
Let's understand each other.

_Chapter 9_

This is ridiculous.


My jaw dropped. Not because I didn't expect to have him catch me here, or because I was surprised to see him in general…𝗯𝘂𝘁 because he looked completely different!

At first I didn't recognize him, hell, I thought it was someone completely different, but those eyes...the coldness that it radiates, the heated glare that never seems to falter and those absolute apathetic dreariness that looms without fail, only him could pull off such a stone cold stare.

I stood there and gaped in disbelief, absolutely numb to the brim of my fingertips and rock stick like a statue. My friend, Yuri, starred as well, but not because she was shocked, it was out of Interest, for you see ...Yes, it was Runē, but not Runē. What do I mean? The person I was looking at was totally different to the person, or rather Demon I've been contracted with! How so? Well, for one his appearance was different in every sense of the word. He was still handsome, sure, but not what you'd expect. His golden horns, gone, tail gone as well, every aspect of demonic features were gone, as if they had never even existed to begin with, and to top it all off...his skin color had changed! No I'm not fucking joking, the man was looking like a caucasian! Oi, oi, oi...I thought he was dark skinned the last time I was with him, what's going on? And not to mention...I could've sworn he was taller than that...he looks like he's probably about a few inches taller than myself...he also reduced in size, now he isn't so large, but still larger than most… my head's spinning…. His robes too were gone, now he was wearing formal clothing...Long slim brown pants that were trimmed at the ankles, with a white button up long sleeve shirt, which was neatly tucked and hidden under a blue vest...To put it plainly, he looked like a European who came to educate a bunch of Japanese college students. His whole attire screamed "Older man" which betrayed his delightfully young looking face. I wonder who stood out more, myself, the only African here, or him, one of the few caucasians here.

"Oof...My head is seriously spinning...High blood pressure...High blood pressure…" I whined inwardly, squeezing my eyes shut out of agitation.


The sweet dragging of my name snapped me out of my spell induced consciousness. Swiftly, I gazed to my left to see Yuri, her bright sky blue eyes staring a hole into me intently, she was scanning me and my expression, as if she knew something was amiss. She's way all too perceptive, damn it.. Her eyes then narrowed as her plump lips curled into a teasing grin, "Is that your boyfriend?~" She added with a whine, almost like a sequel. I averted my eyes immediately, shaking my head as quickly as I averted my gaze, denying it altogether, "No. I don't know that man, let's get out of here." Hurriedly, I grabbed her by her shoulders and dragged her past the crowd of people and into the University entrance, scaling the little steps that led inside. She chuckled, allowing me to lead the way and surprisingly not attempting to put up a fight. Just as we were about to dodge the whole thing, I heard my name roll off someone's lips. The voice was deep and gruffy, I knew who it was right away..

"Yuki, where are you going?"

He said, forcing me to stop firm in my tracks, I could tell he was smirking wolfishly just like he always did whenever he believes he's gotten the best of me, even though I wasn't really looking his way at the moment. I've only known him for a short while but somehow it feels like I've known him for a long time, we are way too comfortable with each other...well...more or less. More like he's way too natural with me and in return, I am just as with him to a certain degree.

While I was busy mentally evaluating my life, I slowly turned to face him, ignoring Yuri's cute smirk from the corner of my eyes, because she too was grinning, most likely enjoying the fucking show, all the while trying to ignore the heated stares from the crowd the ravenette, Runē, had managed to rack up. It's amazing, once people see a handsome man attending their place of work or education, they go crazy. Ridiculous. And because the handsome man has gone out and called on me, I'm now a subject for attention, how exhausting….

Once our eyes met, I felt a surge of electricity go off within me, my body shuddered without me initiating it, it annoyed me how submissive I'd always become whenever he looked at me like that. But with all truthfulness, he was beautiful. I don't know which version of him I preferred, the demon him or this version, which I assume would be his human form? It was as if he took on a different form, he looked like an Englishmen. If I were to tell people he was a demon and that he looked nothing like he does now, I can assure you that not one person would believe me and would even go out of their way to label me as a ''Madman". Our brief moments of silence was abruptly interrupted by the jerking of a certain someone's shoulder, elbowing me in the gut and catching my attention. I let out a weird sound and held my stomach, gazing down at the culprit as she gazed up at me with teasing eyes, "Yuki~ Come on, answer the question! Everyone is dying to know what's going on...Me most especially~" She chimed with delight, giggling softly right after. I on the other hand gulped, that was not what I needed. If I wasn't on the spot before, I certainly was now. All eyes were on me now and it made my stomach churn terribly. I lifted my gaze off her with nervousness and returned it to the one who had been waiting patiently for my reply, softly I said, my cheeks glowing a slight reddish color that was fairly visible, "Um...Class…" My voice felt like it wanted to fade away, but I managed to be audible enough, slowly glancing away from him and the crowd. I continued, "Why are you here?..." then paused. Once I did, I heard all sorts of murmuring, the people who were surrounding him were now discussing amongst themselves, I wonder why? Was it because someone like Runē, who, mind them, they knew nothing about, wanted to know what I, Yuki, was going? Anyway, it was none of their business! But people are so nosey. I think it probably had to do with his otherworldly beauty, he was much too handsome and perfect looking, so it could also be out of jealousy?... Whatever, I don't care, I want out of here.

