Chapter Six

"Chioma hurry up let's go to the chapel," Chinasa said impatiently as the chapel bell rang, signalling time for evening prayers. "I don't want to miss my spot."

As Chioma immersed herself in the academic environment of St. Alice over the past few months, she diligently adapted to the school's timetable. Her keen awareness of the daily schedule reflected a commitment to navigating the intricacies of her studies and extracurricular activities with precision.

Beyond the structured routine, Chioma discovered a genuine interest in St. Alice, finding the school to be more than just a place of education. 

The institution's unique attributes, whether in its teaching methods, facilities, or the camaraderie among students, contributed to making her experience particularly engaging. The positive impressions she formed in this relatively short period hinted at a harmonious fit between Chioma and the school's ethos, fostering a sense of enthusiasm for her academic journey within the St. Alice community.

The teachers at St. Alice went above and beyond in their commitment to education. Recognizing the importance of a comprehensive learning experience, they devoted extra time to teaching their respective subjects. This extended classroom time allowed for in-depth exploration of topics, providing students like Chioma with a thorough understanding of the material.

What set St. Alice apart was the meticulous attention the teachers paid to every student. This personalized approach aimed at ensuring that no student was left behind. Teachers took the time to understand each student's strengths and areas that required improvement. This dedication went beyond academic pursuits, fostering an environment where students felt valued and supported in their individual learning journeys.

The result was a tightly-knit educational community where collaboration and mutual understanding thrived. The emphasis on inclusivity and personalized attention created an atmosphere conducive to both academic excellence and the overall well-being of the students at St. Alice. Chioma's positive experience in this nurturing environment reflected the school's commitment to providing a holistic and enriching education.

Chioma's noticeable improvement in subjects that previously posed challenges underscored the efficacy of the teaching methodologies implemented at St. Alice. The additional time invested by teachers in explaining concepts and their keen attention to individual student needs played a pivotal role in Chioma's academic progress.

As certain subjects started to feel easier for her, Chioma couldn't help but reflect on the contrast with her previous struggles. The realization prompted her to appreciate the impact of the supportive learning environment and personalized guidance provided by the educators. The transformation wasn't just about academic achievement; it also spoke to the nurturing atmosphere that empowered students to overcome difficulties and gain a newfound confidence in their abilities.

This positive shift in Chioma's academic journey highlighted the transformative potential of an educational approach that values individualized learning and invests in the success of each student. St. Alice's commitment to fostering a conducive and supportive learning environment manifested in Chioma's improved performance and her growing sense of mastery in once-challenging subjects.

It became clear to them that the reason the students at St. Alice were performing well was because of the dedication of the teachers to their job.

Chioma had also started making some friends especially among those in her class but Chinasa had already assigned herself the position of best friend in school.

Chioma missed her friends at The Crest but she was starting to fit in quite well at St. Alice.

"Give me a moment," she called out to Chinasa who was already halfway out of the room. "I'm trying to get into this skirt. The zipper isn't working properly."

"You can do that while we walk," Chinasa said stamping her feet on the floor.

Chinasa liked to seat at the pew near the window at the far end of the church. She practically dragged Chioma along to the church.

They arrived just in time to secure the seat. Chinasa beamed at Chioma as she settled into the pew.

"Why do you like this spot?"

"When you don't want to be noticed," Chinasa said. "You sit in places like this and nobody will see you. Trust me, it saves you from a lot of trouble and unnecessary attention."

Chinasa was putting quite a lot of energy to remaining invisible and that worked just fine for Chioma. She had attracted quite a lot of attention in her former school and didn't think it did her any good. It probably would not do her any good in the new school either.

Chinasa used to get into a lot of trouble in the past, Chioma would find out. After several strikes which included several suspensions, she was on her last strike and anything she did that went against the school regulations might automatically lead to expulsion.

Her parents were based in Abuja. Her father was a big politician and her mother owned a big shopping mall. She was the first child in the family with two younger male siblings were also in boarding school.

"That is one of the best schools in the country and you're wasting all my efforts to make you become something useful in life," her father had told her angrily while taking her back to school after her last suspension. "This is your last chance. The school is getting tired of you and your principal have made that point very clear to me during our telephone conversation. One more stupid stunt and you are out, permanently.

"Now let me tell you that I and your mother are tired of your stupidity. Flunk out of St. Alice and I will have nothing to do with your education again."

Chinasa knew her father meant every word he said.

She carried the weight of her father's stern ultimatum like an invisible burden as she moved through the hallowed halls of St. Alice. His unequivocal declaration, that he would wash his hands off her education if she were to face expulsion, cast a shadow over every step of her academic journey.

The stringent terms of her father's warning became a constant companion, influencing her choices and actions within the confines of the prestigious institution. Each assignment, each test, and every interaction with her peers bore the undertone of a delicate balancing act—a tightrope walk between academic success and the looming threat of jeopardizing her father's support.

The corridors, once filled with the typical hustle and bustle of student life, now carried a subtle tension for Chinasa. The pursuit of knowledge intertwined with the fear of failure, and the stakes were not just about grades but extended to the very foundation of her educational future.

