Chapter 136 - An Alternate Timeline

In the Siberian tundra, at ???.

The space around the area suddenly destabilized and caused spatial turbulence before a portal forcefully ripped into reality as a blue and gold locomotive burst through the portal, almost tilting over as it skidded across the snowy terrain trying to brake.

Bursting open the hatch door, Adam crawled out with Angie's help looking quite sick while the smiling Otto waved goodbye to his passengers as the hatch door closed again and the Cosmic Juggernaut made its immediate exit because it's presence here will cause a lot of trouble not to mention Otto himself when Siberia is under heavy observation currently. The spatial turbulence can be attributed to the birth of the Second Herrscher. But Cosmic Juggernaut and Otto can't be explained if they are detected.

"Master, I had tapped into the Schicksal communication channel. The birth of the Second Herrscher had occurred." Angie reported

"Give me a detailed report of everything that has happened."

Angie accessed the records and skimmed through it and then compiled a report under a minute before she read out the report.

"I see. So, it has already begun." Adam stated and asked Angie to swap into her tactical body which is more suitable for combat than her current body.

Hacking into the satellites, he uses them to try and get a detailed layout of this area and the people scattered around the tundra landscape.

He noted that Welt is fighting Sirin while Siegfried fled back to Babylon Lab. But that's not important. What's more important is the obvious Otto wearing a clown mask standing by a cliff staring at Sirin and Benares, waiting for an opportunity to mess things up for Welt.

Angie was looking at Adam, wondering what he would do next as she was seeing the battle between the 1st and 2nd Herrscher. Then Adam suddenly took out his personal TSF that hadn't seen any action since leaving the Muv-Luv world. He also took out her combat type body to swap since her current body is not made for battle.

"You go and help Welt fight that Honkai Dragon. Just distract it and don't engage the Second Herrscher." Adam ordered.

"What about you, Master?"

"Hmn. I have someone else to take care of." Adam said before equipping his Crysis Armor and sped off into the forest toward where the clown masked Otto was last seen.

Agent swapped her body and immediately got on the TSF before swiftly flying into battle at hypersonic speed to engage the Honkai Dragon in battle to help lessen the burden Welt as Adam ordered.


Meanwhile, somewhere else in the tundra landscape.

"Hmn? Who you might be?" The gentleman in a clown mask paused and turned around before asking the approaching stalker.

"Hmn. Playing dumb I see." The masked gentleman forms a pistol in his hand before shooting at a seemingly random direction and it hits nothing which confused him for a moment and made him think he might have been a little too tense and mistakenly think someone was following him.

The masked gentleman then turns back around and continues walking.

Not even a second later, something suddenly appeared in front of him. He caught a glimpse of it, a steel blade slashed at him which made him scoff because his Soulium body is impervious to common steel.

"Shatter" The assailant said while slashing at the masked gentleman. But the masked gentleman created a golden replica of the Judgement of Shamash before killing the unknown assailant who immediately bled out and died on the spot.

The masked gentleman, or Otto, suspected something was odd about the attack but couldn't find out what was wrong. Muchless tell what exactly is wrong as Kyoka Suigetsu's hypnosis is perfect.


In the battle between Sirin and Welt, Welt got the upper hand especially with the unknown mechs help to distract the Judgement-Class Honkai Beast.

Welt bombarded Sirin with numerous rockets, cannons, bombs, all human made destructive weapons he could create, pounding and blasting Sirin while she could only passively defend against the superior firepower of Welt.

"This cannot continue. I must get closer!" Sirin said to open a portal next to Welt in hope to close their distance to deter Welt from exploding more weapons by being very close to him and then retaliate with her attacks. However, that is exactly what he wanted.

In the next moment, Sirin was slammed by a powerful gravitational pressure that pushed her against the ground.

Welt, despite his tattered and tired state, he stood strong as he made his proclamation. "Star of Eden, Oth Power, Quasi Black Hole!" Welt watched as a black sphere with a red ring appeared and sucked Sirin in as she flailed helplessly and desperately. "Farewell, the Second Herrscher." Welt said and sighed.


"The Honkai Beast!" Welt suddenly remembered and grit his teeth because he forgot about it for a moment.

