

_Chapter 7_

It had been almost two weeks since I had summoned the demon known as,"Runē''. Our relationship started off on the wrong foot, he was very cold, mean and short tempered towards me, and still is...But, I feel like he's been gradually warming up to me. Although I was punished gravely for ending our lesson before he could dismiss me yesterday by being frozen in place for well...the rest of the day...But, I genuinely feel that we've become closer, both in our relationship as demon and human and romantically...since...well...he's my husband now…?

Today is the 28th of March, it's Thursday. Why am I saying this? Because at times, it feels like I don't have any concept of time, so therefore I have to remind myself what year it is, what day it is, what month...You get the picture, so at least that way I know I'm still alive, but dead inside.

Anyway, rolling out of my bed, literally, I landed heavily with a loud thud. It hurt terribly and left me groaning in pain for a while due to the landing. It was anything but pleasant.

Eventually, I recovered from the minor fall and later picked myself up after which I tiredly made my way out of the room and into the bathroom. I felt like I was forgetting something crucial, but at the time I didn't know what. Until,

"....What the.."

Just as I took my junk out to relieve myself, I met eyes with a dashing dark-skinned giant with black tipped golden horns, short silky raven hair, half naked, Egyptian robed from the waist, 6-foot demon with a very perky tail, or to be more blunt "Runē", halfway through the damn wall of my bathroom, hanging over the bathtub. I stood there, mystified, as I ogled at him like a drenched chicken in the rain, while he only stared back at me with a expression I was unable to read, before those golden pools eventually trailed down from my face and made its way down my body...at first I didn't get what he was staring at until it clicked in my brain— And without a second later, I gasped and instantly tucked it away before finally hiding myself by turning to the side and out of his view. I then shouted in a uncontrolled manner,


My face slowly became bright red with embarrassment, a color that had never been so visible on my face before because of the color of my skin, but thanks to him, I looked just like a tomato! And, to my displeasure, he didn't even seem bothered or startled by my sudden outburst, rather he completely stepped out from the wall, phased through the bathtub then progressed my way, shooting me an awful ear to ear grin. In a calm, maintained fashion, he responded by showing zero signs of repentance, "Yuki," He called at first, his eyes scanning me from head to toe as he advanced closer my way, it was extremely frightening, I felt like prey, "you're quite small down there. Is it because you're human?" To put it straight, he had just completely avoided my question and instead answered me with a question of his own...How dare he!?...and anyway— how can I respond to that!?

Of course I didn't. Instead, I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue at him before hissing out coldly, "Get out. I want to use the damn bathroom," sighing shortly after, I added in a even more harsher tone, "it's too fucking early for this, just 𝗴𝗼." I then pointed to the door, hanging my head in shame from his statement. It made me feel shy that he had seen mine. Who wouldn't be if they were in my place? He observed me with bemusement evident in his eyes before huffing out a soft chuckle, obvious to say, he had no plans to leave, and just knowing that irked me.

"What are you hiding? It's not like I won't see it later on."

As soon as we were face to face, he moved closer to my way and forced me to stumble back till I was backed up against the wall. I nearly tripped over the toilet just trying to avoid it. My bathroom is quite big, but not so big, it was built to be spacious for people like me who hate tight spaces, so everything is spread out apart, the bathtub is the first thing you see once you step inside the bathroom due to the fact that it's on the opposite side of the door, while the sink would be beside the bathtub stationed into the wall, but many inches away, as beside the sink would be the shower, which has its own special enclosure at the very corner some few meters from the door, then finally the toilet… ah, I was practically in-between the toilet and the bathtub. The toilet was basically on the opposite side from the sink and thanks to the space provided it wasn't all that tight, but nonetheless it was suffocating, It looks like he's trapped me, and with ease at that. Now, because of his size, he blocked every possible escape route, and even if I tried to squeeze past him, I doubt I'll be successful. Cornering me like a rat by putting a hand by my head and blocking my only escape path with said arm, he leaned down to level with me till we were only inches away, nose to nose to be exact. His stern eyes piercing straight into my soul immensely by just staring, as the heat that irradiated off his being left me trembling. What he has just done was Ka-be-don my sorry ass.

