The whole spacecar was very quiet most of the time. Only short whispers were heard. Tazanna was still crying but softly now. Fayre and Miss Janet sat with her on one side of the seating area. Dane was on the other. Michael was still driving but with Draven now as co-pilot. As for me, Norman, and Orion, let's just say we were cleaning up the bloody mess.
'Michael, I need you to steady the car because I'm about to open the door' I said with a normal volume voice. Michael did as I said. The car went into a slow glide. I opened the door. The cool breeze outside went in. I looked down for a while, we're probably a hundred metres away. It was dark all around, just the light from our car and the moon. I turned back. The others were looking at me weird. I took the knife from the guard's hands, whatever useful items on him and dragged him to the door. Norman and Orion understand what I was going to do and they helped. With a little push, the three of us tossed the guard off the car. He fell down and we can't see where he landed in the dark. To us, his body moved backwards as our car moved forward. And I closed the door back. Michael returned to driving with his normal pace.
The floor was smudged with dried blood that can never be cleaned. We left Malcolm's body untouched. Except we took the gun and his bag away. And we covered the hole in his neck with a lot of tissue we found in the back of the car. Not that we stuff them inside but we simply blocked the horrific view. It was just so scary looking at the hole which was still dripping with blood. And finally we closed the eyes. The car was built to satisfy people's needs because we needed to wash our hands and in the back, a few centimetres away from the seats was a sink. The water should come from a tank I noticed also in the back. Basically the back of the car was like a storage area. Only it wasn't so packed that we can still see through the glass. Afterwards I went to join Michael and Draven in the pilot seating area. Norman and Orion sat with Dane. I noticed a radar detector on both sides of the wheel. Buttons and levers around it. Mostly buttons. And mostly labelled, some not.
'How much further?' I asked.
'Until I see a block of buildings on the radar' Michael replied.
'And how do you know if we're travelling in the right direction?' I said.
'I'm positive. Zonex is exactly north past the lab. We passed the lab about ten minutes ago. So as long as the radar shows I'm travelling north, we're going in the right direction'
Ten minutes ago? I thought. This spacecar is very fast in speed. We must have been kilometres away from the lab by now. And ten minutes has passed. Wow, I can't imagine how far we are from home. But when I think back again, if we past Zonex and continue on straight, we'll end up back at the cities. Every planet is a sphere. So that's the logic. Anyway the cities won't be our home ever again. Our rightful place is where we're going now. The home of our bloodline.
'Thank you Michael' I said. He replied with a short smile. But I know it was sincere.