Sweet Surrender Ep 16

**Sara got dumb-founded on this sudden change. She slowly took the flowers from him. He took her hand and pecked on her hand. She blushed crazily. After that, They start dating *secretly*. Only Sara's friends and some of his friends knew about their relationship. Everything was going smoothly. Sara was satisfied with their relationship. In this way, the year came to an end and also her happiness. After their high school final exam, another prom party was set to be held. At this party, she thought he would announce their relationship that day. So, she dressed beautifully and went to the party on the fixed day. But she never imagined this would be waiting for her. Her heart tore to pieces when she saw that. **

**As she entered the party hallroom, she joined her friends. Her eyes were searching for Zian. After 10 minutes, Zian indeed came to the party. But he wasn't alone. A girl was with him, her hands were wrapped around his arm. Before Sara could go over to him. He announced that he came here with his gf, Nova. And they will get engaged after college. Sara couldn't believe her ears. Her friends were speechless too**

Nari:- I'm hearing what you guys are hearing? 

Maria:- How can he introduce anyone else as his gf?

Lillian:- Is it some kind of joke?

Amy:- He better gotta be joking!

Myla:- Everyone stop it! Look at Sara. She is too shocked.

Liya:- Sara? Sara, reply to me. You gotta say something.

Fiona:- (shakes her by holding her arms) Sara! Come to reality. You can't break like this.

Sylvia:- (went over to Sara and held her cheeks with both hands) Sara. Look at me. You need to be strong. You need to realize he cheated on you. Sara!! Be normal! You can't just let him go like that. 

Sara:- I-is he being serious? No! It can't be. I'm his gf, not her. S-Sylvia. Am I in a nightmare? I don't like it! (Said in a tangled and heavy voice)

Sylvia:- Sara! You can't be like this. Get hold of yourself.

Sara:- N-no. I can't believe it. It must be a lie.

Nari:- But, it is the truth, dear. 

Amy:- Saraaa. My sugarcube. Don't get broken like this. (Amy hugged her)

Sara:- Nooo. I can't accept it. He is mine. (She started to cry)

Sylvia:- Sara? You are crying? That bastard dared to make you cry? He is done for. I'm gonna beat him to death!

Sara:- N-No!.. Please. Sylvia. At least let me talk to him first. He must have his reason. Don't do it.

Sylvia:- But I… (Before she can say anything more, Liya grabbed her hand and forbade her to not do it. She gestured to her to stay calm.)

Sylvia:- FIne!

**After some time, Sara and her friends went to the terrace. There was Zian and Nova too. This time Sara's friend didn't let her go alone. They know something might go wrong**

Sara:- Z-Zian. C-Can we talk please?

Nova:- Why do you wanna talk with my boyfriend, nerd?

Sylvia:- You b*tch! Don't meddle in them. If you treasure your life, keep your mouth shut!

Nova:- You!

Zian:- What do you want to talk about Sara? (He replied in a calm voice, as if nothing happened )

Sara:- As if you don't know! Why? Why did you announce that girl is your gf, when I'm your gf?

Zian:- You really thought I loved you? Oh, come on. I just played with you. 

Sara:- Please say this is a lie. Please. You can't do this to me. 

Nova:- But this is the truth. He was always mine. I knew from the very start. Why do you think he said to keep that relationship secret? Cause it was all a simple bet. You were just a bet of a game, nerd! Look at yourself, do you think you can stand before me? Haha

Sara:- (She walked closer and held Zian's hand and asked in a heavy voice) Zian, Is she telling the truth?

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**