Chapter 120 - Doing Some Side Quest Part 4

"Hmn. Interesting. In terms of versatility, Quincy power triumphs against Shinigami power." Adam mutters while rubbing his chin with left hand while on his right palm is a modern pistol that switches into a sword and the other variety of weapon.

But he later frowned.

"However, Quincy is very reliant on Reishi, which is an external power. Unlike Shinigami that train and rely on Reiryoku which is an internal power which is more reliable.."

"Though, it does not apply to me who are both Shinigami and Quincy." Adam mutters as he snaps his finger and immediately a blue halo with five pointed stars appears above his head that voraciously devours the Reishi from his surroundings.

Then Adam channels all those who gathered Reishi to create a physical blade. The blade created by the immense Reishi is vastly different from normal Spirit Weapon as a casual swing caused a devastating explosion that created a cone shaped ravine on the Hueco Mundo desert.

"But, an interesting note on Quincy technique in general. There is no ceiling limit to the amount of Reishi I can pour on. So, in theory I can do something like this."

Adam once again absorbed Reishi from his surroundings and created a plain and bare sniper rifle without any accessory. Then he condensed the remaining Reishi into a bullet and then he pulled the trigger which caused the sniper rifle to shoot out a blue beam that hit a distant mountain and evaporated instantaneously and blinded the surrounding with light blue nova of light.

"Well, that's the gist of it from what I can understand from Quincy techni— No, there is another one." Adam coughed and quickly corrected himself.

There is one more thing. That I learned. The way Quincy uses Reishi is quite similar to magic users. Reishi is a fuel and their imagination is the end product they envision. Using their will, they shape the Reishi into whatever they want to create. For example, this…"

Adam opened his right palm and created the Reishi gathered on his palm to transform into a grenade which he pulled the pin and threw as far as possible before another explosion shook the world around then.

Basically, he can amp up any attack by pouring as much Reishi as he wants and charge his attack as much as he wants till the limit of his own Reishi Manipulation. Coupled with Recoil Burst, he can deal a very powerful attack given enough preparation.

"Well, that's all for this research log."

"Pause." Adam mutters before he turns away and returns to the cave.

It's been two days since he obtained Mimigami. The whole event is not worth mentioning. He basically sneak in, take it, cause some commotion and sneak out Assassin Creed style. Also, he accidentally killed Captain Ukitake and a few dozen hosts of Mimigami. It's unfortunate but nothing he can do about it since he discovered it only after allowing Hogyoku to absorb Mimigami.

But thanks to that, the Hogyoku finally became complete and able to create Arrancars without complications and also his Hollowfication. Officially making Adam a Shinigami, Quincy and Hollow.

As for the boon of Hollowfication or becoming a Visored were greatly increased Reiryoku level which bolstered Adam's current Captain level to Advanced Captain level which sat just below the Captain Commander and less than a handful of Captains. But after donning his Hollow mask, Adam can temporarily touch the barrier of Beyond Captain Class that is equal or higher than the Captain Commander.

Though, he could only sustain the Hollow Mask for less than five seconds. But with enough training, he can increase them later, especially with Hogyoku fused in him, accelerating his growth to insane speed which allows him to gain decades worth of training in a week of training.

'Master, Miss Harribel, requesting your audience.' Muramasa suddenly whispers to his mind.

"Hmm. Got it." Adam replied before using a combination of Hirenkyaku to glide in high speed on Reishi and Shunpo that released Reiryoku explosively on his foot to achieve speed that could cross from Europe to America in seconds. It would tear his own body apart if he didn't reinforce his body with Blut Vene.

In less than a second he had returned to the cave and sensed everyone waiting for him inside.

Immediately, he is greeted with three new faces upon entering the cave.

"Lord Adam, I had completed my task." Tier Harribel kneels on one knee as she greets Adam's arrival along with her Fraccions behind her which gained humanoid form and Shinigami-like white outfit.

"Dispense the formalities." He waved at her. Harribel nods and stands up with the other three as everyone's focus shifts to the newcomers.

"So, your name is Nel Tu, right?" Adam asks the little girl with a fractured cartoonish skull mask, wearing a tattered green rag and a scar that runs from her forehead to between her brow right above her nose.