In this high-stakes environment, Chinasa found herself navigating the intricate web of school life with a heightened sense of responsibility, acutely aware that any misstep could trigger the dire consequences outlined by her father. It was a narrative of constant vigilance, where the echoes of parental expectations reverberated in the academic choices she made and the paths she tread within the confines of St. Alice.

Reverend Father Gregory started the evening prayers as he usually does every day. Sometimes, students are also called to officiate some of the prayers, especially when Father Gregory or the nuns were not around.

The prefects were the usual picks for such duties.

"Let us pray," Father Gregory said.

As Chioma started lowering herself into a kneel, her attention was abruptly diverted by an unexpected sight. 

Something outside the church seized her gaze, halting her descent with an almost involuntary pause. In that suspended moment, time seemed to stretch, and the chapel echoed with a silence pregnant with intrigue.

Her eyes, widened by the unexpected sight, locked onto the object that had disrupted her intended course of action. 

The air hung heavy with the weight of the unspoken as Chioma, caught in this brief interlude, processed the significance of what had captured her attention. The room itself, a backdrop to this impromptu pause, held its breath, as if aware that the course of the moment was shifting into uncharted territory.

From where they had sat which was overlooking the graveyard, Chioma's focus zeroed in on Madam Evelyn's grave. However, as her eyes lingered on that sacred ground, a surreal vision unfolded before her. A faint, ethereal figure began to materialize within the confines of the burial site, gradually taking the shape of a woman.

The cloudy silhouette, delicate and enigmatic, seemed to hover over the final resting place of Madam Evelyn. Chioma, caught between the tangible reality of the cemetery and the spectral apparition before her, felt a shiver trace its way down her spine. The figure bore a familiarity that transcended the boundaries of the physical world, and a profound sense of connection lingered in the air.

As the contours of the apparition solidified, Chioma found herself in the midst of a surreal encounter—a moment where the line between the living and the departed blurred. The graveyard, once a backdrop to memories and gravestones, now became a stage for a spectral presence, and Chioma, with a mix of awe and trepidation, remained captivated by the otherworldly manifestation taking shape before her eyes.

"Chinasa," she managed to whisper.

"What is it?"

"Look," Chioma pointed at the form.

Chinasa looked out of the window but the form had faded away.

"What is it?"

"I saw it," Chioma said.

"Saw what?"

"Both of you shut up before Father Gregory will hear you," another student hissed at them.

Chinasa's eyes shifted attentively from the distant graveyard to Chioma's face. The subtle change in Chioma's expression did not go unnoticed — what had initially been a peaceful scene became overshadowed by the apparent distress etched across Chioma's features.

The lines on Chioma's forehead deepened, her eyes widened, revealing a glimmer of fear that wasn't there moments before. It was as if she had stumbled upon something unexpected and disconcerting, an encounter that transcended the ordinary. The tranquility of the graveyard seemed to juxtapose with Chioma's internal turmoil.

Chinasa, sensing her friend's unease, hesitated for a moment before gently inquiring, "Chioma, is everything alright?" The air held a palpable tension as Chioma grappled with the aftermath of whatever she had witnessed, leaving Chinasa poised on the precipice of the unknown, awaiting an explanation for the sudden shift in Chioma's demeanor.

"What was it?" Chinasa asked Chioma again after the prayers as they made their way back to hostel. "What did you see?"

"I saw something within that grave," Chioma replied. She was still very shakened.

"Which grave are you talking about?"

"The one with the chain around it," Chioma replied. "Madam Evelyn's grave. I saw something there."

"What did you see?"

"I can't explain it," Chioma said shaking her head. "I wanted you to see it but it was gone almost immediately. It was like a woman's form but was like smoke or cloudy, I can't just explain it."

"Are you sure it isn't your mind playing tricks on you?" Chinasa said. "You've always been very interested in that story. Maybe it was the shadow of somebody passing nearby that was fast over the grave and made you think you saw something."

"I know what I saw Nasa," Chioma insisted. "There was something there."

"I don't doubt you," Chinasa replied. "But I wouldn't go telling everybody you saw something out there if I were you. They could start labelling you something else. Just forget about it. I can go there with you if you want, there nothing there, trust me. The whole story was something told long ago to scare little children."

Chioma quietly weighed the implications of sharing what she had seen with the other girls. 

Recognizing the potential skepticism and scrutiny she might face, she concluded that openly discussing what she thought she saw could place her in a position of vulnerability and scrutiny – a place she preferred to avoid. This decision reflected not only her awareness of the social dynamics within the school but also a desire to navigate her interactions with caution.

"You're right," Chioma agreed. "I guess I'll keep this to myself. But I know what I saw."

"I don't doubt what you're saying," Chinasa said but Chioma wasn't convinced that she believed what she told her. "Let's say it's our little secret."

They joined the other girls back to the hostel to get ready for the evening prep. Chioma threw a stare at the grave, willing the form to reappear but nothing happened.

"I know what I saw," she said to herself quietly.