The Dragon Honkai Beast ignored the mech and flew straight at the black hole with its jaw wide open and swallowed Sirin before it flaps its mighty wings to escape the black hole but unfortunately stuck there.

But unfortunately too for Welt, he can't maintain the black hole any longer and is very exhausted to continue without sacrificing his body. The black hole collapsed and the Dragon Honkai Beast escaped up into the sky.

"Damnit! Just a little more and we could have ended this." Welt stared at the escaping Honkai Beast and sighed sullenly.

When Welt turn to the mysterious mech that he had put aside for quite a while now, the mech seems to look back at him too although without any hostile intention before it suddenly flew away much to his dismay as he wanted to thank his helper and recruit their help for the following battle as the Second Herrscher will definitely not take this defeat and would return for revenge. It's a sad thing that the mech escaped before Welt have the chance to analyze it since it has superior technologies compared to most technologies used by the current mechs on both Schickal and Anti Entropy side.


For the next few days after the Second Herrscher escaped, she reappeared on the moon. Even more powerful and burning with a seething desire to get revenge on Welt before humanity humiliated her.

On the human side, Schicksal is facing an unforeseen trouble, Otto, The Bishop has been out of commission since and remains unresponsive. As of now, only a few people are aware of this situation and naturally, his granddaughter, his only 'bloodline' will take over the role as Overseer in his place.

While they are discussing how to fight the Second Herrscher that is on the moon with Welt, something unexpected happens again.

"Lady Theresa, we detected a large amount of unknown energy on the low orbit of Earth. It is steadily rising without any sign of stopping!" The screen shows red flashes while the measurement of the energy keeps climbing rapidly without losing any momentum.

Then the screen shows another scene. It was the Earth's orbit with Earth floating in the background and a man in strange black, white and purple armor that has resemblance to the earlier generation's Godsbane battlesuit. The energy reading came from the object on the chest that is rapidly spinning faster and faster while bathing the surrounding with beautiful but short-lived light particles.

Then the man suddenly made a gesture that caused the void to split open into a six pointed star shape and vanished through it.

Theresa immediately ordered everyone to locate where the man went and the answer arrived instantly when the energy reading reappeared on the moon.


On the moon.

"Are you really not going to surrender peacefully?" Adam asked the girl with a look of pity and reluctance which irked the purple haired girl.

"Surrender? Did you perhaps have a loose screw in your head?" She snapped but also noted the voice of the god warning her that this person is dangerous and not a human.

"I see. I hope negotiation could work instead of relying on violence. I guess it's foolish of me to try even after seeing you rejecting my offer numerous times in the future." Adam said with a saddened face before it was sealed away by his helmet in his preparation to fight.

"You talk as if you can see the future." Sirin replied but was met with silence as a familiar ornate white pistol appeared in his hands along with thousands of cannons behind him forming a screen.

"My Queen!" The silver haired cutie immediately stood guard before Sirin warily and shakily because she could sense the dangerous power rising from Adam like a slumbering beast stirred awake and caused her instinct to go haywire.

"Tch! Bella, step aside. This bastard is looking down on me." Sirin gritted as she could see the uncovered lower part of Adam's face. The look of pity directed at her.

She didn't need pity. With the power given to her by the god, she will exact her revenge on the humanity that wronged her, trying to sacrifice her in the name of greater good, that killed her family, poisoned her village, her mother for the sake of their stupid advancement. She hates it! Those looks of ridicule. She hates it! She hates it! She hates it! She hates it!

"AAAHH! Die!" She summons four white hands to hold Adam in place before impaling him with five Subspace Lance, impaling the hands that trapped Adam.

Then she smiled, thinking she killed him with her attack.

"Hahaha! Pathetic worm! All you can do is talk and can't even survive long enough to entertain this Queen." She grinned and laughed at her crushing victory.

Or was it? She was busy gloating that she forgot the cannons still stay summoned instead of faded away. Which should be a clear indication that her opponent is still alive and kicking.

"...crawling queen of iron!"

"The eternally self-destructing doll of mud!"

"Unite!" "Repulse!"