The said girl sensed the Shinigami Reiatsu from the man in front of her. Even if Adam tried to withhold as much as possible to not terrorize the Hollow girl knowing her fear for Shinigami but his Reiatsu is still very powerful which made the girl's limbs turn jelly and quivering non stop while she stutters, trying to say something but was petrified by fear.

Her two proclaimed brothers immediately stood in front of Nel, trying to shield her from Adam.

"Lord– Eh… Adam! Lord Adam, please spare our sister. Please take us instead. We are willing to be food or slaves. But please spare Nel!" The insect looking Hollow said and groveled before Adam, begging for his leniency.

Seeing this baffling sight, Adam couldn't help but turn to his side and ask his Zanpakuto Spirits and Arrancars followers.

"Do I really look that threatening?" Adam was curious.

"You look majestic and lovely as ever, Master." Kyoka Suigetsu answered without hesitation to praise Adam.

"Not helping, Kyoka." Adam mutters and turns to look at the Arrancars, specifically at Harribel since her Fraccions seem to be avoiding his gaze.

"Not really, milord. However, your Reiatsu are… too strong and dominating. Even right now especially when mixed with the Quincy energy." Harribel answered truthfully with her lower half of the face hidden by a high collar which made her expression unreadable.

Hearing this, Adam scratched his head and tried to think of a solution. He already suppressed his Reiatsu to the maximum limit. He can't go any lower than this. But then Adam thought of an idea and willed his Aura to emerge. It drowned the remaining Reiatsu which made his presence more neutral.

"Does this work?" Adam asked Harribel again and she nodded.

Adam made a satisfied nod and relieved that Harribel is quite professional as his follower and aide for the Hollow side of things, almost like Agent's level of professionalism.

"Ahem. Don't worry, I am definitely not eating anyone or trying to harm any of you. The reason why the three of you are here is because I want to recruit the three of you into my group." Adam said in the most kind and non threatening voice he could produce.

However, listening to this. The two proclaimed brothers didn't seem to believe him and still remain wary and distrustful.

"Well, my real objective is to recruit Nel Tu because I can sense she is a Vasto Lorde. Although she seems to be injured." Adam said and lied about the sensing part since he already knew about Nel from his original world.

This seems to rouse reaction from the two when he spoke about Nel being injured and his other companions when he mentioned Nel is a Vasto Lorde.

"Wait! This pipsqueak is a Vasto Lorde?" The Fraccion, Apacchi blurted out in shock which received a glare from her boss and also Adam. "Oops! Uh, I'm so-sorry. Please don't mind me." She closed her mouth shut in fear and shrink back.

"Ah! Leader! No. Boss! Uh, No. Lord! Can you heal Nel? Please help heal her. I'm willing to do anything and even become your dog. Please help us heal our poor Nel." The insect-like Hollow kneels down on both knees and hugs Adam's leg, begging him to help Nel.

"Uh… Dondochakka too!" The Hollow with a Tiki mask as his Hollow mask, copied the insect-like Hollow to hug Adam's leg and beg him.

Then, as if it's not annoying enough. Nel Tu herself stumbles forward and tries to shield her brothers and beg Adam to bear his wrath on her alone and spare her brothers.

The vein Adam's forehead popped out and twitched several times while he nursed his brows.

"Like I said. I am not trying to kill anyone but I would if you three continue this charade." He said in a definitely not angry tone and a forced smile.

A few minutes later, everyone calmed down and the conversation began anew.

"Anyway, as I said earlier. I want to recruit Nel Tu and I can probably help heal her soul. Also, I can help all three of you to become stronger by becoming an Arrancar." Adam offered his deal.

"Uhm, we are grateful that Lord Adam wishes to heal Nel. But I have a question." The insect-like Hollow named Pesche, said.

"Hmn. Ask away. What is your question?" Adam nodded and was willing to entertain some questions.

"Yes. I want to know what is Arrancar that Lord Adam spoke of."

"Well, Arrancar in the simplest explanation is a stronger form of Hollow. As for the full definition. It's Hollow that gained Shinigami power." Adam said before he explained. "The process is not deadly, fortunately. I had perfected the procedure. The benefits of it is significant growth in power and gaining Shinigami-like power. In fact, Tier Harribel and her Fraccions are Arrancars themselves." Adam pointed at the four Arrancars which made Pesche frown before his eyes widened in realization.

