Chapter 134 - Sending Kallen To Otto And Claim Void Archive

To bring Kallen back to life in exchange for a Divine Key is extremely cheap. Not only does he not need to worry about revenge since he trades it fairly from Otto instead of taking it by force.

Adam didn't even wait for the next day and packed up to set off to Japan immediately. When they arrived in Japan, a truck was already waiting for their arrival outside of the jet runway.

The truck is no ordinary truck. It carries a biology lab, equipped with sufficient equipment to incubate an artificial human, aka Homunculus.

Adam gives Agent the address and she drives the truck to the location where Adam is seen using his The Almighty, where the Black Box from the Previous Era is last seen.


On a certain forgotten shrine located deep in the woods, somewhere in Japan.

Upon arriving, Adam and Angie saw the long abandoned and unattended shrine deep in the forest. In fact, they have to abandon driving halfway through and continue by foot because the path leading to the shrine had already been swallowed by nature and is impossible to be traversed by vehicle.

But what he saw next surprised him.

"I didn't expect it would be easy to succeed." Adam stared speechlessly at the white haired lady in a nun-like outfit that stared back at him in shock.

"You can actually see me?" The ghost asked and Adam nodded as he can also see other spirits aside from Kallen which is present around the shrine.

"I can see souls because I am a Soul Reaper of sorts. But that's not important." Adam took out a device and scanned the soul of Kallen who looked confused throughout the entire ordeal but still cooperated for no actual reason other than curiosity.

Once Adam is done scanning Kallen's soul, he returns to the truck and enters the portable lab which is adequately equipped to produce a Gigai that is more closely resembling Homunculus as he lacks some key ingredients to produce actual Gigai from Aizen's memories and have to improvise.

He created the homunculus like any homunculi. Starting from constructing the genetic sequence to replicate Kallen's original DNA. Then within 8 hours, he sped up the process using his power and ability which resulted in a 1 to 1 similarity Gigai body for Kallen. Although looking a little bit younger. But a successful one nonetheless.

"Did it succeed?" Kallen's soul floats nearby and watches Adam do his stuff silently. Although, she looks a little transparent compared to before because she is bound to the purplish black cube that is the 12th Divine Key and can't stray far from it or that will happen.

"Of course." Adam stated while marveling at his work.

"Okay. Now let's bring you back to life." He said and pushed the soul into the body before it turned alive as the soul occupied the body without any complications.

But now that Kallen is technically revived, he doesn't know what to do with the cube. It has yet to form a complete Divine Key as according to the story, one has to enter the cube and clear the Sakura Samsara first. But he didn't really need it. It's useful, sure. But in terms of combat power, it isn't that good. It's a very gimmick type weapon, corrupting biological creatures and digital objects and turning them into puppets. While Kyoka Suigetsu can achieve similar effects but better, although limited to living beings only. Still better overall compared to Jizo Mitama.

Besides, Adam does remember that he promised Tina that she is his only brother. If he picked up Jizo Mitama, he would definitely adopt Higyokumaru too or RIN. But, the ability to summon a robot samurai as a Stand is also quite tempting…

Fuck. It's kinda hard to decide. So, Adam simply places it in his Inventory and decides what to do with it in the future. But someone is against him taking away the black cube.

"That is still the property of Schicksal." Kallen said and argued. "You cannot just take it away. Besides, it's a very dangerous item." She said before demanding the cube back to safeguard it.

"You didn't need to worry about this cube in my hand. I can ensure that it will bring no further harm to this world." Adam promised before he quickly changed the topic. "Besides, it's time to bring you back to Otto and claim my reward."

"Wait. Did you say Otto? Otto Apocalypse? Is he still alive? You said it's been centuries since I had died." Kallen looks incredibly confused by the revelation that Otto is still alive. Totally forgotten about the cube as she is focused on getting angry at the evil acts Otto had been doing to revive her.

But on the topic of Divine Keys. He does wish to collect a few aside from the Void Archive. Such as Seven Thunders of Retribution, Judgement of Shamsh and Void Armor. Each for their own value to Adam especially Void Armor or the Blank Key.

If Adam can harness the ability of the Void Armor, he can increase his attack output even further than before. It's a very excellent trump card for him in case he is up to an enemy he couldn't defeat with his current power alone. A last resort that will harm him just as he harmed his opponent.

The next day, Adam hurried and went from Japan to Schicksal HQ in Germany the moment he returned from the visit to the shrine and reached his personal jet.

Throughout the journey to Germany and Schicksal HQ, Adam spent his time meditating again since he used quite some amount of Reiryoku to speed up the creation of Kallen's body.

As for Kallen, the nightmare had already happened the moment she entered the truck. Thankfully, Angie is willing to entertain her numerous questions as she is getting exposed to modern technology and civilization.

"Is this the flying carriage? It's so big!" She said with her jaw slacked as she couldn't comprehend such a big vehicle as a jet plane which she said 'bigger than a house' could fly in the sky.

On board the private jet, when offered food and refreshments, the five centuries old Kallen couldn't hold back anymore and relished that she could once again eat. But like typical anime logic, no matter how much she eats, she wouldn't grow in size or weight either.


Siegfried Kaslana and his wife, Cecilia Schariac were one of the top combatants Schicksal could offer.