Having nowhere to run, I had no choice but to stare at him blankly, while studying his handsome and molded facial features as he in return, he stared me down intensely with those golden eyes of his. With an expression of nonchalance, he said, his eyes half-lidded as his lips stayed in a simple frown, "You're my property, Yuki." He asserted with coolness, lifting his other hand to grasp my chin and tracing it till his large thumb grazed my bottom lip, as if tracing some sort of line. I in response shuddered and cringed slightly, but not noticeable enough for the demon, luckily.

I was uncomfortable, and made no effort to hide it. Hah... It's not like I was disgusted, rather I felt overwhelmed. I don't know how to handle this type of situation. Nor do I have any experience. I was very sure that if this transgresses any further, I'm screwed...In the literal sense and meaning of the word.

Managing to speak up, I stuttered out as my cheeks slowly tinted dark red, as if my face wasn't already red enough, "R-runē. I have to piss, don't excite me…!" I warned gravely despite my bashfulness at the moment. Gradually, I started to avert my gaze from his as I also attempted to try to turn my face away as well, but he only held on tighter and forced me to keep it where it was, "Yuki. Look at me." He commanded with a tone of seriousness. I felt absolutely powerless as he said those words, and just as he requested, I carefully returned my gaze back to him...And once our eyes met, my heart skipped a beat. I could feel myself growing weak in his arms and under his daunting sun golden stare, as if I were becoming paralyzed from just looking into them.

"Your body is perfect, so don't feel shy."

His voice, sweet like nectar, whispering sweet nothings into my ear, I trembled all the more under the heat of his breath, gasping and trying to catch mine, then what he said next only made it more difficult to breath, "Don't hold your breath. So sensitive.." His tone was that of a teasing one, one low but husky, and laced with mischief, obviously he was enjoying himself, while I was busy shivering and having a seizure from his seductive advances. His right hand, the one that had been cupping my face this whole time, trailed down my body, delicately tracing from my neck, teasing the choker around it and moved further down towards my collar bone, his exploration continued at a snails pace where as his lips grazed my cheeks and made it's way towards my ear, leaving behind trails of soft firm kisses that left me quivering for more, It's like my senses were heightened to its very peak, because every single thing he did, I felt it with great intensity. Those lips then parted and gave way for his teeth to sink aggressively but gently into my earlobe, inflicting a sudden sharp pain that caused me to moan loudly, absolutely unaware of how loud it was. Once I realized the sound that had escaped my lips, I choked and hastily moved to cover my mouth, but he only grabbed my hands once he noticed and pinned them both above my head, using just one hand!

"It's too much, really too much..I-i not ready for it yet! I had to do something." I thought.

And thus, I shifted my left leg, since it wasn't being blocked by his larger leg, and swiftly kneed him with all my might, right between the legs, causing him to yelp, a sound I never imagined he could make by the way, and letting me go. That gave me the opportunity to bolt out of there, making a swift beeline for the door. I left him behind without daring to look back.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit…"

Was all that I kept muttering frantically, repeating it like as if I were in a trance. I was scared beyond belief! What he had just tried to do just now...was something very dangerous. Running as if I was being chased by a pack of mad dogs down the hallway, which wasn't very long by the way, I made a sharp turn into my living room before dashing out the door, heading out of the house, out into my yard and onto the neighboring streets.

Once I finally came to a halt, I stood on the sidewalk and began to hyperventilate, still completely ruffled by the whole experience. It took me some time to recuperate and stop it before it lead me to pass out. Heaving heavy breaths as I tried to calm down my speeding heart, it was difficult as it was painful. That was the fastest I had ever run from anything, period.

After I had completely gathered myself together, I swiftly averted my gaze down the street where my house was, in search of my assailant, ignoring the possible stares I was probably getting from my neighbors and the people walking down the streets. I still had to be cautious, extremely cautious. After all, I didn't run far and I'm only just some meters away from the house. Perhaps I should've gone out the back. Well in any case, I figured I'd go to school this way, even though it was sort of embarrassing since I was still in my pajamas. I guess that once I get there, I'd just bother a friend who stays at the University to lend me their clothes and dorm room for a bit. Because, ain't no way in hell I would be going back in there.

