Chapter 111 - Unexpected Encounter With The Last Boss

(Since we are almost at 1 Million view. Here ya go, two extra chapters from me.)

A few months elapsed since the Quincy village extermination mission. Adam continued his routine of rigorous training like he always did and today is no different.

Early in the morning, the sun had barely risen and there were already a few people in the dojo dueling. One elderly one stood on the side and watched the duel as the referee while the younger ones were clashing blades on the elevated platform made of stone brick.

*Clash!* x6

In rapid succession, the two duelists rapidly exchanged blows at speed that untrained eyes cannot follow with sparks flying each time a steel clashed with another steel.

The first one slashed and his opponent parried. Then the next one slashed and the first one blocked and pushed the blade away to purposely throw his opponent out of balance but failed as his opponent had superior footwork and immediately retreated two steps before dashed forward with a lunge once the first one showed an opening in his stance after his previous move.

The duel is getting more heated as blows are exchanged faster and faster after each one and one have superior techniques and experience while the other could analyze his opponent and adapt his style to counter his opponent on the fly.

"This is a stalemate. I couldn't overcome your rapidly changing tactics and neither could you overcome the difference in our strength." The amiably smiling man in square black-rimmed glasses said to Adam who looked tired and his training clothes riddled with small gashes and bloodstain while the man looked pristine from head to toe. "Let's end this duel shall we?" He added.

Adam was too busy gasping for air to reply in words and simply nodded instead and tightened his grip firmly on his Asauchi. His determined eyes locked at the figure of his opponent before he closed it much to his opponent and instructor's surprise but none voiced anything and trusted that Adam had his reason.

Adam closed his eyes because it's useless. His opponents are simply too elusive for him to trust his eyes. As not only does his opponent have great achievements in Hohō, great enough to create dozens of afterimages. But his opponent is also Aizen Sosuke who possessed Kyoka Suigetsu, an illusion orientated Zanpakuto.

Adam couldn't trust any of his senses. His sight, touch, smell and hearing. None of them are free from the control of Kyoka Suigetsu that apply continuously as Aizen didn't dismiss his Shikai. The only sense he can trust is his heart and intuition. In other words, his Observation Haki that perceived the intention and thoughts of others.

After a few seconds of silence, Adam made his move and charged at Aizen who surprisingly didn't dodge and instead received the attack head on. Aizen held his blade diagonally and blocked the heavy vertical Slash with a loud crash that even generated an explosion of spark and powerful wind that caused clothes to flutter wildly and dust knocked up into the air.

The result of the battle was unsurprisingly Aizen's overwhelming victory. The match up isn't fair in the first place. An Unseated vs the 5th Division Lieutenant.

Once the victor is declared, Aizen approached Adam and offered his hand to help Adam stand up which he accepted and didn't dare to show any of his real thoughts and reaction toward Aizen's sudden advance on him.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Aizen Sosuke for your guidance." Adam accepted the hand and thanked.

Aizen did approach him by suddenly offering to be his opponent through his instructor. His excuse was to test Adam who is famous with his training that includes dueling numerous stronger opponents to hone his skill and ability. But during the battle, Aizen released his Shikai to inflict Adam with hypnosis but didn't do anything else or give him any specific order other than his weird speech that says he is Adam's friend. Of course, he played along and didn't show that the hypnosis had no effect on him.

"No, it's nothing. I am just glad that Gotei 13 has another good seedling amongst the newcomers. I have a feeling that you can reach a great height in the future." Aizen said with his usual amiable smile but couldn't hide his greed from Adam who could read his intentions.

It's obvious Aizen saw the potential in Adam's skill set and decided to 'pre-order' Adam in advance as his hypnotized slave… No homo.

Anyway, since Adam already got the attention of Aizen. He feared his journey in Seireitei might be troublesome and filled with thorns soon.

"Thank you for your kind words." Adam replied and pretended to be grateful and then excuse himself to rest after this intense duel.

Aizen soon left with a confident stride and a smirk that he hides, thinking Adam is already in the bag when in reality, Adam resisted the hypnosis and after Aizen dismissed his Shikai, Adam broke the hypnosis power applied on him and became fully free from it.

"Haah… this is troublesome." Adam sighed and groaned mentally about Aizen.

Adam knew a little history about Aizen because he is one of Adam's favorite Bleach characters. Around this time period, Aizen is still developing the Hogyoku and after that would be the Hollowfication incident that will create the Visored.

Hogyoku. The shortcut to achieving god-like power quickly. Adam would be lying if he isn't interested. He covets the Hogyoku and is willing to fight against Aizen for it. However, Adam has no confidence in his success.

The only advantage Adam has over Aizen is he know he can't be affected by the Absolute Hypnosis of Kyoka Suigetsu due to his Semblance that eats away any energy that isn't beneficial to Adam which made him practically immune to any illusion and mental interference type ability that require energy to activate and maintain just like Kyoka Suigetsu use Reiryoku to maintain the hypnosis.

Subconsciously, Adam opens his System and looks at his own profile. Ever since the day of the Quincy extermination mission, Adam had reached the minimum Reiryoku of Seated rank Shinigami and obtained the minimum requirement of Reiatsu to start nourishing his Asauchi.