When they heard Otto requested their presence in the HQ to facilitate a trade, they were at first confused why they would be needed for such a task until Otto added that he simply requested them just in case as a backup plan. After all, Otto is still Otto. He wouldn't be easily blinded by promises even when it's Kallen. Until he confirms it's Kallen Kaslana from 500+ years ago, he wouldn't trust Adam.

After all, if Adam can create T-Dolls. What's stopping him from artificially creating Kallen in order to decide him? The information about Kallen isn't difficult to find because of the Kallen Fantasy Otto created which contains all the necessary data Adam needed to create a false Kallen.

Still, he does hope Adam is telling the truth. If he can truly present a real Kallen Kaslana, no matter what he wants, even his life, Otto is willing to pay for the price.

"Lord Overseer, Adam Kaslana had arrived with a person that looked exactly like Kallen Kaslana."

"Bring him up immediately and inform Siegfried and Cecilia it's time." Otto immediately stood up from his desk after receiving the report from Amber and hurried to leave his office.

Minutes later, standing on the hangar bay where a VTOL heli just landed.

With billowing wind from the turbine blowing at him, Otto simply stood still and stared at the door with his hardened resolve and prayer. Even Siegfried and Cecilia standing behind him can sense the solemnity of the situation.

When the door did open, a white and black flash shot out from the heli toward Otto. Siegfried and Cecilia already enter combat stance with their weapon ready but Otto suddenly lifts his hand to signal them to stop.

Then the flash reached Otto. An arm hooked at Otto's neck and pulled him into a choke hold. But inside of looking worried or angry, Otto simply smiled with joy and also tears slowly squeezing out from his eyes as he is having difficulty suppressing his joy and emotion that normally is well controlled.

"Kallen… it's really you…?"

"Who else do you think?" Kallen asked back with an annoyed look. "But that's not important. I want you to elaborate what you have done in the name of saving me. I want a detailed report without anything missing from the list. Then we talk about how to make you atone to those sins. How about that?"

Otto was simply too high in the cloud nine to care what she said and simply just nodded like a chicken pecking on the feeds.

Meanwhile Adam and Angie slip past the group and head to Otto's office only to be stopped at the entrance by Amber who had been following them.

"What is your business to enter the Lord Overseer's room?" The expressionless clone of Kallen, asked.

"Collect my payment? Otto will not care about anything else after meeting his beloved Kallen. So, I came to pick it myself." He explains before pushing Amber aside and reaches for the door knob. But once again interrupted.

"Fine. We do it the hard way then." His hands reached for the invisible sword on the left side of his hip which turned into Kyoka Suigetsu's zanpakuto blade.

Once he drew the blade, Amber fell into a trance but Kyoka Suigetsu's zanpakuto spirit appeared.

"Hmn. I see how it is. Only remember about me when I am needed and put me aside once useless." Kyoka Suigetsu said, obviously jealous, which isn't a surprise. But Adam simply gave her a straight face stare. He took a deep breath in and then exhaled. Not saying anything and entering Otto's room.

Kyoka Suigetsu already knows the reason why he didn't use Muramasa's ability to summon Kyoka Suigetsu. He is trying to conserve his Reiryoku. Kyoka Suigetsu also understands it. But just understanding it didn't mean she agreed to it. That's why he didn't even bother to argue and let her choose if she wanted to be helpful or a liability. The choice is her own.

Once inside, there's the Void Archive. The golden cube is placed on his desk.

The Void Archive is a very special object. It can bond with its user spiritually and be stored in their mind. So, stealing it is impossible. For normal people anyway. Adam not only can cut spiritual objects, he can also devour the Void Archive to take it if needed.

What he is trying to say is that now Otto had achieved his life long goal, he had no use for Schicksal, the Divine Keys, the Herrscher's Core, everything he had accumulated through out his five centuries long journey.

Thus, Adam claim the Void Archive first.

When he reach his hand to the golden cube that sat lifelessly on the desk, he felt a jolt of electricity and then a counsciousness tried to invade his mind. But Adam is prepared and he give Angie besides him a glance before his sight blurred as his counsciousness receded into the depth of his mind.

Angie caught Adam's body from crashing on the desk and help him find a place to sit.


Deep inside Adam's mind, the invading counsciousness excitedly cheers as he finally obtained a new body and also his freedom.

"Damn that Otto. But nevermind, now I am free and this body is mi— Stab!" He was interrupted when a blade suddenly a black blade pierced through his back and emerged back through his heart.


"No… No! N—"

"That's rough buddy. But my body is mine." Adam mutters before sheathing back his Zanpakuto. Then Adam held his palm out before a shining golden cube appeared and float in his hand.

He turned the Void Archive into something resembling Zanpakuto because of how it already resembling it in the first place. That overcome the issue of using Honkai Energy because he didn't have Honkai Energy and instead, now it use his spiritual energy after it has been refined.

Although, there is one problem. The fragment of prometheus AI which is the Void Archive's consciousness, were destroyed in the process. So, now. The Void Archive is a Spirit-less zanpakuto like his original Zanpakuto. Which in itself isn't an issue for his original Zanpakuto because it's function is simple and he could use it effortlessly. But for Void Archive, it's like trying to run all the computer program manually while being a first time user.

So, Adam decided to extract the AI in his Crysis Suit and turn the AI into the spirit for Void Archive instead. Which kinda worked… but, it is showing sign of gaining sentience. It's not something bad. But not good either. He just hope the AI develop will gain male personality instead of another female in his head. Kyoka Suigetsu is enough. He didn't need another one.


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