Quietly, I tried to inch away by stepping back slowly while pulling on the lady beside me, letting her know that it's time to go. Like she knew what I wanted, she gave a quick nod of understanding, her eyes still glowing with fascination, as she too began to tiptoe away, but,

"Hold it, you two. I'm not done speaking to you, Yuki."

It was him again, and this time he was advancing towards me, a finger pointed my way and daring me to move, it startled me to the point that my feet refused to take any more steps back. My heart was pounding like crazily in my chest, as if it were turning into a steel drum. I felt like I was suffocating the more he advanced closer, and by the time he was right in front of me, I thought I was about to pass out. Gazing down at me, he narrowed his eyes and mouthed something to me. It looked like he said, "Thought you escaped?" I don't know why, but knowing that that's what he might have said sent a chill down my spine as goosebumps started arising on my skin. I didn't even mind that people were watching us, those words had so much truth behind it because it came from him!...so everything else was irrelevant, nothing but absolute fear for my well-being mattered.

Satisfied with my blood drained expression, he grabbed my hand and yanked me closer to himself, I fell forward into his large chest, my face buried into his hard pecs. I couldn't visibly see it, but I do know that it felt amazing to the touch, even with clothes on...Damn. It created a spectacle, what he did, I could hear some gasping noises behind him followed by my best friend, God bless her soul, squealing and saying, "You devil!~ Not in front of everyone! Hehehe!" Please note, she is a fanatic for Yaoi, hence her cringe worthy behavior.

I tried to pull away, but he held me down, I couldn't move! Soon enough, I found myself being lifted off the ground, I had no time to react whatsoever and ended up yelping and wrapping my arms around his neck for safety, which only made my situation worse, because now I've sealed my fate. Everyone present now has funny ideas floating around in their heads. How do I know this? Why...The looks on their faces. Some people were blushing, positively feeling embarrassed for me, I'm sure, while others couldn't seem to tear their eyes away. Yuri on the other hand moved away from us to take in a full on veiw, her phone in her hands….I have a feeling she's recording this very moment to use it as blackmail later.. Hah… And then here's me, my cheeks glowing dark red and hiding my face from the crowd by nuzzling it into the side of Runē's neck, into the crook of his nape, I felt his huge hands trail down my back, comforting me perhaps. I couldn't help but think to myself,

"Could you stop stroking me and carry me away, you asshole!"

It was all just too frustrating. Just as I was about to break down into tears, I heard him speak up, "Excuse us, I'm going to deal with him." Upon hearing that, I jerked my head up, only to meet eyes with Runē's taunting glare, the corner of his lips curled up into a frightful grin. Delaying himself no further, he started to move, taking me inside the University and leaving the crowd and Yuri behind, along with so many unanswered questions. I most definitely won't be able to get any rest after this...I guess I'm popular now, thanks Runē.

Swiftly walking down the hallway, I kept my face buried in a desperate attempt to try and limit the amount of people who saw me in his arms, but regardless of how hard I try to hide, there's only one dark skinned person in this whole College...and that would be yours truly. So either way, I was screwed. I could feel people staring a hole into me from every direction, there must be quite a handful of people wandering around...Oh, I wonder what time it is…

Eventually, I could no longer hear the sounds of chatter, what I did hear however was the sound of a door clicking, then closing. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he's taken me to somewhere private, this is my chance! As soon as he placed me down, to my surprise, gently, I jumped backward and frantically began to look for a window with the idea of jumping out of it. I was very athletic, so jumping out of a window would be easy, and I could land fairly unscathed if one, we were on the ground floor or at least, the second floor, and two, if there was a tree to use as leverage for escape. But unfortunately, I accidentally locked eyes with him, which hindered my movements. It's like he casted some sort of spell on me that apprehends me once our eyes meet, it was beyond annoying! Still, I was on alert, I eyed him, skeptical and ready to attack, while he stared me down with a cold-hearted smirk, exhibiting nonchalance, not bothered by my alert behavior. I'm sure at the back of his mind, he knew no matter how hard I'd try to fight, he'd always come out on top, because he is a literal demon and I'm only a human. So he was not in the least bit worried. He, however...did look pissed.


