Chapter 123 - Doing Some Side Quest Part 7, End

After a few days in the human world, Adam returned to Soul Society in preparation for his return. The rest of the companions he recruited are standing by in Hueco Mundo while he wraps up his matter in Seireitei.

Upon his immediate returns, he dismissed his body double that remained unaware of the role he had been playing the past few months and Adam went straight to the 4th Division.

When he requested a meeting with Captain Unohana, he met with her Lieutenant, Isane Kotetsu.

"Do you have an appointment or a summon?" She asked, as 'Shiro' is a 5th Seat officer who lacked clearance to demand and immediately meeting with a captain

"No." Adam replied plainly which made her frown a little. "However, if you tell her Shiro is here to cash out a favor. Surely she will understand."

"Alright." Isane is skeptical but nodded regardless and agreed to relay the message.

Adam waited at the front courtyard of the 4th Division's barrack for a few moments before Isane returned with an answer.

"Captain Unohana said you can meet her. Please follow me." She relayed with an astonished tone as she wondered about the nature of this 'favor' they spoke of.

As far as she knew, Shiro and Captain Unohana have no prior meeting other than a professional meeting between a doctor and patient. Nothing more, nothing less.

A moment later, Adam is seated in the captain's office, facing Captain Unohana who is curiously sizing him up as she can sense there is more to Adam than what he is shown. As someone with centuries of experience under her belt, she can instinctively tell if someone is dangerous or not and the sensation of the hidden power inside him tells her instinct that this is a very dangerous man.

"I see, you have changed a lot these past few months." She said softly and with a cordial tone to show her calm even though underneath, her fighting spirit is roused up which is apparent from the subtle twitch of her hands, pouring both of them a cup of tea that Isane prepared by her order.

"As expected of a Kenpachi and the founding members of Gotei 13. No one else noticed my changes. Not even Captain Aikawa. But, let's get straight to the matter shall we?" Adam said and received a cue for Unohana to go ahead.

"But before that, the favor that I wanted to ask."


"I want you to keep everything that I am about to say a secret."

Unohana contemplates briefly before she nods and agrees. But I have her condition.

"However, I am obligated to divulge any matter that is a threat to Soul Society." She stated.

"I understand." Adam nods, before he begins from his Aura that caught Unohana's interest.

Adam explains how he is an outsider from this world that came here to complete certain tasks and also revealed some of the feats he achieved along the way such as eliminating the Quincy that will launch an invasion in the future on Soul Society.

"Hmn. But I still couldn't understand. What are you trying to achieve by revealing these secrets to me?" Unohana wondered.

"It's simple. I know you wished to fight stronger opponents and I wish to recruit you with that in mind. Back in my world, there is a looming enemy so great that even with all the power I gained, I cannot see a possibility of achieving a victory against my foe who is a god of unimaginable strength. Greater than the Soul King himself." Adam said.

When he said he can provide opponents for her to fight, Adam can see her interest were piqued.

Adam then continues, "I am gathering allies in order to save that world and I will need a lot of capable allies because the said god also has numerous underlings and subordinates. In order to increase the chance of my victory, I want to recruit you who do not fit in this peaceful era. You are more suitable to be on the battlefield instead of hiding your true nature with a mask, Yachiru Unohana."

Immediately the aura around Unohana changed as the mask of the 4th Division Captain, Unohana Retsu was removed.

"How do you know that name? No one else except for a selected few should know. Definitely not you." She demanded.

Adam is eager to comply as he erected an isolation barrier around the room with a snap of his fingers before his aura also shifted and his eyes changed to the four irised eyes that most higher echelon members of Soul Society knew.

"The Soul King's eyes! I see. I see. No wonder." She said before releasing a maniacal psychopathic laughter which drowned the room and lasted quite some while before she stopped and looked at Adam in the eyes. "If you have those eyes. Surely you already know my answer."

"Of course. But I hardly think this is an appropriate stage for us to fight." Adam nodded and confirmed her assumption. "But I know a place if you allow me to bring you there." He added with a faint smile as he already knew the outcome.

"Go ahead. As long as you can satisfy me. I will follow you or whatever you want with me." She grinned darkly.

Adam nodded and stood up before his shadow extended and turned into a six pointed, star-shaped portal and he walked in first before followed by Unohana.

On the other side of the portal is white desert plain of Hueco Mundo.

Wordlessly, both got into position before they both drew their blades ready. In the next instance, they both clashed intensely that they gouged the landscape and remold it anew with scars of their battle.

When they break off from their initial clash, Unohana stares at Adam with a frown.

"Are you looking down at me?" She asked as she noticed Adam's eyes had returned to normal instead of using the The Almighty eyes of the Soul King.

"No. I am just trying to play fair. Besides, if I don't hold back. The battle would have ended before it even started." Adam stated coldly as a matter of fact.

"Humph, suit yourself then." Her sadistic grin returned to her face as he held her Zanpakuto horizontally before her and ran her left hand from the tsuba all the way to the tip of the blade which drench it with red-like substance similar to blood or perhaps is blood.

"Bankai, Minazuki!"

Adam merely watches until she is fully prepared before he makes his move. All he did was condense all his Reiatsu at the edge of his Zanpakuto and calmly slashed before the space distorted and bent before it shattered the blood soaked arena Unohana created.

"Ha… hahaha!" She laughed while clutching her face. "I see. Not even needing to use your Shikai. Your Reiatsu alone is enough to break my strongest attack. It's your win." She conceded her defeat as no matter what she throws at him, she can never cut through his Reiatsu. Much less injuring him.

"No need to sell yourself short. The difference of our power is unfair to begin with." Adam sighed softly at the situation.

"But let me ask this. How much did you hold back against me?" Unohana suddenly asked.

To this question, Adam took a moment to think before he answered. "Nearly 99% of my power, I'd say." Adam answered with a rough estimate as he hadn't used any of his forms, Shikai, Bankai and most importantly, his Hogyoku transformation.

"Hah, it seems I have a long way to go before I can even serve as a proper opponent." She sighed amusedly as her appearance returned to the 'Unohana Retsu' instead of 'Yachiru Unohana'.

"Welcome aboard. You will have plenty of time to improve." Adam said and added her as his companion.

"I will be in your care then." She replied with a kind smile and nod. A complete 180 from her previous expression.

When they returned to Seireitei, Unohana immediately prepared for her resignation and handed over her mantle to her Lieutenant, Isane Kotetsu who was devastated that her most admired Captain would even resign.

Normally, a Captain requires a Bankai at the minimum to be qualified. However, due to the nature of the 4th Division. Mastery of Kaido is the most important as the division incharge of healing the injured which Isane have the highest mastery after Captain Unohana and with the vote of other Captains, Isane replaced Unohana without much issue.

With Unohana recruitment done, there is the Soul King left. However, Adam wanted the world to remain intact and decided to let the Soul King be.

Thus, conclude his stay in the Bleach world.

Adam opens his System interface and begins his return to the Azur Lane world. He really does miss his family very much after nearly two years being away from them.