So, I left it all behind for now and headed towards my university, walking like a zombie down the street. I noticed that I was occasionally getting some weird looks from the residences, predestrians and shop keepers, but I didn't mind them, I had bigger issues on hand. That guy….Runē...He's dangerous, very, very, 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮, dangerous.

Deep down, I knew that at some point I'd have to do such things with him, as a matter of fact I was predicting it, however I wasn't expecting it to be so soon. It really did catch me off guard and I'm certainly not mentally prepared for it either.

After all, I did some research way back when I was in highschool...and I know very well that the way two guys do it...𝗜𝗦 𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗨𝗟 without proper prep. So, I've made up my mind. First things first, I have to, no, I 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝘁 prepare myself, there is no way. Just no. Not to mention, as big as he is, I'm positive that he's probably a hulk down there...So…

Dreading my existence, I walked down the street, feeling pale and exhausted, which I thought was strange seeing as I haven't done any real work today, all I've done is wake up and dashed out. I didn't even have time to grab my phone, how unfortunate. The university wasn't that far from my house, thankfully, it was approximately fifteen to twenty two minutes away, that's if you're walking. However, if you're driving, it shouldn't take one more than five minutes or more to get there if on a direct path. And since I was exhausted, it looks like it'll take me even more time than usual. Gritting my teeth, I heaved a sigh through my clenched teeth and yelled, more or so to myself,

"Ugh...This is his fault!"

Ranting bitterly with a mad huff and throwing a small fit by punching the air numerous times. Just as I was busy having my pity party, I heard a voice, "Yuki? Is that you?" It was light and gender neutral, it sounded ridiculously familiar. I glanced over my shoulder to see,

"Sudo?" I winced at first, before halting and rubbing my eyes with my palms, just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. And once I opened my eyes to look again, I saw it really was him!

Ito Sudo. Although we are not in the same classes at Uni, we would often run into each other and soon started to hang out. When we first met, I was quite rude and cold to him, always making sure to avoid him, but even after all that, he still never failed to show up and pester me, and I suppose that's what led to us hanging out later on.

Approaching me all dressed up, he was always a flashy person. He had on black ripped skinny jeans which he wore over it with a oversized hoodie that was the color hot pink, followed by a bucket hat and some sunglasses, and of course, some fashionable looking sneakers. Over his shoulder was his white signature backpack that he hanged on only one shoulder, I feel sorry for his posture and as well as the strap of the bag... His eyes were light brown as his hair was the color gold, short and messily pushed back with a nice summer sky undercut, I was certain it wasn't his natural hair color, but who am I to judge? My eyes are the color 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗸 for fucks sakes. Sudo was the type of guy who loved accessories, so I always would catch him wearing something new on his wrist or hair, he also adores painting his nails the color orange, which I personally think is an endearing trait.

"What happened?...You look like a hot mess" He joked playfully, ruffling my hair like as if I were some child. I swatted his hand away and replied bitterly, "Don't get me started." Then rolled my eyes and sighed deeply. After I had managed to push down my frustration and forced a smile on my face, I clasped my hands and said with a lot of enthusiasm, "Anyway, congrats! You're going to accompany me on my walk...Now then.." I later trailed off, moving around him shortly. He only stared me down quizzically as he followed me with his eyes, but I didn't bother to explain myself, instead I moved to grab a hold of his bag, before placing it in his arms, which earned me an even more strange look from him. He was about to open his mouth and say something till I moved away from his sights and jumped on his back,

"Let's go! Come on."

With a single point of the hand, I yelled with a grin. I was messing with him, yes, but I was also being serious. My legs could not walk another step, and he showed up just at the right time. He always boasted about how he was one of the fastest guys on campus and wouldn't stop ridiculing me because I was so "slow" when in truth I genuinely don't like to run unless necessary, so he has no idea of my true capabilities. He was speechless, that's for sure, starting off with some stuttering, he said, "W-what? The hell are you smoking?-"

"Nope, shut up and run! Chop chop. Don't waste time, we've got lectures. Let's a go!"

But I shut him up in an instant by asserting my authority and commanding him in a way that gave no room for complaints. Since I was older and bigger, both in height and size, partially, I believed he wouldn't dare talk back. But I suppose at first glance it would look pretty strange to see a guy who is about 5 '11 straddle a guy who is only 5' 5, but it's pretty common among highschoolers and college students who just want to mess around with each other. It's all in good fun really!

