Human's Will

As he continued to explore this world, he realized that time had no meaning there. It was an eternal existence, where everything was in perfect harmony and balance. There was no fear, no pain, and no suffering. It was a place of pure joy and serenity.

He felt so happy, but he still want to ask some more questions. He wanted to know why life seems unfair in the physical World, and why do "Evil win over good."

He felt a strong energy around him, but he could not see anyone. He heard voices directing and compelling him to enter into a beautiful mansion of light.

Wow! Wow!!

"What a beautiful place, Is there anyone here?" He asked.

He walked towards the light and the more he walks closer to the light the further the light goes.

"Is there anyone here?" He asked again.

He was amazed with the beauty of the place, and he climbed a stair case and was lifted up to the 27 layer of the building.

Everything was so perfect and beautiful. He saw seven (7) lights standing in a circular form. The lights shines so bright that he could not look at them, so he fell on his knees and bowed his face down. He heard a voice that sound like the wave of an ocean. The voice spoke some words to him, but he did not remember the words. But all he could remember was that the voice called his name. He was so cold and worshipped the lights. The energy was so strong that he was not sure of what happened, but later he saw himself lying in a beautiful garden; it is the garden of Life.

As he walked through the enchanting garden, he noticed the trees seemed to be whispering to each other in a language that he could understand. Surprised and intrigued, he stopped to listen and was amazed to hear them sharing stories and wisdom with one another.

The animals in the garden were also extraordinary. They lived in perfect harmony, each species coexisting peacefully with one another. Birds chirped joyously from the branches, while rabbits and squirrels frolicked in the meadows. Even a majestic lion was peacefully napping under the shade of a tree.

Curious and awe-struck, he began to converse with the animals, asking them about their lives and experiences. He quickly learned about their unique perspectives and gained a newfound respect for the creatures that he met in the garden.

But it was when he encountered a venerable tortoise named Isah that he truly began to comprehend the magic of the garden. Isah was remarkably wise and had a deep understanding of the world around him. He was captivated by the tortoise's knowledge and sought his guidance on the garden and its inhabitants.

"Isah, where exactly am I?" He asked, his voice filled with wonder.

The tortoise gazed at him with knowing eyes and replied, "You have stumbled upon the Garden of Harmony and Life, a place where all living beings coexist in peace and love. Here, the trees and animals possess a rare gift, the ability to communicate and understand one another.

Isah took him to a stream that could heal all kinds of diseases and sickness. It's called "the healing stream." It flows from the top of a rock down to three different seas in the existing world, but the seas is still unknown to everyone but only the elite in the physical world knows about the healing seas. It is said that anyone that wash his body with the water from the sea would be heal.

Ndukwe was still skeptical, but Isah encouraged him to have faith. Isah then took him to the edge of the stream and told him to kneel down and drink from the water. As he did as he was told, he felt a warm sensation spread from his head to every part of his body and a sense of peace washed over him.

Isah went on to explain that the healing stream in the supernatural world was a gift from God, but it was up to individuals to seek it out and believe in its power.

Why does God allow so much suffering and pain in the world? Why doesn't he intervene and stop it? Ndukwe asked.

Isah told him that he must understand that the ways of God are not the ways of man. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and his ways are higher than our ways. We cannot always understand why things happen the way they do, but we must trust in His plans and His wisdom.

"How can we trust in a God who allows such pain?" He asked.

Isah replied and said "It is in times of suffering and pain that faith is truly tested." Humans must rely on the strength and comfort that God provides, even when they cannot see it.

God never promised that Humans would not face hardship, but he did promise to be with them through it all.

But why does God allow sickness and disease to exist in the first place? Why doesn't He just heal everyone and make the world a better place? Ndukwe asked

Isah: You must understand that much of the suffering in the world is as a result of the choices and actions of men. God has given Human's the privilege to make their own decisions even if their decisions is to go against him and his plans. God does not control the decisions and actions of Humans. Many of the sicknesses and diseases that afflict humans are as a result of the choices they make.

"Human's will (choice) is one thing that God don't control."

Isah told him that the mind and will of a man determines his destiny and future. Humans are entitled to their decisions and they should be careful with their decisions because it affects their future

Ndukwe said, "What about the innocent children who suffer? What have they done to deserve such pain?"

The innocent suffer alongside the guilty, and it is a tragedy for which there are no easy answers. But you must remember that God is a just and loving God, and the innocent will be comforted and healed in His arms. You may not be able to understand why they suffer, but you should have faith that God's plans are good.

God does not allow so much pains in the world, but he allowed humans to exercise their own free will and choices. God does not control the decisions and choices Humans make. Most problem that the existing world is having is based on their decisions and choices.

Ndukwe, realised that the will and choices of humans is the cause of the hardship and problems that the physical World is having. His mindset about the physical World changed from that moment.