After nearly four months and with his unrelenting grind for improvement, Adam's Reiryoku and Reiatsu level had reached the upper level of Seated rank Shinigami, around the baseline of 10th Seat Shinigami.

[Zanpakuto Spirit nurturing progress, 62%]

"Should I spend a few weeks just meditating to speed it up?" Adam contemplates as he is betting on his Zanpakuto to bridge the gap of strength and power between him and Aizen.

If Adam did choose to sacrifice his training and meditate, his Zanpakuto Spirit nurturing progress would double in speed because he would be dedicating all his Reiatsu for his Zanpakuto. However, he is literally sacrificing everything including his weekly grind and daily training.

"Conversely, I could try to increase my Reiryoku level which increases the amount of Reiatsu I can feed my Zanpakuto which also means faster progress. Hmn…" Adam thought of another idea but it would be difficult to achieve.

Compared to meditation, raising his Reiryoku reserve would mean he will be hunting Hollows and that means he didn't neglect his self improvement as much as purely meditation and pouring all his Reiatsu into his Zanpakuto.

"Hmn…" Adam is mentally debating which choice he should take while his body falls back into autopilot and completes his basic swordsmanship training that consists of training his slash, stance and footwork.


Around 7 AM in the morning, Adam returned to the 7th Division barrack and went to clean himself up before grabbing his breakfast and then to work.

Adam returned to his dorm room to get a fresh set of clothes and his uniform. But when he entered his room, he could sense all the eyes inside the room fall on his face when he slid the door open.

"Look who decided to grace himself in this room." One of his roommates said with a bitter tone.

"Peh, once he became a big shot. He instantly forgets about his friends." Another added with an annoyed and disappointed look.

"Oya, did you perhaps forget? Every Seated officer has their own room and since you have become the 14th Seat, you have your own room on the left wing of the courtyard near the Captain's room." Another one said with a tone filled with disdain and sarcasm despite his polite words.

Adam knew the reason for this treatment. These people are all Shiro's friends all the way from the academy and they had been together climbing into the 7th Division. They always spend time together and at the very least even when busy, they spend every saturday night at the tavern they always frequent to drink and gaze at flowers. However, all of that changed when Adam took over.

Frankly, Adam does not see them as friends and the notion of using his already limited time on useless activities like socializing and getting wasted, never crosses his mind as all he cares about is how to maximize the usage of time and efficiency of his training.

But, Adam remembers something crucial. Adam merely borrowed Shiro's body. Once his time is up. The body will be returned to the owner. Even if all this is merely a fabrication of his System. It's an undeniable fact that Shiro is a living being and exists in this world. He wouldn't want to ruin the relationship of Shiro with his friend out of his selfish pursuit.

Taking a deep breath and then exhaling. He opens his eyes and scans the room to look at his roommates that look back at him with some confusion.

"What?" They asked. "Do you have any orders for us, Mr 14th Seat?" They spoke with clear disdain to the friend that forgot about them when he reached fame.

"I'm sorry." Adam apologized and bent his back for them.

"Sorry? It's too late, Shiro. After almost a whole year. Only now did you remember about us? What? Do you think of us as convenient people you can throw aside when useless and pick back up when needed?"

"Yeah! Do you think a simple apology is gonna fix everything like magic?"

Obviously, they are angry at Adam but he remembers something from Shiro's memory.

"This Sunday. All the drinks and ladies are on me." Adam uttered and instantly everyone's face shifted alongside the atmosphere in the room.

One of his roommates jumped down from the top bunk bed and linked his arm on Adam's shoulder.

"Haha, we were just joking right guys? I Michio had always been your most loyal friend. We are brothers in all but blood. I know you will one day return and have been waiting for this day to come." Michiru said while acting very chummy with Adam.

"Yeah! We all are just joking! Who is that who slandered our brother! You, go slap yourself a hundred times!" Another roommate said to the one that said Adam forgot about them earlier and the guy did a military salute before sitting on seiza pose on the floor and slapped himself a hundred times until his cheeks swelled like a chipmunk with a stuffed mouth.

Meanwhile Adam just stared at them all blankly. He knew from earlier all their words were fake. They are just trying to guilt trip Adam to buy them out because Adam is the only one in this room that has the concept of saving money unlike those who squandered their money the next night after payday to settle their tabs on the tavern.

From the start, they didn't really hate Adam although they were hurt by his alienation from the group.

"Alright, enough overreacting. I'm gonna take a bath and get ready for the patrol." Adam sighed and went to his locker and got what he needed before he left.

But when he stepped out of his room, Adam halted and smiled for a brief moment. His roommates reminded him of his best friends from his first life. A brother in all but blood who accompanied him since middle school all the way to the day he died.

"I wonder how he would feel if he learned that Isekai is real. Hmn. He probably adopted all the lolis in the multiverse and became their father figure." Adam mused and chuckled at his imaginations as he made his way to the bathhouse.


(No joke, my friend sees all lolis as daughters. He doesn't lewd them and has an uncontrollable urge to headpat them, care for them and raise them as he would his own daughter. He would probably even fight me to protect dem lolis from me like a mama bear. 🤣)