The Weight Of Family

Being careful not to wake my younger sister Brenda sleeping I crawled out of the bed to go take my shower, I ran water in bucket and took my shower I came out and wore my black jean trousers and white T-shirt. I made my way into the kitchen to have breakfast.

"Sister Ada good morning' Stella said.

She always woke up early to do house chores.

"Sister are you going to be eating now or when you get back" Stella asked.

It wasn't totally her fault that she couldn't speak in good vocabulary. Before she came to this house a year ago the only thing she knew how to say in English is 'good morning.' Over time her English has really improved I won't lie. But when it comes to putting words together, she wasn't so perfect in using past tense and present tenses in the right way. 

Stella was anyways introduced to us as our distance cousin although her place in the family tree wasn't showing at all. Her reward for her hard work is in kind because leaving the village and coming to stay here with us in town was the only opportunity she had to ever learn English and be something for herself.

'I'm going to the cyber cafe,' I replied. 'I'll definitely eat when I get back.'

I stepped out into the morning sun and walked to the cyber cafe. This could be the day that will change my life for good. For the first few minutes the only thing that was in my head was the thing I was looking at, the dance steps of debris by breeze.

I got to the cyber cafe and bought time so I could check my admission status and know exactly what is going on. I logged into my Jamb portal the butterflies in my stomach began to make some funny noises(gyration). I finally logged in right there and then I could feel my heart stopping. 

 Dear Miss Ada Ike,

You have been given admission to study Chemical Engineering in the university of Porthacourt.

I was so excited hearing this news I didn't know if I should jubilate or cry it was missed feelings the whole thing seemed so overwhelming. And the only person I wanted to talk to was my friend Mr Emeka.

Mr Emeka was like the only person that crossed my mind, he was sent by NYSC to our school so he came to teach. How we met was that I rushed into the teachers office to go submit the entire class homework before attending my next class. It was actually a little hard not to notice the fine NYSC corper. Other students also admired him because I was smart I had to comport myself not to look like every other child in that school.

He really caught my attention. From his clean cut fresh beards to his tall height to his fine face and brown large eyes. He looked so good I won't even lie.

I went to the staff room the next day this time I was the only one in the staff room, I kept coming to the staff from for days till I was noticed by Mr Emeka . Everyone coming into the staff room keeps saying hello to him but children and teachers which was really expected cause of how he looks. Mr Emeka always smiled and waved at them. Having him in our school and teachers staff room sometimes was a delicious change from the usual angry and old teachers. 

Even people in my class noticed I was frequenting the staff room the man before and spend a considerable amount of time there.

'Ada, what is with you and the staff room recently' Israel one of my classmates asked

'what do you mean?' I asked.

'you've been frequenting the staff room more than usually or haven't you noticed' he called the attention of the other classmates who where all busy doing other things.

I left the class on them laughing and set off to the staff room. That particular day Mr Emeka didn't show up at school. I didn't set my eyes on him again till the following week. While walking into the staff room to submit assignments I saw him in the corridor discussing with some teachers. I walked passed them submitted the assignment as I was coming out my feet stopped in front of them 'is everything ok' Mr Emeka asked with concern. I was so shocked that I couldn't answer.

'is there any problem is there anything you will like me to help you with'?

His voice was just so smooth I truly had a crush of Mr Emeka.

'No, everything is ok,' I said. 'Sir I was just wondering….I haven't really seen in you in school for a while.' He smiled. To think that he had created the smile especially for me. 

'Oh, everything is fine. Just that I was down with malaria and decided to keep off school till I'm back on my feet. I hope everything in school has been ok.'

I assured him that everything has been ok in school.

'Thanks for your concern.'

I immediately walked to my class deflated . For the first time in my life I felt like an idiot, an intelligent girl like me.

When I was around Mr Emeka my personality changed. Thoughts and feelings that I would never pay attention to because of my booked flooded in. He didn't always talk much but always listened to me so as to help me with my studies. I even started worrying cause I wasn't always concentrating when he teaches in the class room and teaches me privately. I really will drop out just to marry Mr Emeka if I could cause he is all I ever wanted in this my small age. 

As much as I wanted to fulfill the duty of the Ada to handle responsibility from my parents after school, I also wanted to get married to Mr Emeka in-fact I've planned our wedding in my head when I'm done with school.

Stella stopped chattering on the phone and resumed servile posture as soon as I entered the kitchen.

'Sister Ada welcome.'

I grunted and walked passed them. 

I paused by the dining table and exchanged 'good-morning' with my mom and siblings. Breakfast was over but they where sitting and chatting. 'should Stella get you your food?' My mother asked.

'Yes of course' I have exciting news for all of you.

Across the room, my dad was sleeping and snoozing on his arm chair with his head bent on one side.

'what did the portal say?' My mum said 

I threw the printed letter at her happily and she came to hug me and dance with me excited that I've gotten admission to study in the university. She couldn't hold back her joy that it woke my dad up from sleep who later joined us to celebrate the goodness of my admission. But my problem now is my Tuition fee, books and accommodations will really strain my family finances because in reality it all needed funding and my dad is no longer working. 

I later went to see my friend Mr Emeka I stayed with him through the afternoon and we had a discussion about this particular thing because truly how would I pay for my tuition I know my parents are excited but with the pension I'm not sure they will be able to pay it at all.

'I know the lord will do it for you my dear small baby.' Mr Emeka said I know he was trying to give me hope I just node my head because I didn't just know how to feel or do or even react. We stayed together for a while I prepared white rice and stew and served him like my husband. We hosted and laughed about something to forget about my current problem