Visibly displeased, he glanced over his shoulder at me with half-lidded eyes, pouting a bit and making a face of annoyance. I'm sure we looked silly to those around us, but it's whatever.

He studied me with that of resentment before coming to terms with himself and sighing loudly, he nodded then faced forward, saying, "Fine, whatever, but you're holding my bag." He then started to move, but stopped to warn me sternly, "And don't drop it!" Before moving again and tossing it over to me. I only scuffed and gave a small eye roll, barely managing to catch his "Precious" bag in my hands. Once secured, I strapped it over my shoulders and quickly held onto him, so that way, I would avoid falling. I felt very lucky at that point in time. It was as if the goddess of fortune had finally shone her light on me and brought me something good, a fast runner.

He sprinted down the block and avoided each person like they were obstacles on the road. I honestly felt like if I hadn't held on tightly to him, I would've fallen off some meters back. It didn't take too long before we had reached the university, and once we were at the gate, I hopped right off, then tossed him his bag. I heard a short shriek as he struggled to catch his bag before later receiving a narrowed eyed glare from him. Needless to say, I shrugged it off with a huge smile on my face and thanked him by patting his back, "You're amazing! I knew you could do it. I'll see you later at lunch, my treat." I then winked and waved him goodbye, knowing full well that there would be no way I'd see him later since he would be too busy with practicals. Haha.

Sure, it was mean, but, he served me well...And besides, it's not like he wouldn't deal with me later, because, I can assure you, he will. But anyways...The University of Kyoto Arts. It was radiant as it was big, walking down the pathway of the campus, each and everywhere you'd turn your eyes would be sure to lay on matriculate and exceptionally trimmed trees, each one more beautiful and breathtaking than the last. The property was decorated exclusively with many different types of flowers, lovely shaped bushes and so much more.

Strolling down the pebbled path and admiring some greenery on the way, my eyes searched carefully for one single person amidst the hundreds of students that roamed the outside area, and it didn't take too long for us to lock eyes with each other,


She cooed with delight, before prancing her way over to me. I smiled softly and opened my arms wide, ready for the embrace, or tackle. Whichever one that would come first, really. As expected though, she tackled me, pushing me down to the ground in one simple motion. Truthfully, I didn't yell nor shriek, since I was used to it, but I did let out a short groan of pain as I hit the ground, making sure that 𝗜 had cushioned her fall. The girl chuckled cheekly in my arms and said, "Nice catch! Did you forget to change again?" She then asked with an innocent tilt of the head as if it were a natural occurrence. But I could sense a fair amount of sarcasm oozing off her behind that innocent facade.

Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes at her and said with equal sarcasm, "Well, you know how it is." Then tapped her back, signaling for her to get off, which she did without a second to waste. She then streached her hand out to help me up, which I gratefully accepted, slowly getting back to my feet.

"Oh, Yuki." She sighed and placed both hands on her hips, giving me a stern but teasing look. With a simple shake of the head, she gestured with her hand and turned around, "Come with me, we can't let people see you in your PJ's, come on!" She walked swiftly, her heels clicking with each step she took. Her name was Yoshida Yuri. Because our given names sounded all too similar, and for the fact that we had most of our classes together, we became good friends almost immediately. She was a short, petite girl, about the height of 4 '10, having long black locks, light blue eyes and a V shaped face, she was pretty as she was feisty. She always dressed in a preppy fashion, wearing cute but flashy clothing, similar to someone I know…Today, however, she had on something simple, a black dress that had white polka dots as her heels were also white. The dress wasn't all that long, but it did expose her pretty slender legs. It was one of those free types of dresses, similar to a sunflower dress.

Together, we worked our way across campus and towards the dormitory. Because she was a girl, we diverted from the path and headed towards the female dormitory. I was fortunate that many of the ladies here didn't mind my presence, which meant that I wouldn't be chased out like some other guys would've if they were caught here without invitation. I suppose I was glad that I found her, I didn't even need to explain myself, she already knew what to do. Ah, what a good friend. Taking to the flights of stairs after passing RA, we headed straight for her room, which she yanked me inside and closed the door swiftly, locking it right after.