy hidden village. After the battle is done, the Onmitsukido will collect information and investigate for any further leads to locate another Quincy that is hiding. As for the 13th Division, they are the actual force that will be attacking Quincy village.

However, what made Adam feel odd is that the leader of the fighting force, the 13th Division was Jushiro Ukitake, the captain well known for being ill. Although still in much better shape than him from the canon timeline, he is still undeniable, terminally ill.

So, why is he leading the fight? Is there a significance behind it? Adam knew nothing because he lacked information. But one thing he does know is the Captain's personality.

Jushiro Ukitake is very kind and Adam has a higher chance of convincing him to allow himself to participate than convincing his own Captain. As such, Adam is making his way to the 13th Division barrack to find Captain Jushiro.

Half an hour later.

"You want to participate in this mission?" Captain Jushiro questioned with a raised eyebrow as he glanced over to the shihakusho Adam worn which bears the emblem of 7th Division.

"May I ask the reason why?" The captain didn't reject immediately as Adam expected and instead asked for Adam's reason for this request which he found to be quite unusual. Although, Adam or rather Shiro already have a reputation to be quite the oddball from religiously participating Hueco Mundo expedition to training addict.

"It's quite simple actually, Captain Ukitake. I wished to gain experience against various opponents for my training and I read about Quincy being quite a formidable force that once invaded Soul Society."

Adam used his training as an excuse without any hesitation and others have no reason to doubt his motivation because it is established that Shiro is quite the dedicated person and a training addict that will go through any length to hone his skill which includes winning against Seated Officer through sheer combat mastery.

Captain Ukitake looks at Adam with suspicion for a moment. But after finding nothing that can prove Adam's words are fake. He sighed and said.

"I think you would be disappointed since Elite Quincy is quite rare nowadays and the majority of the Quincy left are mostly subpar in combat. However, if you still wish to join. I have no reason to object. But first you must get the permission of Captain Aikawa." Captain Ukitake said before he dismissed Adam.

"Thank you very much, Captain Ukitake." Adam sincerely thanked the Captain before he left with joy and excitement radiating through him.

Captain Ukitake of course saw the joy and excitement on Adam and wondered what loose screw Adam has on his head to be like this. He does keep up to date with rumors in Seireitei and Gotei 13. Naturally he knows the rumors floating around Shiro, Adam's cover. A money lover and hoarder because he likes hunting Hollow's bounty but spends zero cent, training freak because he trained with every waking hour he has outside of his duties and lastly, the talk of him being a genius with Kido and Kendo especially in dueling.

Captain Ukitake blinked for a moment and sighed and shook his head as he saw Adam's figure jumping giddily before running out from his barrack.

"I wonder why the Soul King's will lingers around him. Is he a threat? Or perhaps someone important for the future?" He mutters as this isn't the first time he observed such a phenomenon. However, he can't figure out the significance behind the will trying to manipulate him agree to Adam's request.

'Hahaha the Quincy power will definitely be mine!' Adam thought in his mind since he didn't even need to do anything and all he needed was just to participate and he would automatically complete the mission since the extermination of the Quincy is guaranteed and the mission didn't explicitly state Adam needed to kill those targets with his own hands.

With that, Adam returned to 7th Division barrack and looked for his captain and asked for permission. Which Adam easily obtained after using the same excuse as he previously used to gain his Captain's permission.