Pesche noticed the humanoid form that the Fraccions, Tres Bestias have which normally only Vasto Lorde have when they aren't even Vasto Lorde. However, they do possess Reiatsu nearly at Vasto Lorde level. As for Harribel's Reiatsu, he can't even sense it at all, which means the gap in their strength is too wide. It's like an ocean compared to a small pond.

Pasche turned his head away from Adam and looked at Nel Tu for a moment who was similarly looking at him. His eyes are focused on the fractured cartoonish skull mask and the scar on her face. Then he turned back to Adam with a resolved look.

"If Lord Adam can heal Nel, this Pasche Guatiche will pledge everything to you, Milord. Through sea of fire and torrent of sword. This Pasche is willing overcome without hesitation." Pasche immediately kneel down again on one knee and his right hand on his heart as he bowed his head.

"I wouldn't expect you to do that much but if that is your resolve, then I will hold you onto your words." Adam said and nodded satisfyingly.

Then he turn to Nel Tu who is looking worried at Pasche. But when Adam beckoned her to approach him, she was shaking in fear still. But she walk forward instead of being petrified in fear.

Adam placed his palm on her head, or the skull mask, before he channel his Aura into Nel to scan her. Since Aura is a very neutal and gentle energy, Nel felt comfortable instead of any pain that she imagined. The feeling of Aura circulating in her body felt like she was laying on a bed of clouds. But the sensation quickly cut off when Adam identified and analyzed the injury.

"Well, her injury is fixable. Fortunately. However it would take a very long time and a major hassle to fully recover." Adam said with a frown as he rubs his chin in a thoughtful look.

Adam continue to explain in more details that Nel injury is a damage to her spiritual body, a scar that cause her spiritual body to leak out her Reiryoku. Has she isn't a Vasto Lorde, her leaking Reiryoku would be fatal. But the problem with permanent fixings the injury is that the way the injury is dealt to her make the wound permanently engraved to her spiritual body and her injured state is considered the normal state. So, no matter how Adam try to regenerate the wound, it wouldn't close up because the wound is considered as normal.

"But worry not. Fixing it wouldn't be a problem. I can patch it up by grafting the missing part on her spiritual body and close the wound permanently."

"In fact, I can do it right now." Adam said as he unsheathed Kyoka Suigetsu's Shikai to Hypnotize Nel since it's gonna hurt and anesthetic for Hollows do not exist.

"Master. Where will you find Konpaku to be used as material to patch up her spiritual body? Wouldn't taking from another create a similar injury to tye donor?" Muramasa asked since he have some idea of what Adam is attempting.

Normally, soul can recover after being damaged. However, purposely taking away a part of thr soul is an irreversible damage. Just like how flesh can regenerate but when an organ like kidney is taken out, it cannot regenerate back.

"Well, that's true." Adam nods to Muramasa.

"Then allow me to be the donor, Lord Adam. I am willing to be the donor as long as Nel can recover." Pasche hurriedly offer himself.

"No. It's unnecessary." Adam said before his own hand plunge into his own body and pulled out a glowing light blue fragment which they quickly identified is the soul fragment that will be grafted on Nel. "Well, I have ways to regenerate my soul so losing a part of it is inconsequential to me." Adam answered everyone's surprise and shock.

It is true as Adam's Aura can fix even his soul. Not to mention Hogyoku which make him virtually unkillable unless someone like fully awaken Yhwach or anyone similar power level to actually kill him.

Adam placed his soul fragment on the scar on Nel's forehead before he manipulated his Aura into a sewing needle and thread before he skillfully sew his soul fragment on to the injury to permanent close it from further leaking.

"Well, that's it. The rest is to wait until her soul accepts the soul fragment and fuse together to permanently seal the wound. Though I would recommend to allow he to be put under my watch until she wake up just in case any unexpected complications happen since this is the first time I treated anyone in this manner." Adam said before his eyes turn to Pasche for his decision.

"I will trust you Lord Adam. If you have intention to harm us. You would try to heal Nel. Much less using a fragment of your soul for Nel." Pasche bowed with respect and gratefulness for Adam.

"Hmn. Good. You can still stay by her side if you want. Anyway, welcome to the team." Adam welcomed them.
