
Marriage talk.

_Chapter 5_

Oh yes, from my outburst of before, it earned me a very bizarre stare from Runē, his mouth scarcely agape with disbelief at my words, I'm sure he's probably thinking to himself, "Adjustments?...What in the all things hellish is this human talking about?? what nonsense, utter nonsense!" But even so, I still wanted to make some changes, mostly because of all the new info I've just gained. If anything, he's to blame for this, and I'm one hundred percent positive that I can convince him to make some changes...with enough sweet talk and logical reasoning. I was growing rather tired of the silence from him, it only made me a bit discouraged but not totally. "Don't stare, I know I'm beautiful.~" I said with a girlish tone, hugging myself and wiggling my body in a silly but alluring fashion, then screwed my eyes shut and shook my head numerous times, doing so as a way to brush off his constant staring, kill the silence, and leave him unnerved. It worked like a charm. I opened my eyes to see him jerk his head away faster than I had ever seen him do so, and would scowl greatly, despite the discontentment written all over his face, it was clear in his eyes that he was feeling sheepish by my comment and actions, and so thus, he responded in a semi-confused tone yet sternly, "Oh, shut up. I wasn't staring...?" The last part of his sentence almost sounds more like a question, to himself maybe? I easily chuckled as an answer, sitting upright and replying reassuringly, "Relax, I'm just pulling your leg, you get flustered easier than I do. Guess you're not used to people messing with you…So which means you do all the messin' with, hm?~" I hummed, totally delighted to see this side of him.

Once again, maybe the third time today, he shot me a glare, one that was very unhinged and sent shivers down my spine, instinctively forcing my body to move on its own and shift away from him, his aura too appeared unhinged. Seems I've upset him.


I was about to apologize but he cut me right off by saying first, "What are the silly adjustments you want to make?..you fractious degenerate…" He fired harshly, not even bothering to look my way as he said so.

Okay. So, ouch. Now that was a serious insult, and here I was getting used to being addressed as "Human", he really was upset.

"I'm sorry." I quickly said before going ahead and explaining my idea, but he simply brushed off my apology with an indifferent shrug of a shoulder...then glanced away, most likely waiting for me to negotiate. I don't know why, but that little display of disinterestedness sort of hurt my chest. Odd.

Anyway, I shrugged as well and gave a nod of understanding, "So far, I unwittingly summoned you here and you had no choice but to form a simple contract which consists of you providing me with three and only three wishes, wishes that I assume will be able to grant anything imaginable in the world, no limits? correct?" I paused to read his expression seriously, he slowly glanced my way, nodding in agreement with me but not bothering to add anything to what I've said, so I took it as me being spot on.

Wait, wait, wait! He can grant me anything I wish??! And he means "𝗔𝗡𝗬𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚"?? Holy fuck, demons are amazing! Or… is it Him that's the amazing one? Maybe it's because he in general is just that powerful? Well, needless to say, this kind of power falling into the wrong hands will lead to world domination, so why hasn't that happened yet?

"Eh, Runē?" Breaking away from my thoughts, I turned to him worriedly and said, "C-can people really wish for anything? Or are you just letting me think so… Tell me it isn't so.. " My throat was dry as my mouth hung agape like a fish, waiting eagerly for his reply. He looked at me, fairly amused by my expression and huffed out a chuckle, a short one, before a smirk took form on his lips as he leaned a bit forward and leveled himself with me, staring directly into my eyes. "𝗜 𝗮𝗺 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗲." He asserted with gusto and instantly changing from a teasing smirk to a grimace, causing me to retort back a little, i'd glance elsewhere but I was too afraid to try it, "𝗜 can grant 𝙖𝙣𝙮 wish you desire, but only if I see fit to waste 𝗺𝘆 power on 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 foolish demands." Every single word that came out of his mouth, each one boomed with incomprehensible pride and confidence as his eyes disparaged my very existence with only staring me down, "Great power can not be left at the hands of 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘴 like your race. Tch." He then would lean back onto the headboard of my bed and slowly flutter his eyes shut, unfolding his arms and lifting one to pinch the brim of his nose while the other just rested beside him. Sounding frustrated by the question I asked, he eventually said in a condemning manner, finishing his statement and sounding absolute, "I'm not a demon that craves mindless destruction, 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗼 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀." After that, he went mute, tucked his arms once again and over his chest, kept his eyes closed, and would lean backward then rest the back of his head on the wall behind him, after which he sighed in exhaustion, leaving me befuddled but impressed. I guess that should put me at ease, since now I know that he wasn't the stereotypical evil demon that just wants to destroy everything… Then again, he calls himself a destroyer, so that brings back some concern.

Hah, back to the subject at hand… "Right, yes, thank you for clearing that up. I'm very grateful." Said I, humbly bowing my head a bit in appreciation before returning to my formal posture, "And back to what we were discussing…" Trailing off, my eyes traveled across the room as I conversed, "Earlier, you were ever so kind as to provide me a handful of detail about yourself and your capabilities while at the same time enlightening me on magic that not only demons possess but also humans." Concluding my analysis, I then arched my back forward and clasped my hands, "I propose that you teach me more about this magic stuff, I'm willing to trade a wish for it, if that's what it takes. I've already given you my soul, so I don't have anything else to give you." Shrugging my shoulders, I displayed that I really had nothing to lose. After all, what's there to lose after you've already lost your soul, right?