His voice had a certain edge to it, he sounded somewhat unhinged, which made 𝗺𝗲 unhinged. "You thought it would be fucking hilarious to do that, Hm?" He hissed, his eyes narrowing dangerously and piercing a hole into my very soul, I could only assume he was referring to the time I had kneed him and bolted. Every ounce of wanting to fight back vanished within manners of seconds, quickly becoming weary of my predicament. The next thing that came to my head was to grovel and ask for forgiveness, but with how things have lined up so far, I didn't think that begging for forgiveness would work, so, I tried a different approach,

"Okay, I know you're upset right now...But listen..I had every right to fight you like that this morning…"

Maybe talking things out would work? With my hands leveling by my head, as if surrendering myself with the hopes that he'd take pity on me, I smiled nervously, droplets of sweat escaping my pores, "..Y-you don't just come onto someone like that...Especially if they're inexperienced...Try to be a bit more considerate." I lowered my gaze to my feet as I explained myself, my voice slowly becoming barely above a whisper, I was already having a hard time explaining myself with the way he was looking at me, so I figured I'd make it easier if I just kept my attention elsewhere, which it did, "I-if you could just be patient with me...I'm human, and a guy at that...Sex is a bit painful for virgins...Penetration is....." I gulped, my breath trembling, penetration looked seriously painful, the fear of it was still lingering inside me like it did during my highschool days. "It's my first time doing something like that with anyone...So bare with me." Pleading politely, I winced, preparing for a harsh reply from him while I did my best to recollect myself. There was only silence, it made me feel on edge, it was both unsettling and deafening, I didn't like it. To my relief though, I heard him give a sigh. Gingerly, I glanced up to have a look at him and the possible expression he would be making. I saw that he looked stressed, his teeth clenched in displeasure while his hand was to his face, facepalming himself.. I think he might have realized something. He looked like he was kicking himself in the back. "Alright. I understand, I'll be more patient." He said after a long while of silence. Even though we were some inches apart, I could hear him silently cursing himself, it sounded funny, and oddly enough, lightened the mood. I smiled once I felt the mood was more calmer, "Thank you—"

"But, on one condition." He sharply interrupted me, those golden pools of his staring me down hauntingly while he began to approach me, his face was not the tiny least friendly, his eyebrows furrowed while he exhibited nothing but despondency. Gravely, he asserted once he stood before me, "I will prepare you. I will make sure that that weak body of yours becomes accustomed to mine." He then rolled his eyes with disgust and scoffed grossly, his lips pursing into a repulsed frown as he added with equal repulsiveness, "...And, since as a demon, I would be too much for you at first...I'll be using this form for a while." Again, he scoffed, a sense of irritation looming over his voice. His words echoed throughout my brain. Prepare me?... Accustomed?...I hope he doesn't mean what I think he means, because if it is as I think, then I refuse. But any hope of that was trashed after I heard him say, "And don't think about running away, we're in a pact and are soon to be wed. I will find you always, no matter where you try to hide...Yuki."

My fate was indefinitely sealed. Like a mouse caught in a mouse trap, I had dug my own grave with my own hands. Serves me right. However, despite the dread I was feeling in the moment, I couldn't help but notice that my heart was racing and even swelling in delight, feeling a weird sense of excitement, like as if I was looking forward to what he was proclaiming...What has he done to me?

"Do you have anything to say? Human."

I gasped and darted my attention onto him, looking confused for a short second before collecting myself and my thoughts. I shook my head and replied smartly, "N-no. Not at all. I'm grateful for your help…" I ended with a soft groan, making sure to not make it too audible for his ears. I bowed right after, retaining at least the aspect of the respectful relationship I've been trying to uphold with the demon. He could kill me whenever, and yet he wants to marry me. Is there any better situation than that? I think not. Thinking about it, I really don't see any better scenarios other than this.

"I wonder what it'll be like to be with him in that place…."

I thought with furrowed eyebrows, my head still bowed low. Realizing that I was still bowing my head, I quickly stood up and flashed a sheepish grin. He shot me a strange glare while I only smiled in return. He looked like he was wondering what was going through my head, and inevitably ended up voicing his concerns, "What are you thinking, human?" He growled lowly, his eyelids narrowing as his frown deepened. I found myself looking away with my smile still plastered on my face, replying with a happy tone,

"You're very kind, Runē. That's all I was thinking about. I look forward to spending eternity with you."

From the corner of my eyes, I could see him making an unreadable expression, a single eyebrow raised in question to my statement. His features, however, softened, a small smile creeping its way onto his handsome face,

"As you should. Be grateful."