"Fill the Earth and know your own powerlessness!"

"Hadō No.90: Kurohitsugi"

A dark sphere of energy gathers and forms a swirl in his palm that shoots towards its target and then the space around Sirin distort, transforming into a black prison box that trapped her inside a pitch black space.

Sirin stared at the alien power slowly boxing her in as her power felt like they were being suppressed. It made her re-lived her traumatic memories, the cold and dark prison cell, the wail of her friends and herself after each experimentation and her powerlessness as she could only be at the mercy of the evil adults.

This enrages her. It made her wonder why? What exactly had gone wrong. She did everything the God told her and she is still weak that a random nobody, not even a Herrscher can overpower her like she is just a helpless kid.

As the box almost fully sealed, she saw the expression of his face. She honestly thinks it would be that of joy, sadistic joy just like those evil adults that experiment on her and honestly that is what she wanted so she has a justification for the rage and anger she felt. But no. That is not what she saw. Instead, what she saw was the same pity and reluctance. As if he was afraid of harming her. Yet he is willing to fight and injure her. Such a hypocrite! She thought before the box fully sealed and then pain was all she could think about as sharp things pierced her body. She couldn't see in the pitch black space. All she could feel is the pain inflicted upon her.

Outside the box, Adam looked at the Kido spell taking effect but he hadn't relaxed ever for a moment. Meanwhile Bella is screaming, "My Queen! Please respond to me!" She continued to scream while smashing the black box open in vain because she couldn't make even a scratch on it.

Adam stared at the scene with a neutral expression due to the thoughts warring inside his mind. But he does appreciate the relationship between Sirin and Bella. One cares for the other although sometimes acting a little tsundere while the other is too loyal to fault to her Queen.

"You! I will kill you and free My Queen!" Bella roared once she realized the only way to free Sirin was by killing the creator of the prison.

"HAAAA!" She roared and her form turned more beastial as her arms and legs became talon-like and her wingspan doubled in size as she flew towards Adam in an instant to rip apart his armor using her claws.

But Adam saw the attack from miles and minutes ahead, literally, when he caught her scaled wrist and twisted his body to throw and slam her down into the moon surface and created a crater. But she is not just a Judgement-Class Honkai Beast, she is also a pseudo Herrscher right now after Sirin granted her a pseudo Herrscher core she fabricated. She is much stronger than before. All the slam did is to annoy her more rather than harming her.

Bella growled and snarled as she crawled out from the crater and set her eyes on Adam who stared down at her bereft of any emotions before his sight turned to the prison that held her Queen. Not only does he don't treat her seriously, he didn't even see her as a threat which enrages her even further as her wings spread open to took her into the air again but before she could lunge at Adam, a hot plasma white beam hit her from the side and caused some burn on her body but not a debilitating injury. More like just an annoyance. But when Bella set her eyes on the cowardly person that sneak attacked her, her anger rose to a new level.

"It's you!" Bella roared and her eyes turned red as she saw the familiar mech that interrupted her before and almost cost her Queen's life.

The TSF didn't reply and simply shot another volley of plasma beams which accurately aimed at her that Bella couldn't dodge all of them and forced to perform an evasive maneuver at rapid speed in order to outrun those shots.

When Bella approached the TSF, it swapped its plasma cannons in favor of two light saber swords and clashed with Bella.

'Please keep her alive, Angie. She is still necessary.' Adam said to Angie through the comms. 'Alright, Master. Please rest assured and do what you must.' She replied.

Adam nods before a plume of golden feather appears in his palm as the black prison box starts to crack open while spilling out ominous light. Adam looked with a frown very apparent on his face.

"Fuck. Since when is Finality invited to the party?" He scowled and immediately summoned his zanpakuto into his other hand and slashed at the golden four pointed star shaped portal appeared above Sirin and cut it apart, closing the door to the Herrscher of The End trying to open and crash the party because Adam is about to do an irreversible damage to the timeline that can cause the Honkai to fail its mission.

Of course, doing so enraged the Herrscher of Finality that she stopped holding back and gave Sirin a helping hand as she did her super saiyan power up before bursting out from Kurohitsugi, destroying it into pieces in the process.


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