I sat back and crossed my arms over my chest, crossing a leg over the other as I got comfortable on my bed, though at the edge of it. I mean, I felt like he couldn't disagree, I've stated what I've wanted and I'm willing to lose a wish for it, I doubt anyone would be willing to do that, not to mention how I'm not even complaining that he's taking my soul. Not like I have a right to anyhow since I summoned him in the first place…

Just when I was feeling pretty good about myself, a chilling, dark chuckle clipped my wings of bliss and I could feel myself falling… Figuratively! Lifting my head, which I had lowered as I was waiting on his reply, I ended up meeting eyes with the demon, his eyebrows knitted awfully, his lips pursed into a terrifying sneer as his face reflected impassiveness and indifference.

Simply put, I think I was screwed.

His eyes twinkled with bemusement as he spoke out in a sardonic voice, "Humans are so naive." He laughed cruelly, "That sparse information is enough for you to dream and demand such a thing, then assume trading me a wish will be enough to make us square?" He scoffed, shifting closer to me and shaking his head slowly, he flashed his dangerously sharp teeth at me and said sternly, "I think you're mistaken. Allow me to remind you of where we both stand."

Before I could respond or get away, he grabbed me by the arm faster than I'm able to narrate it and pushed me down onto the bed, pinning me down, aggressively. His huge frame covered my view of the ceiling above and forced me to look solely at him, draping over me with ease. As I laid there, defenseless, terrified and overall, feeling exposed, I stared up at him with pleading eyes but couldn't utter a single word to save myself, as if I could say anything right now to convince him to stop. Look how that turned out!

His large hand moved to cup my chin, using his thumb to brush my cheek, it didn't feel affectionate in anyway, rather like a lion playing with it's food…He leaned forward till our faces were only inches apart, his heat teasing me lightly as his breath tickled the skin on my face eliciting a shudder. I tried to face away from him, but he held my face in place as soon as I tried to put up any kind of resistance. "Yuki. If you want me to teach you magic, then you have to completely change this contract." His voice was low, laced with sweetness but masking poison. He gripped my chin tightly, my teeth gritting in response and forcing my lips to part slightly, "You will no longer get wishes, rather…" Runē smirked, leaning past my face and then brushing his warm lips against my ear lobe, whispering, "You will be 𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 to 𝙢𝙚, both 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 and 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹. " He then moved his head back so he could lock eyes with me, a fierce intensity burning in those golden depths of his, "I will have control over you 𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 - when we are together or apart. 𝘼𝙣𝙙," He paused dramatically, letting each word sink into my consciousness like droplets of melting gold, "you will become my lover. My plaything. Mine and 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 alone." A slow grin then spread across Runē's face as he watched me process this information. To say I was mortified with this new found information would be the understatement of the year, "Of course," He suddenly said, his eyes leaving me and traveling to the ceiling above, I assumed, I can't see anything with this hulking demon over me! That aside, he had caught my attention with that "Of course" and I desperately wanted to see where he was going with it, "If you prove yourself worthy enough...there may be ways for us to renegotiate our terms. But only time will tell..." He trailed off a bit, his eyes shutting slowly in a lazy fashion before opening them again to lock eyes with me, "You should also know that in exchange for selling your body and soul to me, you will gain unimaginable power, wisdom and most of all…Pleasure. I will fulfill all your desires, as long as you continue to be useful to me, which I'm sure you will."

After he was done speaking, I allowed myself to catch my breath and recollect myself. My brain was still replaying everything that he had said, and even so, I still couldn't understand it! He wants me as his wife now? Wha– why?— What exactly did I do to deserve such an honor? I still don't understand, though, that does mean he has taken a liking to me, so I'm not necessarily in danger… Still…

Thinking immensely on this, because it was literally my life here, I concluded and nodded, lifting my eyes to meet his. He had a playful grin on his face, and behind him, I could catch little glimpses of his tail wagging in what I could only think was glee. He must be so proud of himself for putting me in a tight spot, Tsk. "I see," I said at first, staring at him with newfound confidence, he laid down his claim and I understood just about everything he had said, i replied with a polite grin. "Understood. Knowing all that helps a lot. I was actually wondering what would happen to me if I just gave away my soul without question, would I die? Perish just like that? Not a chance, I can't accept that. Thanks for giving me a choice to at least be conscious in your care… but it seems I will end up becoming your wife/husband if I accept this condition?... Wild." I sincerely didn't know if I should agree to it, it was tempting… but first.

"Ahem. Can you get off of me first?"


Now seated apart, still on my bed and in my bedroom, I adjusted my collar and huffed, grateful for the fact that I could breath now with ease again, and didn't have a handsome demon hovering right over me. It was extremely distracting. Runē was seated beside me, but I told him to give me space to recover, although visibly not delighted to do so, he respectfully did as told and sat farther, all the way back to the headboard of the bed. Now I can think properly.

