Chapter Nineteen

Sunday is an off day for everyone except those working under services and the officials. Both my parents had to go to work. So I was left with Zayne. Lucky Orion visited. Don't get me wrong, I love being with my brother but I just can't find other fun stuffs to do with him like I can do with Orion. Orion's the same age as me so we can do a lot of things together. Zayne was still eight and doesn't understand quite a few things that I've experienced. But as the evening came, we eventually sat down together in the living room and watched television. We ended up watching cartoon for Zayne's sake. A classic, Tom and Jerry. I gotta admit, we all love that show. We were laughing so hard when the television changed channel. No one pressed the remote. A blank blue screen with the symbolic background appeared. Two words "General Announcement" were on the screen. Suddenly, a lady's voice came out of the speaker. And I could tell that it's not just our television but the whole underbuild. I could hear the speakers outside our bay producing the voice.

'Attention all members of the cause, this is not a drill. This is an emergency announcement. Everyone is needed to evacuate the base through the emergency exit. Please proceed calmly, and be kind to your brothers and sisters'

I exchanged glances with Orion. Zayne was starting to cry out of fear. What are we gonna do? Our parents are at work. Except Orion's mother, she had the day off because she's just a barista at the cafe. Just then, the door burst open and Mrs Pierce rushed in with a backpack ready on her shoulders.

'Come on kids, let's go!' she shouted. We followed her outside without thinking any further. I was feeling blurry. What just happened out of a sudden?

'Wait, our parents!' I said, coming to my senses again. Mrs Pierce turned to look at me. She was very stressed out.

'They will be fine. We have to get you kids out first' she replied shortly. Turning again, holding her son's hand, carrying Zayne with another, and ran. I followed her closely. The other members were already making their way. Most of them were running. The big light in the underbuild ceiling is flickering. The alarm lights by the doors were giving out warning red lights, and rhythmic sirens filled the base. Everyone was just heading in one direction. We're all heading towards the opposite of the main entrance. A huge crowd of people were gathering in front of the wall at the end. A few seconds later, the wall parted to reveal a cave with big stairs going up. Everyone started moving quickly to the stairs. Something doesn't feel quite right though, there are no officials assisting. Just then, I heard a sudden cry from behind. We were among the people at the back so it's not really hard for me to see.

'Wait!' a female voice shouted. I searched the people behind us but none of them were calling. Then I saw, someone running. Running towards us with hands in the air, trying to get our attention. I blinked to see clearer and it was Olivia Jones. She was bleeding on the head. I tugged at Mrs Pierce's jumpsuit. She looked down at me.

'Mrs Pierce, Miss Olivia has something she has to say' I said, pointing. She looked back with eyes wide in shock. I think it's because of the blood. We did not continue forward and let the others past by. Olivia caught up to us.

'We've been betrayed. I can't get the information to everyone. The chief is dead!' Olivia said. She was panting.

Mrs Pierce looked at her aghast. She opened her mouth trying to find the right words to speak.

'Wh-where's Darren and James? Kathleen?'

'I'm sorry Mrs Pierce…' Olivia replied, still panting. 'I saw them being attacked. I barely made it out of the control room myself. We have to risk going out by the main door. They have the emergency exit blocked with government officials'

I was sad and angry. That could only mean my parents might be dead.

'We have to warn them!' Mrs Pierce said turning around to do just that.

'Mrs Pierce!' Olivia exclaimed, getting her attention. 'You have children with you, save them. I'll inform as many people as I can. Remember, save yourself and the kids first and trust no one. Head southwest, that's where the main base is. I've managed to alert the chief there. Luckily I got backups. Remember, trust no one'

Olivia turned around to alert the people. Mrs Pierce started running carefully again as I followed her to the main entrance. We were just passing by Orion's bay when we heard a gunshot coming from two bays ahead. That stopped us in our tracks.

'Help me!' a girl's voice yelled. I recognise that voice. It was Fayre's. I wanted to run to help but Mrs Pierce grabbed my arm and held me back.

'Remember what Olivia said'

I relaxed myself. But inside, my heart was beating fast and wild.

'Somebody help!'

'We can't just stand here!' I said and dashed towards the voice.

'Zac!' I heard Mrs Pierce calling. She ran after me. I reached the source of the voice. It was Fayre's bay. And the unit door was closed.

'Anyone there? Help!' Fayre shouted. She was banging on the door from the inside.

'Fayre, what happened?' I asked, moving closer to the door. Mrs Pierce arrived.

'My dad locked me inside. He said he don't want me to get hurt while he settles something. But I don't trust him, I heard the announcement'

'I heard gunshot'

'He shot the card reader so I can't get out. Be careful, he's outside armed!'

I looked around me. Mrs Pierce heard her and realised they are in danger. Fayre's dad is the betrayer or one of the traitors. Mrs Pierce put Zayne down and took out a metal baton from her belt. She was ready to fight. Then she moved closer to the door and hit it hard with the baton. Okay, she wasn't ready to fight but was ready to break down a sealed door. She hit it continuously. But there wasn't any effect.

'It's not working' she said, giving up. She used a lot of her energy doing so because she was terribly tired afterwards. I looked at the card reader. It was destroyed with the bullet from Mr Johnson's gun. Wait a minute. I remember. Every bay has its reset system. My dad told me. I looked below. There's a close-to-invisible box line in the wall below the card reader. I pressed on it and the lid fell open. A lot of wires are in there.

'They made it too easy to break in' Orion said, stepping up to look at it. He's an expert in IT and wirings. I stepped aside to let him analyse. He then got himself busy, pulling wires apart, connecting it with other wires. I don't understand what he's doing. Suddenly, the door slid open and Fayre stepped out. She has tears in her eyes and I think she had been crying because her face was covered in dried tears.

'Thank you' she said.

'Let's move' Mrs Pierce said, picking Zayne up again. We continued making our way to the main entrance. Fayre following us, her expression afraid. We all are.