Internal Traitor

Diary of the Alive: Page 155


I already know at the moment who I shall kill so that we can survive, but I have to make sure that Romi doesn't have to see me, as that summer transformed that cheerful girl into a dark, gloomy crybaby. As for Sheela, I think she will get my intentions.


After pushing the two of them through the tunnel, he quickly backed away from its entrance and commanded, "Lum, close."

Rehan tried to jump into the tunnel, but his effort failed, so instantly he took a stance to fight.

"Why are you doing this?" Rehan screamed.

"Why do you ask, traitor?" Rakh swiftly replied.

"No, damn no," he took a deep breath. "Why would I be a traitor?" he cried.

... ... ... a moment of silence.

"Could you turn off that device near your mantis?" making a joker face, Rakh never acted this way; he was genuinely scary at this moment.

"What ho--w, okay." He materialized a sphere from thin air, and with a bang, he threw it towards Rakh. "Only if you could have acted normal, your death could be of some worth," showing some sympathy.

"Now now," he quickly commanded Lum, "Void creation basic," and twisted his hand rapidly towards the sphere, and a black sphere engulfed the sphere. He quickly chanted, "Mist creation advanced."

The whole area was engulfed in the cold mist, shivering to the bones, and with no visibility, no one could see each other now.

"This is how you want to play; I'll comply." He quickly made ten spheres in thin air and used them to protect himself from Rakh's attack.

"Nah, I did this so we could have a friendly conversation," his voice had the willingness to talk.

"This is what real good friends are, I suppose," he replied.

"Tell me, you are a muscle guy, Ryan; you should have got muscle enhancement, but how did you manage to get these spheres which you don't know how to use?" Rakh knew it was impossible for Ryan to ignore him now, as he gave a piece of information that couldn't be ignored.

"What now, surely you have mastered your skill, but saying I don't know how to use is annoyingly pleasant blood, and as per as why I got it, maybe the intelligent Rakh is not so intelligent after all," Ryan was saying as he was told to say.

"Ohh," Lum increased mist density 10000% as soon as he said this; both of them could feel their bodies against strong currents of floodwater, which had the power to decimate the whole area flat. But as this was in mist form, its effect was not that much on the surrounding area, but their bodies were twisted and turned in this process.

"STOP," Ryan cried.

After five minutes, he stopped the whole thing. "Lum, this should have disrupted the mantis; he asked her," "YES, BUT DON'T DO IT NEXT TIME, AND NOW I CAN'T SEE RYAN HAVING ANY EXTERNAL SIGNALS COMING TO HIM."

"Now we can talk, I suppose," Rakh now wanted to get information about the main culprit.

The fog was cleared up, and the mist was also gone, but it took a heavy toll on Ryan's body who was not prepared for this. After losing communication with the head, Ryan went back to his instincts and chose the option to.

"I'll kill you, bitch!" He screamed and raged forward.

He materialized 31 spheres over his head, all aimed toward Rakh, and charged forward.

Rakh waited for the last second and then shouted, "Lum, now!"

In an instant, the spearhead changed its direction and was now pointing upward in the sky, and while Ryan would react, it was already late. Rakh pierced the protective layer of spheres; he charged four void spheres at him targeting his hands of the upper body and legs from the bottom.

It took some time for Ryan to realize what had happened. By the time it took for his realization, it was already done. In his last moments, he could see all the spheres coming from the sky that he launched were getting sucked into a black circle. He lost his legs and hands and now was on his thighs bleeding, but his blood couldn't be seen as it was covered by some dark substance.

The fight didn't even last a minute after he launched his spheres. It took Rakh around 20 seconds to decimate him and leave him handicapped. It was a well-planned strategic fight.

"Now I guess you are willing to speak," finally, he crushed a warrior, and he knew that there was no meaning left to his life as he can't fight anymore.

Rakh continues...

"Do you want to know why you lost? You didn't know your stigma well. During the time we got the letters, what we got was our first stigma, and during the main coming elf ceremony, we will get our main stigma, which will stay with us for a lifetime. You wasted your time thinking the sphere is the ultimatum of your stigma, but see, this is my stigma."

A yellow-colored noble-like lady wearing gold armor with white hair and a long single-hand sword appeared. She had the face of God and was a thing of admiration.

He grabbed the throat of Rakh and started to extract his stigma. Ryan now felt immense pain and was thinking that death would have been better. But Rakh continued for more than an hour. After that, he was all sweaty and tired, and when he tried to fuse Rehan's stigma into his body, he collapsed.

  1. A device attached to their stomach which would send signals to the elvian tower stating that if they were alive or not
  2. An tatto which was marked in their body which proved their ability