I thought of all the possibilities, every variable and every detail then came to a clear answer… This is actually the best possible outcome for me.

Let's face it, I'm not gonna get into any sort of nice place like heaven, especially since I've gone and made a deal with a demon, but at least I'll be able to live on a bit longer in his care… So.. Why are my hands shaking? My hands were trembling violently while my heart was beating so loudly, I thought it was going to jump out of my chest, my breath shaky. But yet, I didn't feel scared, or think I was, still I was showing signs of fear. Runē had probably noticed this and assumed I was hesitant, saying leisurely, "If you don't want to change the contract and only wish to stay the way we are, I don't mind. Disappointed, but could care less." He sounded understanding and genuinely disappointed, but was being kind enough to accept it if I didn't want it.

It seems… I don't have a choice now.

"Runē. I accept."

"Hm?" Runē arched an eyebrow at me, staring at me quizzically, as if I had just said something out of the ordinary. I repeated myself, this time loud and clear, "I accept. I will give myself to you, so please… Be gentle with me and take care of me, alright?... Don't forget about the magic thing we discussed." I pouted, clenching my hands and forcing them to stop shaking, why should I be scared? To hell with it. I'm a man who's got nothing left to lose. I'm his now.

Runē was silent, but I noticed a glint of excitement and curiosity in his eyes, a sly grin spreading across his face as he got up to his feet, sweetly, like honey, he praised me, "Good job, you made the right choice. It will benefit us both, and yes, I'll take care of you and uphold my end of the bargain…" He then reached his hand out, gesturing for me to take it. Hesitantly I reached out to take it, gingerly grasping it, still wondering if I should really do this. However, I got yanked out of my thoughts and out of my bed in one clean sweep, falling haggardly into the large demon's arms. He embraced me then kissed my forehead, "Yuki, you're my wife now." He whispered softly against my forehead, pulling away so he could look at my face properly, "It will be finalized once I've taught you all that you need to know about magic, and as well get your body used to many things." He gave a small nod, agreeing with his own words then said mysteriously, "Prepare yourself." before leaning to capture my lips in a kiss. But this time, it was different. One, I was expecting it, two I had to accept it. I would be spending my life and afterlife with him, so I knew I had let go, and so I allowed myself to get carried away. Letting out a sound I never thought I'd make, I moaned softly onto his lips as he took mine tenderly yet roughly, his large tongue darting into my mouth and licking every inch and corner of it, dancing sensually against my tongue and forcing me to respond in equal fervor. The more he did this, the more I noticed that I was losing air, gasping short desperate breaths as he intoxicated me feverishly with such passionate kisses. In the end, I fainted. It was just too much for me. Losing consciousness right after I felt his hand trail down my back, I quivered and went limp, I don't really remember much after that. All I could recall was him saying, "Oi– Are you okay?-" and that was about it, which means I really did pass out.

Truthfully, I think it was a good thing…Because, with the way things were escalating, I thought I was going to lose my virginity right then and there. Ah, it's good to be a virgin! Say it with me now, it's good to be a Virgin! The only good thing that has stayed with me in this life of mine.


The air was warm, and I felt at peace and completely tranquil. My body felt like it was being encased in a soft cotton heap, it felt completely relaxing. Slowly, I opened my eyes, gazing upon an empty room. Immediately the thought, "Huh? Where's my husband– I mean, "Runē", go?" crossed my mind. Did he decide already that he didn't want me anymore? Damn, that's a crying shame. We only just got engaged too.

I sat up steadily on my bed, feeling a slight ache coming from the back of my head as I did. Rubbing it gently as a way to soothe it, I winced from the pain and groaned. Just exactly where did he go? I was concerned, and so I set out to look for him, walking around the house, I checked every room but found nothing but emptiness. Beginning to graduate from concern to worry, I called out, "Runē! Where are you?" as I threaded down the corridor. Making my way outside, I found him seated criss-cross, in the air by the way, meditating! Well, this certainly was a sight to behold. I worked my way around him and stood in front of him, leaning forward to get a closer look at his face to see if he truly was meditating, but he stopped me by saying, "Don't bother me, I'm meditating." He grumbled under his breath, not bothering to even open his eyes. It's as if he already knew who it was purely by presence. I said nothing at first and just stared at him, too shocked to say anything.

"Ugh," He let out an annoyed grunt, "Why are you still here, Human? Go read the books I left on your desk table, we'll talk later, I'm busy. Go away." He directed, sounding every bit distracted by what he was doing and irked by my presence. I could only shrug to myself and reply plainly, "Alright, I understand. See you later, I guess?" then stood up straight and started to walk away from him, leaving him alone to his devices. It looks like this is pretty much how it's going to be around here. I wouldn't really know how a romantic relationship works since I've never dated another person, much less have one force me to marry them.

As I walked back into the house, feeling strangely about everything, I began to ponder everything that had happened so far. One minute it was just a mere contract and now i'm going to be marrying a demon. Things are moving too fast.

"Hah…I hate everything and everyone. Myself included."